The Edinburgh Reporter January 2021

All the news you need to begin this New Year All the news you need to begin this New Year


12FEATUREThe Edinburgh ReporterEvery photograph tells a storyFor all of us, 2020 was a yearwe want to forget and confineto history as soon as time and aCovid-19 vaccine allows.But there were some bright spotsdotted along the way and TheEdinburgh Reporter was on handto report and record the ups anddowns of life in our capital city.This postcard pictorial capturessome of those moments,stretching from My Light ShinesOn, a spectacular light and lasershow put on by the EdinburghInternational Festival. No lessinspiring was mural artist ChrisRutterford's project to breathe lifeand colour into Colinton Tunnel,while the Royal Botanic Gardenand Calton Hill proved welcomebreak out options for those of usneeding some green space duringmonths of lockdown.The Red Arrows honoured uswith a capital flypast, but strangelyone of the biggest attractionsfor locals was the opportunity tovisit and photograph desertedcity centre streets which wouldnormally be overrun by tourists.

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