Architecture Asia Special Issue - ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2020

Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture Winners of 2020 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture


The site and the old factory were conceived as a large vessel,and a “house within a house” design strategy was selected tobuild completely independent structures inside the main factorybuilding, thus creating a recognizable image at a humanscale. A notable equipment system was introduced to achievean economical and comfortable interior climate.The straight and transparent chambers in the "house withina house" running parallel in a north-south direction and exhibitingthe standard shape of a cross-section of an arch with asharp central point are the same in the outline but different inactual construction. One chamber has a purely white steel structurethat is charming, fashionable, and appropriate for displayingclothes. The other chamber, with a combined steel–timber structure,is a catering and multifunctional space designed to be comfortable.The broken, line-shaped wooden poles hanging aboveadd a sense of intimacy and stability.The main factory building uses natural ventilation as a firstdefense, creating the initial environment, while two newly-addedstructures have a modern ventilation system, constituting an independentand fully enclosed air-conditioned environment. Thissystem allocation not only solves functional problems but alsogives rise to a complete visual model that fully matches the spatialstructure.Two newly-added chambers occupy limited space within thisfactory building, and the vacant areas between them are filledwith sports and leisure facilities for both children and adults. Peoplemay feel like wandering in the street or in the urban squareduring leisurely visits.26

JURY CITATIONThe building is nicely designed and completed by converting an old factory intoa new modern shop with other public functions. The factory's old structure wasmaintained with new inserted two glass boxes of house-shape to emphasize thearea of commercial. Wooden timbers are embedded in the old steel structures,making the space more fantastic and attractive. Another very interesting conceptis to bring in the public facilities, such as the indoor playground and theactivity room, which not only serve the public but also help with the promotionof the cloth brand. Therefore, the shop in the middle is like a showcase to thepublic in general. The idea to combine public service with commercial activitiesleads to the question: how can public service as not only the government's dutyattract commercial investment under the profit-driven society? This projectmay have given a possible answer.27

The site and the old factory were conceived as a large vessel,

and a “house within a house” design strategy was selected to

build completely independent structures inside the main factory

building, thus creating a recognizable image at a human

scale. A notable equipment system was introduced to achieve

an economical and comfortable interior climate.

The straight and transparent chambers in the "house within

a house" running parallel in a north-south direction and exhibiting

the standard shape of a cross-section of an arch with a

sharp central point are the same in the outline but different in

actual construction. One chamber has a purely white steel structure

that is charming, fashionable, and appropriate for displaying

clothes. The other chamber, with a combined steel–timber structure,

is a catering and multifunctional space designed to be comfortable.

The broken, line-shaped wooden poles hanging above

add a sense of intimacy and stability.

The main factory building uses natural ventilation as a first

defense, creating the initial environment, while two newly-added

structures have a modern ventilation system, constituting an independent

and fully enclosed air-conditioned environment. This

system allocation not only solves functional problems but also

gives rise to a complete visual model that fully matches the spatial


Two newly-added chambers occupy limited space within this

factory building, and the vacant areas between them are filled

with sports and leisure facilities for both children and adults. People

may feel like wandering in the street or in the urban square

during leisurely visits.


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