API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 3—CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE METHODOLOGY 3-37volenvn13⋅n1( −evap )C mass frac= (3.91)ρlThe final spill volume to be cleaned up is a probability weighted average of the spill volumes for each of therelease hole sizes. The probability weighting utilizes the generic frequencies of the release hole sizes providedin Part 2, Table 3.1. The environmental cost to clean up the weighted spill volume is calculated using Equation(3.92).FCf , environ⎛4env⎜∑gffn⋅voln⎟n=1= ⎜⎟⋅⎜⎝gfftotal⎞⎟⎠envcost(3.92)4.12.7 Calculation of FCa) STEP 12.1—Calculate the cost (consequence in $) to repair the specific piece of equipment,f , cmd, usingEquation (3.84) with the release hole size damage costs from Table 4.15 and GFFs for the release holesizes from STEP 2.2. The material cost factor, matcost , is obtained from Table 4.16.b) STEP 12.2—Calculate the cost of damage to surrounding equipment in the affected area, FC , usingf , affaEquation (3.85) and component damage consequence area, CA , calculated in STEP 11.1. Thef , cmdequipment cost factor, equipcost , is the unit equipment replacement cost in $/m 2 ($/ft 2 ).c) STEP 12.3—For each release hole size, calculate the cost of business interruption due to the outage daysrequired to repair the damage to equipment.1) Calculate the probability weighted repair of the specific piece of equipment using Equation (3.86) andthe downtime for each release hole size, Outage , from Table 4.17.2) Calculate the downtime required to repair the surrounding equipment in the affected area, Outageaffa, using Equation (3.87) and the cost of damage to the surrounding equipment in the affected area,FC , calculated in STEP 12.2.f , affa3) Calculate the cost of business interruption, FC , using Equation (3.88). The production costs,f , prodprodcost , is the cost of lost production on the unit, $/day.d) STEP 12.4—Calculate the costs associated with personnel injury using Equation (3.89) and the personnelinjury consequence area, CA , calculated in STEP 11.2. The unit population density, popdens , is thef , injaverage number of personnel on the unit per m 2 (personnel/ft 2 ). The personnel injury cost,injcost , is thecost incurred by the company as a result serious injury or fatality of personnel.e) STEP 12.5—Calculate the costs associated with environmental cleanup.3) Estimate the spill volume from each release hole size, using Equation (3.91), the release mass fromSTEP 7.3, and the fluid liquid density and evaporation fraction obtained from Table 4.18.nFC

3-38 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 5814) Calculate the probability weighted environmental cleanup costs, FCf , environ , using Equation (3.92)and the spill volume calculated for each release hole size, . The environmental costs, envcost, are the environmental cleanup costs, $/bbl.envvolnf) STEP 12.6—Calculate the total FC using Equation (3.83), which is the sum of the costs determined inSTEPs 12.1 through NomenclatureThe following lists the nomenclature used in Section 4. The coefficients C1 through C41 , which provide themetric and U.S. conversion factors for the equations, are provided in Annex 3.B.aAIL−CONTa cmdis a constant provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequence analysisis a constant AIL continuous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequenceanalysis for equipment damage areaAIL−CONTa injAIL−INSTa cmdis a constant AIL continuous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequenceanalysis for personnel injury areais a constant AIL instantaneous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequenceanalysis for equipment damage areaAIL−INSTa injAINL−CONTa cmdis a constant AIL instantaneous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequenceanalysis for personnel injury areais a constant for AINL continuous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequenceanalysis for equipment damage areaAINL−CONTa injAINL−INSTa cmdis a constant for AINL continuous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequenceanalysis for personnel injury areais a constant for AINL instantaneous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1consequence analysis for equipment damage areaAINL−INSTa injAITis a constant for AINL instantaneous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1consequence analysis for personnel injury areais the autoignition temperature of the released fluid, K (°R)An is the hole area associated with the n th release hole size, mm 2 (in. 2 )bis a variable provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequence analysis for analysisAIL CONTcmdb − is a constant AIL continuous release provided for reference fluids for Level 1 consequenceanalysis for equipment damage area








( −

evap )

C mass frac

= (3.91)



The final spill volume to be cleaned up is a probability weighted average of the spill volumes for each of the

release hole sizes. The probability weighting utilizes the generic frequencies of the release hole sizes provided

in Part 2, Table 3.1. The environmental cost to clean up the weighted spill volume is calculated using Equation



f , environ







= ⎜






4.12.7 Calculation of FC

a) STEP 12.1—Calculate the cost (consequence in $) to repair the specific piece of equipment,

f , cmd

, using

Equation (3.84) with the release hole size damage costs from Table 4.15 and GFFs for the release hole

sizes from STEP 2.2. The material cost factor, matcost , is obtained from Table 4.16.

b) STEP 12.2—Calculate the cost of damage to surrounding equipment in the affected area, FC , using

f , affa

Equation (3.85) and component damage consequence area, CA , calculated in STEP 11.1. The

f , cmd

equipment cost factor, equipcost , is the unit equipment replacement cost in $/m 2 ($/ft 2 ).

c) STEP 12.3—For each release hole size, calculate the cost of business interruption due to the outage days

required to repair the damage to equipment.

1) Calculate the probability weighted repair of the specific piece of equipment using Equation (3.86) and

the downtime for each release hole size, Outage , from Table 4.17.

2) Calculate the downtime required to repair the surrounding equipment in the affected area, Outageaffa

, using Equation (3.87) and the cost of damage to the surrounding equipment in the affected area,

FC , calculated in STEP 12.2.

f , affa

3) Calculate the cost of business interruption, FC , using Equation (3.88). The production costs,

f , prod

prodcost , is the cost of lost production on the unit, $/day.

d) STEP 12.4—Calculate the costs associated with personnel injury using Equation (3.89) and the personnel

injury consequence area, CA , calculated in STEP 11.2. The unit population density, popdens , is the

f , inj

average number of personnel on the unit per m 2 (personnel/ft 2 ). The personnel injury cost,injcost , is the

cost incurred by the company as a result serious injury or fatality of personnel.

e) STEP 12.5—Calculate the costs associated with environmental cleanup.

3) Estimate the spill volume from each release hole size, using Equation (3.91), the release mass from

STEP 7.3, and the fluid liquid density and evaporation fraction obtained from Table 4.18.



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