90 Day Marketing Blueprint

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YOUR <strong>90</strong>-DAY<br />



© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd


Page 3: Welcome To Your <strong>90</strong>-<strong>Day</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> Plan<br />

Page 6: Defining Your Perfect Patient<br />

Page 8: Creating Your Customer Journey<br />

Page 12: Working On Your Website<br />

Page 14: Mastering Your Lead Generation<br />

Page 19: Lifting The Smoke Screen…ing<br />

Page 21: Your <strong>90</strong>-<strong>Day</strong> Checklist<br />

The Information provided by Rieder Wellness Ltd is for general informational<br />

and educational purposes only and should be used as a model or guideline to base<br />

your work on and tweak where necessary.<br />

You should not rely solely upon the material or information as a basis for making<br />

any business, legal or any other decisions, and should ensure that any information<br />

you use sits in line with your own /governmental current legislative guidelines and<br />

procedures.<br />

Rieder Wellness Ltd accepts no responsibility and any reliance you place on such<br />

material is therefore strictly at your own risk.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


WELCOME TO YOUR <strong>90</strong>-DAY<br />


Are you ready to make a big marketing push in your practice?<br />

Do you think your practice needs a jolt of energy, an influx of new patients, and an increase in<br />

revenue?<br />


The main thing you need is a sustainable marketing system that can fuel your growth for<br />

months, even years, to come. To achieve this, you’ll need to lay the groundwork with a strong<br />

marketing foundation.<br />

That’s why we made this <strong>90</strong>-day marketing plan for you.<br />

This will essentially give you the building blocks to put your marketing plan in place.<br />

So why do most “marketing plans” fail?<br />

The truth is, many marketing plans either fail completely or just don’t produce the desired<br />

results you were hoping for.<br />

Why?<br />

Well there are several reasons actually, but the key ones would be:<br />

• It wasn’t a GOOD plan in the first place<br />

• The plan was good, but wasn’t WELL-EXECUTED<br />

• It wasn’t given a chance to SUCCEED<br />

One big thing that leads to an unsuccessful plan is not understanding your target audience well<br />

enough. It’s a vital requirement of attracting the right people to your business, that you<br />

understand who your customers are.<br />

Without creating a good foundation and understanding your audience, you will run in to<br />

problems like having a poor content strategy or ineffective traffic-driving efforts.<br />

Execution is another important aspect to seeing success from your marketing plan. For<br />

example, marketing might be the plan, but do you have all the pieces in place to make your<br />

strategy work?<br />

Setting realistic goals is also important. You should know what you want out of your marketing<br />

plan so you can MEASURE, track PROGRESS and make as many ADJUSTMENTS as needed. Have a<br />

good idea of what a realistic timeline looks like for you. Strategies in marketing are not<br />

overnight success stories.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


Why a <strong>90</strong>-day plan?<br />

Why pick <strong>90</strong>-days as the timeline for your marketing plan?<br />

A full <strong>90</strong>-days has been found to be a realistic and achievable timeline for most businesses to<br />

put strategies in place and start to gain traction. It gives you time to get moving without<br />

feeling like you’re rushing the process.<br />

It’s basically “time-boxing”; focusing on the time you have, instead of the tasks you have. You<br />

allocate a certain amount of time to each activity, then only use the allocated time to get that<br />

task done.<br />

This helps to ensure that you devote enough time to doing something well, but not so much<br />

that you end up trying to over-engineer solutions.<br />

Our goal is to go through the different phases of marketing to build you a strong and<br />

integrated marketing plan that will set you up for long-term success and results.<br />

While this guide is intended to be a “step-by-step”, the truth is, every aspect should be<br />

revisited throughout the lifetime of your business and marketing work.<br />

Is this right for me?<br />

Well if you’re overwhelmed and feeling frustrated with what you are doing with your marketing<br />

at this moment in time, then…<br />

YES! This is most definitely for you.<br />

To quote Steve Jobs… “Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your<br />

thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you<br />

can move mountains.”<br />

Simple is not easy. Simple is a measure of complexity, easy is a measure of effort. We all know<br />

that marketing isn’t easy, but it can be very simple.<br />

If you’ve ever found yourself confused, frustrated or fed up by all the information that’s just<br />

floating around on the web that doesn’t seem to fit together, this is for you.<br />

