API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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Table 6.1—Basic Data Needed for the PRD Module

Data Description Data Source

PRD type

Fluid composition

Service severity

Overpressure scenarios

PRD discharge location

Type of PRD

— Conventional spring-loaded PRV (default)

— Balanced bellows PRV

— Pilot-operated PRV

— PRV with rupture disk

— Rupture disk only

Process fluid mixture components, either mass or mole fraction. Limit

of 10 components in mixture definition.

Severity of process fluid. Choices are Mild, Moderate, and Severe.

The service severity provides the basis for the selection of the default

POFOD and probability of leakage curves.


— Mild

— Moderate (default)

— Severe


— Mild

— Moderate (default)

— Severe

Provide a listing of the applicable overpressure scenarios for each

PRD. For each overpressure scenario, default values for the initiating

event frequency and the PRD demand rate reduction factor (DRRF)

are provided in Table 5.2. These two parameters when multiplied

together provide an estimate of the demand rate on the PRD


— Atmosphere

— Flare (default)

— Closed process

User specified

Fixed equipment

User specified

User specified

User specified

PRD inspection history

— Date of testing

— Install date

— Type of test (effectiveness)

— Results of test/inspection

— Overhauled? Yes/No (see

Section 5.1.6)

— Inlet and outlet piping


[see Section 5.2.4 i),1)]

User specified

Protected equipment


Fluid inventory

Operating conditions, design conditions, dimensions, damage

mechanisms, GFF, and DFs

Fluid inventory associated with the protected equipment (lbm). May

be less than the RBI calculated inventory due to shut-in conditions,

e.g. reactor discharge valve fails closed.

Fixed equipment

Fixed equipment

Injury costs Cost of serious injury, $ Fixed equipment

Environmental costs

Environmental fines and costs associated with PRD leakage or loss

of equipment containment, $/event

Fixed equipment

Production costs Cost of lost production, $ Fixed equipment

Unit costs Cost to replace unit, $/ft 2 Fixed equipment

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