Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, December, 2020

Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, December, 2020 - ISSN 2458-0198 ISSN-L 2458-0198 Founded in Constanţa, June 2020 The magazine appears in Romania editorial office Founding President Lenuș Lungu Director: Lenuș Lungu, Ioan Muntean Deputy Director: Paul Rotaru Technical Editor Ioan Muntean Covers Ioan Muntean Editor-in-Chief: Ion Cuzuioc Deputy Editor: Stefano Capasso Editorial Secretary: Anna Maria Sprzęczka Editors: Vasile Vulpaşu, Anna Maria Sprzęczka, Pietro Napoli, Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim, Zoran Radosavljevic, Suzana Sojtari Iwan Dartha, Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim, Destiny M O Chijioke, Nikola Orbach Özgenç

Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, December, 2020 - ISSN 2458-0198 ISSN-L 2458-0198
Founded in Constanţa, June 2020
The magazine appears in Romania
editorial office
Founding President Lenuș Lungu
Director: Lenuș Lungu, Ioan Muntean
Deputy Director: Paul Rotaru
Technical Editor Ioan Muntean
Covers Ioan Muntean
Editor-in-Chief: Ion Cuzuioc
Deputy Editor: Stefano Capasso
Editorial Secretary: Anna Maria Sprzęczka
Editors: Vasile Vulpaşu, Anna Maria Sprzęczka, Pietro Napoli, Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim, Zoran Radosavljevic, Suzana Sojtari
Iwan Dartha, Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim, Destiny M O Chijioke, Nikola Orbach Özgenç


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Taifas Literary Magazine No. 6, 2020, December

Apu Mondal


Little bit of grass

E-acel moment în care „Nu vă fie frică”,

pare-un îndemn făcut de-un om nebun...

Lumea aceasta FRICA o subjugă,

deci... „Nu vă fie frică!” azi vă spun.

I wonder how the plains

Would look without little

Bit of grass

And the cows would be

Puzzled to see how the

Food is gone

The wild flowers would

Be elsewhere with their


The trees would be bored

To their roots

Only the mountain would

Nod in disbelief

The birds would think


Nesting in grass green

Goodness, gone awry

And the dew drops


Roll down the boughs

To shine like diamonds

On a green landscape.

Eugen-Paul Popa


E timpu-acel...

E vremea să urcăm pe scara vieții

și nici o clipă să privim ‘napoi,

să nu mai regretăm greșeala tinereții

atâta timp cât ne-afectează doar pe noi!

E timpul să trimitem la culcare,

orice-amintire care din trecut

se tot desprinde, cu-ncăpățânare,

să reînvie tot ce ne-a durut.

E clip-aceea-n care nu oricine,

spiritual mai poate ține pasul

păstrându-și mintea și ființa vie...

E timpu-acel... ce nu-l măsoară ceasul!

Sameer Goel


live in peace or rest in pieces

a microbe imbricates every thesis...


spreading clouds on every dawn

sprinkling miseries, on and on and on...


wiping smile off every visage

spreading its reckless rampage...


life after life, so hanging in lurch

some hanging nooses on every birch...


an invisible enemy attacking from no man's


history witnessing an annihilation grand...


all those bipeds, now on their knees

seeking mercy, like devastated amputees...


faith is all that can really salvage

prevention now, an act of courage...


kneel before God, hands so folded

all our agonies, be now moulded...


an imbrication, we all so aspire

God's shield to prevent us from this fire...

year I, No. 6, 2020, December

ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

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