Womble Underground Press - Volume 10 Issue 04

www.wupgb.co.uk / content@wup.me.uk

Wrong on every level! By TBF

It was wrong in 2002 and it is still

wrong now in 2012 or 2013, for me

at least!

I am going to try to keep this polite and

civilised, as there may be women and

children reading, and possibly even

external media. This may register slightly

on the “Ranter” scale.

Given the opposition, the FA Cup

threw up (literally) for us, that in itself

represents a considerable challenge.

We have all had people we know chatting

to us excitedly about this game, and not

necessarily understanding our individual

stances relating to it.

Here’s mine, for the avoidance of doubt :

I would not give a penny of my money to

someone I perceive to be a conman, so

did not buy an admission ticket. Had I

done so, to my mind I would have been

validating football franchising.

I ensured that AFCW were compensated

appropriately for my lack of attendance,

by generating some folding for them

through assisting in the selling of an

alternative matchday programme.

(Yellow and Blue Revisited, copies still

available from club shop or online WUP

shop, be sure to get yours!). Both MK

Dongs and the FA can raise their own

revenue. (Both can also Foxtrot Oscar).

Given the number of attendees ultimately

present at “that fixture”, I doubt my

absence has caused any financial

hardship. This is purely a case of sticking

to principles. Just because there is a

chance this will become a recurring

fixture, does not mean my stance will

soften or that I accept the inevitability.

I could not have guaranteed my

behaviour if I had even entered the

boundaries of the MK stadium and that

I would not have besmirched my good

family name and the general reputation

of AFCW if I attended this match.

The recollection of many teams fans who

boycotted their own fixtures at MK and

came to support AFCW instead on the

dates in question - that kind of solidarity


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deserves respect. By attending this

match, I would have been disrespecting

all those concerned.

I do not recognise MK Dongs as being

a bona fide football club. They do not

deserve their league place, as they did

not work to attain it. They are effectively

a new club, and their inglorious leader

acknowledges the fact, when it suits him.

If we play them again in a cup or league

competition, I will not attend, on the

same basis.

I have respected the rights of fellow

AFCW fans to make their own choices

and have not lambasted any who chose to

attend; everyone had to make their own

decisions on this one. However, I applaud

those season ticket holders that chose

not to attend, and who refused to pass

on season ticket voucher B to those (even

family members) who wished to increase

their own entitlement.

What of the Frenzoids?

Whilst I did not attend the game, I

was in the general vicinity sufficiently

long enough to get my first unwanted

sightings of MK Dongs f(r)ans. The first

one, a male species with 2 offspring

in tow, saw us at MK station and shot

through the ticket barrier like smoke

from a gun, and at the time of the

occurrence it was highly unlikely that he

was in a rush for any other reason than

to escape our attentions. I couldn’t help

remarking loudly “So that’s what one

looks like!”

We watched as another frenzoid waited

until he was safely within a few steps of

massed police presence before carefully

taking a “Maximuscle”era “WFC” top

from a bag, and then daringly putting

it on over his existing clothing. Later

a small mob boldly exited the station

shouting “MK Army” once or twice in our

direction – that fizzled out very quickly

when it failed to provoke a reaction, and

it failed to give vent to any variant. You

would expect normal football fans to be

running through their back catalogue of

ditties in that situation – could it be that

they don’t have any of their own?

One thing these beings all had in

common was that they looked rather

strange, both in appearance and

demeanour. You could say they were just

conforming to my expectations. They

looked like extras from a Channel 4 freak

show or “Dawn Of The Dead”.

I did sell something to a Franchise fan.

He genuinely seemed interested in a

copy of Yellow and Blue, and who can

blame him? I had half a mind to refuse

his request but then was amused at the

fact he was effectively paying money

towards AFCW related projects and I had

no intention of ever reciprocating. It was

also the fastest option for getting rid of

him. (I know you are thinking of other

alternative methods, but bear in mind

the local gendarmes were in very close


What never ceases to amaze me

is just how poorly informed some

people out there really are on

the whole Wimbledon/MK saga.

Especially after all this time, and

considering all the information

available in the public domain

exposing the entire farcical saga!

A reject from north of the border wearing

an MK Dongs scarf tried to engage us

in conversation, asking why we hadn’t

done more to save our club ten years ago.

This appeared to be a genuine question!

Supposedly he was a regular attendee

at Smelhurst Park. I mostly left it to

that well versed Sassenach, Leamington

Pete to offer him some free education

and challenge his misconceptions, but

when the frenzoid said, comparatively

speaking, that “We were alright with

going to Dublin though, weren’t we?”

I was unable to not interject with a

“Speak for yourself!” He actually seemed

to believe what he was saying! (At this

point Peterborough Don appeared and

supplied the obligatory personal abuse

so richly deserved). This is what we

are up against. How can someone who

dates back to the Smelhust era be so

ignorant of the majority view and what

was happening around them? People

like him astound me. Did they spend a

long time walking around with their eyes

and ears shut? Or did they donate part

of their grey matter to medical science,


So, Franchise fans conformed to

my expectations, and seeing them

in the flesh was no different to the

impressions gained from reading

their online presence. I felt nothing

but contempt. Probably because I was

unsurprised, I remained quite calm and

non-confrontational, even when passing

by the (unfinished)stadium on the nearby

road, although one aforementioned

companion did take the opportunity to

hurl well deserved abuse. I can’t say this

steady demeanour would have remained

the case had I entered the stadium

boundary itself.

They would like to consider us

a rivalry. Most clubs such as

Wycombe or Luton sneer when

Franchise fans proclaim them as

their rivals. I feel the same. We are

not rivals. They needed luck (and a bit

of cheating) to beat us and stay in the

Cup. They got that, but they got a lesson

in class too. From our fans. That they

chose to leak a questionable story, via

dubious media channels, after a dubious

timescale had elapsed, suggesting AFCW

fans had vandalised their facilities, is

entirely indicative of the way they operate

and a desperate attempt to taint the

reputation of our following.

When Terry Brown notably coined

his “Piles of toilet” phrase earlier this

season, he can’t have expected it to be

manifested in the photographic catalogue

of dastardly crime at the Frans Stadium.

A few pieces of bathroom fitting piled

up, is not evidence. Where is the CCTV

footage? Why were the damaged urinals

supposedly in the female facilities? How

come this news did not break same day?

Surely any competent organisation would

discover and highlight this immediately

post-match? Why were policing and

stewarding arrangements inappropriate

for the level of fixture concerned?

If I was an AFCW official receiving a

damages claim, I would file it under

unsubstantiated and refuse to pay.

Maybe you are one of those who wishes

we would stop mentioning “them” in

this tome, and are just about prepared to

tolerate their existence. That being the

case, please feel free to add some balance

by writing in accordingly, because none

of my closest WUP associates are any

nearer to letting the issue subside than

they were on 28 th May 2002, and none of

us are likely to apologise for that!


co.uk/ for those who haven’t the faintest

what I’m banging on about!

