API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 3—CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE METHODOLOGY 3-294.9.12 Consequence of Releases Containing Multiple Toxic ChemicalsConsequence results for releases of multi-component toxic chemicals are uncommon but determined bycalculating the consequence area for each of the individual toxic components within the mixture. The overalltoxic consequence area is the largest of the individual toxic areas.4.9.13 Effects of Mitigation Measures on Toxic ReleasesTo this point, isolation and detection capabilities have been taken into account in calculating the quantity ofmaterial that may be released during a loss-of-containment event (see Section 4.7.1). However, there may beadditional systems in place, such as water sprays, that can mitigate a release once the material has reachedthe atmosphere.The effectiveness of mitigating systems are accounted for by reducing the release rate and duration forcontinuous releases or by reducing the release mass for instantaneous releases. The RBI analyst will need toprovide his or her own reduction factors, based on the effectiveness of their particular spray-system design orpassive mitigation technology.Where mitigation is a major issue, specialists should be consulted to get an accurate input. As an example, itis possible to mitigate HF releases with a water spray. However, the fraction of HF that is removed by a waterspray may vary from near 0 % to near 100 % depending on the size of the release, the droplet size, flow rateand orientation of the spray, and several other variables.4.9.14 Determination of Final Toxic Consequence AreasThe final toxic consequence is determined as a probability weighted average of the individual toxic calculatedfor each release hole size. A consequence area calculation is performed for the personnel injury areas onlysince toxic releases do not result in component damage. The probability weighting utilizes the genericfrequencies of the release hole sizes obtained in STEP 2.3. Equation (3.68) is used to calculate the probabilityweighted toxic consequence area.CA⎛4tox⎜∑gffn⋅CAinj,n ⎟tox n=1f , inj= ⎜⎟⎜ gfftotal⎟⎜⎝4.9.15 Calculation of Toxic Consequence Areas⎞⎟⎠(3.68)a) STEP 9.1—For each release hole size selected in STEP 2.2, calculate the effective duration of the toxicrelease using Equation (3.67).toxmfrac , in the release material. Iftoxthe release fluid is a pure fluid, mfrac = 1.0 . Note that if there is more than one toxic component in thereleased fluid mixture, this procedure can be repeated for each toxic component.b) STEP 9.2—Determine the toxic percentage of the toxic component,toxc) STEP 9.3—For each release hole size, calculate the release rate, ratento be used in the toxic analysis using Equation (3.61) and Equation (3.62)., and release mass, mass ,d) STEP 9.4—For each release hole size, calculate the toxic consequence area for each of the release holesizes.tox1) HF Acid and H2S—Calculate CAinj,nusing Equation (3.63) for a continuous release or Equation (3.64)for an instantaneous release. The constants used in these equations are from Table 4.11.toxn