And most importantly, if you don’t have in place right now an automated system that generates<br />

qualified leads on demand, in other words if you can’t go and spend money on Facebook and<br />

get a great ROI, then this is for you.<br />

Does that sound good?<br />

Great! Then let’s get started.<br />

What is your biggest struggle right now?<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


If you could wave a magic wand and not have this friction in your life and your business, what<br />

would it be? The hardest part for anyone is not having the right system, not knowing how to<br />

get started with marketing and having difficulty being consistent.<br />

So, to overcome all of this you need to realise that there are a few things you need to put in<br />

place that’ll help you overcome your frustrations and tech overwhelm.<br />

How to I keep motivated?<br />

First off, you need to have the right mind-set. You need to have a mind-set that can help you<br />

immediately remove the mental obstacles and frustrations, so you can work on taking action.<br />

The reason why this matters is obvious. As a matter of fact, we’ve already touched on it.<br />

Most chiropractors have information overload. They’re drinking from a fire hose; taking in any,<br />

and all, information they can. All of this just causes overload.<br />

There’s also tech confusion…<br />

• What tools do you use?<br />

• What software should you use?<br />

• What should you do first?<br />

There’s so much misinformation that we find it hard to focus on what’s important, what’s<br />

needed. To be successful, you need to shut off the fire hose and go from drinking too much bad<br />

information and misinformation to doing the right steps in the right order.<br />

Use the resources you have and focus them on the simple things that are going to make all the<br />

difference in the world.<br />

What actually is a blueprint?<br />

It’s simply a plan of what you want to see happen in the future. It gives you a basic structure to<br />

work with toward success. And it’s very simple. But if you don’t have these blueprints,<br />

marketing can be very frustrating.<br />

This blueprint is going to provide a straight line to get from point A to point B. It’s the mindset<br />

piece, and it helps you to stay calm, clear, and confident no matter what type of market you<br />

practice in.<br />

I’m IN, what now?!<br />

So, let’s now delve in our 7-step plan to cover the next <strong>90</strong>-days in your practice. With these<br />

steps, even if you feel like you can tick half of them off, it will give you a clear structure and<br />

indication of what is important to focus on to ensure you operate a successful and thriving<br />

business with a marketing strategy that KILLS IT again and again.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />



A customer persona is a representation of your ideal customer that you build based on a mix of<br />

real data and educated speculation of what they look like. This includes information like<br />

demographics, goals, motivations and behaviours. Your business may have multiple target<br />

customer personas (most will have 3 - 5), and these will provide you with information that can<br />

guide your overall marketing strategy. For example, based on demographic information on a<br />

customer profile, you can determine the most likely online channels they will be using. The<br />

short answer of why you need to develop customer personas is that they will help you target<br />

your messaging across all stages of the customer journey. Your customer personas help you<br />

understand the specific goals and needs of your target audience at any stage. It’s about<br />

delivering clear, tailored messaging that resonates with your audience while avoiding a “spray<br />

and pray” approach.<br />

#1: Gather data<br />

The strongest customer personas are those that you create from real data and research. Making<br />

stuff up is a key mistake to avoid. Where can you gather the data you need? Here are a few<br />

suggestions:<br />

• Look for trends in your contacts database<br />

• Check your site analytics; where have visitors come from? What keywords are they using<br />

to search? Which pages do they spend the most time on?<br />

• Talk to your current customers<br />

• Who interacts with your customers? Talk to team members to get their input<br />

• Try social listening - This means observing and participating in conversations in social<br />

media groups or forums to discover the problems, questions and priorities people have<br />

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A point to note here is that talking to customers is usually your best source of information. This<br />

means including customers who have been unhappy too - it’s important to understand exactly<br />

why they weren’t satisfied and whether it’s possible that they belong to a market segment that<br />

is just not a good fit for your product. Further, “negative” personas are a valid tool to have.<br />

