Graduation Project - Quiph

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“QTalk - Reinventing Phone Calls”

A Project submitted to

Department of Fashion Communication


In partial fulfillment of the degree of

Bachelor’s of Design in Fashion Communication

Guided by

Dr. Vibhavari Kumar, Professor

Department of Fashion Communication

Submitted by

Kokkadan Ashwin Sathisan


Department of Fashion Communication

National Institute of Fashion Technology

Bengaluru - 560102


Copyright ©2019-2020

Student document publication meant for private

circulation only. All rights reserved.

Bachelor of Design, Fashion Communication, 2016-


National Institute of Fashion Technology,

Bengaluru, India.

No part of this document will be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means including

photocopying, xerography, photography, and

videography recording without written permission

from the publisher, Kokkadan Ashwin Sathisan, and

National Institute of Fashion Technology.

All illustrations and photographs in this document

are Copyright ©2019-2020 by respective people/


Edited and designed by

Name: Kokkadan Ashwin Sathisan

Email: ashwin.1@nift.ac.in, okayashwin@gmail.com

Processed at -

National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)

HSR Layout, Bengaluru - 560 102

Karnataka, India


Printed digitally in Bangalore, India.

August 2020



I Kokkadan Ashwin hereby declare that the project, titled ‘QTalk’ is a record of original work undertaken by me

for the award of the degree of B.Des in Fashion Communication. I have completed this project under the supervision of

Dr. Vibhavari Kumar, Professor Department of Fashion Communication.

I also declare that this project thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship,

fellowship, or another title. I hereby confirm the originality of the work and that there is no plagiarism in any part of the


This is to certify that the graduation project titled ‘QTalk’ is a record of work done by the student,

Kokkadan Ashwin Sathisan - BD/16/1041 as a regular student for the degree of B.Des Fashion

Communication during the period of 23/12/19 to 30/04/20, which represents as independent work and

does not form the base for any previous work.




Place: Bengaluru

Date: 17/07/2020

Signature of the candidate

Kokkadan Ashwin


Under the Guidance

Dr. Vibhavari Kumar, Professor

Chair Person - Foundation Programme

Department Of Fashion Communication

National Institute of Fashion Technology

Bengaluru - 560102.


(External Jury Member)


(External Jury Member)


(External Jury Member)


(External Jury Member)


That’s the formal word for the kind of thank you’s I have in

mind. I deeply appreciate the assistance, help support and

guidance of numerous people.

NIFT, for all the education on design and life, and for being

a place where I got to discover myself.

All my faculties at NIFT who were always kind and patient.

For all their teachings and inputs along with various steps

of my life during the period of my course. Especially to the

ones who were always supportive of whatever we wished to

explore and for letting us venture out.

Prof. Vibhavari Kumar, for being a mentor and a mother

to me and all her students. The perfect listener and a great

teacher. For being a very understanding person, many

excellent observations, and for all the career advice and

guidance towards the completion of my graduation project.

Quiph, for offering me this opportunity to be a part of

their company and this project. And for providing a warm,

healthy, and comfortable environment for me to work. And

giving me room to voice my thoughts and explore my ideas


Advaith for being a kind friend and a person to discuss the

future of my career. Faisal, Suhas, Naveenchandan, and

Siddhant for making working with them seem like an

evening off.

All my friends and batch-mates at NIFT, who have

contributed to my growth and learnings with their stories

and experiences. And ofcourse my friends circle in college

also known as Magas - Fiona, Rhea, Rohit, Niharika &

Vaishali. Especially for helping me stay sane with all their

fun video calls and entertainment sessions during the Corona

Virus lock-down.

Mom, Dad, and Sister for all the love. For providing me

space and freedom to explore and grow. For always being

supportive of my decisions.

My housemates in Bangalore for their warmth, stories, and


Eminem, NF, Logic, Macklemore, Ed Sheeran, Tame

Impala, Imagine Dragons, Kodaline, When Chai Met

Toast, Illenium for the music they have created.

Mr. Sagar Modi (CEO & co-founder of Quiph), for his

invaluable inputs along the way. His respect for design,

thoroughness, and empathy towards users are truly inspiring.

For mentoring me with utmost patience, conversations

with him were always immensely insightful and thoughtprovoking





National Institute of Fashion Technology

Department of Fashion Communication

The Workplace: About Quiph


Joining and relieving letter

Project Timeline

Design Framework










Incoming Call


Call Intent


Incoming Call Animation


Call History


Caller ID


Animation Switcher


Web-share splash screen


User Survey


Hall of changes

Learning Experience










I have always been fascinated by what computers enabled you

to do. Back then, and even now. It all began with drawing

stick figures on Microsoft Paint when I realized this is the

environment I want to make my home.

Having used a ton of software since then, I’d always imagine

how a piece of feature or software would look if I changed

a few things, how some things were not convenient to work

with if there’s an option to solve the issue? I was always

exploring new things, and finding out hacky ways to get

through and reshape what I was given. Little did I know this

could be my profession and area of expertise in years to come.

Initially, I didn’t know what it was to be a designer, what’s the

point in making things pretty. What impact can you possibly

have? These were questions I wanted answers to and what I

learned with time was simple; yet complex. Design is not just

about making things pretty. Designs have an influence. It

can manipulate. The future of our global society relies on the

design decisions we make today.

There an emergence of a

more caring and design aware

21 st century society. This has

led to enormous changes in

the world of design. There

is a value for better visual


Experience Design is what I have handpicked for myself after

experiencing and working along in various multidisciplinary

fields of communication design.

Why do people often go to computer systems? They want

you to make them feel things, they want it to be part of their

emotions. Talking to your loved ones on a video calling app,

or playing a game on your smart-phone, all of this involves

you feeling something towards the product.

Emotion is part of being human. And this is not a new thing.

In fact, within the user interface community in ISO 9241

(originally published in 1998) it talks about 3 crucial issues

in the user interfaces. One of them being ‘Satisfaction’ - Does

it make you feel good? Does it make you happy when you

use a piece of system or software?. This was often ignored

or missed in the past, but now the tables have turned. It has

perhaps become the most important.

Experience clearly matters

And I’d like to be someone who is in the game of designing

and delivering them to users. I want to do this by designing

digital products that meet the user’s needs, are efficient in

functioning, and also more importantly satisfy the user.

So when I got an offer for Graduation Project from Quiph,

a well-funded startup in the heart of Bangalore, I was more

than excited to take it up.

The first meeting with the team & the product itself

reinforced the fact that they were building a product with

a scalable potential in the current market along with user

experience and designs that are well thought and polished.

Designing and revamping a very promising product with

new features and visual design is what kept my inspiration

up. With every build, I could see my designs coming to life

and that real users are going to experience my work on their

devices. And that was all I needed to know.










राष्ट्रीय फै शन प्रौद्योगिकी सं स्ान

Set up in 1986, NIFT is the pioneering institute of fashion education in the country and has been in the vanguard of

providing a professional human resource to the textile and apparel industry. It was made a statutory institute in 2006 by an

Act of the Indian Parliament with the President of India as ‘Visitor’ and has full-fledged campuses all across the country.

Over the years NIFT has also been working as a knowledge service provider to the Union and State governments in the area

of design development and positioning of hand-looms and handicrafts.

Source: www.nift.ac.in

In the ever-growing world of fashion, the Fashion

Communication (FC) design program at NIFT happens to be

the single most cutting-edge, exciting, and increasingly essential

pathway to open up in the fashion and lifestyle industry. The

significance of brand identity has come to be seen on par with

what the brand sells i.e., the product. Numerous prêt and

luxury brands keep appearing in the Indian retail scenario,

and it has become essential for each one of them to develop

a unique brand identity for maximum impact and visibility.

Fashion Communication has made it feasible for these brands

to communicate their products, identity, and strategy, by

providing a platform for these very brands.

The Fashion Communication program primarily focuses on

four major domains i.e., Graphic Design, Space Design, Fashion

Media and Fashion Thinking, and the related genres of these

major areas, using hand and digital skills through knowledge,

application, and practice-based approach.

Source: www.nift.ac.in








The capacity of nuanced communication has been one of

humanity’s greatest evolutionary advantages and is likely to

be its biggest foreseeable constraint. We believe that anything

that important is worth solving.


To help people communicate more efficiently.


Voice-first mobile communication platform is a core

element of their strategy. But looking at the bigger picture

the company is aiming towards building an ecosystem of

products and services that work in harmony with each other

and solve various problems with offline communication too.












Project confirmation &

relieving letter


13 th November, 2019

Ashwin Kokkadan

Bengaluru, India

Ph: +91 97697 93844


12 th May, 2020

Dear Ashwin,

On behalf of Quiph Media Pvt. Ltd., I am pleased to offer you an internship as a Product Designer. We

believe that your skills will be an ideal fit for our Design department.

This is a full-time internship that will start on Monday, 23 rd December, 2019 and last for 4 months. Your

compensation during this tenure will be as follows:

• Stipend: INR 25,000 per month.

• Any work related expense pre-approved by us.

Your job description during this tenure will be as follows:

• Design and prototype interesting and functional interactions and transitions for the QTalk app.

• Work in unison with developers to understand the optimum balance between design and

technical feasibility.

• Gather feedback from users to continue iterating and improving the product.

• Stay on top of design trends on a day-to-day basis.

If you choose to accept this offer, kindly respond with a confirmation at the earliest. Feel free to ask for

any clarification or request additional information.

We look forward to working with you.


This is to verify that Mr. Ashwin Kokkadan was interning with us as a Product Designer from 23 rd

December 2019 to 30 th April, 2020.

During the internship, Ashwin was found to be extremely hard working, sincere and diligent with respect

to his work.

We wish him success in all his future endeavours.


Sagar Modi

Founder & CEO


Sagar Modi

Founder & CEO

Joining Letter

Relieving Letter






Project Timeline

The whole array of projects were executed in a span of 19

weeks. Revamping the interface, interactions, and experience

of Incoming Call was the major project during this period.

4 other projects listed below were also integrations of the

incoming call experience and hence have been depicted

flowing down to the base project after the individual projects

were approved. Apart from this, there were 2 other Individual

projects done one of which was to design an animation for

Qtalk’s web platform and the other being a page where users

can switch their default call screen animations.






Design Framework

Having a proper design process and framework is very

important when working as a team of designers, developers,

product managers, and other stakeholders. At Quiph, a

combination of design thinking, Lean UX, and Agile UX is


Design thinking helps to ensure that the solutions proposed

are researched and confirmed of increasing customer

satisfaction. This aims to bring a strong user-centered

approach to design.

With Lean UX we implement the right solutions and learn

and measure its impact from user response and feedback. We

assess if the new feature or service we have made available

to the users brings real value to them. This process helps us

reduce the product development cycle by making it easy

to execute a combination of business-hypothesis-drivenexperimentation,

iterative product releases, and validated

learning. The feedback and new ideas that we then receive for

a successful feature are then added to the product backlog list

which we execute in the next stage. Lean UX also works great

for us since our product plan and roadmaps are well defined.

In this stage, it is transferred to an Agile UX environment

which is an excellent way to incrementally deliver solutions

and iterations. This is done with the product backlogs we

get from the Lean UX phase and we plan design sprints to

implement those changes and then the sprint results are

reviewed. This cycle continues with the continuous inflow

of user feedbacks and reviews from the previous sprint which

enters the backlog list for the next sprint.

Most of the work I’ve done at Quiph exists in the Lean UX

and the Agile UX framework since the requirements were

already planned and were left for execution.








Incoming Call

Brief: To redesign the incoming call experience and

interaction based on market survey and user needs. The goal

was to provide users more control & choice right on the

incoming call screen.

Understanding Drupe (Competitor analysis)

Work Flow

The interface shown above is of “Drupe Caller’ an app that

exists as one of our rare competitors. Drupe currently comes

out as a very outdated app in terms of its UI and experience.

But there were still some aspects of Drupe that seemed to

have potential. One of them was the incoming calling screen.

The idea here is to have extra functions added to the primary

functions of accepting or rejecting a call dynamically based

on the user input. But the experience turned out to be

terrible as the user had to pull their fingers till the corners

of the screen to access those functions. This definitely can

be a result of poor user testing or gamifying the experience

too much. From the majority of the user’s POV, we believe

that a phone call is something people want to pick or deny

as easily as possible, as quickly as possible, and enhancing

that experience shouldn’t come with making them put way

more efforts than what is needed. So we wanted to welcome

this idea of being able to introduce sub-functions based on

a primary function and still keeping their user experience as

easy and simple as it is in any incoming call interactions out







Design Iteration 1

Design Iteration 2

Design Feedbacks

• The geometric path the users has to follow with this system

didn’t come out very convenient.

