API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 3—CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE METHODOLOGY 3-735 COF—Level 25.1 Determine the Fluid Composition and Associated Properties5.1.1 GeneralThe Level 2 consequence analysis provides the equations and background information necessary to rigorouslycalculate consequence areas for several flammable and toxic event outcomes. A summary of these events isprovided in Table 5.1.The actual composition of the fluid, including mixtures, should be used in the analysis. Fluid property solversare available that allow the analyst to calculate fluid physical properties more accurately. The fluid solverprovides the ability to perform flash calculations to better determine the release phase of the fluid and toaccount for two-phase releases. In many of the consequence calculations, physical properties of the releasedfluid are required both at storage conditions and conditions after release to the atmosphere.5.1.2 Required Properties at Storage ConditionsAs shown in the flowchart of Figure 5.1, at the start of the consequence analysis, an isothermal flash is usedto determine the phase distribution and properties of the multi-component feed mixture at the storagetemperature, Ts, and pressure, Ps. The mass and mole fractions are determined along with the composition ofeach phase. Thermodynamic properties such as entropy and enthalpy are calculated along with transportproperties such as thermal conductivity and viscosity. The required fluid properties at the storage conditionsare listed below.a) Storage phase (vapor, liquid, critical, or two-phase).b) Mass fraction liquid, fracl.c) Mass fraction vapor, fracv.d) MW.e) Liquid density, ρl.f) Liquid viscosity, µl.g) Ideal gas specific heat ratio, k = Cp C .vh) Enthalpy of mixture.i) Entropy of mixture (to perform flash calculations).j) Critical pressure and temperature, T and P .k) AIT.l) Saturation pressure, Psats, at storage temperature.ccm) Flammability limits, LFL and upper flammability limit (UFL).

3-74 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581n) Heat of combustion, HCs.o) Toxic limits (e.g. IDLH, ERPG, AELG, probits, etc.).5.1.3 Required Properties at Flashed ConditionsAnalysis requires a fluid property package to isentropically flash (isenthalpic is acceptable) the stored fluid fromits normal operating conditions to atmospheric conditions. The effects of flashing on the fluid temperature aswell as the phase of the fluid at atmospheric conditions should also be evaluated. Liquid entrainment in the jetrelease as well as rainout effects could be evaluated to get a more representative evaluation of the releaseconsequences. The isentropic flash calculation from storage conditions to atmospheric pressure, Patm,simulates the release of the fluid from a leaking or ruptured storage container. The resulting flash temperature,T , is determined along with the phase distribution and properties of each phase at these conditions. Thefreleased mixture can either be a single-phase liquid, a single-phase vapor, or a two-phase mixture of both asshown in Figure 5.1. The required fluid properties at the flashed conditions are listed below:a) flashed phase (vapor, liquid, or two-phase);Tfb) flash temperature, ;fracfshc) flash fraction, ;ρ ld) density of the liquid, ;ρ ve) density of the vapor, ;Cpf) specific heat of the liquid, l;HCg) heat of combustion of liquid, l;HCh) heat of combustion of vapor, v;∆Hi) latent heat of vaporization of liquid, v;Tj) bubble point temperature of liquid,b ;Tk) dew point temperature of vapors,d .As shown in Figure 5.1, where a fluid is flashed to a single-phase liquid, a bubble point temperature calculationis performed at atmospheric pressure to find the temperature, Tb, at which vapor bubbles first appear. Similarly,in the single-phase vapor case, a dew point calculation is performed at atmospheric pressure to find thetemperature, Td, at which liquid drops first start condensing.


n) Heat of combustion, HC



o) Toxic limits (e.g. IDLH, ERPG, AELG, probits, etc.).

5.1.3 Required Properties at Flashed Conditions

Analysis requires a fluid property package to isentropically flash (isenthalpic is acceptable) the stored fluid from

its normal operating conditions to atmospheric conditions. The effects of flashing on the fluid temperature as

well as the phase of the fluid at atmospheric conditions should also be evaluated. Liquid entrainment in the jet

release as well as rainout effects could be evaluated to get a more representative evaluation of the release

consequences. The isentropic flash calculation from storage conditions to atmospheric pressure, P



simulates the release of the fluid from a leaking or ruptured storage container. The resulting flash temperature,

T , is determined along with the phase distribution and properties of each phase at these conditions. The


released mixture can either be a single-phase liquid, a single-phase vapor, or a two-phase mixture of both as

shown in Figure 5.1. The required fluid properties at the flashed conditions are listed below:

a) flashed phase (vapor, liquid, or two-phase);



b) flash temperature, ;



c) flash fraction, ;

ρ l

d) density of the liquid, ;

ρ v

e) density of the vapor, ;


f) specific heat of the liquid, l



g) heat of combustion of liquid, l



h) heat of combustion of vapor, v



i) latent heat of vaporization of liquid, v



j) bubble point temperature of liquid,

b ;


k) dew point temperature of vapors,

d .

As shown in Figure 5.1, where a fluid is flashed to a single-phase liquid, a bubble point temperature calculation

is performed at atmospheric pressure to find the temperature, T


, at which vapor bubbles first appear. Similarly,

in the single-phase vapor case, a dew point calculation is performed at atmospheric pressure to find the

temperature, T


, at which liquid drops first start condensing.

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