Groundwater Exploration Drilling - SUPRA International Indonesia - Capability Statement

SUPRA portfolio of well drilling, construction, completion, and maintenance services enables us to design comprehensive water well feasibility asessestment as asset and investation that reduce costs in the short and long term operational need. In all cases it is essential that the wells have the correct design in terms of location, depth, screen level, filter design and pumping system. If these aspects are not engineered to high standards then poorly performing and uneconomic wells may result. The well design planning includes the selection of suitable materials, the size of the components (diameter, wall thickness) and the size of the screen slot widths. In order to achieve the best and optimal design, we work very closely with our clients for ensuring well planned design for each clients. This is very important when it comes to construct wells of greater depth or diameter, since the larger the dimensions, the greater the use of materials, which increases the investment costs. We optimize the material specification and the investment cost needed by calculating the optimal screen placement, material combinations, and pump selection which require careful calculation. SUPRA drills using integrated method, according to national standards and take international standards into account with prior underground water study and exploration. It includes literature study, geophysics, geological survey and field mapping. SUPRA has drilled numerous wells for various purposes to clients’ satisfaction. During this time, SUPRA could, and still can, always benefit from its decades of experience and its knowledge of well drilling and construction. This enables the us to carry out drilling and completion professionally even in the most difficult project. As a leading nationwide water well drilling operator, we operate everywhere from Aceh to Nusa Tenggara Timur. We are providing state of the art services and partnering with our clients on managing the complexity, cost, and risk of water resources and supply to improve the competitiveness of our client business. SUPRA portfolio of well drilling, construction, completion, and maintenance services enables us to design comprehensive water well feasibility asessestment as asset and investation that reduce costs in the short and long term operational need. In all cases it is essential that the wells have the correct design in terms of location, depth, screen level, filter design and pumping system. If these aspects are not engineered to high standards then poorly performing and uneconomic wells may result.

The well design planning includes the selection of suitable materials, the size of the components (diameter, wall thickness) and the size of the screen slot widths. In order to achieve the best and optimal design, we work very closely with our clients for ensuring well planned design for each clients. This is very important when it comes to construct wells of greater depth or diameter, since the larger the dimensions, the greater the use of materials, which increases the investment costs.

We optimize the material specification and the investment cost needed by calculating the optimal screen placement, material combinations, and pump selection which require careful calculation. SUPRA drills using integrated method, according to national standards and take international standards into account with prior underground water study and exploration. It includes literature study, geophysics, geological survey and field mapping.

SUPRA has drilled numerous wells for various purposes to clients’ satisfaction. During this time, SUPRA could, and still can, always benefit from its decades of experience and its knowledge of well drilling and construction. This enables the us to carry out drilling and completion professionally even in the most difficult project. As a leading nationwide water well drilling operator, we operate everywhere from Aceh to Nusa Tenggara Timur. We are providing state of the art services and partnering with our clients on managing the complexity, cost, and risk of water resources and supply to improve the competitiveness of our client business.

