Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, December, 2020

Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, December, 2020 - ISSN 2458-0198 ISSN-L 2458-0198 Founded in Constanţa, June 2020 The magazine appears in Romania editorial office Founding President Lenuș Lungu Director: Lenuș Lungu, Ioan Muntean Deputy Director: Paul Rotaru Technical Editor Ioan Muntean Covers Ioan Muntean Editor-in-Chief: Ion Cuzuioc Deputy Editor: Stefano Capasso Editorial Secretary: Anna Maria Sprzęczka Editors: Vasile Vulpaşu, Anna Maria Sprzęczka, Pietro Napoli, Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim, Zoran Radosavljevic, Suzana Sojtari Iwan Dartha, Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim, Destiny M O Chijioke, Nikola Orbach Özgenç

Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, December, 2020 - ISSN 2458-0198 ISSN-L 2458-0198
Founded in Constanţa, June 2020
The magazine appears in Romania
editorial office
Founding President Lenuș Lungu
Director: Lenuș Lungu, Ioan Muntean
Deputy Director: Paul Rotaru
Technical Editor Ioan Muntean
Covers Ioan Muntean
Editor-in-Chief: Ion Cuzuioc
Deputy Editor: Stefano Capasso
Editorial Secretary: Anna Maria Sprzęczka
Editors: Vasile Vulpaşu, Anna Maria Sprzęczka, Pietro Napoli, Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim, Zoran Radosavljevic, Suzana Sojtari
Iwan Dartha, Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim, Destiny M O Chijioke, Nikola Orbach Özgenç


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Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, 2020, December

Kamrul Islam


The moon and a shepherd

(Heard from my grandma at childhood)

A shepherd and his herds once

Lost the way home in fogs and drizzles.

The shepherd in the grave twilight

Losing the path, reached a brook,

In its blithe water quiet

and dusky

He saw the moon of his


Playing in the dust under

the summer’s wind.

Bewitched by the magical

light of that moon

He heard the bleating of a

goat he lost.

The night enshrouded the

whole nature

The moon disappeared but he heard

The bleating still but where he knew not.

The moon spotted on the sky with huge grass

The shepherd found the herds grazing on the


He searched for a voice to call the goats

But puzzled and the moon and the herds came


Took the shepherd to the vast grassy land of


Zehra Bajić Alić

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gazim kroz mahovinu

o' stope mi se vežu loze

iz džepova viri

rasporen mladež

kaplje niz listove

modre i hladne.

Ako bi ti trepnut znao

Ispraćam još jedan života dio

pakujem ga u tvoj odraz

ako bi ti samo trepnut znao

zarumenio bi mi se obraz.

Čuje se buka

u dubini nutrine

vri mi krv

nokti slomljeni sebe traže

kroz zrak bježi leptir

u krila će da mu mraz zađe.

Sve se tako vrti u krug

i ja se okrećem




čekam koraka tvojih pjesmu

pa da mi radosti podivljaju

očaj i bol zaspu.

Uvrćem sunce u daljini

štipam mu zalazak

prozirnom suzom

koliko još će da ih ode

u nepovrat

ja da ih gledam

prazninom .

year I, No. 6, 2020, December

ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

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