Happy New Year and COYD!

The course of true hate never runs smooth.

Some of you may already know some of this,

but I thought I’d share one man’s, if not quite

Odyssey, then definitely at least Asterix In

Britain, culminating in the events of Sunday

the 2 nd of December with the rest.

Firstly, I must state that I am a bit of an

arriviste. I have only been supporting AFC

Wimbledon since about the time of Terry

Brown’s arrival in the Ryman Prem. I’m

an old Wimbledon fan since the days of

Plough Lane and through the troubled times

at SmellHurts Park. I remember all the

shenanagins with The Nogs, Koppel and the

spineless goons of the F.A.

On the dark and stormy night – well, rainy

afternoon, anyway – when the commission

delivered its verdict, a light went out in my

life. I no longer had any interest in football

other than a mild distaste for the plastics. I

was not even aware of the formation of AFC

Wimbledon (much less contributed to it in

any way).

I should point out the fact that I was pretty

much living in the bottom of a pint glass at

the time (even more than I am now) but never


One day five years later, The Angry Elf

suggested to me that we rock down to

Kingsmeadow and watch the mighty

wombles. I was nonplussed, so he explained

the situation and that was that, attending

when I could that season and a season ticket

holder ever since.

Once I became Womble-y-aware, I

immediately developed a deep and intense

hatred for the scum up the M1. I would look

out for their results with almost as much

fervour as I looked for ours. I cried with

laughter when I first saw SoCal’s laughing

policeman thingie and looked forward to

seeing it whenever they were in the play-offs.

Good times and bad times ensued – as they

are wont to do for supporters of any club

– but I was in Manchester, jumping up and

down hugging some enormous (bigger than

me) black bloke I had never met before.

Throughout all this time I NEVER wanted

to face the scum, as I believed that our

meeting them would validate their miserable

existence. I was also worried that there would

be trouble that would tarnish the proud name

of our wonderful club and cost us the general

good-will that exists towards us from the

football family worldwide – well, with some

exceptions from non-league. The thought of

Wank-stain sliming the media made me feel

nauseated too.

Two years ago wasn’t too bad – thank you St

Evenage. This year, I made myself extremely

unpopular with a lot of people by actually

saying before the event that I wanted us to

lose to York. Having disposed of them (very

comfortably, never mind the score), I had to

face the fact that it was going to happen. I

nailed my colours to the mast very early on.

I will not set foot in that shit-hole. Not for

any money reasons or because we had asked

other fans to boycott them in the past, but for

two others: I have my principles (warped and

illogical as they may be) and they are what

make me who I am and I intend to stick to

them. The second reason is that I can count in

decades the amount of time since I thumped

someone and I simply couldn’t trust myself

to stay in control when confronted a mass of

“customers” giving it blah. I’m 43 and I’ve

never seen the inside of a police cell and I’d

quite like to keep it that way, thank you very


Oddly enough, I don’t know what would get

me more exercised, winning or losing, but


Anyway, me not going.

At this point, it is time for a HUGE pat on

the back for the club. The decision to sell

tickets for the Meadow on match-day for

£3 but it entitling you to a free drink was a

masterstroke. Wrangle the punters effectively

(so eliminating any potential licensing/

policing issues) and, more importantly, NOT

ALIENATING the fans.

What with donations to the club, the banner,

assorted raffle tickets and 8 guests (including

Millwall, Chelsea and non footie fans), the

whole experience cost me more than COMS

did but it was completely worth it.

Why is this? We lost. I still hate them – and

always will.

Because the match has provided varying

levels of catharsis for different people.

I was terrified that we would get smashed

and so would their stadium/town centre. We

didn’t and it didn’t. We played very well and

were a fingertip save away from beating a

team 40-odd places higher up than us. Away.

We lost to an absolute screamer and the

flukeyest goal I have ever seen (bar-none).

Some might say the manner of our defeat was

cruel. I’m perfectly happy with it. After the

initial despair, the first thing I said to loads

of randoms on my way out for a snout was

“thank God they’re not coming here”. And,

you know what? Almost everyone else agreed

with me.

could tell how gutted they were to have lost

and how touched by their reception they were

– Midson was almost in tears. They dropped

their kitbags and most of them – including

Neal – came straight into the bar and chatted

to all and sundry.

Top fans. Top team. Top club.

Most of all, most of the fans I have spoken to

or seen on the guestbook seem to have found

some sort of closure (of varying degrees)

from the match. “they’re not the anti-christ”,

“we won before a ball was kicked”, “10 years

of hurt have just dissolved”, “why worry?

Forget about them”.

I personally still never want to play them

and hate the club (NOT the “customers” or

the tea-ladies or even the players – they’re

just professionals with families to feed) with

a passion but I have encountered a broad

spectrum of opinion on this point, from

the people who share mine to the people

who desperately want this to be the start

of a genuine rivalry and can’t wait to see

wormtongue at the first available opportunity,

and all points in between.

But, hey. Since when has our fan-base EVER

been able to form a quorum (for MPH)?

I waited around at welcome the supporters

coaches and the team coach back to KM.

When the team got back, we were outside

singing “we’re all still proud of you”, “that

boy Jack Midson” & “NEAL ARDLEY”. You





The second edition of the Retro Dons fanzine

includes; The 82-83 season when the Dons

won the 4th Div title, An interview with Vinnie

Jones, Ray Armfield on the Dons greatest

left-back, Bert Dale on the 1945-46 campaign

and Mick Mahon relives Burnley


Yellow & Blue Special

The old Yellow & Blue crew reunited along

with other contributors to produce a maybe

one off Yellow & Blue edition to counter the

evil of the franchise home programme. Full

of amazing articles! We’ve got a few left so

get yer cash out or we will wrestle you to the

ground and take the money from you whilst

inserting this issue into your love pocket.

All the glorious editions of WUP and latest

merchandise under one ONLINE virtual roof.

BUY! Single issues, like the one with the

monkey laughing at a donkey which has just

reversed its cart into a bee hive.

SPLASH OUT! On an entire season’s worth

of Moke cookery tips, controversial goat

jokes about Ivor which never happened and

editorial accusations that never got published.

READ! About how we couldnt spell a number

of easy words, fucked up the grammar and

barely got the staples into a number of key


SPEND! The loose change in your pocket,

knowing it’ll be going to a raft of splendid

causes, like our amazing mascot Haydon’s

Kit, the Trophy Cabinet, transport for the

amazing, interest-generating Inflatable

Goal…. helping the club bridge the funding

gap with all sorts of financial help and

assistance of sorts.



All our profits, from fanzine sales and

shop items like t-shirts and so forth,

go towards AFC Wimbledon and Dons

Trust initiatives.