It’s equally important to know who your product or service is not for. You can identify who you<br />

should exclude from your marketing.<br />

#2: Build out profiles<br />

Once you have gathered your customer (or market) data, it’s time to take that information and<br />

build out your buyer personas. We suggest sticking to no more than 3 - 5 profiles - any more is<br />

a lot to manage, and often unnecessary. You’ll find for example, that there will be job roles<br />

whose priorities overlap or who have similar problems. The key when you’re developing your<br />

personas is to be strict about only focusing on data that is relevant. We follow a very simple<br />

template to build out buyer personas and stick to 5 key groups of data. Using a template as a<br />

guide can help you to filter out any unnecessary information. In a nutshell, each persona will<br />

include:<br />

• Name<br />

• Demographic information - This might include location, job role, age group, gender and<br />

interests. Pick out only demographic data that is actually relevant to their need for your<br />

product or service<br />

• Goals, challenges, values and fears - Get an idea of what motivates them and what their<br />

priorities are.<br />

• Description of job and business - Understand the specific they role they’re responsible<br />

for within the business they work for.<br />

• Where to find them - This might include what they read, watch or listen to, groups they<br />

belong to, social channels they use or forums where they hang out.<br />

#3: Prioritise profiles where needed<br />

You might have a few different customer personas identified, but are all of them a priority for<br />

you right now? How do they align with what your current goals are as a practice? This is an<br />

important consideration as part of your <strong>90</strong>-day marketing plan. Do you create campaigns<br />

targeted at every persona you have, or do you target just one or two?<br />

#4: How to use your target customer personas<br />

Now that you’ve created your customer profiles, you have a ready-made way to go about<br />

market segmentation. This means you can proactively seek out conversations with those who fit<br />

within your personas. Begin with your current leads and customers, and then begin crafting<br />

messages that will resonate with them. This can come right down to the vernacular you use -<br />

what style of pitch is likely to get their attention? You can also use your personas to guide any<br />

cold outreach. You should now have an idea of where to find your target segments, so join<br />

them in the communities, forums, groups or conferences where they like to hang out. Write any<br />

marketing copy with your persona in mind. What sort of headline will grab their attention?<br />

Which topics do they want to hear about? A key takeaway here is that all marketing activities<br />

should be clearly defined with your target customers in mind. Reach them where they are and<br />

take a narrow focus - say goodbye to the “spray and pray” approach and welcome targeted<br />

results.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />



Making a connection with new prospects can be hard. As a business, it can prove to be one of<br />

the biggest challenges you can face! Have you ever felt that, despite your marketing efforts,<br />

you’re not reaching anyone? What about when you are reaching people, but no one is<br />

converting into a new patient?<br />

If you find yourself in either of those positions, you’re not alone. Many businesses are out<br />

there trying all sorts of tactics, jumping from one thing to the next, often unsure of what to<br />

work on next. What will finally be the “silver bullet” to connect with people and actually get<br />

them buying? A key thing to understand before diving into any new strategy is the position of<br />

your customer. Where exactly are they on their journey to discover and get to know you? This<br />

position should determine the types of messaging you are sending them.<br />

Mapping out your customer journey is another important task to complete early in your<br />

marketing plan. Doing so allows you to map the journey to specific marketing activities and<br />

assets, and prioritise how you work on your marketing plan.<br />

There are many different stages to the customer journey, that are positioned as a “series of<br />

interactions”, leading them down a path to become a patient.<br />

#1: Who?<br />

At the beginning, the potential customer doesn’t even know you but hopefully you have<br />

identified them using your customer personas. They will be exhibiting behaviours that you have<br />

determined may make them a prospect.<br />

#2: Awareness of their problems<br />

You could look at awareness as two distinct parts. First, you must assume the customer is a<br />

stranger to your practice. They become aware that they have a problem but they are not yet<br />

aware that you exist with a potential solution for them. This is problem awareness.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


Alternatively, perhaps they are not aware of their problem until they come across a piece of<br />

content, video or advertisement of yours that explains it clearly to them. Either way, they’re<br />

getting to that stage of problem awareness. That problem either prompts them to look for a<br />

solution or your marketing happens to find them at the right time.<br />

#3: Awareness of a solution<br />

The second stage of awareness is solution awareness… “Aha, so I have a problem and there<br />

are potential solutions available”. The prospect is now consuming content that highlights<br />

solutions and looking for customer case studies as proof.<br />

#4: Solution comparison<br />

Now that the customer is aware of the problem and that there are solutions available, they’re<br />

going to move on to consideration. This means they will research, compare solutions and try to<br />

find information that will lead them towards a decision. Remember that as prospects research,<br />

they will usually start to form a fair idea of which criteria do and do not meet their needs. They<br />