• So then we planned if we can keep the call button a freely

movable button which can activate functions when in

proximity of their respective functions

Design Feedbacks

• Making it too loose & free to move can cause a sense of

imbalance and uncontrolled behavior from the button

because users are used to having call buttons which has

a guided direction to follow.

• Its a big risk to change something drastically in the call

accept screen because it’s something very time sensitive

and the user should be able to pick up the call right

away without having to think much.






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Design Iteration 3

Design Iteration 4

We go back to design iteration 1 and re-iterate it to squeeze

out the minor convenience issue with the design.

Segments of Interaction

circle, it should have grown to a size where the small circle

now encompasses the call button completely with a small

extra space between them. This is valid for both the green &

red circle that depicts call accept or reject respectively.

3. User has the option to do a touch up gesture to simply

activate the primary function that they chose to go with

after which they are taken to the in-call screen or postcall

screen depending on their choice.

If they leave the button simply at the primary function (i.e.

Accept or Reject) or if they simply fling their finger up or

down then they are taken to the next screen based on the

function that they choose.

Follows a very intuitive straight guided path to perform primary function of accepting or rejecting a call. Add on features can then

be accessed through a curved finger movement, which is very natural for thumb movement.

This way we are eradicating the need to keep it very sharp and

geometric interaction and rather make it smooth and intuitive

while not making the button lose to be moved around freely,

but on an ergonomically designed finger movement. Our

initial logic was to track the x, y position of the user’s touch.

So till the accept/reject function, the system is checking for

the y-position and from there to the additional function, it

is tracking the x-position to decide where the button goes.

There were major usability issues with this method:

1. If the user drags his thumb to activate the button and

moves further in Y-axis while also moving through X-axis

then the sudden switch from the X-axis to Y-axis tracking

the button will quickly jump towards the X position of

users finger.

2. Alternatively, if we try to evaluate the movement with the

percentage of distance traveled on the Y-axis then the issue

is that if the user simply wants to accept the call and flings

upward then the button might move more distance than

it was intended to cover.

3. To solve this issue, more constraints have to be added to

tell the system if the user wants to go for the additional

function or not.

4. If the user goes too far away from the button then the

button should fall back to its initial state which will solve

the problem but will create a very bad experience for users.

Design Feedbacks

• The logic of this motion and path. Turns out its broken.

Though we can develop a feature that allows the button to

follow this path, the possibility where if the user changes

his mind to pick another option wasn’t considered in

this design. And when we do that we realize that its a

terrible option both in terms of design and feasibility of


• Along with this another question comes up about the

performance required to run such complex functions

on android phones. With such a wider array of market,

there are a lot of phones with really small displays and

slow hardware in which case this feature will crush the

Incoming call experience for users.

• We also realized that this design takes up a lot of space on

the screen and devices with smaller displays will really give

trouble to users.

1. User does a touch down gesture on the call button

At this stage, they are being given the control to move the

call button on the Y-axis till the accept or reject function

is reached. Before doing the touchdown function users are

provided with moving arrows to indicate the direction in

which they have to interact (along with colors to signify

accept or reject). At this stage, the call button also vibrates

up and down (Notice that the call button is unique for

every caller since it is the avatar of the user that shows up

as the call button). When they do the touchdown function

the arrows fade and two circles with only strokes activated

are shown in place of both the arrows. And the up & down

vibration on the call button stops.

2. User Slides up/down to accept/decline call respectively

When they slide up or down respectively, the circle towards

which the call button is progressing, grows at a rate that

when the call button’s center meets the center of the small

4. OR user gets secondary functions to access easily after

which they are taken to the in-call screen or post-call

screen depending on their choice.

• This is a special function that they receive if and only

if the user takes an effort to slide the button up/down

towards either of the functions with the strict condition

that their finger is also in the boundary range of the call


• If while swiping up or down their finger gets off track

from the bounds of the call button they won’t be given

with these functions.

• The only way to trigger this function is if the user’s finger

is in the bounds of the call button and the call button

has already reached either of the primary function.





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Laaasst caaalllleedd ooonn Thhurssddaaay





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Laaasst caaalllledd on Thurssddaaay







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• If they pull their finger up from a position where the call

button has reached the bounds of either of the Primary

function then the primary function gets activated,

regardless if the user’s finger is in the bounds or not.

If they pull their finger from any other position in the

vertical line without it reaching either of the primary

function then the call button is bought back to center and

the initial ringing screen animations will be played along

with the moving arrows. The same is valid if the user just

does a touchdown gesture on the button and then a touch

up without dragging anywhere.

• The only way to activate a secondary function is if users

fingers drag the call button and position itself in either of

the buttons. If users finger goes offtrack while dragging up

or down they won’t be provided with this option unless if

they choose to position their finger on the dotted green

boundary circle without pulling their finger up.

• Once the user gets access to the secondary function then

they have to drag their finger to left or right depending on

the function they want to activate. This movement doesn’t

have to be on a 100% ratio. The user should be able to

activate the secondary function easily by dragging their

finger relatively less distance.

• Once they cover enough distance to trigger the button it’s

color changes and has a white circle behind it to confirm

the selection.

• The user can choose either of the sub-function and pull

out or else even decide to not use either of the function.

This will happen automatically if the user pulls up from

anywhere in between both the secondary option and

outside their activate boundary.

• In a situation where the user gets the secondary option

and then if the drag their finger off track and ends up

crossing the delta/bleed area then they end up in the red


• The red zone is all the remaining area of the screen where

if the user’s finger reaches any of the secondary function

that’s been activated will be retracted back. They can only

have it back if the go back to the activated zone of the

respective primary function.

• Apart from this at all the selection stage a haptic-feedback/

vibration should be provided to inform their selection

non visually. These areas are when they touch down on the

button, reach accept or reject button, triggers a secondary


Design Iteration 5

Here I have made few changes in micro-animations &

bought more design consistency since its the final iteration

before development.

Segments of Interaction

1. User does a touch down gesture on the call button

All the conditions in iteration 4 along with these


The arrow design has been modified and made still to

adapt to the animated background (along with colors to

signify accept or reject).

3. User has the option to do a touch up gesture to simply

activate the primary function that they chose to go with

after which they are taken to the in-call screen or postcall

screen depending on their choice.

If they leave the button simply at the primary function (i.e.

Accept or Reject) or if they simply fling their finger up or

down then they are taken to the next screen based on the

function that they choose.

Else if the user holds the button there then right after

the shrink action from the previous stage the ring starts

blinking with a pulsating green/red animation based on

the primary function

The button also has a white border around it.

2. User Slides up/down to accept/decline call respectively

4. OR user gets secondary functions to access easily after

which they are taken to the in-call screen or post-call

screen depending on their choice.

Diagram explaining the boundaries to activate or deactivate secondary functions

All the conditions in iteration 4 along with these


The small green circle has a green fill color that is at 0%

opacity in the initial state and when it is at it’s maximum

size its at 50% opacity and when the button is triggered it

becomes 0% opacity. This is valid for both the green & red

circle that depicts call accept or reject respectively.

All the conditions in iteration 4 with an a subtle haptic

feedback that accompanies the trigger to let the user know

they have selected the option






Reject Subfunctions

Once the interaction was ready, the next requirement was to

design the card view for the two reject based sub-functions:

a. Reply with a message

b. Remind later


This is where the previous framework was used to make a bit

more solid version of the card. To create variations for the

designs, the ‘Remind later’ card was used and the final design

style can easily be reflected on the ‘Reply with a message’ card

as well.


In the earlier stage, a wireframe was developed to get an idea

about the feature requirements and elements to consider






Once the card design for ‘Remind later’ was finalised, the

design for ‘Reply with text was developed.

So for this, the program structure was changed in a way

that this particular panel stays there unless the user pushes

it away or press the send, save button. In this scenario, it was

important to consider if it still makes sense to show the red

screen with the incoming call details.

After quite a lot of discussions on different scenarios like the

repetition of calls back to back and similar edge cases, we

decided to simply notify the user subtly with a transparent

view that the incoming call has ended while still allowing

them to make their input.

UI that we chose to go forward with:

A contextual view of the card beign used while rejecting

someones call


Once we released this feature and user-tested the same in

real-life scenarios we found that quite a lot of time when the

user is writing a custom reply message or setting a specific

time and date for the reminder, the incoming call usually gets

rejected by itself. And when this happens their card would

also go away as it is a custom view activated on top of the

incoming call screen.

It was pretty clear that this can become an irritating part or

create frustration for the user.






Custom Notifications

Once the full-screen notification’s UI was ready the next step

was to design the custom notifications that appear when the

incoming call arrives when the user is using the device, or

generally when the phone’s display is on.


These are the final designs:

After proposing these designs with the developers we figured

that there were few limitations that android has set in terms

of designing the custom notifications.

Due to this a Proof of Concept (POC) was asked from the

developers regarding the below-given points:

1. Is it possible to have a custom height on the call UI card?

2. Need to confirm if all 4 buttons can be placed in the UI

3. Can we add moving elements for urgent calls, a long

intent that uses the masked rolling movement, or caller

ID details to this UI?

4. Can we add animations on the call accept or decline

button (Simple scale animation + Vibrate on the trigger)

Results from the POC respective to the above points:

1. It is not possible to have a custom height. The design has

to be in two height formats. They are: 1.) Compressed

view - 64dp height. 2.) Expanded view - 128dp height.

2. All 4 buttons can be placed in the UI.

3. Animations can’t be implemented in the UI so anything

that goes beyond the bounds will stay hidden.

4. Animations of any kind are not possible.

5. Cant have colored background elements, so the function

separator has to be removed after proposing these designs

with the developers we figured that there were few

limitations that android has set in terms of designing the

custom notifications.

The designs were the modified and finalised taking these

limitations into consideration

Compressed view - Incoming Call

Expanded view - Incoming Call

Compressed view - Incoming Call with intent

Expanded view - Incoming Call with intnet

Compressed view - Urgent Call

Expanded view - Urgent Call













Call Intents

Brief: We have recently shipped a feature where one Quser

can specify the intent of the call and the other Quser can see

the intent of the call while on the ringing screen. This helps

in cases where a person is calling for an urgent need.

So there’s a definite need to differentiate normal calls from

calls with special intents like ‘Urgent calls’ ‘Work calls’, etc.


How can we communicate emergency/urgency:

There are two stages:

1. Alert - Intended to grab people’s attention in an emergency.

(This stage is what’s important for us)

Understanding Alerts

1. Distinctly noticeable in the environment it is designed for.

2. Audible alerts should be very distinct from the background.

3. Visually flashing lights can shout for attention.

Work Flow

2. Warning/Informing - The message that follows after the


4. It is suggested to use 1 color for all kind of urgent messages

in an environment to avoid confusion

Image Credits: Sunyu Kim from Pexels

5. Visual alerts can also be provided. The literature has

reached a consensus on two main ways in which to provide

a visual alert before disseminating a warning message.

First, a signal word (e.g., “Alert”) can be displayed to let

occupants know that a visual warning message is to follow

(Dudek et al. 1978). The same research suggests that the

signal word, as part of a visual warning message, can be

displayed in a different color (then the warning message

and any other non-emergency messages posted prior)

to attract attention and ensure that occupants read that

signal word before any other information.

6. Additionally, a large amount of research in both fire and

other types of emergencies has found that flashing lights,

rather than static lighting can attract people’s attention to

an emergency (Nilsson and Frantzich 2004; Jin 2002).

Currently, many buildings are equipped with strobe lights

to attract people’s attention to a fire emergency in the

building. Strobe lights are especially useful for individuals

who are hearing impaired and/or cannot hear the fire

alarm or voice communication system.

Image Credits: Freepik

Image Credits: Freepik






Iteration 1

This was the first iteration where we concluded the important

information elements expected in this interface. So, in this

case, the first iteration serves as a rough wireframe.

Iteration 2

This is a much more fine-tuned version of the UI. Here I

have played with the positioning & layout of the UI. But we

also realized this, that the color red also collides with spam

calls. So we cant use urgent call priorities with the same color

scheme. It’ll confuse users.






Iteration 3

This iteration was developed after the update on the

background animation. And this is where it shows how we

can have a red or orangish background on the back for urgent

priority calls. And based on this I changed the UI colour

scheme for the call intent container.

Iteration 4

Here the contents are split into two hierarchy. This is because

as per user requirements that I’ve received, I’ve figured out

that there’s a lot more content that has to come into play in

the Incoming call screen. The problem with the same is the

visual clutter it’ll create if placed all together on the same

screen. For this purpose, we need to clearly define another

isolated area where a big set of information can stay. This

area on the top of the screen will be referred to as ‘Backstage’.