By JamPot - 18 Dec 2012

Sometimes you forget how slim the difference

is between success and failure within this

division; usually in football it comes down to

confidence. If it were skill and knowledge only,

who would be top of the table? Gillingham?

On the evidence of the game at KM, probably

not; but they have the confidence.

But writing this intro – after Rotherham and

before Port Vale – it is striking really how

little the difference can be between teams;

on possession Rotherham deserved their

win, but on chances it’s more a moot point.

Likewise with Torquay, the Scum and,


So though we have had a Southend or two,

certainly defensively more recently we have

been moving in the right direction. We just

now need to get first the midfield doing them

same and then, I suspect the attack will come


So with 23 games nearly gone – half way

– and Christmas upon us its time again to

measure our ‘progress’ this year against last,

another update in this continuing series within

WUP this season.

30 December 2012

Spookily, our 23 rd game of the season turned

out to be the return fixture with Oxford, which

had also signalled 10 games gone when

we visited the Kassam. Unlike that spirited

performance, this proved to be a retrograde

backwards. So it left our midseason record as


Played Pts Pos Pts











Pts per


23 19 24 8 11 10/20 14/24 0.83

Hmmn. And this time last season?

Played: Pts Pos Pts











Pts per


23 26 17 12 14 19/29 11/15 1.13

Well, whatever enthusiasm there might have been for Ardley & co’s succession has been

muted by the run of results since his take over. No sustained improvement apparent, though

to be fair a win against Oxford would have brought us within 4 points of last season and we

were in a run not dissimilar to the current one at that time. Much has been said that it is not his

squad and that he should really be measured by what happens after January, when he can

adapt the squad with transfer window acquisitions. Well we wait to see that result, as and when

it arrives. But back to the team goals then:

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Team Goal 1: Win the Championship!

Pass. Next season methinks. Perhaps

Team Goal 2: Reach the Playoffs

Likewise, very difficult to see us achieving

this level within the league but looking at the

division as a whole, no one team is running

away with it and those of us at the bottom are

not being totally dropped – yet. A compressed

league – one like this where week to week all

teams are beating one another could give rise

to a scenario where an excellent run towards

the end of the season could propel a lower

to mid-table side into that final playoff place.

But I somehow think in a way none of us want

that to be us. But, like the play off final we’d

take it, wouldn’t we?

Team Goal 3: Get more points and finish

as high as possible!

Our suggested target - W15 D16 and L15 -

is still a very realistic target IF we can turn

our form around and stem those losses. At

this stage we have 5 which means a further

10 is required. And, only just recently what

was the target number of wins Ardley has

identified as being required? 10. Glad to think

he is thinking along the same lines as me. Of

course, a compressed division – particularly

at the bottom – could make the 50-point target

a tad susceptible to not being enough. But we

will see.

Team Goal 4: Avoid relegation

Whilst playoff achievement is fantasy at this

time, this will remain for sometime our sole

goal this season. Whilst at times you can see

little difference between us and teams that

have played us the results do not lie and we

remain rooted within a group of 5-6 teams,

currently seemingly anchored to the bottom.

Barnet, Bristol R, Plymouth, Aldershot and

perhaps Accrington keep us company. With

much mooted observation of a mid-table team

likely to free-fall in the second half of the

season, as in seasons past, it is going to be a

trying but interesting time until April.

Team Goal 5: Score more goals!

Whilst we have failed here to match last year,

up front it does seem though that injuries

have taken their toll along with a great lack of

service. At the Oxford game it was pointed out

we had just 2 shots on target the whole game.

Of course, service is required and we all know

midfield has not been performing here. They

have however been a bit better with goals

provided from this part of the pitch with Long

seemingly finally finding his shooting boots.

The loan of McCallam appears to be bearing

some fruit at last. But the enigma of what to

do with Midson remains. If Ardley can solve

that perhaps our season will get running


Team Goal 6: Let in fewer goals!

The stats show yet again too many goals

conceded though the profligacy of the early

season at least seems to have abated to

mainly odd goals lost, though with surprising

repeating of costly individual mistakes.

However the Mambo/Osano/Antwi/Fenlon

back four seems to be gelling – or was until

this Oxford game where it went back to old

bad ways. There is obviously still work to be

done Mr Cox!

Team Goal 7: Play ’good’/’attractive’


What I have seen I cannot say is either way;

what it has been is ineffective and reliably

predictable, particularly if we go a goal

down. Do we – players and crowd – have

confidence that we will go and score? There

was a resigned air about KM immediately that

first goal went in. If confidence is a thing for

players it must be for the crowd too. We need

to find confidence that we can pull back again.

Targets: Win your opening game, Win our

first home game, Win the first away game,

Win both your next home and away games

Well, dealt with before, all you can say is they

seem a long time ago now….

Sequences and Records

Last time we looked at sequences and

records the new manager appointment was

imminent. As mentioned above really the

only goals of note now are those that keep

us in the division (50pts we reckon) and any

sequences to get us there. To date our

best sequence is a win and a draw.

Poor isn’t it? However, losses in a row

have been restricted to, just once, 3,

which suggest some fight and shows

up our inconsistency.

Ardley’ record since he took over from

Brown (via Bassey) reads: W2 D3 L7.

For the record Brown was W1 D1 L5

and Bassey was W2 D0 L2. So, on

a points per game basis we see the

improvement coming over the Ardley

period against Brown’s (0.75 cf 0.57),

helped of course with the cameo period

of Bassey’s.

For some the jury is still out on all of

this and ultimately, it will remain so

until the end of the season whatever

that brings. Our League survival is very

important to us but within this pressure

cauldron I remain more optimistic than

I might have in the past. For whatever

happens we still have our club and

we know what we have. Stability. And

I suspect others – like Portsmouth –

might envy us on that.

Postscript – 6 January 2013

The New Year has been greeted with

the bang of two wins in two games

as both Torquay and Rochdale have

been beaten, away from home. With

postponements over the Christmas

periods it moves us out of the bottom

two and with games in hand on

some of our rivals. It’s not the end

of the beginning but hopefully it

might be the beginning of the end

of this poor season. Alas, for some

players it will also be the end – of

their AFC Wimbledon careers as,

with the transfer window is open

changes are afoot. I wish any that

leave – Gregory left and has surfaced

at Gillingham – well…unless they p


Dear WUP,

The recent Ardley issue was my first WUP for a

while. Couldn’t stop laughing whilst trying to keep

the naughty bits out of sight of the kids. Well done

and keep up the good work.

Can I just say that having expressed his NON

VIEWS on that fixture, Alan Cork is no longer quite

my favourite all time Dons player. Anyone with

a copy of ‘Wimbledon from Southern League to

Premiership’ by Clive Leatherdale from 1995, please

apply TippEx to the top of p.350. If you have any

left over, please send it to me as I loved the smell of


Any former Dons players wishing to become my all

time fave, please post a cheque for £100 made out to

‘Faz the Womble’ at .....

