Katie Burdett Design Portfolio 2020

Interior design student portfolio showcasing work from the past 3.5 years of coursework at the University of Florida

Interior design student portfolio showcasing work from the past 3.5 years of coursework at the University of Florida


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Design encompasses a complex nature. While we celebrate and enjoy good and

thoughtful design for the joy it brings to users, we are often uncomfortable and

sometimes even anxious when we experience poor design.

As a child I was hospitalized for a life-threatening disease. The stress and burdens

that my family and I carried during my stay were insurmountable, and the

conditions in which we were cared for in regards to the built environment were

rather forlorn. Though the doctors and nurses provided exceptional care, the

reality of our hospital room and surrounding environment was lackluster and

harsh. As a child, my stay was frightening. Bright lights and monitors blared at me

when being transported in a stretcher, and the area for my family to stay was tight

and uncomfortable. Even as an eleven year old, I felt the significance of being

confined to a small space that was not thoughtfully designed for its users, but

rather taken from a hackneyed mold. Katie

Additionally, I have always enjoyed learning about the systems in which the natural

world operates. The precise and intentional way that the earth and its inhabitants

live and grow is something that I hope to emulate through my designs. My

inspiration for each design ultimately comes from creation and the inherent beauty

and intricate systems that it contains.

I strive to create places wherein people are served, rather than hindered by their

environment. This is why I take great care to research; these researched spaces

display the holistic approach of evidence-based design and the subsequent

richness of human interaction that results from it. I echo the great architect Louis

Sullivan that “form follows function”. However, I would also add that form ought to

be integrated into function. While we study and research the purpose of the space

first during the design process, the creative nature of our profession allows us to

not only create useful spaces, but ones that inspire and connect— that allow all

people to grow and thrive.

I returned home from that hospital different from when I came in. Yes, I was

healed; however, I also began to think differently about the ways in which Overall, my design philosophy lies in this: that our designs exist for the betterment

environments can shape our behavior, and in the case of healthcare, our healing. of others— that they may be served well through our thoroughly researched and

The beautiful, dichotomous nature of art and science in design becomes more and well-inspired, functional designs that provide


beauty and joy for all who experience

more apparent to me as I study the impacts that the built environment has on it. Good design is noticed, but great design changes the way we live, work, heal,

patients, staff, employees, students, and more.

and grow as humans. I strive for great design— the kind of design that truly

impacts lives for the better.

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