API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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determine P bg ,

. The evaporation rate in this case is primarily limited by how fast the newly generated vapor can

be carried away from the interface by diffusion or convection.

The vapor rate generated off of the surface of a non-boiling pool,

(3.105) as provided by Shaw and Briscoe [10] .



, can be estimated using Equation

erate = C


⋅ MW ⎞

u ⋅r

⎝ ⎠

bg , 0.78 1.89

n 15 ⎜ ⎟ w pn ,



The size of the non-boiling pool reaches a steady state when the evaporation rate, erate , is equal to the

bn ,

pool release rate,




, as discussed in Section 5.7.3.

5.7.5 Cloud Dispersion Modeling

The ability to perform cloud dispersion analysis is a key component to performing the Level 2 consequence

analyses. Modeling a release depends on the source term conditions, the atmospheric conditions, the release

surroundings, and the hazard being evaluated. Employment of many commercially available models, including

SLAB, account for these important factors and will produce the desired data for the Level 2 assessments [12] .

Annex 3.A provides background on performing these studies and provides some guidance on available

software. Additional guidance is provided by Hanna and Drivas [13] .

The dispersion analysis is needed to determine several things. For flammable releases, such as flash fires,

this will typically entail determination of the portion of the cloud area (area footprint, ft 2 , at grade) where the air

to fuel mixture is between the LFL and the upper flammability limit (UFL). For VCEs, the amount of flammable

mass in the cloud is required. In this case, the amount of flammable material (lb) is required and therefore the

cloud dispersion model must be able to predict the volumetric portion within the cloud that is above the LFL of

the mixture.

For toxic releases, the cloud dispersion model must be able to calculate the concentration (ppm or vol%) of

the toxic component of the release throughout the cloud. The portion of the cloud in terms of plant area that

has a higher concentration than the relevant toxic impact criteria is determined. The toxic criteria may be based

on a probit value, IDLH, ERPG, AEGL, LC-50, or other acceptable value.

5.7.6 Cloud Dispersion Calculation

a) STEP 7.1—For each release hole size, calculate the adjusted release rate, rate


, using Equation (3.13)

where the theoretical release rate, W


, is from STEP 3.2. Note that the release reduction factor, fact



determined in STEP 6.4 accounts for any detection and isolation systems that are present.

b) STEP 7.2—For each release hole size, calculate the leak duration, ld


, of the release using Equation

(3.15), based on the available mass, mass , from STEP 4.6 and the adjusted release rate, rate





from STEP 7.1. Note that the leak duration cannot exceed the maximum duration, ld , determined in



STEP 6.5.

c) STEP 7.3—Determine the rainout mass fraction from the released fluid using Equation (3.98) or (3.99),

based on the flash fraction calculated in STEP 1.3.

d) STEP 7.4—For each hole size selected in STEP 2.1, calculate the release rate of liquid that settles to the

ground for the pool calculations, W , using Equation (3.100).



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