(a) (b) (c)

a. This is a version for to cater to the request of showing if there was any call history with any particular

incoming call.

b. This is a version where the same space can be flexibly used to show an urgent intent call.

c. This is the state of the previous screen when user pulls down the card. when they do that the intent

description is shown and hidden as soon as they leave it.













Incoming Call Animation

Brief: The user goal is simple. To make calls Visually more

prominent from a distance & help differentiate between call

intents. This is to be done by implementing strong colors

Work Flow

and bold patterns. The business goal on the other hand is to

attract new users into the app while they see it practically on

a friend/colleague’s phone.

Problem Analysis

• Handling strong animations become really tough because

it might definitely clash between the functions presented

in the screen.

• So in an ideal scenario the animations should not interfere

with the functional elements.

• What we require is a method to make calls prominent for

users visually. Along with this we want to build a Wow

factor in the ringing screen so that people will ask for the


• Can we achieve this with a different method is another

question. Or can we somehow eliminate the interference


Critical Observations

From looking at the calling action very carefully, we find that

we can divide the whole journey into a few steps:

1. Call Rings

• Strong Visual Cues

• Sound

• Vibration

• Affordance in UI

2. User Interacts

• High Affordance

• Vibration

• Clean UI

3. User Accepts/Rejects

• Cue of confirmation

• Transitioning to call


This began with a search for different kind of animations that

can look really appealing and serve the purpose at the same

time. I really got inspired from bold typography styles with

modern flat UI colours.






Developing Compositions

These compositions are made by using the font ‘Futura’ in an

abstract manner to spell out the company name - QTALK


To view the animation on Youtube, go to page 112


Right after developing these, I began animating the same

using After effects. The animations that were finally developed

using After Effects were converted to .json format to use it

as a lottie file animation which is easy to plugin inside an

android environment and also has various control over the



In this design as we have divided our user interaction into

3 segments the animation molds itself to work best for each


• When it is ringing, the priority is for the visibility of the

call even if the phone is on silent. The bright bold colors

help get visual attention of the user.

• The second stage is when the user acknowledges the

call. At this stage when the user picks up the phone to

accept/decline the call we can use the inbuilt proximity

sensor and gyroscope t tone down the animation into a

monochrome/Black&white version of itself to promote

high visibility and affordance of UI elements. This helps

reduce clutter or confusion for users while interacting

because of the loud animation. So at this state information

is prioritized over the aesthetic appeal. Additionally, at this

state, we will have phones vibrating at each goal that the

user achieves. For example, haptic feedback when the user

draws the call icon to the accept or reject boundary. And

another haptic feedback if they choose to select the further

sub-function on the Accept or decline options.

• The third state is simply the transition from the call

ringing screen to the in-call screen.






Social Media Survey

Right as we had a working prototype I did a quick survey

using Instagram to get a sense of public opinions and

reactions about the new feature and here are their responses.

Visual Improvement

We loved the response from them and decided to push

this feature and animation. But there were few tweaks and

adjustments to be done before. We fine-tuned the yellow

color in the animation to a bit more ochre/orange shade

so that it doesn’t affect the visibility of the white text UI

elements in the incoming call screen.

Performance Boost

This became more obvious as we shipped the feature into the

app and tested it on different devices. Mostly low-end devices

had issues playing the animation. There were frame lags and

the overall smoothness of the animation was stuttering. So

then I researched the cause for the same and how to optimize

the Lottie files. I found out two major points which decide

how performance heavy an animation is:

Based on this observation I recreated the whole animated

letterforms again as one single stroke and reworked on

the animation which gave us an optimized version of the

previous animation. The same was tested on multiple low

ends and high-end devices to confirm that it performed well

in all the devices.

1. The number of keyframe animation layers. (Still, layers

didn’t seem to be making an impact)

2. The number of objects being animated simultaneously.

Render graph of the initial .json file

Render graph of the optimised .json file






Building the Animation Library.

Since everyone loved this feature I started developing more

animations to populate the whole set of options available for

the users. This came with studying and understanding the

general category of wallpaper or animations uses would want

on their devices. Again based on a small survey done on the

major target age group of the app i.e Young adults, I made

a catalog of animations that we will have to develop for the


Other Animations

I developed a few more animations after this which you can

check out below.


To view the animation on Youtube, go to page








Call History

Brief: Call history context was one of the most requested

features that we came across during our user survey for the

incoming call and their expectations about how they want

their incoming call screen to serve them. This feature can

be implemented locally based on the data from the call log


Background Research

I started off looking around how a time of an event is

being shared in other commonly used social media and

productivity apps to get a better sense of what we as users are

more accustomed to.

Expected Scenarios

1. Incoming call from a number (that the user answered)

• The same day [Last incoming call: Today, 5:03 pm]

• Previous day [Last incoming call: Yesterday, 5:03 pm]

• Current week [Last incoming call: Thursday]

Work Flow

• Any date later than that [Last incoming call: 12/02/20]

Or [Last incoming call: 12th February 2020]

2. Missed calls from a number (calls that the user didn’t


• 8 missed calls in the last (Time Span)

• Time Span: Rounding off to the closest slot of time period

that is greater than the time taken from the first missed

call to the current time of the incoming call

3. Outgoing call to a number (that the call receiver


• The Same day [Last outgoing call: Today, 5:03 pm]

• Previous day [Last outgoing call: Yesterday, 5:03 pm]

• Current week [Last outgoing call: Thursday]

• Any date later than that [Last outgoing call: 12/02/20] Or

[Last outgoing call: 12th February 2020]

4. Outgoing calls to a number (that the call receiver didn’t


• 8 unanswered calls in the last (Time Span)






Output Format

1. Date

Last {Incoming/Outgoing} call: {Today/Yesterday/{‘Name of

the day if current week’}/{‘Specify date if that data is older

than current week’}}

2. Time Span

Defining ‘Current Time’, ‘First

Call’ & ‘Last Call’

When we get an incoming call from an unknown call or a

known caller, we reach to the log and search if there is any

previous history with this number. This can be an incoming

call, an outgoing call, a missed call, or an unanswered call. If

we get any of this particular category positive we decide that

we have to show call history in the incoming call.

Iteration On The Logic

• Implementing ‘Just now’ as the keyword for calls lesser

than 1 minute.

• Removing time details from calls older than one week

• Reformating the displayed date format into short form

(Earlier: 17th December 2020. Now: 17th Dec ‘20)

{‘Number of missed call’/’Number of attempted call’}

{Missed call/Attempted call} in the last {Time Span}

How {time span} works?

We divide time differences into various slots:

If {the first call to Current Time was in the last 45 minutes

(i.e: Less than an hour)}

• 8 missed calls in the last 5 mins

• 8 missed calls in the last 10 mins

• 8 missed calls in the last 15 mins

• 8 missed calls in the last 30 mins

• 8 missed calls in the last 45 mins

Else if {the first call to Current Time was in the present day

(i.e: Less than a day)}

• 8 missed calls in the last 1 hour

• 8 missed calls in the last 2 hours

• 8 missed calls today (If it’s under 24 hours, beyond 2

hours - but in the present day)

Else if {the first call to Current Time was in the current year}

• 8 missed calls in January

• 8 missed calls in February

• 8 missed calls this year (if distributed across months)

Else if {the first call to Current Time was in the previous


• 8 missed calls in December

• 8 missed calls in November

• 8 missed calls in October

• 8 missed calls last year (if distributed across different

months or if last missed call is beyond the last quarter of

the year)

Current Time is simply as it says the time when the user gets

the incoming call (Get as in not accepting the call but just

when the phone rings.)

Last call works in the context of presenting the incoming

call and outgoing call time. It also works to get a positive on

the Missed call or unanswered call category. ‘First call’ makes

sense when we get a positive on the missed call category or

the unanswered call category while getting the ‘last call’ data.

Identifying First Call

1. Analyze if the last call is a missed call or an unanswered

call, if not then it’ll automatically check if it was an

outgoing or an incoming call.

2. If no then we don’t define first call.

3. If it turns out positive for missed or unanswered calls then

search backward in time to get a count of the same type

of call performed consecutively to that number or from

that number.

4. 4. Search until the chain of consecutively the same kind of

call breaks. Once the condition breaks, the previous call

that proved true to that condition becomes the ‘first call’

Further changes in discussion

• If to get rid of the ‘unanswered call’ distinguishing between

an outgoing call that was received vs the one that wasn’t


• If we are continuing with the ‘unanswered call’ feature

then we will have to change the term since it is confusing

for the user (doesn’t communicate enough of what it


• 8 missed calls since yesterday (if the calls are under the

last 23 hours but split between midnight of yesterday and


Else if {If the first call to Current Time was in the current


Example explaining the order of priority:

1. Anuruddh calls Sagar twice but he misses the call (In the

second incoming call Sagar sees his history as 1 missed call in

the last 5 minute)

• 8 missed calls since yesterday

• 8 missed calls since Thursday

2. Then Sagar calls Anuruddh but he misses the call (In the

incoming call Anuruddh will see his history as 2 unanswered

calls in the last 5 minute)

• 8 missed calls since Sunday

Else if {the first call to Current Time was in the current


3. Then Sagar calls Anuruddh again and then he picks up

(This time in the incoming call Anuruddh will see 1 missed

call in the last 5 minute)

• 8 missed calls since last week

• 8 missed calls this month (if distributed across different

weeks or if beyond two weeks)

4. Sagar calls Anuruddh later at some point that day

(Anuruddh will see Last incoming call Today: 6:00 pm)






foooorrr eeeveeerrryyooooneee Shhoooooww

Shhhoow ‘X mmiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeddd ccaaaallllllllllssssssss iiin ttthhheeeee lllllaaaassssssssttt 2 hhhoourr’

Eg: 8 mmiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeddd ccaaaallllllllllssssssss yyeeeeessssssssttteeeeerrdddaaaayy

SShoooow ‘X mmiiisssssssssssssseedddd cccaaaaaallllllllllllsssssss oooonn <ddddaaaaaayy_ooooff_ffiiirrsssssssttcccaaaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmiiisssssssssssssseedddd cccaaaaaallllllllllllsssssss oooonn SSaaaaaatturrddddaaaaaayy

Shhoooow ‘X mmiiisssssssssssssssseedddd cccaaaaallllllllllllssssssss oooonn <ddddaaaaayy_ooooff_ffiiirrsssssssstcccaaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmiiisssssssssssssssseedddd cccaaaaallllllllllllssssssss oooonn Thhurrssssssssddddaaaaayy

Shooww ‘X mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeddd cccaaaaallllllllllllllssssssss iiiiinn <dddaaaaay_ooff_ffiiiiirssssssssttcccaaaaallllllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeddd cccaaaaallllllllllllllssssssss iiiiinn lllllllaaaaasssssssstt wweeeeeeeek

Shhhooow ‘X mmmmiiisssssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiinnnccceee llllllaaaasssssssstttt mmmmooonnntttthhh’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiisssssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllssssssss llllllaaaasssssssstttt mmmmooonnntttthhh

Shhooow ‘X mmmiiiiisssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllsssssss iiiiinnn <mmmooonnntthh_oooff_ffiiiiirrrsssssssttcccaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmmiiiiisssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllsssssss iiiiinnn Feeebrrruaaaarrry

Shhooow ‘X mmmiiiiisssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllsssssss iiiiinnn <mmmooonnntthh_oooff_ffiiiiirrrsssssssttcccaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmmiiiiisssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllsssssss iiiiinnn Feeebrrruaaaarrry

Show ‘X mmiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccaaaaaallllllllllllssssssss llllllaaaaaasssssssstt yyeeeeaaaaaarr’

Eg: 8 mmiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccaaaaaallllllllllllssssssss llllllaaaaaasssssssstt yyeeeeaaaaaarr









Shhhow ‘X mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 55 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 55 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee

Shhhow ‘X mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 1100 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 1100 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee

Shhhow ‘X mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 1155 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 1155 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee

Shhhow ‘X mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 3300 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 3300 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee

Shhhow ‘X mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 4455 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiiiinnnn tttttthhheeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstttttt 4455 mmmmiiiiiinnnnuutttttteeeeee

Shhhhhooow ‘X mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiinn tttthhhhheeee llllllaaaasssssssstttt 11 hhhhhooouurr’

Eg: 8 mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiinn tttthhhhheeee llllllaaaasssssssstttt 11 hhhhhooouurr

Shhhhhooow ‘X mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiinn tttthhhhheeee llllllaaaasssssssstttt 1 hhhhhooouurr’

Eg: 8 mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccaaaallllllllllllssssssss iiiinn tttthhhhheeee llllllaaaasssssssstttt 2 hhhhhooouurr

Shooow ‘X mmiisssssssssssseedddd ccaaaallllllllssssss ttoooddddaaaayy’

Eg: 8 mmiisssssssssssseedddd ccaaaallllllllssssss ttoooddddaaaayy

Isss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaassstttttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Show ‘X mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeeeedddd ccccaaaallllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinncccceeeeeeee yyyyeeeeeeeesssssssstteeeeeeeerrddddaaaayyyy’

Eg: 8 mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeeeedddd ccccaaaallllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinncccceeeeeeee yyyyeeeeeeeesssssssstteeeeeeeerrddddaaaayyyy

Isss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaassstttttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 0?


