API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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5-52 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581The presence of upstream rupture disks is accounted for by using the POFOD curve for MILDservice regardless of what fluid severity is selected. This assumes that the space between therupture disk and the PRV is vented and monitored for leakage as required by Code and asrecommended by API 520. If this is not the case, the upstream rupture disk should not beconsidered in the analysis (i.e. assume the disk is not present).Use of Plant-specific Failure DataData collected from specific plant testing programs can also be used to obtain POFOD andprobability of leakage values. Different measures such as MTTF or failure per million operatinghours may be converted into the desired form via simple conversion routines.d) Default Data for Balanced Bellows PRVsA balanced spring-loaded PRV uses a bellows to isolate the back side of the disk from the effects ofsuperimposed and built-up back pressure. The bellows also isolates the internals of the PRD from thecorrosive effects of the fluid in the discharge system.An analysis of industry failure rate data shows that balanced bellows PRVs have the same POFOD ratesas their conventional PRD counterparts, even though they typically discharge to dirty/corrosive closedsystems. This is due to the isolation of the valve internals from the discharge fluid and the effects ofcorrosion and fouling. As shown in Table 6.6, the characteristic life (Weibull η parameter) is the same forbellows PRVs as it is for conventional PRVs.e) Default Weibull Parameters for Pilot-operated PRVsTo date, there is little failure rate data in the industry available for pilot-operated PRVs. One source [10]indicates that pilot-operated PRVs are 20 times more likely to fail than their spring-loaded counterparts.The Weibull parameters for the POFOD curves for conventional PRVs as shown in Table 6.6 are usedas the basis for pilot-operated PRVs with adjustment factors applied to the characteristic life (ηparameter). For MILD service, the η parameter for pilot-operated PRVs is reduced by a factor of 1.5; forMODERATE service, the reduction factor is 3.0; and for SEVERE service, the reduction factor is 5.0.f) Default Weibull Parameters for Rupture DisksTo date, there is little failure rate data in the industry available for rupture disks. Rupture disks aresimple, reliable devices that are not likely to fail to open at pressures significantly over their burstpressure (unless inlet or outlet plugging is a problem, or unless they are installed improperly). Typically, ifa rupture disk were to fail, it would burst early. Therefore, the Weibull parameters for the failure to openupon demand case for rupture disks are based on the MILD severity curve for conventional PRVs. Thismakes the assumption that a rupture disk is at least as reliable as a conventional PRV. It also assumesthat the rupture disk material has been properly selected to withstand the corrosive potential of theoperating fluid. Where it is known that the rupture disk material is not properly selected for the corrosiveservice, the disk Weibull parameters should be adjusted accordingly.g) Adjustment for Conventional PRVs Discharging to Closed SystemAn adjustment is made to the base Weibull parameters for conventional valves that discharge to a closedsystem or to flare. Since a conventional valve does not have a bellows to protect the bonnet housingfrom the corrosive fluids in the discharge system, the characteristic life (represented by the η parameter)is reduced by 25 %, using an adjustment factor of 0.75.

RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 5—SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 5-53F = 0.75 for conventional valves discharging to closed system or flarecF = 1.0 for all other casesch) Adjustment for Environmental FactorsThere are several environmental and installation factors that can affect the reliability of PRDs. Theseinclude the existence of vibration in the installed piping, a history of chatter, and whether or not thedevice is located in pulsing flow or cyclical service, such as when the device is installed downstream ofreciprocating rotating equipment. Other environmental factors that can significantly affect leakageprobability are operating temperature and operating ratio.The operating ratio of a PRD is the ratio of maximum system operating pressure to the set pressure.When the operating ratio is greater than 90 % for spring-loaded PRVs, the system pressure is close toovercoming the closing force provided by the spring on the seating surface and the PRV will be morelikely to leak (simmer). This increased potential for leakage is taken into account by applying anenvironmental factor to the default leakage curve. Similarly, an environmental factor is applied when theoperating margin is greater than 95 % for pilot-operated PRVs. Note that some pilot-operated PRVs canfunction at operating ratios up to 98 % (see API 520 for guidance on operation margin).An analysis of the industry failure rate data shows that PRDs installed in vibratory or cyclical service tendto have higher leakage rates. The analysis showed, however, that the fail to open failure rates remainabout the same when a PRD is installed in these services.If a PRV has a history of chattering, the installation should be modified or redesigned as soon aspossible to eliminate the chatter, since the effects of chatter may be very detrimental to the protectionprovided by the PRD. An assumed adjustment factor of 0.5 is applied to the Weibull η parameters for thePOFOD and probability of leakage (POL) curves of a PRD that has a history of chattering in service.Table 6.7 provides the environmental adjustment factors applied to the default POFOD and POL Weibullcurves.The environmental factor, F env , is used to increase the POFOD or leakage by reducing the curve’scharacteristic life (Weibull η parameter). As shown in Figure 6.5, the modifier effectively shifts theprobability curves to the left.i) Updating Failure on Demand Based on PRD-specific Testing Data1) Tracking Historical Inspection and Testing DataAn inspection program should track each PRD’s testing and inspection history from its initialinstallation. From this history, adjustments can be made to each device’s P fod and P l curves totake advantage of the knowledge gained by the testing of a particular relief device in a specificservice.After actual testing, data are obtained for a PRD, the probability functions of that device areadjusted up or down (modifying the Weibull parameters) depending upon the results(pass/fail/leak) of the device’s specific inspection tests and the length of service since the lastinspection. In this way, an increase or reduction in the recommended interval is obtained based onhistorical test data.


F = 0.75 for conventional valves discharging to closed system or flare


F = 1.0 for all other cases


h) Adjustment for Environmental Factors

There are several environmental and installation factors that can affect the reliability of PRDs. These

include the existence of vibration in the installed piping, a history of chatter, and whether or not the

device is located in pulsing flow or cyclical service, such as when the device is installed downstream of

reciprocating rotating equipment. Other environmental factors that can significantly affect leakage

probability are operating temperature and operating ratio.

The operating ratio of a PRD is the ratio of maximum system operating pressure to the set pressure.

When the operating ratio is greater than 90 % for spring-loaded PRVs, the system pressure is close to

overcoming the closing force provided by the spring on the seating surface and the PRV will be more

likely to leak (simmer). This increased potential for leakage is taken into account by applying an

environmental factor to the default leakage curve. Similarly, an environmental factor is applied when the

operating margin is greater than 95 % for pilot-operated PRVs. Note that some pilot-operated PRVs can

function at operating ratios up to 98 % (see API 520 for guidance on operation margin).

An analysis of the industry failure rate data shows that PRDs installed in vibratory or cyclical service tend

to have higher leakage rates. The analysis showed, however, that the fail to open failure rates remain

about the same when a PRD is installed in these services.

If a PRV has a history of chattering, the installation should be modified or redesigned as soon as

possible to eliminate the chatter, since the effects of chatter may be very detrimental to the protection

provided by the PRD. An assumed adjustment factor of 0.5 is applied to the Weibull η parameters for the

POFOD and probability of leakage (POL) curves of a PRD that has a history of chattering in service.

Table 6.7 provides the environmental adjustment factors applied to the default POFOD and POL Weibull


The environmental factor, F env , is used to increase the POFOD or leakage by reducing the curve’s

characteristic life (Weibull η parameter). As shown in Figure 6.5, the modifier effectively shifts the

probability curves to the left.

i) Updating Failure on Demand Based on PRD-specific Testing Data

1) Tracking Historical Inspection and Testing Data

An inspection program should track each PRD’s testing and inspection history from its initial

installation. From this history, adjustments can be made to each device’s P fod and P l curves to

take advantage of the knowledge gained by the testing of a particular relief device in a specific


After actual testing, data are obtained for a PRD, the probability functions of that device are

adjusted up or down (modifying the Weibull parameters) depending upon the results

(pass/fail/leak) of the device’s specific inspection tests and the length of service since the last

inspection. In this way, an increase or reduction in the recommended interval is obtained based on

historical test data.

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