XtraBlatt Issue 02-2020

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However, the vaccine production came to an end in the<br />

mid-70s by which time the substance could be synthesised.<br />

The slaughter facilities remained and continued to be used,<br />

although less by the regional butchers and instead almost<br />

exclusively by a large slaughter company. Slaughter headage<br />

increased continuously. In 1981, the centenary of the original<br />

slaughterhouse, throughput numbered some 28,000<br />

cattle, 36,500 pigs and 2,000 calves. Investment was also<br />

a continuous process. Despite ongoing progress, doubts<br />

were being voiced about the future. The slaughter company<br />

profited, but Fürth had to keep paying upkeep.<br />

“The showdown came in 1984”, explains Konrad Ammon<br />

jn, independent master butcher and managing director<br />

of the Metzger Slachthof Betriebs GmbH. “Although Fürth<br />

showed willingness to be very generous in financial terms,<br />

the large concern at that time shut down operations. Our<br />

slaughterhouse was threatened with the same fate as that<br />

of nearly all other earlier slaughter facilities in the region:<br />

Schwabach, Weißenburg, Gunzenhausen, Ansbach, Lauf<br />

and Nürnberg. The last remaining municipal facility, in<br />

Erlangen, had not long before been sold<br />

to a private concern. But even before<br />

this, we regional butchers felt as if we<br />

were the “fifth wheel on the wagon”<br />

as far as the Fürth slaughterhouse was<br />

concerned. Despite this, it became very<br />

important for us to retain a regional<br />

supply source, as well as keeping the<br />

This picture of the<br />

slaughterhouse cutting line<br />

with its modern equipment<br />

was taken before the<br />

corona crisis. Nowadays the<br />

workers naturally wear face<br />

masks.<br />







facility’s work and training opportunities. On the initiative<br />

of my father, 55 professional colleagues joined forces and<br />

took over the municipal facilities with a deposit of 2000<br />

DM per person.”<br />


Thankfully, things went well for the butchers’ slaughterhouse.<br />

But there were always new hygiene requirements to be<br />

met and, soon, thoughts turned towards the construction<br />

of new premises. Fürth supported this ambition, offering a<br />

leasehold building site and financial aid. In January 1989,<br />

60 shareholders (50 butchers 10 livestock dealers, farmers<br />

and tripers) arranged construction of new facilities costing<br />

almost 5 m DM in the suburb of Burgfarnbach. No subsidies<br />

were available from the EU, federal government or state. By<br />

November 1993, the first test slaughter had been carried out.<br />

“We built a compact 7,500 m 2 floor area plant and stocked<br />

it with modern equipment”, recalls Konrad Ammon. In<br />

2019 we slaughtered almost 61,000 pigs, 3,800 cattle and<br />

1,600 sheep with throughput being slightly increased<br />

every year, a performance that strengthened our resolve to<br />

make what turned out to be the right<br />

strategic decisions. We re-organised into<br />

two businesses: the Betriebs GmbH that<br />

takes care of the entire infrastructure,<br />

and the Fürther Lohnschlächter GmbH,<br />

a company contracted for the actual<br />

slaughter work with 15 specialists from<br />

the region, all butchers with master<br />

All three with master butcher certificates (l – r): son Maximilian, daughterin-law<br />

Geli and Konrad Ammon jn. Together they manage the family<br />

butchery in Fürth-Burgfarnbach.<br />

certificates. Current shareholders total 105. In our customer<br />

files we have 330 addresses: butchers, livestock dealers,<br />

farmers with direct marketing, catering facilities and also<br />

associations that perhaps buy just a single suckling pig each<br />

year for their annual company dinner. Naturally, we are EU<br />

certified, fulfil the QS (national quality programme for farm<br />

produce) requirements and are also licensed to slaughter organically<br />

raised animals. Four specially appointed inspectors<br />

are responsible for the welfare of all animals.”<br />

Fulfilling the highest meat quality requirements means<br />

continuous investment to meet welfare, hygiene and environment<br />

protection requirements, as well as improving<br />

resource and energy efficiency in our operations, explains<br />

Konrad Ammon, adding: “For the current year we’ve budgeted<br />

5.5 m € for investments. For instance, we’re enlarging<br />

lairage area for pigs and improving intake facilities for cattle<br />

and pigs. On top of this, cooling capacity is being increased,<br />

the conveying system for carcasses automated so that<br />

cooling is accelerated. In total we are modernising the entire<br />

cooling plant to the latest technical and energy-efficiency<br />

standards. Another development: a stand-alone tripery<br />

for processing inner organs and intestines. Finally, we are<br />

restructuring product input and output facilities”.<br />


“This regional slaughterhouse is extremely important for<br />

me as self-employed master butcher”, emphasises Konrad<br />

Ammon. He is the fourth generation to manage the family<br />

business in Burgfarnbach. And the next generation is already<br />

in-place too: both his sons are master butchers and a daughter-in-law<br />

a certified butchery salesperson as well as master<br />

butcher. The young ones have already taken responsibility<br />

and management of the butchery business into the fifth<br />

generation. The product range is wide. Alongside shop sales<br />

and party and delivery services, there’s a cook on the payroll<br />

to produce regular meals with daily menu changes for the<br />

staff. “We slaughter around eight to twelve pigs and one<br />

cattle beast per week”, calculates Konrad Ammon, adding<br />

that these slaughter animals have been ordered from the<br />

same farmers in the surrounding regions for years now,<br />

forming an unofficial partnership between firm and farmers.<br />

Thereby, the butcher has an influence on management and<br />

feeding of the livestock earmarked for delivery and therefore<br />

knows what he gets and gets what he wants in terms of<br />

quality for his customers. “For instance, I like to have slightly<br />

heavier than standard pigs with a slaughter weight of from<br />

105 to 110 kg. With cattle I put a lot of value in producing<br />

from beef breeds. Young bulls we do not slaughter at all.<br />

Getting our animals from large-scale farming operations<br />

wouldn’t work for us. The low numbers we slaughter weekly<br />

mean small operations are best suppliers. Here, the in and<br />

out system is mostly followed. I arrange the transport<br />

myself. In the slaughterhouse, there’s a lairage area with<br />

straw bedding and with feed and water available so that,<br />

as far as possible, any stress is avoided with the animals.<br />

After slaughter, carcass quarters or halves are transported<br />

to us for further work.”<br />

“The requirements of our customers have changed”, continues<br />

Konrad Ammon. “Nowadays, sausage is no longer sold<br />

in 100 g portions but instead in single slices of different<br />

sausage. This is more complicated for us, but I realise that<br />

our customers put a lot of thought into what they buy.<br />

There are others that simply go by price – although these<br />

are not necessarily our usual customers. But even those<br />

clients have to be somehow serviced too. This is why there’s<br />

also a place in the market for the large slaughter concerns<br />

and discounters. However, we choose another route – a<br />

way that’s luckily appreciated by our customers. Hereby<br />

the regionally reared animals we slaughter ourselves are<br />

an important component in the comprehensive range of<br />

quality ware we present to our customers.” «<br />

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