SShoow ‘X mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedddd cccccaaaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnccccceeee <ddddaaaaaayy_ooff_ffiiiiirrssssssssttcccccaaaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedddd cccccaaaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnccccceeee SSaaaaaatturrddddaaaaaayy

Isss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaassstttttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Shhoow ‘X mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedddd cccccaaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnccccceeee <ddddaaaaayy_ooff_ffiiiiirrsssssssstcccccaaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedddd cccccaaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnccccceeee Thhurrssssssssddddaaaaayy

Isss ttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk diiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeetttttwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn ttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrsssttttt

cccaaallllllllll’’ & wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘lllllaaasssttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Showww ‘X mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeeeedd ccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinncccceeeeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstt wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk’

Eg: 8 mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeeeedd ccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinncccceeeeeeee llllllaaaasssssssstt wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk

Shhhhhooow ‘X mmmmiiiisssssssssssssssseedd ccaallllllllssssssss tttthhhhhiiiissssssss mmmmooonntttthhhhh’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiiisssssssssssssssseedd ccaallllllllssssssss tttthhhhhiiiissssssss mmmmooonntttthhhhh

Isss tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh diiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff

‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ & mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff ‘‘lllllaaassstttttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Shhhooow ‘X mmmmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinnnncccceeee llllllaaaasssssssstttt mmmmooonnnntttthhh’

Eg: 8 mmmmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeedd ccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinnnncccceeee llllllaaaasssssssstttt mmmmooonnnntttthhh

Isss tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh diiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff

‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ & mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff ‘‘lllllaaassstttttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Shhooow ‘X mmmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeedd cccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnnccccceeeee <mmmooonnntthh_oooff_ffiiiiirrrssssssssttcccccaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeedd cccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnnccccceeeee Feeeeebrrruaaaarrry

Isss tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh diiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff

‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ & mmmooooonnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff ‘‘lllllaaassstttttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Shhooow ‘X mmmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeedd cccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnnccccceeeee <mmmooonnntthh_oooff_ffiiiiirrrssssssssttcccccaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeedd cccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnnccccceeeee Feeeeebrrruaaaarrry

Isss ttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrr diiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeetttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn ttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrr oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrrrrsssttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrr oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaasssttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Show ‘X mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccccaaaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinncccceeeeee llllllaaaaaasssssssstt yyeeeeeeaaaaaarr’

Eg: 8 mmiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeeedd ccccaaaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiinncccceeeeee llllllaaaaaasssssssstt yyeeeeeeaaaaaarr

Shoow ‘X mmiiiiisssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllsssssss iiiiinn <yeeeaaaarr_ooff_ffiiiiirrssssssstcccaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmiiiiisssssssssssssseeedd cccaaaallllllllllllsssssss iiiiinn 2013


Callll hhistoooorrryy



















Inncominng Callll

CChhheeeck foorr tttthhheee CCallll hhhiissttttoorry Seeettttttttiingss

callllll hhisstooooorrry

Dooontt Shooow

ooooonnnnnllly fooooorrr uunnnnnknnnnnooooowwnnnnn nnnnnuumberrrss

Is thee caallll frroomm aannnnn

uunnnnnknnnnnoownnnnn nnnnnuummbeerr?

Annyy prrreeviiiioouusss hhhiiiissstttoorrryy wiiiittthhh ttthhhiiiisss nnuumbeerrr?


Geeetttt ttttheee llllaaasstttt caaallllllll deeettttaaaillllss

Issss iit aaaa Miisssssssseeedd caaaallllllll/unnaaaannssssweeereeedd Caaaallllllll?



Seeeeeeaaaaaarrrrccchhhhh ffoorrrr ttttthhhhheeeeee ssssaaaaaameeeeee ttttty peeeeee ooff cccaaaaaallllllllllllll unntttttiiiiiilllllll ttttthhhhheeeeee ccchhhhhaaaaaaiiiiiinn

brrrreeeeeeaaaaaakssss. Thhhhhiiiiiissss wiiiiiillllllllllllll giiiiiiveeeeee ttttthhhhheeeeee Fiiiiiirrrrssssttttt Caaaaaallllllllllllll’

Geettttttt ttttttthee ‘‘‘quaaaaantttttttiittttttty ooofff cccaaaaallllllllllllllsss’’(=X) fffrrooom ‘‘‘fffiirrsssttttttt cccaaaaallllllllllllll’’ tttttttooo ‘‘‘lllllllaaaaasssttttttt cccaaaaallllllllllllll’

Geettttttt ttttttthee aaaaatttttttee tttttttiimee ooofff fffiirrsssttttttt cccaaaaallllllllllllll

is X>1?


Issss tttttttthheeeeeeee ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee diiiiiffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn ‘‘fffiiiiirrrrsssstttttttt cccaallllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnntttttttt ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee’’ llleeeeeeeessssssss tttttttthhaannnnn 5 Miiiiinnnnnuutttttttteeeeeeee?


Issss tttttttthheeeeeeee ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee diiiiiffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn ‘‘fffiiiiirrrrsssstttttttt cccaallllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnntttttttt ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee’’ llleeeeeeeessssssss tttttttthhaannnnn 10 Miiiiinnnnnuutttttttteeeeeeee?


Issss tttttttthheeeeeeee ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee diiiiiffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn ‘‘fffiiiiirrrrsssstttttttt cccaallllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnntttttttt ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee’’ llleeeeeeeessssssss tttttttthhaannnnn 15 Miiiiinnnnnuutttttttteeeeeeee?


Issss tttttttthheeeeeeee ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee diiiiiffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn ‘‘fffiiiiirrrrsssstttttttt cccaallllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnntttttttt ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee’’ llleeeeeeeessssssss tttttttthhaannnnn 30 Miiiiinnnnnuutttttttteeeeeeee?


Issss tttttttthheeeeeeee ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee diiiiiffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn ‘‘fffiiiiirrrrsssstttttttt cccaallllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnntttttttt ttttttttiiiiimmeeeeeeee’’ llleeeeeeeessssssss tttttttthhaannnnn 45 Miiiiinnnnnuutttttttteeeeeeee?


Issss ttttttthhheeeeeeee tttttttiiiimmmeeeeeeee diiiiffffffeeeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeennnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeetttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnn ‘‘fffiiiirrrrrssssttttttt cccaallllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnttttttt tttttttiiiimmmeeeeeeee’’ llleeeeeeeessssssss ttttttthhhaannnn 1 hhhouurrrrr( 60mmm)?


Issss ttttttthhheeeeeeee tttttttiiiimmmeeeeeeee diiiiffffffeeeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeennnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeetttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnn ‘‘fffiiiirrrrrssssttttttt cccaallllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnttttttt tttttttiiiimmmeeeeeeee’’ llleeeeeeeessssssss ttttttthhhaannnn 2 hhhouurrrrr(120mmm)?


Iss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttttt

cccaaaallll’’ & ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennntttttttt ttttttttiiimeeeeeeee’’ 0?


Iss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttttt

cccaaaallll’’ & ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennntttttttt ttttttttiiimeeeeeeee’’ 1?


Iss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttttt

cccaaaallll’’ & ddddaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennntttttttt ttttttttiiimeeeeeeee’’ 2?


Iss tttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk diiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn tttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttt

cccallll’’ & wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennntttttt ttttttiiimeeeeeeee’’ 0?


Iss tttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk diiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn tttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttt

cccallll’’ & wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennntttttt ttttttiiimeeeeeeee’’ 1?


Iss tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh diiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff

‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttttt cccallll’’ & mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnnntttttttt ttttttttiiimmmmeeeeeeee’’ 0?


Iss tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh diiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff

‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttttt cccallll’’ & mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnnntttttttt ttttttttiiimmmmeeeeeeee’’ 1?


Iss tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh diiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff

‘‘fffffiiirrrrsstttttttt cccallll’’ & mmmmooooonnnnnntttttttthhhhh ooooofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnnntttttttt ttttttttiiimmmmeeeeeeee’’ 2?


Iss tttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrr diiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeennnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn tttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrr oofffff ‘‘fffffiiirrrrrrrsstttttt

cccaaaallll’’ & yyyeeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrr oofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeennntttttt ttttttiiimeeeeeeee’’ 0?


Iss tttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrr diiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeennnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn tttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrr oofffff ‘‘fffffiiirrrrrrrsstttttt

cccaaaallll’’ & yyyeeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrr oofffff ‘‘cccurrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeennntttttt ttttttiiimeeeeeeee’’ 1?


Isss ttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrr diiffffffffffeeeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeetttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn ttttthheeeeeeee yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrr oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrrrrsssttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrr oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaasssttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Shoow ‘X mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeedd cccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnccccceeeee <yeeeeeaaaarr_ooff_ffiiiiirrsssssssstcccccaaaallllllllllll>’

Eg: 8 mmiiiiisssssssssssssssseeeeedd cccccaaaallllllllllllssssssss ssssssssiiiiinnccccceeeee 2013


Callll Histtooory

Doooo noooott sshoooow Callll Hissttoooory




Doooo noooott sshoooow Callll Hissttoooory

Geeettt tttheee <tttypeee_of_callll>

Geeeeettttt ttttthheeeee tttttimeeeee & daattttteeeee of ttttthheeeee caallll

Isssss ttttttthhheeeeeeee tttttttiiimmeeeeeeee diiiffffeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeennnnccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeetttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnn ‘‘llllaaasssssttttttt cccaaallllllll’’ &

‘‘cccuurrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnttttttt tttttttiiimmeeeeeeee’’ lllleeeeeeeessssssssss ttttttthhhaaannnn 4 hhhouurrrrsssss?


Isss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaassstttttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Isss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaassstttttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 1?


Isss tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee ddddiiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeettttttttweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn tttttttthheeeeeeee ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrssstttttttt

cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ & ddddaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee oofffff ‘‘lllllaaaaaassstttttttt cccaaaaaallllllllll’’ 2?


Isss ttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk diiffffffffffeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeennccceeeeeeee beeeeeeeetttttwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn ttttthheeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘fffffiirrsssttttt

cccaaallllllllll’’ & wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk oofffff ‘‘lllllaaasssttttt cccaaallllllllll’’ 0?


Is ttthee <tttypee_ooof_ccccaaallllllllllll> =

Outttgggoooiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll/iiinnnccccooomiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll








Is ttthee <tttypee_ooof_ccccaaallllllllllll> =

Outttgggoooiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll/iiinnnccccooomiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll

Is ttthee <tttypee_ooof_ccccaaallllllllllll> =

Outttgggoooiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll/iiinnnccccooomiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll

Is ttthee <tttypee_ooof_ccccaaallllllllllll> =

Outttgggoooiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll/iiinnnccccooomiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll

Is ttthee <tttypee_ooof_ccccaaallllllllllll> =

Outttgggoooiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll/iiinnnccccooomiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll

Is ttthee <tttypee_ooof_ccccaaallllllllllll> =

Outttgggoooiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll/iiinnnccccooomiiinnnggg ccccaaallllllllllll

Shoow ‘Laaaaasstttt <ttttypee_oof_ccaaaaallllllllll>>:: <daaaaattttee_oof_lllllaaaaassttttccaaaaallllllllll>> , <ttttÇÃee_oof_ccaaaaallllllllll>

Eg:: Laaaaasstttt oottttgooÇÈg ccaaaaallllllllll:: )sstttt Maaaaa$ 20

Shooww ‘111 <ttttypeeee_ooff_cccaaaaaallllllllllll>>::: <ddaaaaaatttteeee_ooff_ffirrrsssttttcccaaaaaallllllllllll>>, <ttttiÃeeee_ooff_cccaaaaaallllllllllll>>

Eg::: 111 unnaaaaaannssswweeeerrreeeedd cccaaaaaallllllllllll::: 111ssstttt Maaaaaarrr 20











Shhhooooooow ‘<<ttttypeeeeee___ooooooofff___cccaaaaallllllll>>::: <<ttttiiiiimmmeeeeee___diiiiiffffffeeeeeerrreeeeeennnnccceeeeee>> hhhooooooouuurrr((ssss))/mmmiiiiinnnnuuutttteeeeee((ssss)) aaaaaggggooooooo’

