24 Seven January 2021

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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• I’m wrong

• I’m not enough as a man/woman

• Life has to be a struggle

• Success is hard

These are some of the most common of

many. Humans will do almost anything to

avoid change. You’ll stay in the familiar even

if it’s not comfortable because the thought

of change can be so uncomfortable. This is a

survival and protection mechanism that has

been part of our brains since we lived in caves

and threw rocks at our enemies. However,

these negative beliefs are often a huge obstacle

in our modern desires for health, happiness,

and spiritual fulfillment.

Let’s go back to Tom, obeying his

subconscious need to avoid

change. If Tom’s outcome

to most life situations is to

feel “I’m not wanted”, then

he has successfully dodged

change by staying in the

uncomfortable, but familiar

patterns. Nothing will

change as long as he keeps

collecting evidence to back

up his belief that he is not


What’s your most negative

thought? How do you

perpetuate it? Be aware that as much as you

may dislike this about yourself, you also rely

on it to a degree. Can you recognize that

feeling of comfort in your body as you run

on the treadmill of past thoughts, beliefs and

patterns? Do you truly want to change? If so,

you must change your thoughts in order to

change your life.

Physically, your most negative thought

resides between your shoulder blades so it’s

not surprising that a great many people have

tight, painful or tense backs and shoulders.

The good news is that with intention and

conscious action, you can begin to release your

negative thought and your physical issues

at the same time. Once you’ve recognized

your negative thought, you’re on your way

to curbing it and halting this process of selfsabotage.

Awareness is the critical first step in

creating change.

Since “I’m not good enough” is one most

people resonate with, let’s use that in an

example of how to break free from allowing

your most negative thought to control you.

Close your eyes for a moment and recall the

“You must

change your

thoughts in

order to change

your life.”

last time you felt not good enough. Really feel

it in detail – the situation, who was there, what

was said - all of it.

Now ask yourself three questions: What am

I feeling now? What’s my body doing? What

thoughts and emotions come up?

These answers are key because they’re the

mental, physical, and emotional patterns you

repeat over and over. They’re how you embody,

“I’m not good enough”.

Go back over your answers and notice how

familiar they feel. Recognize especially how

you’re dwelling on past issues - this is no longer

about the current problem. You’re recalling

every time you’ve done something similar in

the past and using that to beat yourself up.

For most of us, our most negative thought was

formed fairly early on in life.

To make real change and break free of

this cycle, you need to stop using the past

as a model and instead stay in the present

moment. This involves catching yourself in

the act of recreating the same mental, physical

and emotional reactions and intentionally

replacing at least two of the three with present

moment responses.

If you can change at least two of your usual

reactions, you’re well on your way to breaking

this cycle of unhappiness and tamping down

your most negative belief.

Reality is about being in the here and now;

it’s the present that matters. Tuning in to the

present moment keeps you from using the past

as a reflex or reference to continue punishing

yourself. Present time is all we ever have and

it’s a gift. These are your first steps to living

free from your most negative thought about

yourself. It’s never true anyway…until you act

as though it is.

About The Author


Linda Mitchell is a board-certified coach,

speaker, reinvention expert and LMT. She

empowers people who are stuck, overwhelmed,

or ready for change to release their struggles, gain

clarity, and balance and radiant health as they

move through life’s challenges and transitions

and step into their highest purpose.

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