Internship Document - Idiom Design & Consulting Ltd

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Internship at

Idiom Design & Consulting

An Internship report submitted to

Department of Fashion Communication


In partial fulfillment of the degree of

Bachelor’s of design in Fashion Communication

Guided By

Prof. Vibhavari Kumar, PhD

Dept. Of Fashion Communication

Submitted by

Kokkadan Ashwin | FC - 7


Department of Fashion Communication

National Institute of Fashion Technology

Bengaluru - 560102



Kokkadan Ashwin



I Kokkadan Ashwin hereby declare that the Project, titled ‘Internship at Idiom Design &

Consultants’ is a record of original work undertaken by me for the award of the degree

of B.Des in Fashion Communication. I have completed this study under the supervision

of Dr. Vibhavari Kumar, Department of Fashion Communication.

I also declare that this project thesis has not been submitted for the award of any

degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other title. I hereby confirm the originality

of the work and that there is no plagiarism in any part of the dissertation.

Place: Bengaluru


Signature of the candidate

Kokkadan Ashwin




This is to certify that the Industry Internship titled ‘Internship at Idiom Design & Consultants’

is a record of work done by the student, Kokkadan Ashwin - BD/16/1041 as

a regular student for the degree of B.Des Fashion Communication during the period of

01/06/19 to 31/07/19, which represents as independent work and does not form the

base for any previous work.

Place: Bengaluru


Under the Guidance

Prof. Vibhavari Kumar, PhD

Chair Person - Foundation Programme

Department Of Fashion Communication

National Institute of Fashion Technology

Bengaluru - 560102.


(External Jury Member)


(External Jury Member)


(External Jury Member)


(External Jury Member)



The completion of my industry internship could not have been

possible without the participation and assistance of so many people

whose names may not all be enumerated but their contributions are

sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

I would like to express my deep appreciation and indebtness

particularly to the following:

My college mentor, Prof. Vibhavari Kumar, my industry mentors Ms.

Madhulika Umapathy & Nidhi Isaac for their endless support and

guidance in helping me finish my internship brief and giving me a

good idea about how the professional world works. I’d also like to

thank my family and friends who in one way or another offered their

support, and above all, to the almighty, the author of knowledge and

wisdom for his immense love.


Joining Letter



7 th May 2019






Dear Ashwin,

We are pleased to offer you an opportunity of internship at Idiom Design and Consulting

Limited, on the following terms and condition:

Duration of this internship will be 8 weeks commencing from 1st June 2019, comprising 40

hours a week. You will abide by all the general rules and regulations relating to working

hours, attendance, etc. as applicable to interns/trainees at Idiom.

You will be attached to one or more of our design teams at Idiom and will work on projects

as may be assigned to you from time to time by your Supervisor under whom you are


The entire work done by you during the period of this internship will be the property of

Idiom Design and Consulting Ltd.

During the period of your internship you may be required to have knowledge of or may have

access to certain documents, processes, information, data etc. related to the project

assigned to you or otherwise. You must maintain strict confidentiality on all such matters

and should not divulge the content of any such documents, processes, information, data

etc. to anyone during the period of your internship or thereafter. You will be required to

sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

The company will pay you a monthly stipend of Rs. 8000/- (Rupees Eight Thousand).

Relieving Letter



01 02

Company Profile Organisational Structure

03 04


Information Flow

05 06


Internship Project

07 08

Learning Experience Bibliography


Company Profile


Idiom Design & Consulting





5th October 2005

Joseph Chemmanur Hall, 1st Cross Rd,

Kalyan Nagar, Indira Nagar 1st Stage,

H Colony, Indiranagar, Bengaluru,

Karnataka 560038


Idiom was founded in 2005, to make design

thinking in India an integral part of business and

society. We’re a young, multidisciplinary design

company with experience across categories.

A design ecosystem of diverse professionals, with

an extended network of industry veterans and



080 4174 4700

We believe in solving complex business and brand

problems through simple, intuitive, integrated and

honest design solutions.


