

[7]Avi Pinkas, ed., Farmyard Animals inIsrael. Research, Humanism andActivity, Rishon Le-Ziyyon, TheAssociation for Farmyard Animals,2009 (hebreo), pp. 169-199; «MilkProduction-the Cow» (hebreo), TheDairy Council, consultado el 22 demarzo de 2012,<<

[8]Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, TheNuer: A Description of the Modes ofLivelihood and Political Institutions ofa Nilotic People, Oxford, OxfordUniversity Press, 1969 [hay trad. cast.:Los nuer, Barcelona, Anagrama, 1997];E. C. Amoroso y P. A. Jewell, «TheExploitation of the Milk-Ejection Reflexby Primitive People», en A. E. Mouranty F. E. Zeuner, eds., Man and Cattle:Proceedings of the Symposium onDomestication at the RoyalAnthropological Institute, 24-26 May1960, Londres, The RoyalAnthropological Institute, 1963, pp.


Avi Pinkas, ed., Farmyard Animals in

Israel. Research, Humanism and

Activity, Rishon Le-Ziyyon, The

Association for Farmyard Animals,

2009 (hebreo), pp. 169-199; «Milk

Production-the Cow» (hebreo), The

Dairy Council, consultado el 22 de

marzo de 2012,



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