Architecture Asia Special Issue - ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2020

Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture


Initiated and crowd funded by IX Architects Private Ltd., andbased on a belief in the power of education, Project Booksand Cubes is a learning space that nestles unobtrusively withina primary school campus in a rural village in Siem Reap. Itis a pro bono initiative conceptualized and designed for thechildren of rural Cambodia. With the creation of this learningspace, underprivileged communities will be empoweredthrough education. Though small in scale, it is an incubator ofbig dreams for the children living in the project area. Studentscan use this library in all weather conditions, even during poweroutages. Despite its pure cube form, the library embracesthe entire site and complements other school activities.The design concept was to create an engaging library forchildren. The three cubes that form the library are movable accordingto users’ needs. When they are locked together, theypresent a linear library in the form of a shipping container; whenpulled apart, the library instantly transforms into a multi-purposespace, providing opportunities for teachers to conduct lessons inthe embrace of nature and promoting the arts through stagedperformances. Moreover, being easily replicable, the design introducesa new typology using locally available rattan material thatcan benefit many remote communities in the rural tropics.46

JURY CITATIONThe project is a brilliant idea nestled in a primary school area accessible any timefor the children as an incubator of great hope. The design concept of the library isto discover a low-cost, mobile, easily-built prototype to serve the primary schoolsin undeveloped regions. The design itself considered the nature of kids and thedimension, arranging the limited space with different sizes of cubes vertically,encouraging fun learning and active use of the space. Although fabricated offsite,the library is orientated to fit in harmoniously with the school playground,classrooms, and surrounding greenery.47


The project is a brilliant idea nestled in a primary school area accessible any time

for the children as an incubator of great hope. The design concept of the library is

to discover a low-cost, mobile, easily-built prototype to serve the primary schools

in undeveloped regions. The design itself considered the nature of kids and the

dimension, arranging the limited space with different sizes of cubes vertically,

encouraging fun learning and active use of the space. Although fabricated offsite,

the library is orientated to fit in harmoniously with the school playground,

classrooms, and surrounding greenery.


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