Regards, Faz

New pictures emerged today of the damage

claimed to have been done by AFC Wimbledon

fans to Stadium:WANK


Having discovered that we had just

beaten York in the replay I, the same as

most, was then posed with the dilemma

of whether or not to make the trip to

the shit-pit 55 miles north of London.

Whilst there were many, many ideas

rolling through my head (where to crap,

whether or not I could fling my crap at

Ian Wright, etc.), I was also then chucked

a curve ball by the club saying that we

could only travel on an official club coach.

Admittedly, I can see the appeal of the

coach. Having been drawn to Millwall in

the cup 2 years before, this was the only

option to escape from Bermondsey with

all limbs still attached to my body and

no internal bleeding, but to me this was

definitely not an option on what was to be

an epic voyage on an emotional journey.

Then, to my delight, they rescinded this

madcap idea and allowed us to make our

own way there. At this moment I jumped

online and booked that ticket whilst

thinking of what to wear and still where/

who at I could fling my shit.

Three days later I was mightily pissed

off and almost filed a complaint to Royal

Mail because I thought the postman

had posted a bag of crap through my

letterbox, turns out it was just a ticket

for a football match at some non-existent

club situated in Shitsville up the M1.

Anyway, the obvious thing to do at this

point is put it in a safe place, alas, next

the radio in the kitchen would be perfect,

still in the envelope addressed to me so

nobody (not even the most ignorant of

women) could possibly discard of it, it

has my name on the envelope for Gods


Three days before the game I went to

look for the ticket and it didn’t appear

to be in the “safe place” that I had left it.

Having arranged to meet up with other

like-minded folk at the train station on

the Sunday I began to get a bit edgy, did

I move it when I was rat-faced on the

Wednesday? With panic well and truly

setting in I decided to send the mother a

text on Friday asking if she had happened

to see an envelope in the vicinity of the

radio that may have contained a ticket.

The response is certainly not one that I

was looking for. “Did you leave the ticket

in the envelope?” I was asked. “Yes I

did”, “ Did you leave it by the radio?” she

went on, “Yes I did”. And then came the

moment that kicked me square in the

smalls, “Well, I think I may have thrown

it out….”!

WTF!! She has just thrown out, what

I believe to be, the most important

match ticket that I have ever purchased?

Fortunately for her, as the old adage

goes, time is a great healer (otherwise

I may now be facing a judge explaining

why my patio had risen by two feet

overnight) and I can now look back and

laugh and even write to fellow fans about

my pain.

The moral of this whole story is, women

are evil (unless you are a dangerously

good looking Wimbledon supporter

(female) that happens to like emotionally

scarred (but good looking) men).

Peace out my friends.

The Angry Elf


The FA Cup has seen some of Wimbledon’s most famous exploits.

Back in the 70’s, taking on the (then) mighty Burnley and Leeds United,

in our original non-league guise. Then in the mid-80’s the match

that put the Crazy Gang on the map - a 3-1 win over old First Division

leaders Everton, which laid the foundation for the 1988 Cup Final

success over arguably the greatest club side ever in that era, Liverpool.

Of course along the way there have been some bad results, ones that

leave you scratching your head thinking “How did that happen?”

(Shrewsbury away anyone?).

None of those losses have left a long lasting sour taste.

Until now.

The Bletchley Stealers match had already left a bitter, sour feeling deep

in our stomachs, before we even kicked a ball in anger.

Let’s get this straight though. Despite the record showing we were

beaten 2-1 in this cup tie.

We had already won. The past decade has been all about winning, not

just on the field, everything that has happened on the pitch has been

a bonus. A journey that has been a nice distraction for all those that

helped found and establish the club we have supported through all the

mess that was forced upon us. Giving us a club that we can call, quite

literally our own.

The fundamentals of who we are were born over a hundred years ago.

No egomaniac businessman, no committee behind a desk, will ever take

away what is true to us and what we are.





The Football Supporters’ Federation

(FSF) has announced it is launching a

campaign which aims to reduce away

ticket prices and help make football

more affordable.

The Score Campaign: Twenty’s Plenty

for Away Tickets will be launched with

an event in Manchester on Thursday

24th January. Further meetings will be

held across the country including one in

London on Thursday 31st January.

Last week it emerged that Manchester

City had returned more than 900 tickets

for their trip to Arsenal after fans refused

to pay £62 to watch their team.

The FSF called this a “watershed

moment” and said that fans all over

the country are united in their view that

tickets are too expensive. The national

organisation said it hoped to bring

together rival sets of fans to speak with

one voice.

Nine out of 10 fans who completed the

FSF’s 2012 National Fans’ Survey said

that ticket prices were too high. Four out

of every 10 said that they were attending

fewer matches because of ticket prices.

The FSF said the problem is especially

acute for away supporters who are hit

with a double whammy. They must cover

spiralling transport, food and refreshment

costs in addition to paying some of the

highest prices for football in Europe.

Martin O’Hara, Deputy Chair of the

Football Supporters’ Federation, said:

“Those who follow their team away are

the distilled essence of the football fan

- the hardcore. Without away fans the

atmosphere at games dies and football

loses a large part of what makes it so


“Travelling supporters spend the most

time and money on their team and that

deserves recognition and reward. In the

short term clubs might make a few extra

quid by squeezing away fans dry but

long-term vision is required.

“Away attendances are in decline and

something must be done by the clubs

before that becomes terminal. Who

wants to go to games without away fans,

games without passion?

“We believe that an away ticket price

cap of £20 would make football more

affordable and halt the decline in away

fan attendances. The Score Campaign

aims to make this a reality.”

The FSF will hold a series of events

across the country in support of the

Score Campaign: Twenty’s Plenty for

Away Tickets. All events are free of

charge and open to all fans - for more

information visit www.fsf.org.uk or email


Statistics referenced are from the FSF’s

2012 National Fans’ Survey. Read more

at the BBC, ‘Game playing ‘Russian

roulette’ with fans’.

CONTACT: Michael Brunskill, Director of

communications: michael.brunskill@fsf.

org.uk / 0330 44 000 44 / +44 (0)779 524



franchise loving bunch of cunts.


The MK Villager can today exclusively report on the vile

and horrendous events that nearly destroyed our way

of life and indeed our proud village’s very existence one

seemingly normal day in December 2012.

From an excerpt supplied by “Moth Poet Hotel”

Forget the 21 st December 2012

Mayan predictions for the end of

the world. That will be / was a mere

blip on the Richter scale compared

with the Armageddon that befell

Milton Keynes (the Village) on the

fateful day of 2 nd December 2012,

more than a few days earlier.


indications of

the terror that

was to come

reached the

MK Villager’s

News Desk

after they had


hacked into

the voicemail

of the CEO of

The Mongol


Editor’s Note:- for Mongol read

Womble. This followed the appalling

news that York City had suffered a cruel

pillaging (and a bit of a rape) from these

same barbarians the night before.

