API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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RISK-BASED INSPECTION METHODOLOGY, PART 2, ANNEX 2.C—LEVELS OF INSPECTION EFFECTIVENESS 2.C-25abcdInspectionCategoryInspectionEffectivenessCategoryTable 2.C.10.3—LoIE Example for CUIInsulation Removeda, b, c, dInsulationA Highly Effective For the total surface area:100 % external visual inspection prior toremoval of insulationBUsuallyEffectiveANDRemove 100 % of the insulation fordamaged or suspected areasAND100 % visual inspection of the exposedsurface area with UT, RT, or pit gaugefollow-up of the selected corroded areasFor the total surface area:100 % external visual inspection prior toremoval of insulationANDRemove >50 % of suspect areasANDFollow-up of corroded areas with 100 %visual inspection of the exposed surfacearea with UT, RT, or pit gaugeC Fairly Effective For the total surface area:100 % external visual inspection prior toremoval of insulationANDRemove >25 % of suspect areasANDFollow-up of corroded areas with 100 %visual inspection of the exposed surfacearea with UT, RT, or pit gaugeD Poorly Effective For the total surface area:100 % external visual inspection prior toremoval of insulationANDRemove >5 % of total surface area ofinsulation including suspect areasANDFollow-up of corroded areas with 100 %visual inspection of the exposed surfacearea with UT, RT, or pit gaugeE Ineffective Ineffective inspection technique/plan wasutilizedNot RemovedFor the total surface area:100 % external visual inspectiona, b, c, dAND100 % profile or real-time radiographyof damaged or suspect areaANDFollow-up of corroded areas with 100 %visual inspection of the exposed surfacewith UT, RT, or pit gaugeFor the total surface area:100 % external visual inspectionANDFollow-up with profile or real-timeradiography of >65 % of suspect areasANDFollow-up of corroded areas with 100 %visual inspection of the exposed surfacewith UT, RT, or pit gaugeFor the total surface area:100 % external visual inspectionANDFollow-up with profile or real-timeradiography of >35 % of suspect areasANDFollow-up of corroded areas with 100 %visual inspection of the exposed surfacewith UT, RT, or pit gaugeFor the total surface area:100 % external visual inspectionANDFollow-up with profile or real-timeradiography of >5 % of total surfacearea of insulation including suspectareasANDFollow-up of corroded areas with 100 %visual inspection of the exposed surfacewith UT, RT, or pit gaugeIneffective inspection technique/plan wasutilizedInspection quality is high.Suspect area shall be considered the total surface area unless defined by knowledgeable individual (subject matter expert).Suspect areas include damaged insulation, penetrations, terminations, etc.Surface preparation is sufficient to detect minimum wall for the NDE technique used to measure thickness.

2.C-26 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 581Table 2.C.10.4—LoIE Example for CUI ClSCCInspectionCategoryInspectionEffectivenessCategoryInsulation Removed aInsulation Not Removed aAHighlyEffectiveFor the suspected area:100 % external visual inspection priorto removal of insulationNo inspection techniques are yetavailable to meet the requirements foran “A” level inspectionAND>100 % dye penetrant or eddy currenttest with UT follow-up of relevantindicationsBUsuallyEffectiveFor the suspected area:100 % external visual inspection priorto removal of insulationNo inspection techniques are yetavailable to meet the requirements for a“B” level inspectionAND>60 % dye penetrant or eddy currenttesting with UT follow-up of allrelevant indicationsC Fairly Effective For the suspected area:100 % external visual inspection priorto removal of insulationNo inspection techniques are yetavailable to meet the requirements for a“C” level inspectionAND>30 % dye penetrant or eddy currenttesting with UT follow-up of allrelevant indicationsDPoorlyEffectiveFor the suspected area:100 % external visual inspection priorto removal of insulationNo inspection techniques are yetavailable to meet the requirements for a“D” level inspectionAND>5 % dye penetrant or eddy currenttesting with UT follow-up of allrelevant indicationsE Ineffective Ineffective inspection technique/planwas utilizedIneffective inspection technique/planwas utilizedaInspection quality is high.


Table 2.C.10.4—LoIE Example for CUI ClSCC






Insulation Removed a

Insulation Not Removed a




For the suspected area:

100 % external visual inspection prior

to removal of insulation

No inspection techniques are yet

available to meet the requirements for

an “A” level inspection


>100 % dye penetrant or eddy current

test with UT follow-up of relevant





For the suspected area:

100 % external visual inspection prior

to removal of insulation

No inspection techniques are yet

available to meet the requirements for a

“B” level inspection


>60 % dye penetrant or eddy current

testing with UT follow-up of all

relevant indications

C Fairly Effective For the suspected area:

100 % external visual inspection prior

to removal of insulation

No inspection techniques are yet

available to meet the requirements for a

“C” level inspection


>30 % dye penetrant or eddy current

testing with UT follow-up of all

relevant indications




For the suspected area:

100 % external visual inspection prior

to removal of insulation

No inspection techniques are yet

available to meet the requirements for a

“D” level inspection


>5 % dye penetrant or eddy current

testing with UT follow-up of all

relevant indications

E Ineffective Ineffective inspection technique/plan

was utilized

Ineffective inspection technique/plan

was utilized


Inspection quality is high.

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