Architecture Asia Special Issue - ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2020

Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture


HONORABLEMENTIONRabindhorn: Arsomsilp Communityand Environment ArchitectB-3Public Amenity:Institutional BuildingsArchitect:ArsomsilpCommunity andEnvironmentalArchitect Co., Ltd.Location:Bangkok ,ThailandArsomsilp Community and Environmental Architects, a professional architectural studio, wasestablished to support "work-based learning” for the school of architecture at the ArsomsilpInstitute of the Arts. The school came up with the idea of “One Roof” to create strong linkagesbetween academia and professional studios. The design keeps the strong character of oldwooden trusses as the remembrance of the old gymnasium. Glass boxes are designed as homebases for each architect team and student studios. The main open well and stairs provide avertical and horizontal relationship that creates interconnecting interaction among people asa whole learning community space.JURY CITATION: The utilization of the building converted from a gymnasium to an architectureschool is very serious and healthy. Under the slogan of 'One Roof' learning space ideology,glass boxes are designed as home bases for each architect team and student studio, whilespace in-between are left as common spaces for group learning and discussion. This projectrethought what space an architectural school should provide for its unique way of education,which combines teaching, learning, and practicing.50

HONORABLEMENTIONThe Public RestroomB-3 Architect:LI Zhu / Architects& Engineers Co.,Public Amenity:Ltd. Of SoutheastInstitutional Buildings UniversityLocation:Nanjing, ChinaThe public recreation facility will be located in a green forest near a group of office buildings.This building will be used by office employees who would like to relax and exercise in thegreen space during work breaks. It is expected to be built quickly to reduce the constructionimpacts on the environment and to enable its full integration with the landscape and forestafter completion. This building's basic service functions are not only people-friendly but alsoprovide an appealing space for people to stay and rest, given its reasonably designed form andstructure. Therefore, users can enjoy the sight of trees and streams around the building.JURY CITATION: Public restrooms are always ignored by the public yet actually very importantpublic facilities, especially in big cities. It is nice to see such a well-detailed design of a publicrestroom with great integration with surroundings by using mirror walls. Though it may notbe a suitable prototype to be implemented in other places, the jury would like to encouragearchitects to notice the importance of these kinds of mini public buildings.51



Rabindhorn: Arsomsilp Community

and Environment Architect


Public Amenity:

Institutional Buildings



Community and


Architect Co., Ltd.


Bangkok ,Thailand

Arsomsilp Community and Environmental Architects, a professional architectural studio, was

established to support "work-based learning” for the school of architecture at the Arsomsilp

Institute of the Arts. The school came up with the idea of “One Roof” to create strong linkages

between academia and professional studios. The design keeps the strong character of old

wooden trusses as the remembrance of the old gymnasium. Glass boxes are designed as home

bases for each architect team and student studios. The main open well and stairs provide a

vertical and horizontal relationship that creates interconnecting interaction among people as

a whole learning community space.

JURY CITATION: The utilization of the building converted from a gymnasium to an architecture

school is very serious and healthy. Under the slogan of 'One Roof' learning space ideology,

glass boxes are designed as home bases for each architect team and student studio, while

space in-between are left as common spaces for group learning and discussion. This project

rethought what space an architectural school should provide for its unique way of education,

which combines teaching, learning, and practicing.


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