Egggg::: Laaaaasssstttt iiiiinnnncccooooooommmiiiiinnnngggg Caaaaallllllll::: 2 hhhooooooouuurrrssss aaaaaggggooooooo

Shhhoooooow ‘11 <<tttypeeeeeee___oooooofff___cccaaaallllllll>>::: <<tttiiiimmmeeeeeee___ddiiiiffffffeeeeeeerrreeeeeeennccceeeeeee>> hhhoooooouuurrr((sssss))/mmmiiiinnuuuttteeeeeee((sssss)) aaaagggoooooo’

Eggg::: 11 mmmiiiisssssssssseeeeeeedd cccaaaallllllll::: 2 hhhoooooouuurrrsssss aaaagggoooooo

Shoow ‘Laastt <ttype_oof_caallll>:: Tooaay, <ttÇÃe_oof_caallll>

Eg:: Laastt ÇÈcooÃÇÈg caallll:: Tooaay, )±::œËaaÃ

Shooww ‘Laaaasstt <ttypeee_oof_ccaaaallllllll>::: Toodaaaay, <ttÇÃeee_oof_ccaaaallllllll>

Eg::: 1 unnaaaannsswweeereeed ccaaaallllllll::: Toodaaaay, 1±:::œËaaaaÃ

Shoow ‘Laastt <ttype_oof_caallll>:: Yestte$aay, <ttÇÃe_oof_caallll>

Eg:: Laastt oottgooÇÈg caallll:: Yestte$aay, )±::œËaaÃ

Shoow ‘11 <typee_oof_ccaallllllll>::: Yeesstee$daay, <timee_oof_ccaallllllll>

Eg::: 11 misssseed ccaallllllll::: Yeesstee$daay, 11±:::œËaam

Shoow ‘Laaaaassttt <tttyype_oof_ccaaaaallllllllll>:: <daaaaayy_oof_lllllaaaaasstttccaaaaallllllllll, <tttÇÃe_oof_ccaaaaallllllllll>

Eg:: Laaaaassttt ootttgooÇÈg ccaaaaallllllllll:: Saaaaattt$daaaaayy, )±::œËaaaaaÃ

SShoow ‘11 <tttyyypee_ooff_cccaaaaaallllllllllll>>::: <dddaaaaaayyy_ooff_ffiirrssstttcccaaaaaallllllllllll>>, <tttiimee_ooff_cccaaaaaallllllllllll>>

Eg::: 11 miisssssseeddd cccaaaaaallllllllllll::: SSaaaaaattturrdddaaaaaayyy, 11±:::œËaaaaaam

Shhoow ‘Laaaaaasssttt <tttyyype_oof_ccaaaaaallllllllll>:: <ddaaaaaayyy_oof_lllllaaaaaassstttccaaaaaallllllllll, <tttÇÃe_oof_ccaaaaaallllllllll>

Eg:: Laaaaaasssttt ooutttgooÇÈg ccaaaaaallllllllll:: Thhursssddaaaaaayyy, )±::œËaaaaaaÃ

Shhoow ‘11 <ttyyypee_ooff_cccaaaaallllllllllll>>::: <dddaaaaayyy_ooff_ffiirrssssttcccaaaaallllllllllll>>, <ttiimee_ooff_cccaaaaallllllllllll>>

Eg::: 11 miisssssssseeddd cccaaaaallllllllllll::: Thhurrssssdddaaaaayyy, 11±:::œËaaaaam













Caller ID

Brief: We are introducing our caller ID feature for Qusers to

identify calls from unknown numbers. We need to look at this

differently from how apps like true callers have implemented

themselves. They show the contact name along with other

options as an overlay. Which becomes fairly annoying for

Work Flow

users after a point.

We would rather prefer to have that feature

completely integrated into our system. It shouldn’t come out

like an overlay object to users. Also, we want to bring delight

to users when they see us reveal the unknown caller’s details.

Background Research

The requirement we have is to integrate a caller ID function

to the incoming call screen. Before jumping into the

visualization part some basic research was done to understand

how similar products are being used by users to help them

identify the caller.


The first question was how to integrate the Caller ID

data in the incoming call screen. It was also important to

aknowledge the incoming call animation running in the

background before we began thinking about the placement

of this element. An important question we came across while

developing the UI was if the 10 digit number that comes up

when the users receives an unknown call should be replaced

with the name in our database, or should the number be

kept as it is and the name to be shown below. How can we

show if the user is getting a spam call? How to make sure

that contacts like delivery partners and cab drivers dont get

marked as Spam? How many different categorisations can

be there? Can we also show credibility of spam reports? etc

were the other questions that was being thought about while

starting to develop the UI.

It started off with developing a rough variations of what all

possible ways can the UI be shown, to better understand our

options and then refine it eventually.

This is the interface the app true-caller (Market leader in

caller identification application) had. User opinions were

gathered about this particular product’s experience from

users who have been using it. And something common came

to light was the fact that it was a separate UI overlay that used

to come above their incoming call screen and hence it was

quite annoying for users having to first dismiss the overlay

and then having to accept the call. This pain point shot high

especially for users with older devices that had performance

issues or touch-responsive issues.

So it was clear that we wanted to go with a different approach

here rather than an overlay. This is possible for Qtalk since the

app itself is a call dialer and have control over the incoming

calling screen.

Apart from this analysis were made about the kinds of call

types and filters that come which can help users get more

context to an unknown caller.

One of the category ‘Spam’ is something that we observed

that was made out of good intention but ended up being

misused or confusing users to a point where relevant calls

like Uber & Swiggy partners was shown with a spam tag to it

which does seem right.

With this understanding, the Ideation process began.






Iteration 1

Iteration 2

After a discussion with the team I made a bit more refined

version of the first iteration

Prioritises name & shows contact

above. Gives credits to Qtalk for


Prioritises name & shows contact

below. Credit for identification is

shown as an icon.

Prioritises number & shows

identified name below. Credit

for identification beneath name.

Prioritises number & shows

name + credits below.

Prioritises number & shows

name (highlighted) + credits


Prioritises name & shows credits

(highlighted) + number below

Prioritises number & shows

name + credits below.

Prioritises name & shows

contact + credits below.

Prioritises name & shows name

below. Credits appear on the top.

Prioritises number & shows

spam call alert with number of

users reported (for credibility) +

credits below.







There’s two approaches that we can take for the caller ID to

appear on the call screen

Approach 2: First priority for name and second priority for number

1. Once the system fetches the data we scale the unknown number

down and show the name big and bold as the primary information

2. We keep the unknown number as the primary information & add

the ID of the caller below once the system fetches the data.

I performed a user survey regarding these two approaches and other features of the app. Based on the data we

received from User Survey for Incoming Call Screen I reiterated on the call intent project because there was

a major need to re-organize information in a way that it doesn’t look over-crowded. This iteration essentially

brings a major change to the overall incoming call screen itself. Based on this iteration I’ll be developing the 3rd

iteration for the caller ID feature.

Approach 3: Name and number as two separate entity

A/B Testing variations

Approach 1: First priority for number and second priority

for name













Animation Switcher

Brief: The current Call screen animation switcher was

designed at the early development stage of the app and was

not very well thought of for future implementations. Now

since the app is being redesigned and that we are pushing

more features to it like animations of different categories

and moreover the increased quantity of animations that can

come into the scene makes it important for a redesigned user

experience for the same.

Apart from this we also want to think about a section where

influencers/celebrities can promote calls screen animations

inspired by them or their style which their followers can then

add/purchase and activate on their QTalk app.

We are also switching from offline storage of animations to

storing the .json files online

Features needed

1. New UI/UX that can adopt a larger amount of animations.

2. Categorization of animation

3. Group-selection ability

4. Unlockable/purchasable animations

Current design

Work Flow

Present design of the call switcher


1. We currently don’t have a categorization of animation.

2. Considering a lot of animation, such a scroll view can be

a little touch to approach.

3. Right now all the animation is active in this screen and

this brings more visual and motion clutter in the screen.

4. We don’t have any option to add new animations yet.

5. Multi-selection ability is missing.






Iteration 1

Iteration 2


1. Added categorization to the slider

2. Introducing two view states to this menu (Users can swipe

down to get to the compressed state and swipe up again to

get back to the card view)

3. Added the option to add more animations to your screen.

(The Qtalk animations have been given a new name -


4. Buttons have been updated to match the new style


1. Although the two new view state seemed interesting

initially, turned out that it was more inconvenient and less

intuitive for users. It adds up more taps in the selection

process and we wanted to make it more simple to use.

2. Besides we also found that in the card view the upper

portion we have the background animation still playing

and it seemed to cause unnecessary distraction.

The problems with this design were asking for a new approach

where we can implement the new features while also avoiding

the inconveniences in the previous design and making the

selection process much easier.


1. Introduced a full-screen view

2. Introduced a new selection ring

3. Group-selection feature

4. Qmotion button has been pushed up since it won’t be a

frequently used option.

5. Users can tap on animation to view the animation in

motion. This reduces motion clutter

6. User can press and hold on animation to quickly see a

full-screen view of the incoming call screen with that


This new approach seemed to be more promising and was

very much more convenient then the previous ones. Although

while creating it some better refinement ideas were observed

and implemented.

That brings the 3rd iteration onto this design.

This brings us to the second iteration which is a completely

different approach to this page





Iteration 3


1. Group selection is now also accompanied with the ability

to multi select so that the users are not restricted to only

selecting one group

2. There is a new ‘Info’ button next to the title where users

can get a simple guide to making the best out of this UI

3. The colour of the ring an dselection button has been made

to fit the primary colour theme of the app.

4. Selection buttons have a consistent sizing


To view the animation on Youtube, go to page 113









Splash Screen

Brief: We recently introduced a web share feature where a

Qtalk user could easily invite a non-Qtalk user to try out the

synchronised features by using a browser.

Work Flow

How it Works: A Qtalk user can search for any contact on

his phone and if the contact he wants to do synchronized

activities with is not a Qtalk user then they are allowed to

send that person an invite link through SMS or WhatsApp.

On clicking this link the user is taken to a web experience of

QTalk through their mobile browser.

Understanding loading screens

The 3-second rule: Splash animations should be quick >

Especially if its a frequently used app then 1 to 2 seconds or

none at all if you can avoid it.

In our case, it’s not a frequently used app but rather more like

a function inside the app that they can use. The ratio of usage

also hence reduces. And besides, we cant avoid the splash screen

because its not a screen present for things to simply load but it’s

more like a waiting room until the second user joins the party.

So we need to design something that is flexible with its timings.

And something fun for people who have to wait quite a bit

until the other person accepts the invite.

The Grand Entrance: Simple, Bold and visually strong

Skeleton Screens: What are they? - A skeleton screen is a

kind of loading indicator usually used when a page has a

lot of content to load before it presents itself to the user. It

generally shows a low-fidelity structure of the page that you

are loading.

• Skeleton screens carrying animations that travels from left

to right (E.g. A wave or shimmer like animation) are seen

to be much shorter in duration than the ones that pulsate.

(Opacity, fade-out/in)

• Generally using a motion that is slow in nature helps

reduce the perceived waiting duration of a loading screen

than when a faster counterpart is presented to users

Examples of a skeleton screen on youtube

Examples of a skeleton screen on facebook






How can they help users?

Features to Advertise

Designing Vector Icons

Splash screens can answer a few questions for users:

• What is happening?

• What will happen next?

• Displaying new information like ‘Pro-tips’ every time can

make the waiting period informative and delightful for


• Video

• Doodle

• Shopping

• Urgent Calls

• Game

Additionally, we can also aim to make the animation modular,

so that we can add more animations in the future, and

rearrange the same as per requirement.

Ideas for each feature:

• Doodle: Pen, colors

• Video: Camcorder

• Shopping: Shopping basket, icons to represent two users

shopping together

• Urgent Calls: Telephone icon, a symbol representing

‘Urgent’. Also, make sure it’s not communicating as a

Spam call instead of Urgent

• Game: The gaming console can be used as an icon

Design Solution

References for Icons

Show animations that can advertise our service & features in

a gist to new users. Additionally have a ‘Tips’ section which

can show a new tip each time the user makes a call.


A combination of skeleton screen and splash screen which gives

users interesting productivity quotes from different personalities.

Shazam has played with the splash animation smartly by

transitioning the animation to its Shazam button, once the app

loads up.

Dunzo has a beautiful splash screen animation that also takes a

fresh look once in a while.

Duolingo has its mascot as the splash screen character with some

minor motion and liveliness to the shapes.