Brand Design

The brand lies at the heart of the consumer

experience, while also being the heart of any

organization. We design brands that embody

organizational vision and values, and connect

intimately with the consumer.

Culture Design

We apply principles of design thinking to help

organizations achieve cultural alignment by

actively practicing desired behaviors, leading to

internalization of values and beliefs.

Experience Design

We design spaces that impact behavior, combining

people needs, brand beliefs and business

objectives, across workspace, retail, institutions

and the community space.

Packaging Design

We leverage our understanding of the retail

environment, consumer behavior, sanctity of

brand & how it is expressed on the shelf, to design

packaging that marries system creation, visual

design & material innovation.

Service Design

We design services and systems that evolve

customer relationships from being functionally

satisfactory, to being emotionally fulfilling and


Design Thinking Programs

Design thinking is for everyone. We work to create

design thinkers, and design thinking capability

within organizations, through tailor made





Jacob Mathew


Jacob, a product designer trained at NID, works at

the intersection of Design, Business, Sustainability,

Capital and social Impact.

He co-founded consulting companies Tessaract and

Idiom Design, Dovetail Furniture in manufacturing,

The Design Store in retailing and Spring Health in

BOP services. Jacob worked with the first wave

of retailers like Levi’s, Weekender, Titan etc, and

continued to help create big organized retail

businesses like Big Bazaar, Central, Brand Factory

and Hometown too. As CEO of Industree Foundation,

Jacob leads the Creative Million mission to bring

a million women artisans into producer owned

enterprises over the next 10 years, building a multi

billion dollar “AMUL” of Creative Manufacturing. At

Srishti he leads the Impact Edge Lab which works

with students in their thesis projects and Impact

Entrepreneurship programs in Bangalore and Pune

bringing live projects and enterprise building into

the academic environment. Jacob continues to play

a mentoring role at Idiom and also advises several

start-up companies in addition to being a design

mentor to the Future Group.

Runjhun Pancholi


Nidhi Isaac

Design Director

Madhu Umapathy

Graphic Design Head

Nishant Wazir

Space Design Head

Design & Research

Design Studio

Space Design

Vasav Varun


Sreenivasan A

Studio team

Sreenivasan A

Studio team

Pooja Muguraya


Santosh M

Studio Team

Santosh M

Studio Team

Ashwin Kokkadan

Design Intern




Graphics & Branding

This department handles majority of the work in

Idiom. All the branding/rebranding, packaging,

design thinking, and other similar projects falls

under this department

Space Design

This department handles all the space design

projects that comes to Idiom. This majorly comprises

of designing space & experience. In bigger projects

both the departments in Idiom work together on

developing service designs or rebranding the store


Design Studio

This departments handles any labor intensive

design work while the rest of the team moves

forward with strategical and research oriented



Information Flow


Design Director

Budget planning

with the team

First Milestone

Payment (50%)

Project Approval

Client Meeting

Creative Brief



(Concepts & Variations)

Iterations on

selected concepts


Client Meeting

(Design Presentation)

Client Meeting

(Design Presentation)




FInal Payment


Design Handover








Brand Factory


Kochi Metro


Big Bazaar

Commonwealth Games


0Cochin International





Manipal Museum of Anatomy

& pathology




Internship Projects

01 Rebranding Project

Competitor Analysis Consumer Analysis Developing Persona Naming workshop

Visual Identity Interviews

Motivation Generating Keywords

Brand culture Surveys

Aspiration Word coining




02 Repositioning & UIUX

Market Analysis Repositioning Redesigning Future Pay

Visual Identity

Brand culture


Loyalty Programs


Brand Culture

Developing strategies

Redesigning service

Proposing designs

03 Package design

Market Analysis Brand Values Information Design Visual Design

Visual Identity

Package Design

User Experience of

Box & pouch

Placing information




04 Other Projects

Service Design Designing Diary Designing Animated



“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing

noise they make as they go by.

-Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

01 Re-branding Project


This project was about re-branding 3 different

brands acquired by Future Groups under its

brand ‘Tathastu’. We were to do consumer

research, competitor analysis, develop persona

for the brand and then rename it. This was the

initial stage before they begin they begin the

complete redesigning of the brand. It was very

crucial for the inital stage of the rebranding to

be approved by Mr. Kishor Byani, founder of

Future Groups.


Competitor Analysis

• This is the competitor analysis we did for major competitor brands like

Paytm, PayU, Adyen, PineLabs, Paypal, Ola Money.

• We did an extensive amount of research on these visual identity,

communication strategy, brand architecture and their major touchpoint

• Right after finishing off with The competitor analysis we decoded the

major findings and commonalities between all these brands to draw a

pattern from their identity and communication strategies.

• After this we moved on to the consumer analysis section.

Research on Apple Pay & Google Pay


Research on PayTM

Research on other similar brands


Consumer Analysis

• After understanding the competitors we started researching the potential users and

trying to figure out their pain points and needs.

• So we interviewed people of specific target age group based on a questionnaire we

prepared. Then I made a transcript of the interview.

• This led us to develop insights from multiple personas so that we can compile them

to build our brand persona.

• Then we went ahead to decode some of the key insights that we got from the

people we interviewed. These insights tell us a lot about various parts of their

characteristics like their aspirations, frustrations, fear, motivation, etc.

Consumer Analysis: Ekta


Consumer Analysis: Nandini

Other Consumer Analysis


We also sent out fun questions throughout our office and then cluster

them into different groups based on the nature of the response.

Developing Persona

Based on all the insights we got from the interviews and consumer

needs we started brainstorming and developing our brand persona

whom our brand will cater to.


These are the basic structure and qualities of the persona we

built. These set of qualities and characteristics will be taken into

consideration when we design further for the brand.

Naamkaran (Naming Workshop)

Once the basic structure of the brand was

ready we began the naming workshop. The

naming exercise started from collecting

name themes from the extensive research we

did the previous week. Then we developed

words from those theme which then was

translated into multiple different languages.

At this point we had a lot of words. We did a

team voting session to pick interesting words

from the large list. The selected words were

then were added and subtracted with each

other to produce names of coined meanings.

Finally the list of names that we generated

was again presented for a team voting. The

selected ones gets presented to the client


We were researching on possible names in different context that we came up from the brand persona

This was from one of the naming sessions


• This was arguably the major project I worked on during the span of my internship. I

learned a whole variety of research techniques and the efforts that goes into building

a brand in its design aspect from scratch.

• The research phase was gave us some really interesting facts and topics to further

dig into. This resulted in developing deeper insights to keep in mind while developing

our brand.

• The naming process took a while to get approved since there were some difference

of interest between partners of the aquired brands. After approval of the names

Idiom is supposed to move further down on the brand design process and complete

the process.


“We often miss opportunity because it’s

dressed in overalls and looks like work

- Thomas A Edison

02 UI/UX Project for Future Pay


We pitched some UIUX ideas for the Future Pay

app and got a complete project to reposition

the brand and redesign the service ideas for the

3 year old mobile app. The brief was to research

about the competitors and analyse the current

functional aspect of the app to the user and to

propose how to reposition the brand to make

it more user centric and provide improved

functional benefits rather than just an offercentric



Market Analysis

We started off with researching on competitor brands in terms of visual identity,

brand culture, communication strategies, loyalty programs ,their product user

interface and app structure.

Here are few snippets from the research:

Studying the brand culture and loyalty program

Studying the Product structure and offerings



‘Siri for Future Group’

This was what we came up with after the brand design. We wanted to reposition Future

Pay from an offer only app to an advisor role for the customers. We wanted to bring in

more loyalty from the customer side and we knew that providing offers just not do that

job. We needed the app to have more of a functional value to the customer.

