Katie Burdett Design Portfolio 2020

Interior design student portfolio showcasing work from the past 3.5 years of coursework at the University of Florida

Interior design student portfolio showcasing work from the past 3.5 years of coursework at the University of Florida


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D I S C O V E R & G R O W

Positive Distractions are defined by Ulrich as, “an environmental feature that elicits positive feelings

and holds attention without taxing or stressing the individual, thereby blocking worrisome thoughts”

Positive Distractions prove to lower patient anxiety and increase wellbeing amongst both patients and staff through:

- Natural art and views

- Virtual reality and technology

- Calming sounds

Studies show that design interventions such as these can:

- Reduce the occurrence of negative behaviors prior to therapy

- Enhance communication within the patient–clinician relationship

- Ease pre-surgical preparations

Thoughtful Design: providing a playful lobby for the pediatric user, and

an adjacent comfortable space for family to lessen waiting stress

Intentional Use of All Space: allowing the corridors to become an

extension of rehabilitation and positive distraction



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