91322 St Benet Winter Newsletter 2020

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Winter Newsletter


Who am I?

We began the year with Reignition, which was to reflect on and

explore the issue of identity and belonging after having spent a few

months in lockdown.

Students explored a variety of themes, such as, ‘who am I?’ where

they considered themselves as an individual, as a friend, as a part of

a society and as a role model. Our younger students created some

fantastic artwork which was both an expression and an exploration

of their own individual identity.

As part of the Drama session, students created a Public Service

Broadcast based on this statement: To build self-confidence, and to

not always be influenced by social media - you must stand strong

and have your own beliefs. The work produced blew us away with

the powerful messages communicated.

We looked at how we could strengthen the St Benet Biscop Way as

a community. This manifested itself in our very own St Benet Biscop

brick pathway, created by our year 10 students.

Ultimately, the sessions allowed us to appreciate the power of

community and the potential we all have when we unite together.

Keeping a community Christmas

As the dark nights have drawn in, students and staff at St Benet Biscop Catholic Academy are,

once again, turning their attention to their festive preparations.

In the spirit of a true ‘Community Christmas’ and employing our disposition of resilience, we

have been determined not to let a global pandemic steal our Christmas. Staff and students

continue to aim to improve the lives of others through several seasonal projects. We have

worked with Leading Link, who have organised a digital initiative called Remotely Christmas.

Remotely Christmas content streamed through YouTube to give schools, care homes and

families, some Christmas magic. The magic included interactive workshops, a panto, storytelling

and lots of singing, including Christmas Carols.

Our feeder schools have also had Christmas activity workbooks sent to them for students to use

throughout the day.

St Benet Biscop staff have also come together to deliver a special Christmas message to our

students which will be delivered at the end of term.

Remembrance Day

In the days leading up to Remembrance Day, all students

spent time with their tutor group, where they wrote

prayers for fallen soldiers on paper feathers and decorated

them with beautiful poppy designs. The Chaplaincy team

carefully pulled all of these feathers together, to create a

number of ‘peace doves’ that we put up in the chapel, to

commemorate soldiers, past and present. These doves

were also our way of praying for a more peaceful future.

On the 11th of November, the entire school watched a

virtual assembly about the importance of Remembrance

Day, and the selfless sacrifices that were made during WWI

and WW2.

The assembly also included a powerful recording of

Michael Elliot, a Year 8 student, playing the Last Post. This

then led into a two minute silence that fell across the

school at 11am, to honour and remember those who

fought for us.

Harvest Festival

Harvest celebration means lots of things throughout the world. For many, it is a

joyous time of year where the Harvest is celebrated. However, it is also a time where

we remember those who have perhaps suffered because their harvest has failed, or

they have suffered through disease, famine or war. But in our school community, we

also use this time to remember those close to home who struggle to feed their

family. Harvest Celebration means helping those in need with our food donations,

being thankful to God and to those in our food chain productions.

This year, we were once again bowled over by the generosity of our students and

their families, despite living through such an uncertain time. We received huge

amounts of food donations for the Matthew Project, which is an organisation that

provides emergency food relief to people living in our local communities. Our Year 9

chaplaincy team worked tirelessly through their breaktimes, to sort and pack all the

donations, because they knew how much happiness that this food would bring to


Careers guidance

We are fortunate again this year to be part of

The North East Collaborative Outreach

Programme (NECOP) which is a collaboration of

all the universities and further education

colleges in the North East region working

together to deliver a targeted programme of

information and support relating to higher

education options in the North East. NECOP has

been working with St Benet Biscop Catholic

Academy and other schools in the North East to

offer a programme of activity called FutureMe.

This collaboration offers access to a range of

activities and events to support young people

in considering their future options and learning

about educational pathways available to them.

By taking part in FutureMe activities, young people:

• Have the opportunity to plan for their future and gain an understanding of the support

available to help them reach their goals.

• Have access to high quality information and support to help them consider whether higher

education is the right option for them.

• Have an increased awareness and understanding of higher education opportunities and

progression pathways in the region.

Year 12 students recently attended the virtual

workshop ‘Bridging the Gap’. The session gave

the students a realistic look at the demands of

6th form and an introduction to the core skills

needed to cope with those demands. Students

were equipped with a range of tools and

techniques designed to promote self-study,

independent learning and research, and to raise


We have a number of webinars booked in for

different year groups over the coming months.

Years 13 will soon be participating in the live

webinar ‘Beyond the Personal Statement’.

Our Careers Week in January will be different to

previous years but we still have lots of

opportunities to engage through Future Me

with: The Buzz - (Year 9), Apprenticeships

Explained and How to Ace your Revision (Year

11), Making Informed Decisions and Finance

Ready (Years 12 and 13).

In addition after Easter, we will be choosing

students from a number of different year groups

who will work with a University Undergraduate


Further information about Futureme can be found at https://futureme.ac.uk/ which includes

a section for parents/carers about higher education in the North East, student finance and

how to support students with their studies and the application process.

Online Safety Advice

Giving your child any tech during the festive period? We know that lots of families give children

devices at this time of year. Whether it’s a laptop, phone, tablet, games console or another device

that connects to the online world, there is a lot you can do to make sure it’s set up safely for your

child. We would recommend you follow the Net-aware checklist to do this safely:


Net-aware has also reviewed the most popular apps, games and social media sites your children

are using. You can read these reviews and guidance a


Please share this link with your child.

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