API RP 581 - 3rd Ed.2016 - Add.2-2020 - Risk-Based Inspection Methodology

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2.B.12 Soil-Side Corrosion



Description of Damage


The objective for this supplement is to give a conservative approach for assessing the potential for soil

corrosion and determining appropriate mitigation measures, while taking the most significant factors for soil

corrosion into account.

This supplement pertains to any carbon steel equipment or structure having surface metal exposed to soil,

with the exception of the soil side of aboveground storage tanks, which are covered in Section 2.B.14. The

most typical equipment exposed to soil corrosion is buried or partly buried carbon steel vessels/drums and

piping, with some type of coating.

The method described in this paragraph may be used to establish an estimate of the corrosion rate that

would be expected in a given environment. If actual corrosion rates are known for particular pieces of

equipment or other similar equipment in similar service, that data may be used in lieu of this method.


Soil Corrosivity

The damage to the exterior of metals exposed to soils is usually referred to as soil corrosion and is often

attributed to soil characteristics. Soils having high moisture content, high dissolved salt concentrations, and

high acidity are expected to be the most corrosive. However, soil composition alone has been found to have

little correlation with soil corrosivity.

There is no single easily measured soil parameter that can be used to determine soil corrosivity. Instead, a

number of characteristics must be combined to estimate the corrosion that may be expected on a steel

structure from a particular soil. According to ASTM STP 741, soil corrosivity classes can be characterized by

total acidity, resistivity, conductivity, drainage (soil texture), and aeration (water–air permeability). The most

significant causes for soil corrosion are described in Section 2.B.12.2.

Soils frequently have characteristics of which some indicate that the soil is corrosive, and others indicate just

the opposite. By virtue of water and related water-soluble salts being present, soil becomes an effective

electrolyte for completing the corrosion circuit between anode and cathode. This can be true even if the soil

is fairly dry and nonconductive (high resistivity). The water content in the soils relates to drainage, which is

defined as the ability to allow water percolation. In the long term, the residence time for water or moisture on

the metal surface will control the degree of corrosion in soil. Measuring this residence time is difficult or

impossible in practice. Therefore, it becomes necessary to use more easily measured soil characteristics,

which have a less certain correlation with soil corrosivity. The parameters usually considered include soil

resistivity, pH, chloride content, redox potential, and type of soil.

Soil resistivity is frequently used to estimate soil corrosivity, mainly because it is easy to measure (commonly

measured by the 4-pin Werner technique as described in ASME G57, or electromagnetic non-contacting

methods, Geonics). In practice, the conditions around the equipment surface are likely to be different than in

the surrounding native soil, due to different compaction and possibly also different soil type and texture

(especially where sand is used for backfill). Furthermore, the conditions probably vary along the equipment

surface as well. These variations will cause local effects that are not easily predicted by bulk resistivity

measurements, and these local effects again make a direct correlation solely between soil resistivity and soil

corrosivity of questionable value.

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