

[4]Brian Hare, The Genius of Dogs:How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think,Dutton, Penguin Group, 2013. <<

[5]Christopher B. Ruff, Erik Trinkaus yTrenton W. Holliday, «Body Mass andEncephalization in Pleistocene Homo»,Nature, 387 (1997), pp. 173-176; M.Henneberg y M. Steyn, «Trends inCranial Capacity and Cranial Index inSubsaharan Africa During theHolocene», American Journal ofHuman Biology, 5, 4 (1993), pp.473-479; Drew H. Bailey y David C.Geary, «Hominid Brain Evolution:Testing Climatic, Ecological, and SocialCompetition Models», Human Nature,20 (2009), pp. 67-79; Daniel J. Wescotty Richard L. Jantz, «Assessing


Christopher B. Ruff, Erik Trinkaus y

Trenton W. Holliday, «Body Mass and

Encephalization in Pleistocene Homo»,

Nature, 387 (1997), pp. 173-176; M.

Henneberg y M. Steyn, «Trends in

Cranial Capacity and Cranial Index in

Subsaharan Africa During the

Holocene», American Journal of

Human Biology, 5, 4 (1993), pp.

473-479; Drew H. Bailey y David C.

Geary, «Hominid Brain Evolution:

Testing Climatic, Ecological, and Social

Competition Models», Human Nature,

20 (2009), pp. 67-79; Daniel J. Wescott

y Richard L. Jantz, «Assessing

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