Initial intelligence suggested that we

were to be spared – it was apparently

too far to travel from the wastelands

of SW19 to bother with an invasion.

Other targets such as Crawley or Fat Boy

Evans were circulated as diversionary

tactics. Another rumour suggested that

the heathen would instead congregate at

their Chief Place of Worship and commit

sinful acts of homage to their false

deities. It finally emerged that the Village

was to be subjected to a “Reconnaissance

in Force” to test our defences.

The appointed day thus dawned brightly

but with an appalling stench of fear and

newly laid faeces permeating the air of

Milton Keynes. The Village was rank

with it. Sadly,

the first line

of defences

was easily


The Village’s


network of





by-passed by

the simple

expedient of detouring through the

Ardennes Forest straight to the A5

intersection with the A4146 and taking

the first exit left. The more cunning

of these sub-humans even located the

occasional trains that penetrate the

Village’s ring-roads. At one point there

was even the threat of an airborne


This resulted in the heathen hordes being

able to reach the second-line defences

– namely Bletchley Retail Park. This

mind-numbing, pre-fabricated maze of

concrete and steel was created in the

mid-2000s to entice would-be invaders

into a maze of look-a-like retail outlets

where the captivated heathens would

then be seduced into spending money

they’d not got on things they didn’t really

need. It was believed that IKEA would

play a key role in this defensive strategy.

Fully laden with booty the heathen

masses would then depart back to their

stinking hovels leaving life in the bubble

untouched. A beneficial side-effect would

manifest itself, when, being unable to

maintain the mortgage repayments

after such excessive consumer spending

the hordes would be evicted and forced

to live in tent villages erected on the

featureless wastes of Wimbledon

Common – with some of the more

reckless abusers of plastic even having to

erect twig shelters on Mitcham Common.

Sadly, these defences failed too - due

in no small part to the experiences the

heathen have had with similarly designed

defences - namely Priory Retail Park.

Plus a further tactical innovation – to

leave all credit cards at home and forage

whilst en route.

Thus to the final climactic encounter

at the formidably-named Stadium.mk

– a veritable fortress built to replicate

in every detail the current day Roman


What ensued was just another game of

football which at the death produced a

winner, a loser and praise be, no need for

a re-match.

Having tested MK’s defences the

vile vandals then skulked away - but

not without first leaving a wave of

catastrophic destruction in their wake

including small, soft, vaguely browncoloured

objects laid as booby-traps

to snare innocent items of footwear.

Allegedly. Small groups of our heroic

MK-Jugend were ambushed without

regard for their illiteracy and general

stupidity and beaten senseless. One such

victim piteously told the MK Villager

“I woz f**king right scared. Their was

hundreds of them right they’re in me

face. It was only wen I called ‘em cnuts

they ran away, innit”.

An inside high(est)-level source, Mr P

Wormtongue, who wishes to remain

anonymous, told the MK Villager that

it had been a close-run thing. He had at

one point envisaged being captured and

dragged back to the nuclear waste-lands

of SW London to be publicly displayed

with a spike up his rectum. We can only

ask our readers to join us in praising the

Lord that such a fate was averted in the

very last minutes. We need his patronage

– and the taste of his un-spiked arse.

You would think that things have now

returned to normal – however, the

Villager can further exclusively reveal

that through surveillance of the heathens’

propaganda organs they will one day

return, cut off our heads and shit in the


Note:- All characters and quotations

appearing in this article are purely

fictitious. Any resemblance to real

persons, living or dead, is purely

coincidental and merely an artifice

created by MK Villager for dramatic



At the time of writing we are going

down and will be in the Football

conference again for the 2013/14

season. Our stupid dumbs players

can’t even hit a barn door. Taking into

account the time of writing who could

we be facing a lot of travel to northern

and easterly outposts to places that

we can’t even spell. Some of the

places probably don’t exist aside from

featuring in Doctor Who. its going to

be awful.

We’ve been there before


Chester have been reborn and fought their

way back up with large crowds, buoyancy

and momentum. Last time we went there

we in fact didn’t, result expunged. So,

technically a new ground. Also lets hope that

really hard bloke returns, you know the one

who sat in the front row down in the corner

and abused us all game. But the game never

happened so he didn’t exist.

Grimsby Town

Fish smelling northern types who play in

Cleethorpes. Amusingly they developed

an anti-franchise t-shirt, but I still hold a

grudge when a haddock fan thought moving

to MK would be a good idea. I just couldn’t

believe it, this was when I was extremely

bitter after losing to them bastards 6-2 when

we were 2-2, Shane Gore saving a penalty

having replaced a dismissed Ian Feuer then

the fucking lino made him retake it. Then we

capitulated, to fecking Grimsby, the Harry

feckin’ Haddocks. I blamed Charles Koppel

at the time, for he is a cunt. Don’t forget that

people, we wouldn’t be getting relegated if

Charles Koppel had fallen down a cliff or

was shot by a Japanese soldier still thinking

the War was on.

Forest Green Rovers

Annoying hippy owner who likes away fans

to eat carrot cake and non meat sausages.

Stupid twat, ground on a hill, no station

within 5000 miles. I saw a programme on

him recently, or at least I think I did. I wanted

to punch his teeth in and then eat a steak in

front of him. How very dare he.

Kidderminster Harriers

Amazing food selection, I mean they have

shepherds pie in foil which has been prepared

and cooked. Sure it costs but its brilliant

food. Its as if they actually want to make

money AND give fans something worthwhile.

They also have a cruel streak because this

reputation attracts fat fans and the turnstiles

are really narrow. Its them laughing at obesity

by dangling lard. Wankers.

Luton Town

Lets just hope they go up.. yeah. I mean I

like going there but we have to endure the

slightly uncomfortable love-in and mutual

hatred of Milton Keynes. I’d rather we just

call each other abusive names. I’m sure we’ll

get abused for winning the playoffs then

getting relegated. We do deserve that when it

happens. 2 years and we fucked it up will be

the song whilst we piss on the memories of

that great day in Manchester.

Mansfield Town

Worth revisiting to see the dirty CEO woman.

Got arrested at a game last year, which means

she can fight

dirty, probably

pulls hair and

says naughty

words. Of course

she married the

chairman for his

dashing good

looks and not

his huge wallet.

Hmm.. dirty





monkeys with their uncovered away terrace.

I wonder if they still TAKE THE TOPS OFF

YOUR POP BOTTLES. What is that all

about. They don’t search you for weapons or

stuff in your pockets so why remove the tops?