Iteration 1

Iteration 3

Insights: Some of the issues we came across was that trying

to show the concept of multiple users was probably not so


• Because a person who has been invited by his friend for a

particular task that our app can fulfill, then they’d already

know that the app is all about doing activities together.

the animation is happening in the background.

• Presenting too many information together will be

bombarding them with a lot of information to take in,

while the purpose of the screen is to make the waiting

period delightful or less boring for the user.Doodle: Pen,


Insights: In this version we have updated icons plus an icon

for the upcoming music feature.

Apart from this I then thought of making another variation

where the logo can also be seamlessly integrated in the


• Besides we are also trying to show tips to use the app to its

full potential which will be a written text. So during that

short period they’d also focus on reading that text while

Iteration 4

Iteration 2

The same silhouette has been used to make the features in a 2.5D dimension.

Insights: At this point we realised that “Urgent call’ section

doesn’t really come in the same hierarchy of features as the

other one because UC’s are more of an additional benefit

over the calling features. The rest of them are all synchronised

activities made possible with QTalk.

Hence urgent call will be removed out in the next iteration

and will be replaced with synchronised music listening,

which is an upcoming feature in the roadmap.

Analysis: Synchronising the style of icons is very important

for it to look as if its from the same family. Some of the few

aspects that we can bring consistency is:

1. Same colour scheme

2. Similar/complimentary angles on object

3. Same stroke width

4. Same Corner radius on curves.

5. Same visual weight.






Iteration 5

Improved icon for video & revamped the doodle icon. Reduced unnecessary details on the game icon to match with other icons

Analysis: In this variation I’ve tried to maintain the same

brightness, saturation level and then developed a palette

with varying hue’s. This essentially gives us a multi coloured

graphical element that wont have the issue of matching every

single colour of all elements. This also helps make the content

a little less monotonous.

Final Animation

All the elements were individually designed and then finally compiled into one single unit to function as a loop


To experience the animation in AR or watch on Youtube, go to page 114







Survey 1: General survey for user study







Career Background Career y Background Purpose y of Calls




Family &

Purpose Friends? of Calls



Do you

currently Does

Do you





when you

connectivity Feeling use connectivity


impact your when you third-party impact your

use any


How does its call

quality compare

Whom do Family you speak & Whom to on do you speak to on

receive a ability to receive talk a calling ability to talk What app calling do you What to phone app do call you

phone Friends? most with? phone most Gender with? Age GenderCity

Age call City on the phone? call apps? on the phone? currently apps? use to call? currently quality? use to call?

Do you

Is your often

How phone does its miss call

often quality on compare urgent

silent to phone call phone

mode? quality? calls?

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee Need to get Average quick response Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I Yes can help Everyone, it. if I can Male help it. 31 - 40 Male Bangalore31 - 40Neutral Bangalore Sometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Freelancer Freelancer Average Too much Average to say, too lazy Too to much typeto say, too Yes lazy to Significant type other Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Male Bangalore26 - 30Neutral Bangalore Very oftenNeutral TRUE Very often WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Average employee More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Yes communication Close friendsYes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Male Bangalore26 - 30 Intrigued Bangalore Sometimes Intrigued TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Currently job hunting Currently Averagejob More hunting intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Nocommunication Everyone, if I No can help Everyone, it. if I can Female help it. 26 - 30 Female Bangalore26 - 30Alarmed Bangalore Sometimes Alarmed TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp, TRUE TruecallerWhatsApp, Circumstantial Truecaller FALSE Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Male Family Close 26 - 30 friends, Male Bangalore Family 26 - 30 Intrigued Bangalore Sometimes Intrigued TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp, TRUE Google Duo WhatsApp, Circumstantial Google Duo TRUE Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Male Family, Close Significant 31 - 40 friends, Male other Bangalore Family, Significant 31 - 40 Annoyed other Bangalore Very often Annoyed FALSE Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Retired person Retired A lot person More intimate A lotform of More communication intimate form of Nocommunication Family, Close No friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Male Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, 50+ Male if I Bangalore can help Everyone, it. 50+ Neutral if I Bangalore can help Very it. oftenNeutral FALSE Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends Male Close 26 - 30 friends Male Bangalore26 - 30Neutral Bangalore Very oftenNeutral FALSE Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I Yes can help Everyone, it. Non-conforming if I can help it. 26 - Non-conforming 30 Bangalore26 - 30Neutral Bangalore Sometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee Too much Average to say, too lazy Too to much typeto say, too No lazy to Family, type Close No friends Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Male Bangalore31 - 40Neutral Bangalore All the time Neutral TRUE All the time WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I No can help Everyone, it. if I can Male help it. 31 - 40 Male Bangalore31 - 40Neutral Bangalore Very oftenNeutral FALSE Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE None. FALSE None.

Startup employee Startup Average employee More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Nocommunication Colleagues/Work-related No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Female Bangalore26 - 30 Intrigued Bangalore Sometimes Intrigued TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Entrepreneur Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I No can help Everyone, it. if I can Female help it. 31 - 40 Female Bangalore31 - 40 Annoyed Bangalore Sometimes Annoyed FALSE Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, FALSE while Shopping on calltogether, while on call

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Yes communication Family, Close Yes friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Close friends, Male Colleagues/Work-related

31 - 40 Male Bangalore31 - 40Excited Bangalore Sometimes Excited TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Student Student Average For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close Yes friends Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Male Bangalore18 - 21Neutral Bangalore Sometimes Neutral FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE None. FALSE None.

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Family Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Female Bangalore26 - 30HappyBangalore Sometimes Happy TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None. FALSE None.

Student Student Average For work collaboration Average For work collaboration No Close friends No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Male Bangalore18 - 21Alarmed Bangalore All the time Alarmed TRUE All the time WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Small business ownerSmall A lotbusiness For owner work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close Yes friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, NA Colleagues/Work-related, Significant 26 - 30 other, NABangalore Everyone, Significant 26 - 30 if Neutral I can other, Bangalore help Everyone, it. Sometimes if Neutral I can help TRUE it. Sometimes WhatsApp, TRUE Google Duo WhatsApp, Significantly Google better Duo Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE None. FALSE None.

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close Yes friends, Family, Everyone, Close if I Female can friends, help Everyone, it. 26 - 30 if I Female can Bangalore help it. 26 - 30Alarmed Bangalore All the time Alarmed FALSE All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, TRUE while Shopping on calltogether, while on call

Student Student Barely For work collaboration Barely For work collaboration No Close friends No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Male Bangalore18 - 21HappyBangalore Sometimes Happy FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Male Bangalore22 - 25 Annoyed Bangalore Sometimes Annoyed TRUE Sometimes Hangout TRUE Significantly Hangout worse Significantly TRUE worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Student Student Barely More intimate Barely form of More communication intimate form of Yes communication Close friendsYes Close friends Male 18 - 21 MaleIndore 18 - 21Excited Indore Sometimes Excited FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Average employee More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Yes communication Close friends, Yes Family Close friends, Female Family 26 - 30 Female Bangalore26 - 30Neutral Bangalore Sometimes Neutral FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE None. FALSE None.

Startup employee Startup Average employee More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Nocommunication Family, Close No friends Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Male Bangalore26 - 30Neutral Bangalore Sometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Student Student Average More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Nocommunication Family, Close No friends Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Male Bangalore22 - 25HappyBangalore Sometimes Happy FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Playing games, TRUE while on Playing call games, while on call

Student Student Average More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Yes communication Everyone, if I Yes can help Everyone, it. if I can Male help it. 18 - 21 Andhra Male Pradesh 18 - 21Happy Andhra Pradesh Sometimes Happy TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly FALSE better FALSE FALSE Watching online FALSE videos Watching together online call videos together on call

Startup employee Startup Barelyemployee Too much Barely to say, too lazy Too to much typeto say, too Yes lazy to Family, type Close Yes friends Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Male Bangalore22 - 25 Annoyed Bangalore Very often Annoyed FALSE Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Yes communication Family, Everyone, Yes if I can Family, help Everyone, it., Close NAfriends

if I can help 31 - it., 40Close NABangalore friends 31 - 40Alarmed Bangalore Not at all Alarmed TRUE Not at all WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Barelyemployee Need to get Barely quick response Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close Yes friends Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Male Bangalore22 - 25HappyBangalore Very oftenHappy FALSE Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration No Family No Family NA 26 - 30 NABangalore26 - 30Neutral Bangalore Sometimes Neutral FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 MaleMumbai22 - 25NeutralMumbai All the time Neutral TRUE All the time Phone TRUE Significantly Phone better Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE None. FALSE None.

Homemaker Homemaker Barely Need to get Barely quick response Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant Yes other Family, Significant Female other 26 - 30 Female Mumbai26 - 30NeutralMumbai Very oftenNeutral TRUE Very often WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA Family 31 - 40 NAMumbai31 - 40ExcitedMumbai Very often Excited TRUE Very often WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Student Student Barely Too much Barely to say, too lazy Too to much typeto say, too Yes lazy to Family type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Female Bangalore22 - 25 Intrigued Bangalore Sometimes Intrigued TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Barelyemployee Need to get Barely quick response Need to get quick response Yes Close friendsYes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Male Bangalore22 - 25 Annoyed Bangalore Very often Annoyed TRUE Very often WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, FALSE while Shopping on calltogether, while on call

Startup employee Startup A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 FemalePune 26 - 30Neutral PuneSometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp, Google TRUEDuo, WhatsApp, Botim Circumstantial Google Duo, BotimFALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Freelancer Freelancer A lot More intimate A lotform of More communication intimate form of Nocommunication Close friends, No Colleagues/Work-related

Close friends, Female Colleagues/Work-related 50+ Female Mumbai 50+ NeutralMumbai Sometimes Neutral FALSE Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate Barely employee For work collaboration Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Female Hyderabad26 - 30 Annoyed Hyderabad Sometimes Annoyed TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None. FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Blue-collar Barely employee For work collaboration Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, No Colleagues/Work-related

Close friends, Non-conforming Colleagues/Work-related

41 - Non-conforming 50 Mumbai41 - 50Happy Mumbai Sometimes Happy FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE None. FALSE None.

Corporate employee Corporate A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Female Bangalore22 - 25 Annoyed Bangalore Sometimes Annoyed FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Watching online TRUE videos Watching together online call videos together on call

Entrepreneur Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male Family 26 - 30 Male Bangalore26 - 30 Annoyed Bangalore Very often Annoyed FALSE Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Watching online TRUE videos Watching together online call videos together on call

Freelancer Freelancer Barely Need to get Barely quick response Need to get quick response Yes Family Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Female Mumbai26 - 30 AnnoyedMumbai Sometimes Annoyed TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, TRUE while on Playing call games, while on call

Corporate employee Corporate A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant Male other Significant 26 - 30 Male other Mumbai26 - 30NeutralMumbai All the time Neutral TRUE All the time WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Homemaker Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Female Mumbai 50+ AnnoyedMumbai Sometimes Annoyed TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Student Student Average More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Yes communication Family Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Female Chennai22 - 25Neutral Chennai Sometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online FALSE videos Watching together online call videos together on call

Corporate employee Corporate Barely employee Too much Barely to say, too lazy Too to much typeto say, too No lazy to Family, type Significant No other, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Significant Female other, Colleagues/Work-related

26 - 30 Female Mumbai26 - 30NeutralMumbai Sometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Female Significant Close 26 other, - 30 friends, Female Family Significant Mumbai26 other, - 30Neutral Family Mumbai Sometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Playing games, FALSE while on Playing call games, while on call

Startup employee Startup Barelyemployee For work collaboration Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Female Mumbai 50+ AnnoyedMumbai Sometimes Annoyed TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None. TRUE None.

Is your


often on urgent

silent Which of these phone would Which excite of you these would excite you the

mode? calls? most?


Entrepreneur Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Yes Colleagues/Work-related

Significant other, Female Colleagues/Work-related

26 - 30 Female Bangalore26 - 30 Annoyed Bangalore Very often Annoyed TRUE Very often WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 NABangalore26 - 30Neutral Bangalore All the time Neutral TRUE All the time Truecaller TRUE Circumstantial Truecaller TRUE Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Student Student Barely Too much Barely to say, too lazy Too to much typeto say, too Yes lazy to Family type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Female Bangalore22 - 25Neutral Bangalore All the time Neutral TRUE All the time WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppworse Significantly FALSE worse TRUE FALSE Watching online TRUE videos Watching together online call videos together on call

Startup employee Startup Average employee Need to get Average quick response Need to get quick response Yes Close friendsYes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Male Bangalore22 - 25Neutral Bangalore Very oftenNeutral TRUE Very often WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE None. FALSE None.

