Architecture Asia Special Issue - ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2020

Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture


HONORABLEMENTIONB-3MedogMeteorological CenterPublic Amenity:Institutional BuildingsArchitect:Ping JiangLocation:Tibet, ChinaLocated in a canyon and surrounded by mountain ranges and dense forests, the projectsite affords a clear view of Namcha Barwa in the distance, while being integrated with thewell-preserved natural surroundings. The architect utilized “remote intervention” as acommunication principle and collaborated with the local construction team. The design isaimed at reinventing the existing site as a multifunctional environment that accommodatesboth working and living facilities for the new meteorological center and provides new civicinfrastructure and a gathering place to serve the community. Maintaining a modest presenceon the site, the building blends into the milieu, fostering sensitive interactions with thesurrounding environment without attracting too much attention.JURY CITATION: The project combined the functions of a meteorological center as well asa living space serving the community with infrastructure. The form of the building adoptedsome of the elements of Tibet traditional architecture while interpreted them in a modern way,nicely blending into the context and texture of the existing town.48

HONORABLEMENTIONReconstruction of Public ServiceFacilities in Lixiang VillageB-3Public Amenity:Institutional BuildingsArchitect:LI Zhu / Architects& Engineers Co.,Ltd. Of SoutheastUniversityLocation:Nanjing, ChinaThe village government intends to build some public service facilities for residents of Lixiangto improve living conditions and reduce the outflow of the rural population. At the same time,some sites for exhibiting and selling agricultural products grown by the villagers are alsoneeded. To meet these demands, the old rural buildings in the village need to be renovated.The reconstructed rural buildings will be in harmony with the overall style of the village. It isalso necessary to carry out structural reinforcement, thermal insulation, waterproofing, andother repair and transformation measures within the buildings. These renovation measureswould contribute to fostering resonance in tourists' impressions of traditional villages.JURY CITATION: The repair and restoration work can best preserve the original form, and thiswork was faithful to its mission. It not only provides facilities for the visitors, but also providesa showcase for the villagers to display and sell their agricultural products. In this way, thebeautiful history and memories of the rural village are restored while improving the life andincreasing the locals' income.49





Meteorological Center

Public Amenity:

Institutional Buildings


Ping Jiang


Tibet, China

Located in a canyon and surrounded by mountain ranges and dense forests, the project

site affords a clear view of Namcha Barwa in the distance, while being integrated with the

well-preserved natural surroundings. The architect utilized “remote intervention” as a

communication principle and collaborated with the local construction team. The design is

aimed at reinventing the existing site as a multifunctional environment that accommodates

both working and living facilities for the new meteorological center and provides new civic

infrastructure and a gathering place to serve the community. Maintaining a modest presence

on the site, the building blends into the milieu, fostering sensitive interactions with the

surrounding environment without attracting too much attention.

JURY CITATION: The project combined the functions of a meteorological center as well as

a living space serving the community with infrastructure. The form of the building adopted

some of the elements of Tibet traditional architecture while interpreted them in a modern way,

nicely blending into the context and texture of the existing town.


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