Architecture Asia Special Issue - ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2020

Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture


HONORABLETable-Landscape: Plot B4,MENTIONVanke Design CommuneB-1Public Amenity:Commercial BuildingsArchitect:NODE Architecture &UrbanismLocation:Shenzhen, ChinaThis project entails a semi-propositional, experimental, underground development complex.The ground level is reserved for a public green area, while the underground level may be usedfor setting up creative offices and public service facilities to form a unique creative community.Defining spaces through structures, the design is a tribute to classical historical structures. Thediverse forms of the thirty-one buildings reflect six common structural systems: the core anda beamless floor, a frame structure with an ordinary slab, a non-covered colonnade, a shearwall and beamless floor, single-point support and beamless floor, and multi-point support andbeamless floor. They present a varied and fascinating table-themed view at multiple levels.JURY CITATION: The project provides an interesting solution for the design of urban publicspace, in which the functional space was moved to the underground level while the groundlevel space was left for the public. Voids and sunken squares are applied to introduce naturallight to the offices, at the same time enriching the spatial experience. As an experimentalproject, it would be great to see more actual functional space for public activities rather thanpure greens and landscapes.34

B2Public Amenity:Resort BuildingsGOLD WINNER1+1>2 Architects (Vietnam)HONORABLE MENTIONCHEN Xiawei (China)YUAN Ye (China)GOA Group of Architects (China)35


Table-Landscape: Plot B4,


Vanke Design Commune


Public Amenity:

Commercial Buildings


NODE Architecture &



Shenzhen, China

This project entails a semi-propositional, experimental, underground development complex.

The ground level is reserved for a public green area, while the underground level may be used

for setting up creative offices and public service facilities to form a unique creative community.

Defining spaces through structures, the design is a tribute to classical historical structures. The

diverse forms of the thirty-one buildings reflect six common structural systems: the core and

a beamless floor, a frame structure with an ordinary slab, a non-covered colonnade, a shear

wall and beamless floor, single-point support and beamless floor, and multi-point support and

beamless floor. They present a varied and fascinating table-themed view at multiple levels.

JURY CITATION: The project provides an interesting solution for the design of urban public

space, in which the functional space was moved to the underground level while the ground

level space was left for the public. Voids and sunken squares are applied to introduce natural

light to the offices, at the same time enriching the spatial experience. As an experimental

project, it would be great to see more actual functional space for public activities rather than

pure greens and landscapes.


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