So, technically you could take a bazooka in

down your trousers BUT YOU CANT HAVE



Which moron decided on this policy. Its not

like AFCWimbledon fans ever cause any

damage anywhere is it?

more expensive seats above. Idiots. And the

turnstiles are really narrow, even thin people

struggled to get through. Another anti-fat

ground, but inside they don’t sell lard.

Braintree Town

Horrible journey to another lunatic ground

that you question “how did it pass conference

grading” then I think of how shit our ground

is to most people and it doesn’t seem so bad.

Salisbury City

Overspent, administrated and demoted -

spunked it up now likely back to fuck it all up

all over again. Weirdly small ground which

will be deliciously overpriced because lets

face it they won’t have learned their lesson.

Tamworth, Gateshead, Woking, Welling,

Scouseport, Cambridge United- Yawn.

Ooh look, new grounds.


Fucking totally worth getting relegated. This

is a ground that I’ve always wanted to go to.

Grass on the roof, all enclosed, small but has

a strange statue behind one of the goals made

out of wood or something. Highlight of the

season from a ground hoppy type way? LETS


Hereford United

Stupid away terrace with a 50 limit on it,

despite it running the whole length of the

pitch. Stewards then force you into the

Alfreton Town

The Impact arena is certainly that on the

pocket, it will likely be £18+ on the day for

what is a naff old ground. At least it has non

league charm. A good size terrace behind one

goal with partial roof, but then there are lots

of uncovered little rows of seats all over the

place. Fun day out.

Lincoln City FC

Big old league ground. Chance to see the

lovely cathedral.

Stockport County

We’ve been there as Wimbledon FC, a trip

to Stockport to drink Robinsons beer in the

Florist pub.

Hyde FC

ManCity’s baby side, no not really but the

ground has been ManCity’d up due to some

sort of reserve football deal. Hardly any

home fans but it will at least be a new ground

for many.



reminder of non

league if we

have to go there.

Not much risen

terracing, some

covered areas but

generally poor.

The welcome

will be typical.


travelling miles

for wombles in League 2 : 1400

Travelling for Wombles in the conference:

550,000 light years of pain. Can you afford

that sort of mileage? No. Didnt think you

could. So start giving the club all your

money, sign your parts over, for organ

donations, sell your kids to slavery and enjoy

going backwards in time to a place we hoped

to have left behind.

Or.. the players could start earning their cash

and win some fucking games.

Back in 2007, thousands of plastic football fans worldwide came

together on the internet to try and buy a football team. In November

2007, it was announced that Ebbsfleet United in Kent would be that

unfortunate team. February 19th 2013 is the 5th anniversary of that

sorry day...

After shagging the club up, We are now a group of around 1,000 members

of MyFootballclub.co.uk with nothing better to do than bitch and

whine about not being able to run the club, which (for the moment)

plays in the Blue Square Bet Conference Football League in England,

the 5th level of English Football.

The Club's supporters wish we'd sod off, but we want the world to

know that we'll let the club end up in a Sunday league before we'll let

it go. We are not Manchester United, they have money. We are not

Barcelona, they have knowledge. We are not Inter Milan, they have

passion. We are THE FLEET, and proud of it (unless we decide to

change the name to something like MyFC United).

Come join us for just £50 a year (or wait until we lower it to a tenner

when we drop to 800 members in a month) and vote on all the important

issues, like what colour the strip should be or whether you're enjoying

your time here (you wont be). Make all the big decisions! Should

we borrow more money this month, or just saddle the club with more


Come on! Destroying a football club never felt this good (or guilt free)


Christian Blanc


I didn't go into the Stadium MK

shitdome but many did. Myself and

the Black Fingernail decided to sell

a special edition Yellow and Blue

right in the backyard of the freaks

of franchise FC .

We departed stupidly early in the off chance

that Wimbledon supporters would aim to get

boozed up in MK and smash the shit out of

the place.

We parked up at the Central station and waited

for frenzied fans on the station concourse,

a few odd fans of neutral clubs purchased

copies until we were asked to move outside

by a friendly station manager.

Outside the station the Police were exceedingly

pleasant to us and we awaited the

hoards. Which really never happened. Occasionally

a bunch of fans came through, we

sold a few issues but most people I guess

were a bit surprised. The majority of people

in MK were not interested in this big game

for their town, those that were interested in

what we were selling weren't going. Few

could believe we’d make the journey then

not bother to attend the game. There was

no buzz for this event, now admittedly if

Manchester United were in town it would

probably be different but media wise this

was a big big game.

hobble out the station front door from the

side doors and quickly scuttle off when our

eyes laid scorn upon him, much like when

you surprise a bird in the back garden. It was

an instinctive reaction to scarper. Without

sounding awful, I have to say most MK fans

we saw looked slightly retarded. I know thats

really cruel and unpc but they did, they all

looked as if they were in care. Maybe that

explains the crowds, its not 'fans' its 'fans and

carers'. Again, apologies for that but its how

it looked. Strike me down Jebus if I have offended


One franchise fan, braver than the others

burst from the station singing “MK army”,

another was confused that we weren't the official

programme sellers. A large obese franchiser

approached us, hiding badly behind

a sign, squawking at us intermittently. We

couldn't understand him, I guess his mouth

and brain were still full of Winkelmans shit,

when his mouth emptied he croaked "WHY

DID YOU ABANDON US". Having held

Every now and again a franchise fan would

back the laughter as he repeated this statement

over and over like a deformed fucktarded

parrot, I engaged his fecal soaked brain

and he spewed forth winkelmans fecal love

goo as he had been programmed. It was quite

therapeutic to hear it

if I'm honest. Apparently

“we all left”,

we “should have just

stayed and it would

never have happened”,

it was “your

fault”, “Winkelman

stepped in with minutes

to go”. The revisionist

history meant

it was easy to back

him into a corner and

he wobbled away like

a jelly sliding off a

tilted plate.

That was as exciting

as it got. Having exhausted

our possible

customer base I managed

to grab a leaflet

from a newsagents,

which has been reproduced here. The pile

of leaflets was big and the agent didn't even

press me to take one, he was unbothered by

it, no pride in his now 'local' club. Then we

headed to Bletchley station to wait for the

hoards returning to London. Having driven

round the ground and shouted some childish

obscenities we parked up and to bide our time

listened to the radio whilst kicking a football

around. About 20 minutes in we noticed a

solitary figure approaching the station, if it

wasn't Alan Titschmarsh, no, not the gardner

tv presenter, but member of Pisa. As he approached

us in his unassuming and slightly

bewildered manner we got a run down of his

non entry into the ground. "I found myself

hitting women and children" he remarked.

Normally this would be met with disgust, but

he was well inebriated so likely they'd received

harder blows from the wind, "Children

and women and young people, I was pushing

them or punching them" he re stated. This

is when the police got him and issued him

with a section which

meant he had to clear

the area. He hung

around with us, until

the end of the game.

We cheered when

we equalised then

brushed off disappointment

of not

winning, then swore

when they flukily

won it.