will probably have questions that they prioritise according to what they see as their greatest<br />

needs. They will use this information to narrow their focus and eliminate some of the<br />

possibilities that their research turned up.<br />

#5: The lead<br />

Once the customer has a shortlist of possible businesses, they’re ready to make the decision to<br />

select one to help them with their problems. They’re going to be thinking about how easy the<br />

solution is going to come-about and how the solution addresses their overall needs. This is the<br />

point where they officially become a “lead”. That could be a free offer, or a discounted<br />

consultation, or some other action they took to intentionally enter your funnel. Keep in mind,<br />

you don't have them just yet. It’s possible they’ve compared one or two other practices as part<br />

of their decision process - where you can really hang on to the customer is in the next stage.<br />

#6: Success mapping<br />

Many depictions of the customer journey end at the decision stage with “become a new<br />

patient” as the ultimate goal. If you look at the journey from the perspective of the customer<br />

though, this final stage, customer success is important. At this stage, it is about ensuring that<br />

the customer has all that they need to get a successful outcome from your product or service.<br />

Customer success is when your customers achieve their desired outcome through their<br />

interactions with you. Desired outcome is a function of the customer achieving what they need<br />

to while having an appropriate experience in doing so. This brings in all touch points that might<br />

be involved - care, sales, marketing, customer support and anyone else they might have contact<br />

with. The desired outcome may look slightly different for any given customer, but you can look<br />

to your customer personas and make some fair assumptions.<br />

Let’s think about “funnels” for a second…<br />

Where does your lead fit in your funnel? Firstly, you have “top of funnel”, this covers the<br />

period where a prospect is trying to solve a problem and is typically looking for information to<br />

figure out the best solution. When you look at the shape of a funnel, the “top” is at the widest<br />

point. This also illustrates the fact that you may get many leads here, but not all will continue<br />

with you through the journey. This is a period of qualifying leads to move on to the next stage<br />

- usually they will disqualify themselves.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


Next you have the “middle of the funnel”. This is where prospects might become genuine<br />

leads. It aims to show customers why your product or service should be their first choice.<br />

Typically, you would be following strategies to capture their information, such as by getting<br />

them to sign up for an offer. By the end of this stage, you should have a fair idea of whether<br />

they are ready to become a patient.<br />

Last is the “bottom of the funnel”. This stage is very simple; it is where the sale takes place.<br />

The customer is on the phone booking their appointment with you, they are receiving follow-up<br />

emails and texts to ensure they follow-through with their buying decision.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


You can probably see from the different stages of the customer journey that, as the customer<br />

has different needs and expectations at each stage, you will need to meet those with different<br />

marketing strategies. We like to create a customer journey map and integrate our marketing<br />

plan. For each stage of the journey we would follow these steps:<br />

• Determine your goals - For example, at the “problem awareness” stage a goal might be<br />

to educate the customer that solutions exist to their problem.<br />

• Decide on the activities that help those goals - Following on from the example of<br />

educating the customer, an activity might be writing posts targeting specific pain<br />

points.<br />

• Create measurable marketing objectives - For example, you might tie a goal to the<br />

number of visits to your content.<br />

• Create to-dos and prioritise - What tasks do you need to get done to make these<br />

activities happen?<br />

If you’ve found that potential customers just don’t seem to be getting the message, there’s a<br />

chance that they’re seeing the wrong message at the wrong time. Depending on where they are<br />

in their journey, they have different needs and expectations, which is why it’s important to<br />

create marketing messages that cater to different parts of the funnel. Your aim should be to<br />

make a real connection with people, meeting them at their own stage, before guiding them<br />

through the rest of the journey. Start mapping out your customer journey today and consider<br />

how you can engage each stage.<br />

After all, the customer is the hero, we are the guide. It is our job to get them from A to B, all<br />

the while making them feel like they are special and being treated like the only customer in the<br />

world.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />



At this point, it is to be assumed you have a website? If not, quick, your business will not be a<br />

success without one…!<br />

Now, we know time and energy will have gone in to the design of it; colours, font, layout, until<br />

you have the perfect site. And then…<br />

NOTHING.<br />

Your conversion rate is laughable and you’re thoroughly disappointed. Why is my amazing<br />

website not producing new patients for me? The problem is that it is not OPTIMISED correctly<br />

for traffic lead capturing. Great designs do not equal new patients.<br />

So here are 4 things you can do to optimise your website to ensure you are generating leads<br />

every day and all you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour.<br />

