API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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5-58 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581Protected Equipment Failure Frequency as a Result of OverpressureWhere risk analysis has been completed for equipment components being protected by PRDs, each piece ofprotected equipment has a damage adjusted POF calculated as the equipment’s GFF multiplied by a DF,see Section 6.1 and Equation (5.89). The DF is determined based on the applicable damage mechanisms forthe equipment, the inspection history, and condition of the equipment. The DFs for the protected equipmentare calculated as a function of time. This is very important when evaluating the inspection interval for thePRD. As the PRD inspection interval is extended, the damage related to the vessel increases as does therisk associated with the PRD.a) Damage Factor Calculation Procedure for PRD with Fixed EquipmentThe damage adjusted POF are calculated at the normal operating pressure of the equipment and areadjusted when evaluating PRDs as follows. When a PRD fails to open upon demand, the pressure inthe protected equipment rises above the operating pressure and in many cases, significantly above theMAWP. The protected equipment damage adjusted POF (P f (t) from Equation (5.89)) is adjusted basedon the calculated overpressure for the overpressure demand case under consideration. The damageadjusted POF, which is equal to the probability of loss of containment from the protected equipment, atthe overpressure is calculated as follows:⎛P o,j ⎞⎜3.464837⋅MAWP⎟⎝⎠f , j = ⋅ total ⋅ f ⋅ MS ⋅ (5.109)( 0 0312881)P . gff D F eThe above equation is set up so that at normal operating pressure (≤ MAWP), the probability of loss ofcontainment from the equipment, P f,j , is equal to the damage adjust failure frequency, P f , calculated infixed equipment RBI for the protected equipment using Equation (5.89). At elevated overpressureswhen the PRD is being evaluated, the probability of loss of containment in the protected equipmentincreases. As an upper limit, for an undamaged piece of equipment (D f = 1.0), the probability of loss ofcontainment will equal 1.0 when the overpressure is equal to the burst pressure, or the failure pressureof the vessel. The burst pressure of the vessel can be estimated using the design margin times theMAWP (the design margin of the equipment, also known as safety factors, constructed in accordancewith various codes are shown in Table 6.4). Alternatively, the burst pressure can be more accuratelycalculated using a more advanced analysis such as Svensson’s method [11] . For a damaged piece ofequipment (D f 1.0), the probability of loss of containment can reach 1.0 at pressures much lowerthan the damaged equipment burst pressure, see Figure 6.6 for further clarification.The probability of occurrence of any of the four holes sizes (i.e. small leak to rupture) is increased atelevated overpressures due to the increased probability of loss of containment and may be calculatedas follows:n ⎛ gff n ⎞Pf ,j = Pf ,j ⎜⎝ gff⎟total ⎠(5.110)See Section 6.2.2 for initial discussion on the discrete hole sizes; Part 2, Table 3.1 for gff n and gff total ;and Part 3, Table 4.4 for definitions of the hole and actual representative sizes.b) Selection of DF Class when PRD RBI Is Performed Without Fixed EquipmentIf fixed equipment risk analysis has not been performed, then the DFs for the protected equipment thatnormally would be calculated for fixed equipment will have to be specified. The DFs may be determinedquantitatively using a DF class as shown in Table 6.11. This method should be considered to be lessquantitative than when an RBI analysis is conducted to determine fixed equipment DFs.

RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 5—SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 5-59Calculation ProcedureThe following calculation procedure may be used to determine the probability of a PRD failure to open at aspecified inspection interval.a) STEP 2.1—Select an inspection interval, t insp .b) STEP 2.2—Determine the default values for the Weibull parameters, β and η def , using Table 6.6 andTable 6.7.c) STEP 2.3—Determine the adjustment factor for conventional valves, F c , using Section 5.2.4 g.d) STEP 2.4—Determine the environmental adjustment factor for conventional valves, F env , using Table 6.7.e) STEP 2.5—Calculate the modified characteristic life, η mod , using Equation (5.92) and the factorsobtained from STEP 2.3 and STEP 2.4.f) STEP 2.6—Assemble the PRD’s inspection history. Grade each record using the inspection effectivenesstable, Part 2, Annex 2.C, Table 2.C.3.1. Record the results of each inspection record; PASS/FAIL and NOLEAK/LEAK and determine the confidence factors, CF i , as applicable, for each inspection history basedon the results of the test. Determine the time duration, t dur,i , of each inspection cycle.1) STEP 2.6.1—Each inspection record must be graded using the PRD inspection effectiveness table,Part 2, Annex 2.C, Table 2.C.3.1.STEP 2.6.2—Record the PASS/FAIL and NO LEAK/LEAK in order to determine the confidence factors, CF i ,as applicable, for each inspection history where a test was conducted.STEP 2.6.3—Determine the time duration, t dur,i , between each inspection cycle.STEP 2.6.4—Determine if the PRD was overhauled.— If the PRD was overhauled, the date of the most recent overhaul becomes the earliestinspection record at which STEP 2.7 is started.— Refer to Section 6.7.2 and Section 6.7.3, as well as Figure 6.7, for more information.g) STEP 2.7—Starting at the earliest inspection record, update the modified characteristic life, η mod ,determined in STEP 2.5 as follows.1) STEP 2.7.1—Calculate the prior POF,prdP f ,prior, using Equation (5.95). The time period for use inEquation (5.95). is the time duration of the inspection cycle, t dur,i , as determined in STEP 2.6. Notethat for the first inspection record, the modified characteristic life, η mod , is used. Subsequentinspection records will use the updated characteristic life, η upd , from STEP 2.7.5.STEP 2.7.2—Calculate the prior probability,prdP p,prior , of passing using Equation (5.96).prdSTEP 2.7.3—Determine the conditional POF, P f ,cond, and the conditional POFOD with failed inspection,prdP f ,cond, using Equation (5.97) and Equation (5.98), respectively.STEP 2.7.4—Calculate the weighted POF,prdPf ,wgt , using the appropriate equation from Table 6.10.


Protected Equipment Failure Frequency as a Result of Overpressure

Where risk analysis has been completed for equipment components being protected by PRDs, each piece of

protected equipment has a damage adjusted POF calculated as the equipment’s GFF multiplied by a DF,

see Section 6.1 and Equation (5.89). The DF is determined based on the applicable damage mechanisms for

the equipment, the inspection history, and condition of the equipment. The DFs for the protected equipment

are calculated as a function of time. This is very important when evaluating the inspection interval for the

PRD. As the PRD inspection interval is extended, the damage related to the vessel increases as does the

risk associated with the PRD.

a) Damage Factor Calculation Procedure for PRD with Fixed Equipment

The damage adjusted POF are calculated at the normal operating pressure of the equipment and are

adjusted when evaluating PRDs as follows. When a PRD fails to open upon demand, the pressure in

the protected equipment rises above the operating pressure and in many cases, significantly above the

MAWP. The protected equipment damage adjusted POF (P f (t) from Equation (5.89)) is adjusted based

on the calculated overpressure for the overpressure demand case under consideration. The damage

adjusted POF, which is equal to the probability of loss of containment from the protected equipment, at

the overpressure is calculated as follows:

P o,j ⎞




f , j = ⋅ total ⋅ f ⋅ MS ⋅ (5.109)

( 0 0312881


P . gff D F e

The above equation is set up so that at normal operating pressure (≤ MAWP), the probability of loss of

containment from the equipment, P f,j , is equal to the damage adjust failure frequency, P f , calculated in

fixed equipment RBI for the protected equipment using Equation (5.89). At elevated overpressures

when the PRD is being evaluated, the probability of loss of containment in the protected equipment

increases. As an upper limit, for an undamaged piece of equipment (D f = 1.0), the probability of loss of

containment will equal 1.0 when the overpressure is equal to the burst pressure, or the failure pressure

of the vessel. The burst pressure of the vessel can be estimated using the design margin times the

MAWP (the design margin of the equipment, also known as safety factors, constructed in accordance

with various codes are shown in Table 6.4). Alternatively, the burst pressure can be more accurately

calculated using a more advanced analysis such as Svensson’s method [11] . For a damaged piece of

equipment (D f 1.0), the probability of loss of containment can reach 1.0 at pressures much lower

than the damaged equipment burst pressure, see Figure 6.6 for further clarification.

The probability of occurrence of any of the four holes sizes (i.e. small leak to rupture) is increased at

elevated overpressures due to the increased probability of loss of containment and may be calculated

as follows:

n ⎛ gff n ⎞

Pf ,j = Pf ,j ⎜

⎝ gff

total ⎠


See Section 6.2.2 for initial discussion on the discrete hole sizes; Part 2, Table 3.1 for gff n and gff total ;

and Part 3, Table 4.4 for definitions of the hole and actual representative sizes.

b) Selection of DF Class when PRD RBI Is Performed Without Fixed Equipment

If fixed equipment risk analysis has not been performed, then the DFs for the protected equipment that

normally would be calculated for fixed equipment will have to be specified. The DFs may be determined

quantitatively using a DF class as shown in Table 6.11. This method should be considered to be less

quantitative than when an RBI analysis is conducted to determine fixed equipment DFs.

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