Our plan to sell

Y&Bs at the end of

the game quickly

ended as a rather

wanky local copper

basically told us to

fuck off or he'd arrest

us, we had no license

to sell these fanzines,

even though the Police

had no problem

and even bought one at MKCentral. I was

thoroughly bored of it all and took the advice

of the rozzer and got the fuck out of there.

Was it a successful operation? Not really, I

wish it hadn't happened. However, if we had

won we may have acted slightly differently

at the end. But we didn't and you can still

get your copy of Yellow and Blue at the club

shop or via the WUP shop.

WUP Crossword No.26

By Neal Ardley’s Rowdy Lullaby Enema

Four down clues, which lack definition parts, all lead to epithets for something that shouldn’t exist.


7 One enters vacant cubicle … (6)

8 … it would lift the lid for No.1 or

No.2 (6)

9 Oriental dish missing a guy (4)

10 Name first union in 1900 – it’s

man on strike (8)

11 Like one team, two down, very silly


13 Come about Papers? (5)

15 Fliers in big car work hard (5)

16 Former manager with floppy ears

and short legs? (7)

18 Greek next penetrates a Scot (8)

19 Fake team?

No! (4)

21 Football chief

and stranger

make something

to eat (6)

22 Extremely


balanced team



1 Southampton

maybe complete

only four-fifths

of game (4)

2 In concert,

pitches should

ideally be level


3 Climbing

creatures left

out for treetop

endurance (7)

4 Knowles, losing most of eye, gives

head (5)

5 Deviant lewd perv leers at the old

but youthful-looking (4,9)

6 Posh girl meets topless freak on

first appearance (8)

12 Striker of the century with support


14 Clean US city ruled by … (7)

17 … fraudsters in Napoli-Arsenal

match-fixing scam (5)

20 Drink for over-18s, served ice-cold

here? (4)

So you felt frustrated after heavy rain

caused postponement of two Dons games

over the festive period? What if Mother

Nature had caused you to lose your ground

and have to share with whoever would take

you? Read Jenni Silver’s “GlosBlog”, and

put your feelings into perspective! (This

article reproduced by kind permission of the

author and “The Blue and White” for which

it was originally written.

It was only a little bit of rain, and it wasn’t

like the ground hadn’t flooded before, so how

come Gloucester City are still in exile more

than five years after the River Severn burst its

banks and destroyed Meadow Park?

Well, first off the flood water, which rose

and swirled onto the pitch, into the dressing

rooms, through the club shop and kept rising

until it kissed the top of the crossbar, wasn’t

just river water. To get to Meadow Park it

flowed through the tip next door, bringing a

pick’n’mix selection of bugs, contaminants

and filth with it.

Then there was the insurance. Like many of

the homes along the flood plain the owners

of Gloucester City struggled to get insurance

after the first flood, 2007 was the third in less

than ten years.

Add into that a bit of bureaucracy, the

obstacle course of the planning process and

here we are, in 2012, still groundsharing and

still keeping our heads above water.

So a thriving community club was fractured

and thrown to the corners of the county. The

first team went first to the New Lawn, home

of Forest Green Rovers, then to Cirencester

Town and now play their ‘home’ games at

Whaddon Road in Cheltenham. The youth

team were banished to the Forest of Dean

and now play home games at Tuffley Rovers

and Sawmills, home of Longlevens AFC. The

ladies still play at Frampton, about 15 miles

downriver of Gloucester.

The past five years have been a battle for a

club with no full time employees, yet against

the odds we have thrived. The first team won

promotion - albeit to the northern half of the

Conference, meaning trips to Workington

and Gainsborough and further afield. The

success of the Under 18’s led to the formation

of a Development Squad (although they

have twice been denied promotion due to not

having a ground of their own, they currently

play at the famous Spa Cricket pitch, the

former stomping ground of WG Grace).

We’re on our third groundshare now, we

started at Forest Green Rovers, that didn’t

really work out for us. Next we went to

Cirencester Town, who bent over backwards

to accommodate us but the Conference

ground graders weren’t so keen, so we looked

down the Golden Valley to Cheltenham

Town. It’s

not cheap,

it’s not

ours but

our (their)



League 2


of the Year

last season

and the pitch

is the best in

the league.


looking at

every possible alternative for a new ground,

including a mooted groundshare with the

rugby club, our owners decided a return to

Meadow Park was our only option. We own

the site, it is recreation land on the local

plan and in the five years we have been

away it has seen millions of pounds spent

on regeneration. So we started on the plans,

two years and around £350,000 later the

plans went before the planning committee on

September 4 and…everything got put on hold


The plans for the new ground include a huge

bund, to be built down the river which will

protect the stadium from further floods and

bring 125 homes and businesses out of the

flood risk zone, allowing homeowners to

insure their property and leaving a lasting

legacy for the city. With an application

so complex the council are a little nervy,

they want to make sure everything is done

properly, which means yet more meetings and

even more (very expensive) modeling plans

to show where the water may or may not go.

The start of 2013 brings news of more

meetings, more discussions and hopefully,

before the end of February, an agreement

about what

work is

needed to

change the



view of

‘minded to

permit’ into



Even with


and a

return to



should, fingers crossed be two years once

work starts, if it is allowed to) five years in

exile has done untold damage.

Fans have dropped off and our average

attendance languishes around the 300 mark.

We have lost a whole generation of young

football fans who can’t just pop along to

a game when it involves a 40 minute bus

journey, followed by a 20 minute walk, I’ll

admit there are times when I don’t really feel

like making the journey.

We also have to fight the misconception that

Gloucester is a rugby city - it does have a

successful club but Kingsholm rarely sells

out these days and during the Euros, city

centre pubs were packed full of football fans.

We are probably the biggest city without a

Football League club - but pick up the local

paper and you struggle to find football among

the endless stories about how Mike Tindall

visited Nando’s and which player is in trouble

for tweeting this week.Absence breeds

apathy and the lack of a physical presence in

Gloucester is harming the club every single

day we are away. The practical side, the fact

we play far away is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the past five years we have only held

one fundraising event where we were able

to raise money from bar sales - no club =

no clubhouse. On matchdays Gloucester

fans spend more at the club bar than

Cheltenham fans do on their home games,

it’s just a shame none of it comes to us.

There are children growing up in Gloucester

who think that Cheltenham Town are their

local club, they have no idea we exist. We

have tried offering free tickets to games in

Cheltenham but coming to an empty ground,

(we are only allowed half open on match

days) miles away doesn’t really make it a fun

day out.

spent travelling hundreds of miles within

Gloucestershire to follow a team which was

once based pretty much on my doorstep.