#1: Optimise your homepage<br />

How quickly does someone who lands on your homepage understand what you’re all about?<br />

There are so many examples of websites out there which require clicking around or perhaps<br />

browsing through reference material in order for the visitor to know what they do. The point is,<br />

most people won’t bother. If you can’t capture their attention within a few seconds, they will<br />

be gone. Key information needs to be presented upfront so that the visitor can clarify that they<br />

are in the right place. For your website, this means leading with the pain or problem you are<br />

solving and getting to the point very quickly. Your audience should be able to identify within<br />

seconds that your product or service might be right for them.<br />

#2: Crackdown on good copy<br />

Copywriting is a great skill to hone in on as it is the language that actually sells your product or<br />

service. A common mistake that people make on their websites is to base a lot of their copy on<br />

describing their features, without enough going into highlighting the benefits for their<br />

customers. “What’s in it for me?” is a question which should be addressed upfront. Your<br />

benefits should go back to those pain points that your product or service is solving.<br />

#3: The proof is in the (social) pudding<br />

We all want to know that other people are using and having success with a service before we<br />

buy. Social proof is a powerful tool to help sell your product and reassure people that others<br />

like using it. We also call it “testimonials”; videos of your current patients highlighting how<br />

you have helped them with their health.<br />

#4: Called to action<br />

Your “calls to action” are the words or sentences that compel people to take action with you.<br />

They also help to make it clear to the customer what you’d like them to do - don’t make them<br />

guess! It is always good to test your calls to action, to see what works best for you. Focus on<br />

appearance – does it stand out with a noticeable button? Colours are another thing that can be<br />

tested. Size - is the button big enough? Does making it larger or smaller make any difference?<br />

Copy - test different versions of copy. A tip here is to use language that invites the customer to<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


go further on their journey. Don’t use language that sounds too final or rushed, such as “buy<br />

now”. That sort of language is better left to sale sites where scarcity is a factor. Another tip is<br />

to say exactly what it does - vague language like “submit” doesn’t tell the customer what’s<br />

going to happen.<br />

#5: Pixel perfect<br />

You may have heard of a little thing called a “Facebook Pixel”…? This is a piece of code, that<br />

once installed on your website, can track activity on your site and can later be used in your<br />

targeting with adverts on the social media site. This is great for re-targeting people who may<br />

have not been “ready” at the time of visiting your site and need an extra nudge in the right<br />

direction. You can show them things like testimonials, informational videos or an offer for care.<br />

Not only that though, you can be really specific with the content. Using a pixel can show you<br />

exact pages that have been visited, so not only will you know that they’ve visited your site,<br />

you’ll know if they looked at the back pain page, or the sciatica page, then you can utilise that<br />

knowledge to show that audience a back pain themed testimonial video.<br />

So as long as you work on your homepage, to lead the problem you are helping to solve and<br />

make sure your website traffic can understand within a few seconds who you are and what<br />

you’re about, you are good to go! Adding in better copy, some social proof and plenty of<br />

optimised calls to action, you can have a great site that works to produce you new patients.<br />

A website is all about balance and there are two main objectives that need to be met on a<br />

website. You have to think about what your customer wants from their visit and what do you<br />

want from their visit. For the customer, they are likely visiting your website to learn. They are<br />

somewhat interested in your product or service and would like more information. You cannot<br />

have one without the other and this is where so many websites go wrong.<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />



Now you know who you want to target with your marketing and you’ve tidied-up your website,<br />

it’s time to think about what other lead generation there is for you to do, to get those new<br />

patients flooding through the front door.<br />

But the point of this blueprint is about having a STRATEGY. And a clear one at that. Without<br />

one, you’ll just be jumping from one idea to another; trying every cool, shiny new tactic that<br />

comes your way. Without the correct strategy, you won’t have a nice flow of leads coming<br />

through to your practice.<br />

This is about shifting you from a manual process to putting your marketing in to auto-pilot!<br />

Everything in this blueprint is honestly very simple to achieve, you don’t need to be a complete<br />

nerd with all the systems and software. The main thing with lead generation is that you’re<br />

implementing it without too much overwhelm. Please note that you should not be thinking<br />

about this next stage if the foundations of what we have gone through up until this point are<br />

not in place. If you don’t have your foundation in place first, you have no business running<br />

