API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 3—CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE METHODOLOGY 3-174.7.1 Continuous Release RateFor continuous releases, the release is modeled as a steady state plume; therefore, the release rate (units arelb/s) is used as the input to the consequence analysis. The release rate that is used in the analysis is thetheoretical release as discussed in Section 4.3, adjusted for the presence of unit detection and isolations asdiscussed in Section 4.6 [see Equation (3.12)].( 1 )rate = W − fact(3.12)n n di4.7.2 Instantaneous Release MassFor transient instantaneous puff releases, the release mass is required to perform the analysis. The availablerelease mass as determined in Section 4.4.2 for each release hole size, mass , is used to determine upperavail,nbound release mass, massn , as shown in Equation (3.13).⎡⎣{ } ,⎤⎦ (3.13)mass = min rate ⋅ld , massn n n avail nIn this equation, the leak duration, ld , cannot exceed the maximum durationnldmax,n , established in Section4.6.4 based on the detection and isolation systems present. Equation (3.14) can be used to calculate the actualduration of the release,ld .nldn⎡⎧massavail,n ⎫= min ⎨ ⎬, 60⋅⎢⎣⎩raten⎭{ ldmax,n}⎤⎥⎦(3.14)4.7.3 Calculation of Release Rate and Massa) STEP 7.1—For each release hole size, calculate the adjusted release rate, raten , using Equation (3.12),where the theoretical release rate, Wn , is from STEP 3.2. Note that the release reduction factor, factdi ,determined in STEP 6.4 accounts for any detection and isolation systems that are present.b) STEP 7.2—For each release hole size, calculate the leak duration, ldn , of the release using Equationrate ,(3.14), based on the available mass, mass , from STEP 4.6 and the adjusted release rate,avail,nnfrom STEP 7.1. Note that the leak duration cannot exceed the maximum duration, ld , determined inSTEP 6.5.c) STEP 7.3—For each release hole size, calculate the upper bound release mass, massn , using Equation(3.13) based on the release rate, raten , from STEP 3.2, the leak duration, ldn , from STEP 7.2, and theavailable mass, mass , from STEP 4.6.avail,n4.8 Determine Flammable and Explosive Consequence4.8.1 OverviewEquations to calculate flammable and explosive consequence have been developed for the representativefluids presented in Table 4.1. Consequence areas are estimated from a set of equations using release rate(for continuous releases) or release mass (for instantaneous releases) as input. Technical backgroundinformation pertaining to the development of the empirical equations for the flammable consequence areas isprovided in Annex 3.A. An assumption is made that the probability of ignition for a continuous release isconstant and is a function of the material released and whether or not the fluid is at or above its AIT. Theprobability does not increase as a function of release rate. For an instantaneous release, the probability ofmax,n