We developed a brand star as

part of repositioning the brand

Then we developed a Hoffstede’s cultural dimension

model for our brand.


Redesigning Future Pay

We started with understanding the current app and then comparing it with the

studies we did previously to develop strategies for the new design and service

ideas. Then we started placing things into the user interface and experimenting with

information design. Then we proposed the wireframes to the client for approval.

We divided the user journey into 4 sections:

Discover: The app helps you discover upcoming

events, offers, cash-backs, etc. in the store. We also

proposed the idea to bring in product availability

and map into the discover section.

Plan: This is the new and main section where we

are changing/upgrading the functionality of the

app. We wanted to introduce features like keeping

track of monthly expense and showing a detailed

view of how much the customer has spent in what

all categories throughout the future retail stores.

We also wanted to allow them the flexibility to set

expense limits etc. to help them keep a check on the

buying behaviour and limit them. Apart from that

features like linking family members and viewing the

overall expense, sharing money, etc. was discussed

Shop: This is about how the app can be beneficial

to the users during shopping. We proposed plans

about how the app can show where a particular

product/brand is located in the store so as to allow

more time efficient shopping. Along with this users

could scan a product to show more details and

offers linked to that particular product.

Pay: This is where the user loads money, checks

wallet balance and cash-backs, sends gift cards, etc.


These are all services that we proposed the app

can deliver to the user to improve its functional

benefit to the user at all stage of useage and not

just during the billing stage


• This project helped me learn about new brand design tools like

the brand star and Hoffstede’s brand culture rings.

• The project is supposed to go on along with an other UIUX design

agency we partnered with to parallely complete the branding,

service design and the redesigning of the app.

• My journey witht eh project ended here with the approval of many

of the service ideas by the client and some further iterations on a

few of them.


“That’s when I first learned that it wasn’t enough to

just do your job, you had to have an interest in it,

even a passion for it.

- Charles Bukowski

Current product packaging sold in the rural market

03 Packaging Design


This project was about designing package for a

start up selling natural bio degradable sanitary

napkins. The brand until now was functioning in

the rural market and wanted to enter the urban

cities and hence required a new look for their

product packaging. I did this project along with

my design mentor and the studio team.


Anandi, is India’s first Govt. of India Lab certified

100% compostable, high quality sanitary napkin

available in the low-cost market which provides

women and girls in rural villages and urban slums

a more environmentally sustainable solution.

Currently, the compostable Anandi pads sell for INR

40 for a pack of eight.

The use of sterilized, disposable sanitary napkins,

such as Anandi, prevents infections, illnesses, the

spread of diseases such as cervical cancer, and

labor complications, all of which claim thousands of

lives each year.

Anandi is a registered brand name of Aakar

Innovations Pvt Ltd.


Market Analysis

We studied the current market of natural/biodegradable sanitary napkins. Brands

like Carmesi, Nua, Rael, etc. were on our list. To our surprise we found a strong

pattern in the packaging style of these product - Luxury & Minimal.

Most of these products positioned themselves for an upper middle class and

above working women. The problem was that they all look fairly similar with the

all minimal white luxury look. Anandi didn’t want to position them in that class. We

rather wanted it to stand out from this crowd and do something to maintain a good

recall value.

Brand Values

Anandi promoted themselves with 3 key points:



~100% Compostable

Many women are not able to use

sanitary napkins due to the high

costs of commercial brands. One

pack of 8 compostable Anandi

pads sells for INR 30 and the

profit margin is returned to our

women entrepreneur

Due to Aakar’s mission to set up

production units in rural villages

and urban slums, Aakar’s dedicated

workers and women entrepreneur

are able to produce and

distribute Anandi pads throughout

their own villages and homes

breaking the accessibility barrier.

The compostable Anandi pad is

produced with locally sourced

agriwastes. It is fully compostable

and aimed at solving

rural and urban disposal issues

all while ensuring environmental


Information Design

We started off with designing and prototyping the package.

