API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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2-40 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581Table 5.3—Data Required for Determination of the Lining DFType of liningRequired DataAge of lining (years)CommentsSee Table 5.4 and Table 5.5, as applicableAge of lining, or years since last A or B effective inspection (i.e. since lastthorough visual inspection or other appropriate method)Lining condition Condition of lining based on Table 5.6On-line monitoring for lining failureOn-line monitoringDamage factor Thinning DF determined as in Section 4Table 5.4—Lining DFs—Inorganic LiningsYears SinceLastThoroughVisualInspectionStrip LinedAlloy(Resistant)CastableRefractoryDF As a Function of Inorganic Lining TypeCastableRefractorySevereConditionsGlass Lined Acid Brick Fiberglass1 0.3 0.5 9 3 0.01 12 0.5 1 40 4 0.03 13 0.7 2 146 6 0.05 14 1 4 428 7 0.15 15 1 9 1017 9 1 16 2 16 1978 11 1 17 3 30 3000 13 1 28 4 53 3000 16 1 39 6 89 3000 20 2 710 9 146 3000 25 3 1311 12 230 3000 30 4 2612 16 351 3000 36 5 4713 22 518 3000 44 7 8214 30 738 3000 53 9 13915 40 1017 3000 63 11 22816 53 1358 3000 75 15 35917 69 1758 3000 89 19 54818 89 2209 3000 105 25 80819 115 2697 3000 124 31 115120 146 3000 3000 146 40 158721 184 3000 3000 170 50 211922 230 3000 3000 199 63 274323 286 3000 3000 230 78 300024 351 3000 3000 266 97 300025 428 3000 3000 306 119 3000

RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 2—PROBABILITY OF FAILURE METHODOLOGY 2-41Table 5.5—Lining DFs—Organic LiningsYears inServiceLow-quality ImmersionGrade Coating (SprayApplied, to 40 mils)Medium-quality ImmersionGrade Coating (Filled, TrowelApplied, to 80 mils)High-quality Immersion GradeCoating (Reinforced, TrowelApplied, ≥80 mils)1 30 1 0.12 89 4 0.133 230 16 0.154 518 53 0.175 1017 146 0.26 1758 351 17 2697 738 48 3000 1358 169 3000 2209 5310 3000 3000 14611 3000 3000 35112 3000 3000 73813 3000 3000 135814 3000 3000 220915 3000 3000 300016 3000 3000 300017 3000 3000 300018 3000 3000 300019 3000 3000 300020 3000 3000 300021 3000 3000 300022 3000 3000 300023 3000 3000 300024 3000 3000 300025 3000 3000 3000


Table 5.5—Lining DFs—Organic Linings

Years in


Low-quality Immersion

Grade Coating (Spray

Applied, to 40 mils)

Medium-quality Immersion

Grade Coating (Filled, Trowel

Applied, to 80 mils)

High-quality Immersion Grade

Coating (Reinforced, Trowel

Applied, ≥80 mils)

1 30 1 0.1

2 89 4 0.13

3 230 16 0.15

4 518 53 0.17

5 1017 146 0.2

6 1758 351 1

7 2697 738 4

8 3000 1358 16

9 3000 2209 53

10 3000 3000 146

11 3000 3000 351

12 3000 3000 738

13 3000 3000 1358

14 3000 3000 2209

15 3000 3000 3000

16 3000 3000 3000

17 3000 3000 3000

18 3000 3000 3000

19 3000 3000 3000

20 3000 3000 3000

21 3000 3000 3000

22 3000 3000 3000

23 3000 3000 3000

24 3000 3000 3000

25 3000 3000 3000

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