API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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η = = 17.



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The weighting factors assure a gradual shift from default POFOD data to field POFOD data and do

not allow the characteristic life to adjust upward too rapidly. They will, however, shorten

characteristic life if the device has repeated failures early in its service.

Other points that are not accounted for in the calculation procedure regarding inspection updating

are as follows.

i) Tests conducted at less than 1 year do not get credit.

ii) After a pass, the characteristic life cannot decrease. If the procedure yields a decrease in

characteristic life, this value should not be used. The characteristic life should be kept equal to

the previous value.

iii) After a fail, the characteristic life cannot increase. If the procedure yields an increase in

characteristic life, this value should not be used. The characteristic life should be kept equal to

the previous value.

7) Updating Failure Rates After Modification to the Design of the PRD

Design changes are often made to PRDs that improve the reliability of the device and result in a

change in the failure rate, for example upgrading to a corrosion-resistant material or installation of

an upstream rupture disk. Past inspection data are no longer applicable to the newly designed

installation. In these cases, either a new default curve should be selected per Figure 7.2 or devicespecific

Weibull parameters should be chosen based on owner–user experience, thus generating a

unique curve for the device.

j) Adjustment for Overpressures Higher Than Set Pressure

As discussed in Section 6.1.3, the POFOD curves are based on bench test data where a failure is

defined as any test requiring a pressure greater than 1.3 times the set pressure. Intuitively, one would

expect that at higher overpressures, the probability that the PRD would fail to open goes down

dramatically. A review of the industry failure data supports this. Figure 6.4 shows that as the

overpressure ratio increases, the PRD failure rate reduces significantly.

A conservative approach is to assume that the failure rate is cut by a factor of 5 at 4.0 times the set

pressure and to assume linear interpolation between 1.3 and 4.0 times the set pressure. A factor for

overpressure, F op,j , is introduced in Equation (5.108).


F op, j = 10 . for < 1.




F op, j = 0. 2 for > 4.



1 ⎛ Po,j

F op, j = 1− ⋅ 1.

3 for all other cases

3. 375

⎜ −


⎝ ⎠





The adjustment factor calculated above cannot be less than 0.2, nor greater than 1.0.

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