API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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F = 1.

0 for all other cases


Cost of Lost Inventory

The cost of lost fluid inventory, Cost inv , can be calculated using Equation (5.120) or Equation (5.121). Note

that when determining the consequence of leakage, the fluid costs, Cost flu , in Equation (5.120) should be

based on the fluid that exists in the protected equipment where the PRD is physically located.


inv r flu mild mild

Cost = 24⋅F ⋅Cost ⋅D ⋅ lrate



inv r flu so so

Cost = 24⋅F ⋅Cost ⋅D ⋅ lrate


Environmental Costs

The environmental costs, Cost env , are added when leakage through a PRD either to atmosphere or to a flare

system could possibly result in cleanup costs or regulatory fines.

Costs of Shutdown to Repair PRD

The cost associated with repair and maintenance is added to calculate a PRD, Cost sd , if a leaking device

cannot be tolerated. The following values can be used to calculate repair and maintenance cost:

Cost sd =

$1000 for PRDs < NPS 6 inlet size

Cost sd

= $2000 for PRDs ≥ NPS 6 inlet size

However, API recommends using actual owner–user work order costs associated with the maintenance,

testing, inspection, and repair of the PRD.

Cost of Lost Production

The cost of lost production to repair a leaking PRD, Cost prod , can be calculated using Equation (5.122) or

Equation (5.123). Where spare PRDs are installed in parallel or in cases where isolation valves underneath

the PRD offer flexibility to repair without shutting down, production losses need not be considered. For the

stuck open case, it is assumed that prolonged operation cannot be tolerated, in which case Equation (5.124)

should be used.



Cost = 0.

0 if a leaking PRD can be tolerated or if the PRD can

be isolated and repaired without requiring a shutdown



prod prod sd

Cost = Unit ⋅ D if a leaking PRD cannot be tolerated



prod prod sd

Cost = Unit ⋅ D for a stuck open PRD


Calculation of Leakage Consequence

The consequence of leakage is calculated for two leaks cases.

a) Minor or Moderate Leakage

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