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close Yes friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Close friends, Male Colleagues/Work-related

22 - 25 Male Hisar, Haryana 22 - 25Neutral Hisar, Haryana Very oftenNeutral TRUE Very often WhatsApp TRUE Circumstantial WhatsApp FALSE Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 FemaleDelhi 22 - 25 Intrigued Delhi Sometimes Intrigued TRUE Sometimes Imo TRUE Circumstantial Imo TRUE Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Family Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Male Bangalore26 - 30 Annoyed Bangalore All the time Annoyed TRUE All the time WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly FALSE better FALSE FALSE None. FALSE None.

Corporate employee Corporate Barely employee For work collaboration Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close Yes friends Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Male Pune 22 - 25Alarmed PuneSometimes Alarmed TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE None. FALSE None.

Corporate employee Corporate A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends Male Close 26 - 30 friends Male Pune 26 - 30Neutral PuneSometimes Neutral FALSE Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Knowing why TRUE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate Average employee For work collaboration Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant Male other 26 - 30Significant Male Delhi other 26 - 30 Annoyed Delhi Sometimes Annoyed FALSE Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Startup employee Startup Average employee More intimate Average form of More communication intimate form of Nocommunication Family, Close No friends Family, Close Female friends 31 - 40 FemalePune 31 - 40Neutral PuneSometimes Neutral TRUE Sometimes WhatsApp TRUE Significantly WhatsAppbetter Significantly TRUE better FALSE TRUE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Corporate employee Corporate A lot employee For work collaboration A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close Yes friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Close Female friends, Colleagues/Work-related

31 - 40 FemalePune 31 - 40Neutral PuneVery oftenNeutral FALSE Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why FALSE someone's Knowing callingwhy someone's calling

Do you










Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends NA 31 - 40 Pune Excited Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 50+ Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Happy All the time TRUE Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp, FaceTime call Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee A lot Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 50+ Mumbai Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Female 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Family

Male 31 - 40 Mysore Neutral Very often TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 18 - 21 Delhi Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Very often TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other

Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Dublin Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp, IMO Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 41 - 50 Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google DuoCircumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 41 - 50 Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Indianapolis Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Nobody, if I can help it., Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Annoyed Very often TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 50+ Delhi Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Barely Need to get quick response No Nobody, if I can help it. Female 22 - 25 Palampur Neutral All the time TRUEWhatsApp, Google Duo, TruecallerCircumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Significant other Male 15 - 17 Nangal Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Currently job hunting Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Nobody, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Vadodara Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Slack calls Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Significant other Male 26 - 30 Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Government employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Significant otherMale 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Intrigued All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Default calling app Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Happy Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Government employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Delhi Intrigued Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 US Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Nobody, if I can help it., Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 41 - 50 bad survey city Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Entrepreneur Barely Need to get quick response Yes Significant other Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends NA 31 - 40 Pune Excited Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 50+ Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Happy All the time TRUE Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp, FaceTime call Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee A lot Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 50+ Mumbai Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Female 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Family

Male 31 - 40 Mysore Neutral Very often TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 18 - 21 Delhi Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Very often TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other

Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Dublin Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp, IMO Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 41 - 50 Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google DuoCircumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 41 - 50 Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Indianapolis Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Nobody, if I can help it., Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Annoyed Very often TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 50+ Delhi Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Barely Need to get quick response No Nobody, if I can help it. Female 22 - 25 Palampur Neutral All the time TRUEWhatsApp, Google Duo, TruecallerCircumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Significant other Male 15 - 17 Nangal Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Currently job hunting Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Nobody, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Vadodara Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Slack calls Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Significant other Male 26 - 30 Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Government employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Significant otherMale 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Intrigued All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Default calling app Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Happy Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Government employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Delhi Intrigued Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 US Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Nobody, if I can help it., Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 41 - 50 bad survey city Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Entrepreneur Barely Need to get quick response Yes Significant other Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling






Student A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 22 - 25 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration No Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE Qtalk Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Female 26 - 30 Pittsburgh bro Annoyed Very often TRUE QTalk Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Female 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Freelancer Average Need to get quick response No Family Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Happy Not at all TRUE Voice call Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp, Facetime Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it., Family

Female 18 - 21 Delhi Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Currently job hunting Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 18 - 21 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Government employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it., Colleagues/Work-related

NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Facetime Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends NA 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Female 50+ Neutral All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other NA 26 - 30 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Telegram Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Male 41 - 50 Pune Annoyed Very often TRUE Signal Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Phone Circumstantial FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 18 - 21 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it., Family

Male 31 - 40 Dubai Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Hangouts Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Need to get quick response No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Chennai Neutral Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Non-conforming 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Pune Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Hyderabad Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 18 - 21 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Female 18 - 21 Jaipur Excited Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 18 - 21 Jaipur Excited Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Nobody, if I can help it. NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response No Family Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Barely For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mysore Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Barely Need to get quick response No Nobody, if I can help it. Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE Phone Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Significant other NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Nobody, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 22 - 25 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration No Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE Qtalk Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Female 26 - 30 Pittsburgh bro Annoyed Very often TRUE QTalk Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Female 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Freelancer Average Need to get quick response No Family Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Happy Not at all TRUE Voice call Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp, Facetime Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it., Family

Female 18 - 21 Delhi Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Currently job hunting Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 18 - 21 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Government employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it., Colleagues/Work-related

NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Facetime Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends NA 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Female 50+ Neutral All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other NA 26 - 30 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Telegram Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Male 41 - 50 Pune Annoyed Very often TRUE Signal Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Phone Circumstantial FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 18 - 21 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it., Family

Male 31 - 40 Dubai Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Hangouts Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Need to get quick response No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Chennai Neutral Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Non-conforming 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Pune Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Hyderabad Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 18 - 21 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Female 18 - 21 Jaipur Excited Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 18 - 21 Jaipur Excited Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Nobody, if I can help it. NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response No Family Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Barely For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mysore Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee Barely Need to get quick response No Nobody, if I can help it. Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE Phone Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Significant other NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Nobody, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling






Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related NA 41 - 50 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Excited All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 22 - 25 Vellore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Hyderabad Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Gurgaon Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 50+ Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google Duo

Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Student A lot Need to get quick response No Significant other Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family Female 18 - 21 Pune Happy Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hyderabad Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Default phone app Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Non-conforming 50+ Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Nobody, if I can help it. NA 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE Skype for international calling Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related NA 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average Need to get quick response No Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Very often TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 50+ Chicago usa Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, G3 telecom Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE None.

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other Female 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 22 - 25 Pune Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Female 18 - 21 Vellore Excited All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Delhi Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Excited Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Chennai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Chime Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response No Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Kurukshetra Happy Very often TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Very often TRUETruecaller, WhatsApp, Google Duo

Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, FaceTime Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it., Family, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Excited Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Barely Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Transgender Male 22 - 25 Kolkata Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Google Duo Significantly better FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Blue-collar employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Annoyed All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Small business owner Average More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related Transgender Female41 - 50 Hyderabad Excited Sometimes TRUE Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 New York Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Surat Intrigued Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related NA 41 - 50 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Excited All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 22 - 25 Vellore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Hyderabad Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Gurgaon Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

NA 50+ Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google Duo

Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Student A lot Need to get quick response No Significant other Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family Female 18 - 21 Pune Happy Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hyderabad Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Default phone app Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Non-conforming 50+ Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Nobody, if I can help it. NA 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE Skype for international calling Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related NA 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average Need to get quick response No Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Very often TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 50+ Chicago usa Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, G3 telecom Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE None.

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other Female 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 22 - 25 Pune Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Female 18 - 21 Vellore Excited All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Delhi Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Excited Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Chennai Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Chime Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response No Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Kurukshetra Happy Very often TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Very often TRUETruecaller, WhatsApp, Google Duo

Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, FaceTime Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it., Family, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Excited Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Barely Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Transgender Male 22 - 25 Kolkata Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Google Duo Significantly better FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Blue-collar employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Annoyed All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Small business owner Average More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related Transgender Female41 - 50 Hyderabad Excited Sometimes TRUE Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 New York Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Surat Intrigued Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling






Retired person Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Nobody, if I can help it. NA 50+ Jaipur Alarmed All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 31 - 40 Chennai Excited Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Significant other, Nobody, if I can help it.

Transgender Female26 - 30 Kolkata Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Currently job hunting A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Significant other

Male 22 - 25 Kolkata Annoyed Very often TRUE Truecaller, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 San Francisco Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Government employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Significant other, Close friends, Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Nobody, if I can help it.

Non-conforming 31 - 40 Kolkata Intrigued Not at all FALSE FALSE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student A lot Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Happy Very often TRUE Google Duo, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends NA 26 - 30 Delhi Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Transgender Female31 - 40 Surat Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Significant other, Close friends

Transgender Female26 - 30 Hyderabad Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student A lot Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Kolkata Annoyed Very often TRUE Truecaller Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Freelancer Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Everyone, if I can help it. Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Family Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot Need to get quick response Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it., Family

Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Nobody, if I can help it., Family

Male 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Sonipat Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely For work collaboration No Family, Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Jaipur Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

NA 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Significant other, Close friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 I live outside India Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Facebook messenger

Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Small business owner Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 New York Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Sunnyvale Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Homemaker Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Significant otherMale 26 - 30 San Bruno Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

NA 41 - 50 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 41 - 50 Neutral Sometimes TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 41 - 50 Pune Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other, Family Female 26 - 30 Seattle Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family NA 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Happy Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Need to get quick response No Family Male Less than 15 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Average For work collaboration No Significant other, Family, Close friendsMale 22 - 25 Karnal Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot Need to get quick response No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Barely More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Intrigued Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Significant other Non-conforming 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed All the time TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Facetime Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Chennai Intrigued All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

NA 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Currently job hunting Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 22 - 25 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Chandigarh Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student A lot For work collaboration Yes Close friends Less than 15 Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Student Barely For work collaboration No Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, IMO, Totok Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends 50+ Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Pune Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Retired person Barely Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE None.

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends NA 50+ Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Nobody, if I can help it. NA 50+ Jaipur Alarmed All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 31 - 40 Chennai Excited Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Significant other, Nobody, if I can help it.

Transgender Female26 - 30 Kolkata Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Currently job hunting A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Significant other

Male 22 - 25 Kolkata Annoyed Very often TRUE Truecaller, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 San Francisco Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Government employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Significant other, Close friends, Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Nobody, if I can help it.

Non-conforming 31 - 40 Kolkata Intrigued Not at all FALSE FALSE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student A lot Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Ahmedabad Happy Very often TRUE Google Duo, Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends NA 26 - 30 Delhi Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Transgender Female31 - 40 Surat Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Google Duo Circumstantial FALSE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication No Significant other, Close friends

Transgender Female26 - 30 Hyderabad Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student A lot Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Kolkata Annoyed Very often TRUE Truecaller Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Freelancer Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Everyone, if I can help it. Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Family Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot Need to get quick response Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it., Family

Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Nobody, if I can help it., Family

Male 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Sonipat Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely For work collaboration No Family, Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Jaipur Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

NA 18 - 21 Jaipur Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Significant other, Close friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 I live outside India Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Facebook messenger

Significantly better TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Small business owner Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 New York Neutral Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Sunnyvale Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Homemaker Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Significant otherMale 26 - 30 San Bruno Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

NA 41 - 50 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 41 - 50 Neutral Sometimes TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 41 - 50 Pune Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family NA 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other, Family Female 26 - 30 Seattle Alarmed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family NA 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Happy Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Need to get quick response No Family Male Less than 15 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Average For work collaboration No Significant other, Family, Close friendsMale 22 - 25 Karnal Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot Need to get quick response No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Family

Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 31 - 40 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Barely More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Intrigued Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Significant other Non-conforming 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed All the time TRUE Google Duo, WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp, Facetime Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 41 - 50 Chennai Intrigued All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

NA 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Non-conforming 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Currently job hunting Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 22 - 25 Delhi Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Chandigarh Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student A lot For work collaboration Yes Close friends Less than 15 Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Student Barely For work collaboration No Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, IMO, Totok Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends 50+ Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Pune Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Retired person Barely Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE None.

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends NA 50+ Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling






Corporate employee A lot Need to get quick response No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student A lot More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Nobody, if I can help it.

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Berlin Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Skype Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Delhi Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends, Significant other

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Male 31 - 40 France Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Excited Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Average Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Manipal Excited All the time TRUE Qtalk Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 18 - 21 Manipal Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 18 - 21 Mangalore Neutral Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Student A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Female 18 - 21 Manipal Excited Sometimes TRUE Dialer Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 22 - 25 São Paulo Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 18 - 21 Manipal, Udupi Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 15 - 17 Manipal Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Currently job hunting Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Non-conforming 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Student A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Non-conforming 18 - 21 Manipal Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Government employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Alarmed All the time TRUE Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 18 - 21 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 50+ Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Ahmednagar Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Family, Everyone, if I can help it. 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Mumbai Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Significant other Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Happy Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Alarmed Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google Duo

Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 50+ Mumbai Excited All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family Male 50+ Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends Male 41 - 50 Betul Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Female 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Aurangabad Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Government employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 31 - 40 Pune Alarmed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Akola Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Happy Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 18 - 21 Manipal Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Male 50+ Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Happy Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

Male 50+ Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other, Family, Close friends

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot Need to get quick response No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student A lot More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 15 - 17 Bangalore Neutral All the time FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Nobody, if I can help it.

