Online Magazine

Laura Vanessa Maury Contreras

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Maria Isabel Fuentes

Phrases and answers

‘Ferdinand de Saussure’

‘If we could embrace the sum of word-images stored

in the minds of all individuals, we could identify the

social bond that constitutes language. It is a

storehouse filled by the members of a given

community through their active use of speaking, a

grammatical system that has a potential existence in

each brain, or, specifically, in the brains of a group of

individuals. For language is not complete in any

speaker, it exists perfectly only within a collectivity.’

Ferdinand de Saussure

Language is what identifies this social link, the

study, Saussure’s language means the system of

grammar in which this has great potential in which

the brain of each one passes a series of words that

this language stores, each brain may have a great

grammar of it, as it helps to identify speech and

helps to have more collectivity.

‘Noam Chomsky’

‘It seems clear that we must regard linguistic

competence-knowledge of a language-as an abstract

system underlying behavior, a system constituted by

rules that interact to determine the form and intrinsic

meaning of a potentially infinite number of


Noam Chomsky

We must have more knowledge about the language,

since there are a series of instructions in which we

must comply with a certain form and meaning in

order to have infinite sentences and correctly made

to their due instruction in which this competence

indicates, we must have more knowledge so that the

language we learn is a bit complex.

‘Michael Halliday’

‘Every text-that is, everything that is said or writtenunfolds

in some context of use; furthermore, it is the

uses of language that, over tens of thousands of

generations, have shaped the system. Language has

evolved to satisfy human needs; and the way it is

organized is functional with respect to these needs.’

Michael Halliday

Text is the most important use of language, if this

didn’t exist in the system, we wouldn’t know that we

are thinking, knowing or creating thousands of ideas

that we need to understand, in which this means that

the text is what we have to say, or write in each

context that we must develop, this text is very

important for speech, as this helps us to say that we

think about and write about each that we think.

‘Noam Chomsky’

‘Linguistic theory is concerned primarily with an

ideal speaker-hearer, in a completely homogenous

speech community, who knows its language

perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically

irrelevant conditions as memory limitations,

distractions, shifts of attention and interest, errors

(random or characteristic) in applying his knowledge

of the language in actual performance.’

Noam Chomsky

This speaker who knows homogeneous speech

perfectly, according to the study of language, means

that this speaker who knows, doesn’t have

affectations even the most irrelevant and complex

grammar, in what has a great knowledge of this

language; that each speaker needs this theory so that

he isn’t more complex and is understood from this

homogeneous speech.

‘Ferdinand de Saussure’

‘Language is a system of interdependent terms in which the

valve of each term results solely from the simultaneous

presence of the others… (For example). To determine what a

five-franc piece is worth one most know: (1) That it can be

exchanged for a fixed quantity of a different thing, e.g. bread;

and (2) That it can be compared with a similar valve of the same

system, e.g. a one-franc piece, or with coins of another system

(a dollar, etc.). In the same way a word can be exchanged for

something dissimilar, an idea; besides, it can be compared with

something of the same nature, another word. Its value is

therefore not fixed so long as one simply states that in can be

‘exchanged’ for a given concept.’

Ferdinand de Saussure

This language determines that system in

interdependent terms is the value of the

simultaneous presence for others, what we will

achieve is that a word changes in term in a great idea

or is something totally different and that word can

be compared for another word can be compared for

another word or better exchange that word for


‘Michael Halliday’

‘Spoken and written language, then, tend to display

different KINDS of complexity; each of them is more

complex in its own way. Written language tends to

be lexically dense but grammatically simple; spoken

language tends to be grammatically intricate but

lexically sparse’… ‘The value of having some explicit

knowledge, not only to analyze the texts, but as a

critical resource for asking questions about them.’

Michael Halliday

The language, whether written or spoken, has been

known for its complexity, in what it does, written

language tends to be very dense, whereas spoken

language tends to be intricate, what we must do is

know those types of complexity that this language

has and prepare those complexities for both writing

and speaking, in order to be able to understand for

this work; and have a great linguistics and can be

more understandable but a bit complicated.


Why Linguistics is definitely considered a science? the

other language areas such as semiotics, philology and


Linguistics is a science that can be interpreted in the sense

that it implies a careful observation of the relevant

phenomena of the real world, it has been a political point

when qualifying as a science, for that reason there are

great reasons why linguistics is considered a science,

observes and classifies the sounds of speech, words,

languages, and the ways of using language in what makes

it interact instead of organs and all mating behaviors and

plant species.

Philology is a question of history or method in what

is now called historical or diachronic linguistics that

is covered by the title of philology.

Semiotics is a comprehensive study of informational

signs in which many linguists have made

contributions to this field.

Literature can deal with the production of a

language as its basic material, where there is little or

no overlap between two fields, in a similar way;

linguists deal with questions of formality and

informality in the course of the language.

Double articulation

The double articulation of language is a linguistic feature that

deals with the decomposition of the linguistic sign, it is known

as the common characteristic of all languages in which this is

known by two levels in which they are:

The monema: It is the linguistic unit that even the smallest can

mean something in a language; it is also the office to the word

to which it is fixed.

Examples: Friend – ship, Boy – s, Teacher – s, Girl – friend –


The phonemes: they are the meaningless units in which they

articulate with each other to achieve the formation of signs or

words, it is the abstraction of the sounds of human speech.

Examples: /j/: Jet – Ridge, /c, k/: Cat – Back, /ch/: Chick –

Rich, /zh/: Assure – Rouge, /qu/: Quit.

Human language is different from other semiotic

systems, characteristics

The relationship between human verbal language and

semiotic systems are different only perceptible in the

materiality of the linguistic signs.

Linguistics deals with human language which includes

sign languages for the deaf.

Encompasses the various different aspects of conscious

and unconscious forms.

People communicate with each other or collect

information about the world.

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