Facebook adverts or the like.<br />

We ultimately want you to grow your practice with proven methods that generate you new<br />

patients over and over. To truly master the lead generation game, don’t just focus on ONE<br />

THING. You may have heard, but “one” is the worst number in business. You have to have<br />

multiple fingers in multiple pies to have your message spread to as wide an audience as<br />

possible.<br />

#1: The Ideal Patient<br />

Once you’ve worked out your ideal patient, you must ride with it at the forefront of your lead<br />

generation. This is essential and makes sure you’re focused on the right type of patient from<br />

the start because if you’re marketing to everyone you’re really marketing to no one. It will just<br />

be lost in a sea of marketing from hundreds of other adverts.<br />

#2: The Ideal Message<br />

Your message is a clearly stated message that speaks directly to the ideal patient you’re trying<br />

to attract. You have to say… “Here’s what I do and here’s how it can help you”, but most<br />

importantly, it needs to connect with your ideal patient so that they get the results they really<br />

want.<br />

#3: The Ideal Solution<br />

This is a simple way to show your potential customers how you can get them from where they<br />

are to where they want to be; taking them from their biggest pain point to their biggest<br />

achievement.<br />

#4: The Ideal Offer<br />

You want to be attracting people with a great and low-risk offer. You want to be generating<br />

leads as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Setting the terms of your offer too high will not<br />

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e the most attractive thing to your potential customers. The offer needs to be something you<br />

can use again and again, and that is easy to implement in to your main driving force.<br />

#5: The Ideal Lead Magnet<br />

Lead magnets come in all shapes and sizes. It needs to be punchy, solving only one problem. It<br />

has to position you as an expert, be time-friendly so they can consume it within minutes and it<br />

needs to be “un-finished”, meaning it’s only one part of the main solution to their problem.<br />

#6: The Ideal Funnel<br />

A sales funnel allows you to streamline the marketing lifecycle. If you look at your marketing<br />

funnel, all you’re trying to do is move people through a series of steps; from an opt-in form to<br />

a thank you page to scheduling a new patient appointment with you.<br />

#7: The Ideal Advert<br />

At first, just stick with one advert source, test it, refine it and reap the benefits from it before<br />

moving on to a different one. On Facebook, for example, try a lead generation advert and then<br />

a traffic advert for an in-house talk, then once you’re happy you can run the winning adverts<br />

alongside each other, turning them on and off like a tap.<br />

There are many types of lead generation you can implement but the key strategies that you<br />

want to implement in the next <strong>90</strong>-days are as follows:<br />

Lead Generation Carousel Advert<br />

A lead generation carousel advert that is promoting a desirable offer to become a new patient<br />

in your practice. Here are the steps to set up your first lead generation advert:<br />

• Set up a Business Manager<br />

• Add your Business Page<br />

• Add an Ads Manager<br />

• Take some photos of your offices, including an adjustment photo and a team photo (4<br />

minimum)<br />

• Decide on an offer i.e. £30 instead of £110, 70% off, buy one get one half price<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


• Go to your Ads Manager and begin a NEW CAMPAIGN<br />

• Select the campaign type as “Lead Generation”<br />

• Name your campaign as “[Clinic Name Here] Lead Gen Ad”<br />

• Name your AD SET as “[Insert Offer Here] Offer 25-65+”<br />

• Select the correct Business Page you’d like to associate the advert with<br />

• Decide your audience based on your clinic location AND set the age range as “25-65+”<br />

• Go to the PLACEMENT section and select “Edit Placements”<br />

• Remove all placements EXCEPT from “Facebook Feeds”<br />

• On the BUDGET & SCHEDULE section, set a daily budget of between £10-£20 and let the<br />

ad run until you manually stop it<br />

• Continue to the next section<br />

• Give your advert a name<br />

• Select the format of your advert to be “carousel”<br />

• Insert the text copy for your advert, including the offer and what is included<br />