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Berlin Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Skype Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Delhi Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Delhi Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends, Significant other

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Male 31 - 40 France Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Excited Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Average Need to get quick response No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Manipal Excited All the time TRUE Qtalk Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends Female 18 - 21 Manipal Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Female 18 - 21 Mangalore Neutral Not at all FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Student A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Female 18 - 21 Manipal Excited Sometimes TRUE Dialer Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 22 - 25 São Paulo Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Female 18 - 21 Manipal, Udupi Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 15 - 17 Manipal Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE None.

Currently job hunting Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Non-conforming 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Student A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Non-conforming 18 - 21 Manipal Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Government employee Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Alarmed All the time TRUE Significantly better FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Student Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Close friends Female 18 - 21 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Significant other

Female 18 - 21 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 50+ Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Ahmednagar Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Not at all FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Family, Everyone, if I can help it. 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Mumbai Excited All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Freelancer Average For work collaboration No Significant other Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Happy Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Alarmed Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google Duo

Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 50+ Mumbai Excited All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends, Family Male 50+ Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average For work collaboration Yes Close friends Male 41 - 50 Betul Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Female 50+ Mumbai Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Aurangabad Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Government employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 31 - 40 Pune Alarmed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Akola Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Happy Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 18 - 21 Manipal Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family Male 50+ Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer A lot Too much to say, too lazy to type No Everyone, if I can help it. NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 50+ Mumbai Happy Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 50+ Mumbai Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Retired person Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

Male 50+ Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication Yes Significant other, Family, Close friends

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Female 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling






Government employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Phone call

Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication No Family Female 41 - 50 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Google Duo, TruecallerCircumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Udupi Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee A lot Need to get quick response Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Barely More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Family Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely More intimate form of communication No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE Qtaik Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Non-conforming 50+ Goa Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Nobody, if I can help it., Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google DuoCircumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Margao Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 41 - 50 Lucknow Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE TRUE None.

Small business owner Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 50+ Hyderabad Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Happy All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Pune Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Hyderabad Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Currently job hunting A lot Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Currently job hunting Barely For work collaboration No Family Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends, Family

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Government employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Phone call

Significantly better TRUE TRUE None.

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication No Family Female 41 - 50 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Google Duo, TruecallerCircumstantial TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Female 15 - 17 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Udupi Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 41 - 50 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee A lot Need to get quick response Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur Barely More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Family Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely More intimate form of communication No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 41 - 50 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE Qtaik Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Non-conforming 50+ Goa Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Blue-collar employee A lot Need to get quick response No Family, Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 50+ Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Close friends

Non-conforming 50+ Mumbai Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family, Nobody, if I can help it., Significant other

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Alarmed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUEWhatsApp, Truecaller, Google DuoCircumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 26 - 30 Margao Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 41 - 50 Lucknow Happy All the time FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Homemaker Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 41 - 50 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE TRUE None.

Small business owner Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 50+ Hyderabad Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Happy All the time FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Male 31 - 40 Pune Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Hyderabad Alarmed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Currently job hunting A lot Need to get quick response Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 31 - 40 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Currently job hunting Barely For work collaboration No Family Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE Truecaller, WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Close friends Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Close friends, Family

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Happy All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Career Background





Purpose of Calls




Family &


Whom do you speak to on

phone most with? Gender Age City


when you

receive a




impact your

ability to talk

on the phone?

Do you


use any




What app do you

currently use to call?

How does its call

quality compare

to phone call


Is your


often on



Do you






Which of these would excite you the


Corporate employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer Average Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Significant other Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Currently job hunting Average More intimate form of communication No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Truecaller Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Family, Significant other

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Retired person A lot More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Everyone, if I can help it.

Male 50+ Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Non-conforming 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Close friends Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration No Everyone, if I can help it. Female 31 - 40 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 31 - 40 Bangalore Excited Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Student Average For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Alarmed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Small business owner A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other, Everyone, if I can help it.

NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Everyone, if I can help it.

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Alarmed All the time FALSE TRUE TRUE Shopping together, while on call

Student Barely For work collaboration No Close friends Male 18 - 21 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes TRUE Hangout Significantly worse TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends Male 18 - 21 Indore Excited Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Close friends, Family Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Everyone, if I can help it. Male 18 - 21 Andhra Pradesh Happy Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family, Everyone, if I can help it., Close friends

NA 31 - 40 Bangalore Alarmed Not at all TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Happy Very often FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration No Family NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Male 22 - 25 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE Phone Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Homemaker Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family, Significant other Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related, Family NA 31 - 40 Mumbai Excited Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Intrigued Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Barely Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Shopping together, while on call

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp, Google Duo, Botim Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Freelancer A lot More intimate form of communication No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 50+ Mumbai Neutral Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 26 - 30 Hyderabad Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE None.

Blue-collar employee Barely For work collaboration No Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Non-conforming 41 - 50 Mumbai Happy Sometimes FALSE TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration No Colleagues/Work-related Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Annoyed Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often FALSE TRUE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Freelancer Barely Need to get quick response Yes Family Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Playing games, while on call

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Homemaker Barely For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Average More intimate form of communication Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Chennai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Watching online videos together on call

Corporate employee Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type No Family, Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends, Significant other, Family

Female 26 - 30 Mumbai Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Playing games, while on call

Startup employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related Female 50+ Mumbai Annoyed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial TRUE TRUE None.

Entrepreneur A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related NA 26 - 30 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE Truecaller Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Student Barely Too much to say, too lazy to type Yes Family Female 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly worse FALSE TRUE Watching online videos together on call

Startup employee Average Need to get quick response Yes Close friends Male 22 - 25 Bangalore Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Male 22 - 25 Hisar, Haryana Neutral Very often TRUE WhatsApp Circumstantial FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Significant other Female 22 - 25 Delhi Intrigued Sometimes TRUE Imo Circumstantial TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Entrepreneur Average For work collaboration Yes Family Male 26 - 30 Bangalore Annoyed All the time TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better FALSE FALSE None.

Corporate employee Barely For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends Male 22 - 25 Pune Alarmed Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE None.

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Colleagues/Work-related, Close friends

Male 26 - 30 Pune Neutral Sometimes FALSE TRUE TRUE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee Average For work collaboration Yes Family, Colleagues/Work-related, Significant other

Male 26 - 30 Delhi Annoyed Sometimes FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Startup employee Average More intimate form of communication No Family, Close friends Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Sometimes TRUE WhatsApp Significantly better TRUE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling

Corporate employee A lot For work collaboration Yes Family, Close friends, Colleagues/Work-related

Female 31 - 40 Pune Neutral Very often FALSE FALSE FALSE Knowing why someone's calling


Caller ID user Survey


This is a survey designed to take user preferences on how they would prefer to see an

unknown caller's identification



Survey 2: Getting reactions on new features.

Brief: Owing to the bulk of changes that we’ve implemented

on the incoming call screen Name * I decided to do a quick user

survey while testing the caller ID function. So I prepared a

questionnaire to ask around about the same with designers,

Your answer

developers, and normal potential users.

The goal here was to simply get an understanding of what

they think about the new look and features, getting to know

if there is more potential to improve, if I have missed out on

some important factor, etc.



If your call dialer showed an unknown caller's name. How would you like it to be

displayed *

Shrink their phone number to

secondary data and display the

identified name as primary data

Keep showing their phone

number as primary data but

show the identified name below

as a secondary data


19/02/2020 Caller ID user Survey

Do you like this UI for caller ID *

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwBZR7g2zztkCadJm6SIG3aOTr4J6ddr1x0GGodWmZnN1Xuw/viewform 1/2




Any suggestions on the UI or any bad experiences with caller ID? (Optional - You

can leave the field blank if you don't have any feedback.)

Your answer


Never submit passwords through Google Forms.

This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy



Q3 (Answers from multiple users):

• I like the glowing background.

• Can add a logo instead of identified by Qtalk. ‘Before the

call’ notification is a good experience which True-caller


• The name can be bigger. Don’t like the container behind

it. Might need solutions for longer user names.

• Would like to know if I received a call from this person

before. Notification of caller before the call comes in.

Location of an unknown caller. ‘Identified by Qtalk’ is

too long.

• Don’t really prefer the glowing background. Rather prefer

to have no background color or else solid colors. Show

the name of the spam caller. And then show the spam

notification differently.

• ‘Identified by Qtalk’ is too long.

• An additional feature that shows a particular unknown

number has attempted before. Or you have had a

conversation before. Post call feature to crowdsource data

about unknown callers.

• Ability to block the unknown caller right in the incoming

call screen.

• Prefers a colored background. The name can be bigger.

• Identified by Qtalk is too big. Probably just a logo is






• Spam caller name should be shown.

• The name of the spam call should be shown. I like the

background color because it makes me feel trustworthy.

Location data. Better if my last call with that person if

any, on which date and duration can be shown.

• Categorization of spam calls. Showing call history is too

much information to be shown on a call screen. Shouldn’t

be information overload but definitely a great feature.

• My sister used to purposely not save her boyfriend’s

number. If it gets shown loud and bright,...might become

a problem. I would like a location feature. Last called

feature for unknown callers.

• The number of people who reported spam is not needed.

The name is more important than the number. Name first

and number second priority.

• The name should be bigger. Brighter color for the name

container. Feels like the identified by Qtalk can be

replaced with the logo.

• Qtalk can be highlighted more. Can add a white container

behind Qtalk credits

Survey 3: Instagram survey for opinions design elements

There was two UI style that we could go with for the incoming

call’s interactive elements. So we presented the same to people

and tried to get their opinion on what they’d prefer the most.

Here are the two options and few of the responses we got

from people:

As can be seen from the survey, we received a lot of user inputs which helps us draw more clarity on their needs.

Based on this I have designed the 4th iteration of the project ‘Call Intents’.

This is a major change in the structure of the incoming call screen. And the structure developed will also reflect

on the project ‘Caller ID’.







Out of the survey responses of approximately 100 users we

got more promising responses about option A. Although we

realized it comes down to personal preference because people

were able to perceive the pros and cons in both the options

and that both the options were generally considered okay.

Hence we went with the one that just turned out preferrable

to most users.







Call History

Caller ID



Incoming Call


Incoming Call






Loading Activity




Did you know you can enjoy and react to

youtube videos together using QTalk?







Throughout the period of my graduation project at Quiph

I came across lots of new challenges and problems on the

requirements of the app and the overall functioning of the

team. These two learning points helped me improve my

design skillset and professional skillsets. These are a few key

learning points amongst a lot of other practical experience

that I acquired during the 19 weeks of work:

Mobile Usability which I found is a crucial part while

developing software and services for a mobile environment.

Understanding this aspect helps you better propose solutions

very specific and constructed for a mobile use frame and

practical situations of usage. It also helps you understand

how your product will be used and hence how to make it

easier for users to complete particular tasks with ease.

Edge Cases were something that came into play once the

features and designs matured in the development process.

These are rare situations that can cause an issue with the

user experience and the whole flow of the system. It’s very

crucial to identify and tackle these problems throughout the

development process because otherwise your product can

invoke a bad user experience or come out as a very immature


Affordance is another important part while designing

the interface because it is crucial for the user to be able to

connect with the elements on the screen to its function

thus eliminating a stressful experience in understanding or

adapting the software.

Lottiefiles is an amazing platform that I came across while

developing animations for the app. It helps you handover

your After effects motion graphics directly to the developer’s

which they can plug in and control easily. The reason why it’s

important is that such a vector-based animation will always

be scalable and extremely fast in terms of loading time.

Assumptions vs Reality is a yet another important part that

I now always keep in mind while developing services because

I’ve come across a couple of scenarios during the initial period

of my work wherein I used to assume what the users would

want or use something and then it turned out to be different

because I assumed the user was me. This is something that I

always make sure to clear out first by discussing with others

in the team and potential users about their experience with

something and then synthesize a solution based on those


Connecting Business Goals & User Goals is something

that has to be kept in mind while designing any new service

or fixing any problems. It’s given that the users should be

satisfied with the product you deliver but most of the time

when not in a practical scenario we tend to ignore the

business, their goals, limitations, and timeline. And these

things play as crucial variables while you start designing.







Erik McLean, 2019. Stop sign on the street (p.43)


Freepik, 2019. Street sign ahead on pillar free photo (p.43)



Sunyu Kim, 2019. Man standing beside vehicle (p.43)


Olegtoka, vectorstock. Paint bucket and brush vector image


Vector8studio, vectorstock. Ink pen icon vector image


Creativestall, depositphotos. Painting Vector Icon (p.83)

Squid Ink, Iconarchive. PS4 controller icon (p.83)

GraphicsFuel, creativemarket. Shopping Bag mockup set


Nicepng. Shopping cart line icon (p.83)

Serhi Chekman, Alamy, 2016. Camcorder icon - vector

illustration. Black icon of movie camera. Flat

camcorder symbol


Intranic Network. Popflix logo (p.83)






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