API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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5-32 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581tubeThe adjusted characteristic life, and adjusted POF, P ,of the bundle is calculated usingf , adjmodfromEquation (5.63) using Equation (5.65).⎡tube⎛ t ⎞Pf , adj= 1−exp⎢−⎜ ⎟⎢ η⎣ ⎝ mod ⎠ Effects of Bundle Life Extension Effortsβ⎤⎥⎥⎦η(5.65)Minor repairs and cleaning operations performed on bundles prior to inspection do not affect the life of thebundle. However, there are life extension methods that are often implemented during shutdowns that returnthe bundle to service in an improved condition. An adjustment is made to the inspection interval based onTable 4.2 for life extension methods and by determining a life extension factor, LEF . The adjusted serviceduration, tadj , is calculated with the LEF using Equation (5.66).durdur( 1 )tadj = + LEF ⋅tdur(5.66)Note the actual service duration, t dur, is the time period in years between the bundle installation date andthe inspection date that the life extension method was performed, as shown in Equation (5.67).tdur= Inspect Date − Install Date(5.67)The Effective Installation Date, Bundle Installation Date , is calculated using tadjadjdur, as shown inEquation (5.68).Bundle Installation Date = Inspect Date − tadj(5.68)adjConsequence of FailureBundle failure is defined as a tube leak. Financial consequence of failure (COF) is determined based on thebundle criticality which includes costs associated with lost opportunity due to production downtime,environmental impact costs, and costs associated with maintenance and replacement of the bundle. Theconsequence of an unplanned shutdown due to a bundle tube leak is determined using Equation (5.69).tubeRateredC ⎛⎞= ⎜Unit ⋅ ⋅D ⎟⋅ Outage + Cost + ( Cost ⋅ matcost)+ Cost⎝ 100 ⎠f prod sd mult env bundle maintdur(5.69)WhereDsdis the time in days for a planned or unplanned shutdown and matcost factor is from Table 4.3.Risk AnalysisRisk over time is calculated to determine what inspection is required to manage risk. Uncertainty exists whenrelevant, credible data is lacking. More relevant data reduces the amount of uncertainty in the riskcalculation. Information from inspection is often needed to improve confidence in the damage states anddamage rates associated with bundles. Risk for bundles is a function of time is the product of the POF andthe COF in financial terms, as shown in Equation (5.70).Risk = P ⋅ C(5.70)tube tube tubef f fRisk MatrixA risk matrix is a valuable visual tool for identifying high risk bundles. The risk of each bundle ischaracterized by the POF and COF categories, shown in Part 1, Section and enables each bundle tobe plotted on the risk matrix as shown in Part 1, Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3.

RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 5—SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 5-33The risk matrix is grouped into four areas: high risk, medium high risk, medium risk, and low risk. If anexchanger has been identified as high risk prior to the turnaround, it would require a more rigorousinspection than has been used on that bundle in the past. For example, if the bundle were determined to bea HIGH risk on the risk matrix and past inspections for that bundle were usually effective, it is very likely thata highly effective inspection would be required at the upcoming shutdown. The benefits of the different levelsof inspection are discussed in Section 6.8.Inspection Planning Based on Risk AnalysisThe inspection target date is the date at which the calculated risk using Equation (5.55) exceeds the risktarget, Risk . An inspection is required prior to the target date to maintain a risk level below the risk target.tgtThe target date for the next inspection is calculated using the inspection adjusted Weibull parameters.Use of Risk Target in Inspection PlanningThe risk target is a function of the owner-user’s corporate philosophy for making risk decisions. Somecompanies are more risk adverse than others, and this will have a direct impact on the inspection planningresults.Equation (5.71) is used to calculate the target POF for a bundle as a function of the COF and using thetarget risk:Ptubef , tgtRisk= (5.71)CtgttubefA target inspection date is calculated using Equation (5.56). The target date is the date when the bundle riskreaches the target risk.tubeA user defined P is used in place of the calculatedf , tgtP,required for inspection planning.tubef tgtif a lower risk or probability of bundle failure isThe target inspection time is calculated using Equation (5.72). The target time is the number of years fromthe installation date when the bundle risk reaches the target risk.( ) 1tubeln 1,βtinsp = ηtgt ⋅ − ⎡⎣ −P ⎤f tgt ⎦(5.72)The target inspection date is calculated using Equation (5.73) using t inspand the installation date. The targetdate is the date when the bundle risk reaches the target risk.Target Inspection Date = Bundle Installation Date + t insp(5.73)Bundle target characteristic life, η tgt, is calculated using the P,shown in Equation (5.74).tplanηtgt=−ln ⎡⎣1−Ptubef , tgt⎤⎦1βDetermine Inspection Recommendationtubef tgtand the bundle age at the plan date as(5.74)Once a decision has been made to inspect per Equation (5.74), an economic decision can be made as to theappropriate level of inspection with similar techniques as described in Section 4.9.1 by comparing the cost ofthe various inspection techniques to the reduction in risk expected for the level of inspection. Note that notube tubeinspection is required if Pf , plan≤ P .f , tgtThe target Uncertainty, AU tgt% is the level of uncertainty associated with an inspection required to remaintubebelow the P at the Plan Date from Equation (5.75).f , tgt


The risk matrix is grouped into four areas: high risk, medium high risk, medium risk, and low risk. If an

exchanger has been identified as high risk prior to the turnaround, it would require a more rigorous

inspection than has been used on that bundle in the past. For example, if the bundle were determined to be

a HIGH risk on the risk matrix and past inspections for that bundle were usually effective, it is very likely that

a highly effective inspection would be required at the upcoming shutdown. The benefits of the different levels

of inspection are discussed in Section 6.8.

Inspection Planning Based on Risk Analysis

The inspection target date is the date at which the calculated risk using Equation (5.55) exceeds the risk

target, Risk . An inspection is required prior to the target date to maintain a risk level below the risk target.


The target date for the next inspection is calculated using the inspection adjusted Weibull parameters.

Use of Risk Target in Inspection Planning

The risk target is a function of the owner-user’s corporate philosophy for making risk decisions. Some

companies are more risk adverse than others, and this will have a direct impact on the inspection planning


Equation (5.71) is used to calculate the target POF for a bundle as a function of the COF and using the

target risk:



f , tgt


= (5.71)





A target inspection date is calculated using Equation (5.56). The target date is the date when the bundle risk

reaches the target risk.


A user defined P is used in place of the calculated

f , tgt



required for inspection planning.


f tgt

if a lower risk or probability of bundle failure is

The target inspection time is calculated using Equation (5.72). The target time is the number of years from

the installation date when the bundle risk reaches the target risk.

( ) 1


ln 1



tinsp = ηtgt ⋅ − ⎡

⎣ −P ⎤

f tgt ⎦


The target inspection date is calculated using Equation (5.73) using t insp

and the installation date. The target

date is the date when the bundle risk reaches the target risk.

Target Inspection Date = Bundle Installation Date + t insp


Bundle target characteristic life, η tgt

, is calculated using the P


shown in Equation (5.74).






−ln ⎡




f , tgt



Determine Inspection Recommendation


f tgt

and the bundle age at the plan date as


Once a decision has been made to inspect per Equation (5.74), an economic decision can be made as to the

appropriate level of inspection with similar techniques as described in Section 4.9.1 by comparing the cost of

the various inspection techniques to the reduction in risk expected for the level of inspection. Note that no

tube tube

inspection is required if Pf , plan

≤ P .

f , tgt

The target Uncertainty, AU tgt

% is the level of uncertainty associated with an inspection required to remain


below the P at the Plan Date from Equation (5.75).

f , tgt

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