Most of the fans are moaning at the

moment because of the constant delays

on the planning (mainly due to the

council, the head of regeneration is

currently suspended due to accusations

of fraud and nepotism...!) and the

fact that our local paper, which only

covers Gloucester, is more excited about

Cheltenham v Everton than anything

our club are doing. There are even

murmurings of a breakaway community


But, despite the setbacks, the delays and the

hold ups, I am confident that one day, at some

point in the future, I will be able to watch my

team in my city.

Lack of revenue plus a significant rent bill

means we have one of, if not the smallest

budget in our league - at a time when the

overall debt in the Conference Premier, North

and South is around £45million, it is truly

amazing that City’s finances remain on an

even keel.

It is easy to feel despondent about it -

especially when we visit clubs who are

spending beyond their means, in new

grounds with crowds full of rowdy kids in

replica shirts. We’d kill for that. When I read

reports like the recent FSF one on the cost of

football it makes me tot up how much I’ve

Hello boys! First off, my mate

Roxy would like to pass comment

about having to play the

Franchise Scum in the FA Cup

Now that’s all over, we can

concentrate our efforts on

spending the tv money on getting

some half decent players who can

follow simple instruction on how to

play football.

Anyhow, as ever, I will now pick

at my knicker


for some


this week


using an

expired Boots

coupon for

10% off



the remaining

players in my

grandad’s old

1950’s set

of playing cards from Burlington

Tobacco Products; and the

resultant x-rays of my grandad’s


15th December 2012. Rotherham

Mystical Donna’s Forecast:

The day starts badly when the

President’s Lounge runs out of

sandwiches and an emergency

dumpster arrives from Fatboys

to deal with demand from the

opposition players and coaches.

The announcement of a bumper

crowd of 4,211 is tempered by

the news that one of the turnstile

operators was mugged while

passing the away dugout. After an

hour of abuse and shouting and

raving after every decision, the ref

threatens to send the opposition

manager to the stands, but the

convicted criminal starts blubbing

and wringing his hands and

pleading for one last chance.

On the pitch, we pick up a decent

point. What? You expected us to

do better at home? 2-2

22nd December 2012. Port Vale

Mystical Donna’s Forecast: The

Mayan Prophecy

turns out to be true,

as a 7.6 Earthquake

rips through

Tolworth, causing

road closures. Black

stormclouds and

winged serpents are

seen circling above the Houses of

Parliament, but it’s okay because

our hard-working politicians have

all bunked off early for the usual

extended Christmas/New Year

break. Despite the occasional

flows of lava and brimstone at

Raynes Park, ice storms on

Wimbledon Common and a giant

200 foot high Octopus named

Dave appearing on Colliers Wood

High Street, us plucky Wombles

bravely soldier on, hoping to at

least keep the fixture list as active

as possible. However, at 2pm,

Network Rail cancels all services

due to the wrong type of frog on

the line.

Bumcakes all round. P-P

26th December 2012


Mystical Donna’s Forecast:

Fatboys and the President’s

Lounge are both ready this

time for the imminent arrival of

Northampton’s Human Weeble

– who still manages to vault the

hoardings after scoring, cram in

a burger at the Tempest End tea

bar, snatching a bottle of fizzy pop

out of a 9 year-old kid’s hands on

the way back to the centre circle

and be back in time for the restart.

However, we win with a last-gasp

bundle-the-ball-over-the-line by

Djilali, who immediately looks

worried, having remembered what

happened last time he scored

the winner for Wimbledon and

relieved the pressure off of their

manager. 2-1

29th December 2012 Oxford Utd

Mystical Donna’s Forecast: The

usual despondent performance

on the back of a positive, scrappy

win. Half the squad already know

they’re out the door and no longer

give a shit. Neal Ardley spends

most of the match looking at his

calendar and checking for loose

change under the seats of the

dugout – and at half time Cox and

Bassey are seen picking up loose

cigarette butts outside the exit


So, now the transfer window is

open, did we find anything we


And now, here’s all the local

Womble-based gossip from under

the Back Bar Awning for ya!

the view

from the

back bar



news that the son of the guitarist

from The Sisters Of Mercy has

agreed to rejoin the Wombles!

Bad news that some of our cuter

loan signings are heading back

out to their parent clubs.

Oh, cruel world! Why do boys

always leave?

The Dons Trust are primed to get

their controlling share in AFCW

plc up to 90%. I’m not going to

say I told you so, but… Hah!

Meanwhile murmurs have arisen

about panicking and getting some

sugar daddy in to… well, I don’t

exactly know what. But obviously

being in the Football League 10

years after having to start again

from the bottom isn’t fast enough

progress for some people.

The North Stand is now The

Noodles Stand!

The shoulders of the men’s first

team are now sponsored by a golf


Maybe if the



some sort of


target, we

can afford to

borrow George

Francomb again.

Erm. Purely for

his footballing

skills, like.


Speaking of


skills, has Banjo

Harrison decided

to start scoring again yet?

Thought for the day:


And finally…..

Still unbeaten in 2013 – long may

these wintery conditions continue!

However, is it better to be sitting

on 47 points come the end of the

season and know that a draw

might not be enough on the final

game of the season, or to have

3 games in 5 days and need four

points to get out of the relegation


Answers as usual on the back

of a Bacardi Breezer…. See all

you lovely Wombles in the bar

afterwards! Xxx






1.Name the three grounds Wimbledon used for home

fixtures between World War II and 2002.

2. Who played for Tampa Bay Rowdies alongside Rodney

Marsh and then with Pele, scoring the only goal

for Team America, against England, before signing for


3. Which former Wimbledon player played against

England at the Mong Kok stadium in 1996?

4. How many times did Wimbledon play in the Amateur

Cup final?

5. In the early 1920’s, which Wimbledon player became

the first to represent England?


6. Which Wimbledon and England Amateur international

footballer also played first class cricket for both Surrey and Somerset?

7. How many matches have Wimbledon played at Wembley Stadium?

8. Name the three former Wimbledon players that took part in the 2012 London Olympics.

9. And both of the former and future Wimbledon players to appear in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

10. Old Central Horace Anstee, younger brother of founder Edwin, won a cup for playing football

on Wimbledon Common against Sanger’s. How was this particularly unusual?

11. Name the magnificent seven that have managed in the top four divisions this season, having

previously played a first team game for Wimbledon.

12. Since the First World War there have been one each of first team Wimbledon player’s with

surnames starting with Q and Z. Name them both.

13. Who scored Wimbledon’s only official UEFA sanctioned European goal?

14. Which former Wimbledon player has managed David Beckham?

15. Which former Wimbledon player made his international debut for Philippines in 2010?

16. Which Wimbledon player from the early 1980s went on to play for Juventus?

17.Which former Wimbledon player had twins that went on to become famous table-tennis


Send your entries to content@wup.me.uk … For every correct

answer over ten you win a free copy of the next WUP. If you get

all 17 correct you win a free subscription of 8 issues and a place

in the Womble Underground Press Geek Hall of Fame.


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