API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 3—CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE METHODOLOGY 3-75For fluids that flash to two-phase, flash calculations at both the bubble point and the dew point of the flashedmixture may be required depending on the composition of the fluid.a) For pure fluids or binary mixtures (two components in mixture), additional calculations are not necessarybecause in these cases the bubble point and dew point temperatures are the same and equal to theisentropic flash temperature, i.e. Tb = Td = T .fb) For multi-component mixtures, both the bubble point and the dew point calculations are required.5.1.4 Calculation of Fluid Propertiesa) STEP 1.1—Obtain the stored fluid composition. For mixtures, concentrate on the major components withinthe fluid mixture and attempt to get at least 90 % of the mixture identified and quantified. A more detailedbreakdown of the composition is not warranted, unless there are small quantities of toxic materials thatare in the mixture.b) STEP 1.2—Using a fluid property solver, determine the fluid properties as specified in Section 5.1.2 a) forthe fluid at storage conditions. Research may be required to determine some of the fluid propertiesrequired for the analysis, such as LFL, UFL, heat of combustion, and toxic limits. The analyst may needto use MSDSs or other fluid databases, such as DIPPR [3] , to determine these properties. Mixing rules(e.g. LaChatalier’s mixing principle for LFL and UFL) are available to determine properties of mixtures,but in general a mole weighted method may be used as an estimate.c) STEP 1.3—Using a fluid property solver, perform an isentropic flash (isenthalpic is acceptable) anddetermine the flash temperature, T , the phase of the flashed fluid, and the fraction of fluid flashed,ffrac .fshd) STEP 1.4—Determine the bubble point or dew point temperature of the flashed fluid, as necessary.1) For flashed liquid, determine the bubble point temperature, Tb, at atmospheric pressure.2) For flashed vapors, determine the dew point temperature, Td, at atmospheric pressure.3) For fluids that flash to two-phase, the bubble point temperature, Tb, at atmospheric pressure and thedew point temperature, T d, at atmospheric pressure should be determined. Note that for pure fluidsand binary mixtures, no calculation is required since the bubble point temperature and the dew pointtemperature are equal to the flash temperature, T , as determined in STEP 1.3.f5.2 Release Hole Size Selection5.2.1 GeneralAs with the Level 1 approach, a discrete set of release events or release hole sizes are used, as shown inTable Calculation of Release Hole SizesThe step-by-step methodology for selecting the release hole sizes are in accordance with the Level 1consequence analysis; see Section 4.2.2.

3-76 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 5815.3 Release Rate Calculation5.3.1 Source Term ModelingQuantification of the consequence of a release event requires calculations of the release amount (or rate ofrelease), the duration of the release, and the state (e.g. gas, liquid or two-phase) of the material released. Theterminology used for determining these parameters is source term modeling. The source term is used as aninput to the various consequence models as well as the cloud dispersion analysis.5.3.2 Determining the Release PhaseEstimation of the release amount or rate is covered for liquids and vapors (gases) in Section 4.3. For calculatingthe release rate, the release phase must be determined. Note that the release phase is different than the phaseof the fluid at storage conditions or the phase of the fluid after flashing to atmosphere as described in Section5.1.2 and Section 5.1.3. This is the phase immediately downstream of the release point and is used forselecting the proper equation for calculating the release rate through the hole or crack opening.To determine the release phase, the saturation pressure of the stored fluid at the storage temperature,, must be determined.if Psats ≥ Ps ≥ Patm⇒ release phase is vapor(3.95)if Ps ≥ Psats > Patm⇒ release phase is two-phase(3.96)if Ps ≥ Patm > Psats⇒ release phase is liquid(3.97)5.3.3 Vapor Release SourcePsatsAs shown in Equation (3.95), if the saturation pressure of the fluid at storage temperature, Psats, is greaterthan or equal to the storage pressure, Ps, the fluid will be stored as a gas or vapor and released as a gas orvapor. In this case, calculation of the theoretical release rate, Wn, can be in accordance with Equation (3.6)or Equation (3.7). Most gases will cool as they are depressured through an orifice, so in some cases,condensation will occur and liquid rainout needs to be considered as presented in Section 5.7.2.For supercritical fluids (stored above critical pressure or temperature), the release rate can be estimated usingEquation (3.6); however, in this case the specific heat ratio, k , should be evaluated at the NBP of the fluidmixture or at standard conditions. This will result in a conservative release rate. More rigorous methods, suchas the HEM Omega [4] method, can be used to calculate the release rate of a supercritical fluid. In some cases,supercritical fluids will condense upon release, and liquid rainout needs to be considered as presented inSection Two-phase Release SourceAs shown in Equation (3.96), if the saturation pressure of the fluid at the storage temperature, Psats, is lessthan or equal to the storage pressure, Ps, but greater than atmospheric pressure, Patm, the fluid will be storedas a liquid and will be released as a two-phase mixture. In this case, the release rate can be conservativelyestimated using the liquid Equation (3.3). Alternatively, a more accurate two-phase flow calculation may beused. For this case, the effect of liquid entrainment in the released jet needs to be considered as well asrainout. Methods for evaluating these effects are presented in Section 5.7.2.


For fluids that flash to two-phase, flash calculations at both the bubble point and the dew point of the flashed

mixture may be required depending on the composition of the fluid.

a) For pure fluids or binary mixtures (two components in mixture), additional calculations are not necessary

because in these cases the bubble point and dew point temperatures are the same and equal to the

isentropic flash temperature, i.e. Tb = Td = T .


b) For multi-component mixtures, both the bubble point and the dew point calculations are required.

5.1.4 Calculation of Fluid Properties

a) STEP 1.1—Obtain the stored fluid composition. For mixtures, concentrate on the major components within

the fluid mixture and attempt to get at least 90 % of the mixture identified and quantified. A more detailed

breakdown of the composition is not warranted, unless there are small quantities of toxic materials that

are in the mixture.

b) STEP 1.2—Using a fluid property solver, determine the fluid properties as specified in Section 5.1.2 a) for

the fluid at storage conditions. Research may be required to determine some of the fluid properties

required for the analysis, such as LFL, UFL, heat of combustion, and toxic limits. The analyst may need

to use MSDSs or other fluid databases, such as DIPPR [3] , to determine these properties. Mixing rules

(e.g. LaChatalier’s mixing principle for LFL and UFL) are available to determine properties of mixtures,

but in general a mole weighted method may be used as an estimate.

c) STEP 1.3—Using a fluid property solver, perform an isentropic flash (isenthalpic is acceptable) and

determine the flash temperature, T , the phase of the flashed fluid, and the fraction of fluid flashed,


frac .


d) STEP 1.4—Determine the bubble point or dew point temperature of the flashed fluid, as necessary.

1) For flashed liquid, determine the bubble point temperature, T


, at atmospheric pressure.

2) For flashed vapors, determine the dew point temperature, T


, at atmospheric pressure.

3) For fluids that flash to two-phase, the bubble point temperature, T


, at atmospheric pressure and the

dew point temperature, T d

, at atmospheric pressure should be determined. Note that for pure fluids

and binary mixtures, no calculation is required since the bubble point temperature and the dew point

temperature are equal to the flash temperature, T , as determined in STEP 1.3.


5.2 Release Hole Size Selection

5.2.1 General

As with the Level 1 approach, a discrete set of release events or release hole sizes are used, as shown in

Table 4.4.

5.2.2 Calculation of Release Hole Sizes

The step-by-step methodology for selecting the release hole sizes are in accordance with the Level 1

consequence analysis; see Section 4.2.2.

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