• Insert and add your 4 images<br />

• Add headlines to each of the images<br />

• Add emojis to the text copy and the headlines, go to get emoji.com to source the<br />

emojis<br />

• Change the CALL TO ACTION button to “Get Offer”<br />

• Select “+ New Form” to add a new LEAD FORM<br />

• Give the form a name<br />

• Go to “Form Settings”<br />

• Change the default language to “English (UK)” or your relevant language<br />

• Change “Sharing” from RESTRICTED to OPEN<br />

• Click on “Content”<br />

• Under “Info”, add a form headline<br />

• Change the setting under “Image” to “Use the image from your ad”<br />

• Add an information paragraph under “Layout”<br />

• Click on “Questions” and add a headline<br />

• Under USER INFORMATION, click on “see more options”<br />

• Select “Phone number”<br />

• Click on PRIVACY POLICY<br />

• Under “Link Text”, put “Privacy & Policy”<br />

• Under “Link URL”, add a link to your website’s privacy policy<br />

• Click on “Thank You Screen”<br />

• Add a HEADLINE and a DESCRIPTION<br />

• Set “Button Type” to CALL BUSINESS<br />

• Change “Button Text” to “Call [CA Name Here] Now”<br />

• Now add your phone number<br />

• Click SAVE and then FINISH<br />

• Now click on CONFIRM<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


Traffic Advert<br />

A traffic advert that is promoting an in-house event in your practice such as a health workshop<br />

or a spinal screening. Here are the steps to set up your traffic advert, driving people to an inhouse<br />

health class:<br />

• Select a Health Workshop topic<br />

• Select a date and a time<br />

• Download an image relating to your event topic, use shutterstock.com etc.<br />

• Record a 30-second to 1-minute video inviting people to attend your workshop<br />

• Upload the video to YouTube and once uploaded, set the video to private<br />

• Under the video settings, go to “subtitles and captions”<br />

• Edit to captions and then save the edited version<br />

• Open the new version and export them as a .SRT file and name them “captions.en_US”<br />

• Create an Eventbrite account<br />

• Create a new event on Eventbrite<br />

• Give your event a title<br />

• Select the location/venue of your event<br />

• Select a start and end time/date<br />

• Give your event a header image, related to your talk topic<br />

• Give your event a description i.e. what the topic is, what they will learn and how it will<br />

help them<br />

• Add the organiser of the event and a description about them<br />

• Select the ticket type as “Free Ticket”<br />

• Name the tickets “General Admission” and set the seating capacity<br />

• Under ticket settings, set the sale end date as the event date<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


• Add a ticket description<br />

• Under “Additional Settings”, set the event type to “Seminar or Talk” and set the event<br />

topic to “Health and Wellness”<br />

• Tick the box under “Remaining Tickets”<br />

• Click “Save”<br />

• Click “Make Your Event Live”<br />

• Under the event manager, click on “Order Options” under the event dashboard<br />

• Select “Order Form”<br />

• Select “Each Attendee”<br />

• Set “Mobile Phone” as “Include” and “Require”<br />

• Deselect “Address”<br />

• Click “Save”<br />

• Select “Order Confirmation” under “Order Options”<br />

• Add a “message” and an “email”<br />

• Click “Save”<br />

• Select “Invite and Promote” under the event dashboard<br />

• Select “Tracking Links”<br />

• Rename it “Facebook” and then save it<br />

• Select “Manage Attendees” under the event dashboard<br />

• Select “Emails to Attendees”<br />

• Add two new emails, with one sending 5 days before and one sending 3 days before<br />

• Go back to your “Tracking Links”<br />

• Copy the Facebook link<br />

• Go to your ads manager and create a new campaign<br />

• Select “Traffic” as the campaign type and name it “Health Workshops”<br />

• Name the ad set as “[EVENTNAME_DATE]”<br />

• Select your Traffic setting as “Website”<br />

• Decide your location and audience demographics<br />

• Edit your ad placements and delete all but “Facebook Feeds” and Facebook Right<br />

Column” Set a lifetime budget, between £100-£300 (an advisory amount)<br />

• Set the end date as the date of your event<br />

• Proceed to the ad set-up<br />

• Name your advert<br />

• Select your correct business page<br />

• Select the format as “Single Image or Video”<br />

• Upload your video<br />

• Add your saved captions<br />

• Add text copy to your advert<br />

• Paste the copied URL from Eventbrite under “Website URL”<br />

• Add a headline<br />

• Change your “Call To Action” to “Book Now”<br />

• Add a newsfeed link description and then click “Confirm”<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />



The final piece of your <strong>90</strong>-day marketing puzzle are an element known as screenings. These fall<br />

under the category of “field marketing”. You have “online marketing”, which refers to<br />

advertising done on social platforms; whereas “field” refers to marketing done out and about,<br />

speaking to people.<br />

A screening is an inside or outside event where you set up a stall or kiosk and offer “passerby”<br />

trade an opportunity to get a “posture check” or “spinal assessment” with you. The<br />

prospect is then offered an opportunity to come in to your practice for an initial appointment at<br />

a reduced rate that they pay for at the event to secure their slot.<br />

As well as standard screenings, these can also be community events and corporate visits. They<br />

can be hosted anywhere, as long as you have your screening kit, some discounted vouchers and<br />

a thirst for new patients! From outside your practice’s front door to inside a well-known local<br />

business. Some of the best places to screen in include:<br />

• Fairs<br />

• Fetes<br />

• Markets<br />

• Shopping centres<br />

• Town centre<br />

• Supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsburys etc<br />

• Local stores in your community<br />

• Gyms<br />

• Bigger corporate businesses<br />

One of the campaigns that will arguably bring you amongst the lowest cost per lead out of all<br />

media channels, screenings are a fantastic way of meeting new patients, networking with your<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


community and spreading knowledge of you and your practice. It can be quite a passive<br />

marketing source, with a lot of attention coming from the customer than you, the marketer.<br />

Now, out of all the sources of new patients that exist, this is by far the least “sexy”, but by far,<br />

one of the biggest bankers. If you’re prepared to…<br />

• Serve more people in your community<br />

• Make way more money<br />

• Increase the time you have available in your life<br />

• All the while, decreasing stress in your day to day life<br />


The biggest secret to making screenings a success is very simple. Just show up. Quite literally,<br />

that is it. The more you show up, the more you learn, the better and more confident you’ll get.<br />

There are some great advantages to hosting a screening too. You have many venues you can<br />

contact and choose from, whereas you are limited to particular sites using online marketing.<br />

Another good thing is the customer pays before they’ve even stepped foot in your practice,<br />

meaning the likelihood of their retention is increased. You also get to create a nice rapport<br />

with them before their first appointment which is nice when they see your familiar face on<br />

attending their appointment.<br />

If you’re feeling good about the prospects of hosting a screening, but unsure of where to start<br />

and more importantly, what you need, we have created a nice checklist for you here:<br />

The Definitive Screening Checklist<br />

• SAM Machine<br />

• Poles<br />

• Roller Banner<br />

• Table<br />

• Table Cover<br />

• Spine and a stand<br />

• Vouchers<br />

• Booking Forms<br />

• Control Sheets<br />

• Clipboards<br />

• Method of Payment<br />

• Stapler and staples<br />

• Till Roll<br />

• Pens<br />

• Public Liability Insurance<br />

• Gazebo (if outdoors)<br />

• Sand Weights (if outdoors)<br />

• Chairs<br />

• Wooden Platform/Base<br />

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YOUR <strong>90</strong>-DAY CHECKLIST<br />

WEEK 1:<br />

Gather data on your current patients<br />

Build a perfect patient profile<br />

Decide a profile to focus on<br />

Plan out the best message to use to attract<br />

your chosen target patient type<br />

WEEK 2:<br />

Structure your customer journey<br />

Decide the route in, the process and the<br />

Outcome<br />

WEEK 3-5:<br />

Re-structure your website’s homepage<br />

Check you are happy with the copy and<br />

edit where necessary<br />

Add social proof and testimonials to the site<br />

Add 2-5 “call to action” opportunities<br />

Set up and install a Facebook pixel on the site<br />

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WEEK 5-8:<br />

Set up Facebook and an ads manager<br />

Decide an offer to promote<br />

Create a lead magnet<br />

Advertise an offer to your audience<br />

Promote a lead magnet to your audience<br />

Create a follow-up system for your leads<br />

Organise an in-house health class<br />

WEEK 8-12:<br />

Order and acquire a screening kit<br />

Book 5-10 screening events<br />

Attend and screen your local community<br />

Book new patients and create a follow-up<br />

for non-booked leads<br />

Hire extra help to join you at screenings<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


Skyrocket<br />

Your Way To<br />

Success!<br />

© 2018 - 2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd<br />


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