3-18 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581ignition goes up significantly. (The probabilities of ignition and other event tree probabilities for the Level 1COF are presented in Annex 3.A). As a result, there is an abrupt change in the Level 1 consequence resultsbetween a continuous release and an instantaneous release. An instantaneous release is defined as anyrelease larger than 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) in 3 minutes, which is equivalent to a release rate of 25.2 kg/s(55.6 lb/s). A continuous release of 25.5 kg/s would have a much lower consequence than an instantaneousrelease at 25.2 kg/s of the same material. Therefore, the Level 1 COF includes a blending of the calculatedresults of the continuous and instantaneous releases (see Section 4.8.7).4.8.2 Consequence Area Equations4.8.2.1 Generic EquationsThe following equations are used to determine the flammable consequence areas for component damage andpersonnel injury. The background for development of these generic equations is provided in Annex 3.A.a) Continuous Release—For a continuous release, Equation (3.15) is used. Coefficients for this equation forcomponent damage areas and personnel injury areas are provided in Table 4.8 and Table 4.9,respectively.CACONTf , n( )nb= a rate(3.15)b) Instantaneous Release—For an instantaneous release, Equation (3.16) is used. Coefficients for thisequation for component damage areas and personnel injury areas are provided in Table 4.8 and Table4.9, respectively.CAINSTf , n( )nb= a mass(3.16) Development of Generic EquationsEquation (3.15) and Equation (3.16) were employed to calculate overall consequence areas following a threestepprocess.a) An event tree analysis was performed by listing possible events or outcomes and providing estimates forthe probabilities of each event. The two main factors that define the paths on the event tree for the releaseof flammable material are the probability of ignition and the timing of ignition. The event trees used areprovided in Figure 4.2 where event probabilities were set as a function of release type (continuous orinstantaneous) and temperature (proximity to the AIT). These probabilities are provided in Annex 3.A.b) The consequence areas as a result of each event were calculated using appropriate analysis techniques,including cloud dispersion modeling. Additional background on the methods used for these calculationsare provided in Annex 3.A.c) The consequence areas of each individual event were combined into a single probability weightedempirical equation representing the overall consequence area of the event tree (see Annex 3.A). Threshold LimitsThreshold limits for thermal radiation and overpressure, sometimes referred to as impact criteria, were usedto calculate the consequence areas for a particular event outcome (pool fire, VCE, etc.).a) Component damage criteria:1) explosion overpressure—34.5 kPa (5 psig);2) thermal radiation—37.8 kW/m 2 [12,000 Btu/(hr-ft 2 )] (jet fire, pool fire, and fireball);


ignition goes up significantly. (The probabilities of ignition and other event tree probabilities for the Level 1

COF are presented in Annex 3.A). As a result, there is an abrupt change in the Level 1 consequence results

between a continuous release and an instantaneous release. An instantaneous release is defined as any

release larger than 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) in 3 minutes, which is equivalent to a release rate of 25.2 kg/s

(55.6 lb/s). A continuous release of 25.5 kg/s would have a much lower consequence than an instantaneous

release at 25.2 kg/s of the same material. Therefore, the Level 1 COF includes a blending of the calculated

results of the continuous and instantaneous releases (see Section 4.8.7).

4.8.2 Consequence Area Equations Generic Equations

The following equations are used to determine the flammable consequence areas for component damage and

personnel injury. The background for development of these generic equations is provided in Annex 3.A.

a) Continuous Release—For a continuous release, Equation (3.15) is used. Coefficients for this equation for

component damage areas and personnel injury areas are provided in Table 4.8 and Table 4.9,




f , n

( )



= a rate


b) Instantaneous Release—For an instantaneous release, Equation (3.16) is used. Coefficients for this

equation for component damage areas and personnel injury areas are provided in Table 4.8 and Table

4.9, respectively.



f , n

( )



= a mass

(3.16) Development of Generic Equations

Equation (3.15) and Equation (3.16) were employed to calculate overall consequence areas following a threestep


a) An event tree analysis was performed by listing possible events or outcomes and providing estimates for

the probabilities of each event. The two main factors that define the paths on the event tree for the release

of flammable material are the probability of ignition and the timing of ignition. The event trees used are

provided in Figure 4.2 where event probabilities were set as a function of release type (continuous or

instantaneous) and temperature (proximity to the AIT). These probabilities are provided in Annex 3.A.

b) The consequence areas as a result of each event were calculated using appropriate analysis techniques,

including cloud dispersion modeling. Additional background on the methods used for these calculations

are provided in Annex 3.A.

c) The consequence areas of each individual event were combined into a single probability weighted

empirical equation representing the overall consequence area of the event tree (see Annex 3.A). Threshold Limits

Threshold limits for thermal radiation and overpressure, sometimes referred to as impact criteria, were used

to calculate the consequence areas for a particular event outcome (pool fire, VCE, etc.).

a) Component damage criteria:

1) explosion overpressure—34.5 kPa (5 psig);

2) thermal radiation—37.8 kW/m 2 [12,000 Btu/(hr-ft 2 )] (jet fire, pool fire, and fireball);

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