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Technical MemoCapability StatementGroundwater Exploration DrillingSUPRA is striving toachieve the bestresult possible foreach and everydrilling projectCommercial waterwell typically includesindustrial, irrigation,and major watersupply well. Themajor objective whendrilling a commercialwell is to ensure thatthe formationremains stable andcapable of beingpumped at themaximum efficientwater yield. It isimportant inconstructing acommercial waterwell that the longtermstability and theefficiency of theoperation are notcompromised byimprudent costsavings.A drilled well co nsists of a holebored into the ground, with theupp er part being lined withcasing. The casing pr events thecollapse of the bor ehole walls and(grout seal) pr events surface orsub surfac e co ntaminant s froment ering the water supply. Thecasing also provides a housing fora pumping mechanism and forthe pipe that moves water fromthe pump to the surface. Drilledwells ar e co nstruct ed by rotarydrillingrig. Drilled wells thatpenetrate unconsolidatedmaterial require installation ofcasing and a scr een to prev entinflow of sediment and collapse.They can be drilled more than 300meter s deep. The sp ace aroundthe casing must be sealed withgrouting mat erial of either neatFigure :Groundwater sustainability assessment with pumping testcement or bentonite clay toprevent co ntamination by waterdraining from the surfacedownward around the outside ofthe casing.Dep endi ng on the lithology, SUPR A carriesout all methods of drilling: the use ofdirect rotary fl ush, air-lift, coring, or dow n the hole ha mmer drilling makes itpossible to adj ust to the pr evailing co nditions. This is possible only by usingmodern, well-maintained drilling rigs and associat ed eq uipm ent and by havingresponsible, sa fety-co nscio us employ ees for the company’s operations, ev enwhen being confront ed wit h the mo st diffic ult co nditions. Our strongcommitment to innov ation is reflected in the technologies we broug ht to themarket throughout the year. By adopti ng technologies that addr ess sp eci ficchallenges, we enable our client s to ac hi eve their objectives mor e efficiently andprofitably.Other important factors that must be co nsidered includ e: selecting a casing si zebased on the desired or pot ential yield and the required pump si ze; selecting ascreen length appropriat e to the aq uifer thickness being scr eened; choo sing thescreen slot s si ze and grav el pack si ze based on analysi s of the gradatio n of theaquifer materials; sel ecting a screen diamet er and lengt h that will transmit thebore yield at low entrance velocities; selecting a large hol e diam eter; andselecting gravel pack material that is well rounded and clean.https://www.supra-international. comCopyright © 2020 | SUPRA

Technical Memo

Capability Statement

Groundwater Exploration Drilling

SUPRA is striving to

achieve the best

result possible for

each and every

drilling project

Commercial water

well typically includes

industrial, irrigation,

and major water

supply well. The

major objective when

drilling a commercial

well is to ensure that

the formation

remains stable and

capable of being

pumped at the

maximum efficient

water yield. It is

important in

constructing a

commercial water

well that the longterm

stability and the

efficiency of the

operation are not

compromised by

imprudent cost


A drilled well co nsists of a hole

bored into the ground, with the

upp er part being lined with

casing. The casing pr events the

collapse of the bor ehole walls and

(grout seal) pr events surface or

sub surfac e co ntaminant s from

ent ering the water supply. The

casing also provides a housing for

a pumping mechanism and for

the pipe that moves water from

the pump to the surface. Drilled

wells ar e co nstruct ed by rotarydrilling

rig. Drilled wells that

penetrate unconsolidated

material require installation of

casing and a scr een to prev ent

inflow of sediment and collapse.

They can be drilled more than 300

meter s deep. The sp ace around

the casing must be sealed with

grouting mat erial of either neatFigure :Groundwater sustainability assessment with pumping test

cement or bentonite clay to

prevent co ntamination by water

draining from the surface

downward around the outside of

the casing.

Dep endi ng on the lithology, SUPR A carriesout all methods of drilling: the use of

direct rotary fl ush, air-lift, coring, or dow n the hole ha mmer drilling makes it

possible to adj ust to the pr evailing co nditions. This is possible only by using

modern, well-maintained drilling rigs and associat ed eq uipm ent and by having

responsible, sa fety-co nscio us employ ees for the company’s operations, ev en

when being confront ed wit h the mo st diffic ult co nditions. Our strong

commitment to innov ation is reflected in the technologies we broug ht to the

market throughout the year. By adopti ng technologies that addr ess sp eci fic

challenges, we enable our client s to ac hi eve their objectives mor e efficiently and


Other important factors that must be co nsidered includ e: selecting a casing si ze

based on the desired or pot ential yield and the required pump si ze; selecting a

screen length appropriat e to the aq uifer thickness being scr eened; choo sing the

screen slot s si ze and grav el pack si ze based on analysi s of the gradatio n of the

aquifer materials; sel ecting a screen diamet er and lengt h that will transmit the

bore yield at low entrance velocities; selecting a large hol e diam eter; and

selecting gravel pack material that is well rounded and clean.

https://www.supra-international. com

Copyright © 2020 | SUPRA

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