

Cornelia Wunsch, eds., CreatingEconomic Order: Record-keeping,Standardization, and the Developmentof Accounting in the Ancient Near East,Bethesda, MD, CDL Press, 2004, pp.21-46; Marvin A. Powell, «AContribution to the History of Money inMesopotamia prior to the Invention ofCoinage», en B. Hruška y G.Komoróczy, eds., Festschrift LuborMatouš, Budapest, Eötvös LorándTudományegyetem, 1978, pp. 211-243;Marvin A. Powell, «Money inMesopotamia», Journal of theEconomic and Social History of theOrient, 39, 3 (1996), pp. 224-242; JohnF. Robertson, «The Social and Economic

Organization of Ancient MesopotamianTemples», en Sasson, ed., Civilizationsof the Ancient Near East, vol. 1,443-500; M. Silver, «Modern Ancients»,en R. Rollinger y U. Christoph, eds.,Commerce and Monetary Systems inthe Ancient World: Means ofTransmission and Cultural Interaction,Stuttgart, Steiner, 2004, pp. 65-87;Daniel C. Snell, «Methods of Exchangeand Coinage in Ancient Western Asia»,en Sasson, ed., Civilizations of theAncient Near East, vol. 1, pp. 1.487-1.497. <<

Cornelia Wunsch, eds., Creating

Economic Order: Record-keeping,

Standardization, and the Development

of Accounting in the Ancient Near East,

Bethesda, MD, CDL Press, 2004, pp.

21-46; Marvin A. Powell, «A

Contribution to the History of Money in

Mesopotamia prior to the Invention of

Coinage», en B. Hruška y G.

Komoróczy, eds., Festschrift Lubor

Matouš, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd

Tudományegyetem, 1978, pp. 211-243;

Marvin A. Powell, «Money in

Mesopotamia», Journal of the

Economic and Social History of the

Orient, 39, 3 (1996), pp. 224-242; John

F. Robertson, «The Social and Economic

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