3-30 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581tox2) Ammonia and Chlorine—Calculate CAinj,nusing Equation (3.65) for a continuous release or Equation(3.66) for an instantaneous release. The constants used in these equations are from Table 4.12.tox3) For Toxic Fluids Listed in Section 4.9.8—Calculate CAinj,nusing Equation (3.65) for continuous andinstantaneous releases (using 3 minute release for instantaneous releases). The constants used inthese equations are from Table 4.13.e) STEP 9.5—If there are additional toxic components in the released fluid mixture, STEPs 9.2 through 9.4should be repeated for each toxic component.f) STEP 9.6—Determine the final toxic consequence areas for personnel injury in accordance withEquation (3.68).4.10 Determine Nonflammable, Nontoxic Consequence4.10.1 GeneralConsequences associated with the release of nonflammable, nontoxic materials are not as severe as withother materials; however, they can still result in serious injury to personnel and damage to equipment.4.10.2 Consequence of Steam LeaksSteam represents a hazard to personnel who are exposed to it at high temperatures. Steam leaks do not resultin a component damage consequence. In general, steam is at 100 °C (212 °F) immediately after exiting a holein an equipment item. Within a few feet, depending upon its pressure, steam will begin to mix with air, cool andcondense. At a concentration of about 20 %, the steam/air mixture cools to about 60 °C (140 °F). The approachused here is to assume that injury occurs above 60 °C (140 °F). This temperature was selected as thethreshold for injury to personnel, as this is the temperature above which OSHA requires that hot surfaces beinsulated to protect against personnel burns. This recommended practice assumes that injury occurs as aresult of a 5 second exposure [2] to temperatures of 60 °C (140 °F).To determine an equation for the consequence area of a continuous release of steam, four release cases(0.25 in., 1 in., 4 in., and 16 in.) were run through atmospheric dispersion software for varying steam pressures.A plot of the release rate vs the area covered by a 20 % concentration of steam shows a linear relationship inaccordance with Equation (3.69).CA = C ⋅ rate(3.69)CONTinj, n 9nFor instantaneous release cases, four masses of steam were modeled: 4.5 kg, 45.4 kg, 454.0 kg, and4,540 kg (10 lb, 100 lb, 1,000 lb, and 10,000 lb), and the relationship between release mass and consequencearea to 20 % concentration was found to be in accordance with Equation (3.70).INSTinj, n 10( ) 0.6384CA = C mass(3.70)nFor nonflammable releases of steam, the continuous/instantaneous blending of results should be performedas described in Section 4.8.5. The blending factor, fact , for steam leaks is calculated using Equation (3.71).ICnfactICn⎡⎧rate⎫ ⎤n= min ⎢⎨⎬, 1.0⎥⎢⎣⎩C5⎭ ⎥⎦(3.71)



2) Ammonia and Chlorine—Calculate CA



using Equation (3.65) for a continuous release or Equation

(3.66) for an instantaneous release. The constants used in these equations are from Table 4.12.


3) For Toxic Fluids Listed in Section 4.9.8—Calculate CA



using Equation (3.65) for continuous and

instantaneous releases (using 3 minute release for instantaneous releases). The constants used in

these equations are from Table 4.13.

e) STEP 9.5—If there are additional toxic components in the released fluid mixture, STEPs 9.2 through 9.4

should be repeated for each toxic component.

f) STEP 9.6—Determine the final toxic consequence areas for personnel injury in accordance with

Equation (3.68).

4.10 Determine Nonflammable, Nontoxic Consequence

4.10.1 General

Consequences associated with the release of nonflammable, nontoxic materials are not as severe as with

other materials; however, they can still result in serious injury to personnel and damage to equipment.

4.10.2 Consequence of Steam Leaks

Steam represents a hazard to personnel who are exposed to it at high temperatures. Steam leaks do not result

in a component damage consequence. In general, steam is at 100 °C (212 °F) immediately after exiting a hole

in an equipment item. Within a few feet, depending upon its pressure, steam will begin to mix with air, cool and

condense. At a concentration of about 20 %, the steam/air mixture cools to about 60 °C (140 °F). The approach

used here is to assume that injury occurs above 60 °C (140 °F). This temperature was selected as the

threshold for injury to personnel, as this is the temperature above which OSHA requires that hot surfaces be

insulated to protect against personnel burns. This recommended practice assumes that injury occurs as a

result of a 5 second exposure [2] to temperatures of 60 °C (140 °F).

To determine an equation for the consequence area of a continuous release of steam, four release cases

(0.25 in., 1 in., 4 in., and 16 in.) were run through atmospheric dispersion software for varying steam pressures.

A plot of the release rate vs the area covered by a 20 % concentration of steam shows a linear relationship in

accordance with Equation (3.69).

CA = C ⋅ rate



inj, n 9


For instantaneous release cases, four masses of steam were modeled: 4.5 kg, 45.4 kg, 454.0 kg, and

4,540 kg (10 lb, 100 lb, 1,000 lb, and 10,000 lb), and the relationship between release mass and consequence

area to 20 % concentration was found to be in accordance with Equation (3.70).


inj, n 10

( ) 0.6384

CA = C mass



For nonflammable releases of steam, the continuous/instantaneous blending of results should be performed

as described in Section 4.8.5. The blending factor, fact , for steam leaks is calculated using Equation (3.71).







⎫ ⎤


= min ⎢⎨

⎬, 1.0⎥



⎭ ⎥⎦


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