24 Seven January 2021

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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January 2021 Issue

Adjust and Reinvent in 2021

Written by Lorie Gardner, RN


This is a new year like no other

before us in our lifetime. You all know so well the lifechanging

events that have occurred in 2020. What will be

your self-talk for 2021? Will you ruminate over all of the

horrors, tragedies, and challenges of 2020, or do you want

to adjust and reinvent your mindset and outlook for 2021?

In an excellent book that I read many years ago, The Road

Less Traveled, by M. Scott Peck, MD, the opening line is,

“Life is difficult”.

Boy, have we found out how difficult life can be during

2020! Dr. Peck simply states that these difficulties are

problems to be solved. He goes on to speak about how

we need to have the right tools to solve our problems.

Tools like self-discipline, delayed gratification, accepting

responsibility for your own life, and a dedication to the

truth. This is pretty heavy stuff, but you can see there are

some pearls of wisdom here, can’t you?

It might be interesting this year to instead of making

new year resolutions (that usually don’t work), you reflect

on the lessons learned during the past difficult year. Some

interesting questions could include:

• What did you find out were luxuries in your life that you

were able to do without?

• How did you handle the stress? Is there some additional

support or learning you need in this area?

• Did time and perseverance with the challenges make

you stronger or not, and if so how?

• What and who drained your energy and what and who

added strength and wisdom to you?

• Did you undergo any personal changes?

• Do you have a new vision for your life after this year?

• What are you going to do with your life in 2021?

It might make you feel good and proud to write your

manifesto of how you navigated through this year and then

how you would describe yourself starting 2021. There may

be some very sensitive and challenging issues left over that

may be worth getting support for including professional

help, but there also may be some newfound strengths and

resiliency for which to be proud.

For this exercise, list what you did well and how it can

make you stronger going forward. What tools did you use to

solve some of the problems you faced during this pandemic?

How will you use what you learned and the strengths you

tapped into to create your 2021 vision of yourself, not what

you will do or accomplish, but rather who you are as that

powerful problem solver and person who coped minute-tominute

throughout this pandemic year. Don’t forget any

“silver lining” lessons you experienced.

I hope that you can take yourself gently and patiently

into 2021, which still may have similar challenges, and find

some resiliency and strength to maneuver what is to come.

About The Author


Lorie Gardner RN, BSN, NBC-HWC, founded Healthlink Advocates,

Inc., to assist people with all aspects of their healthcare. As private

nurse patient advocates and board certified health and wellness

coaches, they partner with clients seeking assistance navigating

the complex healthcare system and those seeking self-directed,

lasting health improvements aligned with their values.

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