Anandi strongly stood for sustainability. And we wanted it to reflect on the packaging as well. We realised

that most of these cases are thrown away after use and hence we wanted to push people to use the case.

This bought us with the challenge of how to make the product case still useful even after the product has

been used.

So we came up with the idea of dividing the packaging into an inner case and outer case/lid. The outer

case essentially involves all the product details and graphics while the inner case can simply box with a

beautiful print on it.


After this my mentor along with the client and the studio team designed and

developed the content. This content was placed on the package while I was assigned

to work on the graphics and icons required for the packaging.

Prototype of the packaging

Vector infographics I developed to

instruct the user about the cycle of

the product. The design was made in

a silhouette of the pad.

This is a vector illustration made by me

for the product feature description.

This is a icon graphics I made for the

front cover of the product.


Here’s a structure of the package and rendered sample of how

the product will look like.

Got a little extra appreciation

for my efforts from the team.


• This was a really interesting project and a collaborative effort of

Idiom’s Design Director - Nidhi, Design Head - Madhu, Me, our in

house Illustration Studio artist Santosh and Srinivas.

• The project was completed in a single working day and we all

got appreciated for the efforts as the client really appreciated our


• The product was launched in Mumbai on 16th June 2019 with Miss

World and Miss India as the chief guests


“Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest


-Anne Wilson Schaef

04 Other Projects

Service Design

Idiom designs conducted a design workshop with Mahindra groups and came up with 3 service ideas. We

were further asked to develop the ideas into a practical and viable business plan for them.

I was part of this project for a short duration where I helped in the market analysis and service idea planning.


I also joined in the project during the

naming workshop.


Designing Diary

This was another small project I did with the Design-Head of Idiom to design

a note-taking diary for the guests of an upcoming event. The challenge was to

make the layout as minimal and clean as possible and understanding the user

and how the will be using the material. The cover design was inspired form the

logo of Learning Cafe (The event organiser) which was two talk bubbles intertwined

to each other.

Inner Pages

Designing Animated infographics

I was assigned to develop a short mailer/social media animation for the company’s

previous projects.

The project I worked on was about Idiom’s service

design project for BB Genxt. The process started

with initially understanding the whole project and

how it happened. The whole process was noted and

then simplified down because the message had to

be short and simple. Once the information was prepared

I started working on Adobe XD to design and

animate it.


This is some frames from the infographics



Learning Experience

Summer Internship at Idiom was something

that sadly had to end. I loved everything

about the company. I respect the fact that

although there is a hierarchy of position everyone

works together next to each other. Lunchtime was a

favorite part of my day where we all sit together and

discuss politics, science, and philosophy. I realized

how it is important to share and communicate

information with your coworkers. Apart from work

we also had a short evening game session where we

would go and play foosball. It takes away all that

sleepiness that comes from rigorous work.

After working here for 2 months I discovered newer

area of interest apart from UI/UX. I learned that I

was more inclined towards the research aspect of

design and I do well at it. Yet I got to learn a lot

from the team about how a particular project is

handled and about the most efficient design tools

that we use on a daily basis. Working with people

that have been in the industry for many years was

an amazing opportunity for me to network. They’ve

already been offering me projects to take care of. I

believe these contacts will be really useful for me

in the future. Time management would be another

important learning experience for me. Every week

was scheduled and deadlines were set. With proper

efficiency and time management, I was surprised

how much more productive I was while working in

an actual work atmosphere.

Some might think it’s crazy but if there’s one

thing I’d like to remind myself is that money is not

everything. I learned a lot here, I made a really

good network, had a loving group of coworkers

including our founder, had interesting activities and

discussions throughout the internship. And I now

know for sure that I would never have missed out on

this for a higher paycheck. I’d like to prioritize the

work environment before the pay because in the

long run, having a good lifestyle, work habits and

people around you is more important.



Idiom Design Imagery



Anandi product Imagery





Department of Fashion Communication

National Institute of Fashion Technology

Bengaluru - 560102

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