

[6]Jan Willem Erisman et al., «How aCentury of Ammonia Synthesis Changedthe World», Nature Geoscience, 1(2008), p. 637. <<

[7] G. J. Benson y B. E. Rollin, eds., TheWell-Being of Farm Animals:Challenges and Solutions, Ames, IA,Blackwell, 2004; M. C. Appleby, J. A.Mench y B. O. Hughes, PoultryBehaviour and Welfare, Wallingford,CABI Publishing, 2004; J. Webster,Animal Welfare: Limping TowardsEden, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing,2005; C. Druce y P. Lymbery, Outlawedin Europe: How America Is FallingBehind Europe in Farm Animal Welfare,Nueva York, Archimedean Press, 2002.<<

[7] G. J. Benson y B. E. Rollin, eds., The

Well-Being of Farm Animals:

Challenges and Solutions, Ames, IA,

Blackwell, 2004; M. C. Appleby, J. A.

Mench y B. O. Hughes, Poultry

Behaviour and Welfare, Wallingford,

CABI Publishing, 2004; J. Webster,

Animal Welfare: Limping Towards

Eden, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing,

2005; C. Druce y P. Lymbery, Outlawed

in Europe: How America Is Falling

Behind Europe in Farm Animal Welfare,

Nueva York, Archimedean Press, 2002.


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