17th issue

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ISSUE 17 Nov 2020


Moral Education


Teachers Tech Tools Sharing


“Can Do” spirit


“Can do” Campus


Desert Island Discs


Virtual Art


School Events


also features House updates, Alumni news, and much


Principal’s Words

校 ⻑ 的 話

A ‘Can-do’ Attitude

The theme of the opening ceremony of our 2020-2021 academic year was ‘Make the impossible possible’.

We have seen no shortage of seemingly impossible tasks in this extraordinary year of adapting to

COVID-19. Tackling monumental challenges both at home and in the workplace calls for both resilience and

a positive ‘can-do’ mentality. This edition of the CKY Newsletter focuses on how various members of our

school community have adopted a ‘Can-do’ Attitude while making the impossible possible!

At the start of our academic year when in-school lessons were suspended and learning migrated entirely

online, delivering books to students proved to be a huge logistical task that required the collaboration of

hard-working individuals across our school community. In this edition, we applaud and celebrate their efforts

in preparing and delivering the sheer volume of textbooks while our students were safely learning from

home. A few of our students have reflected on how they have continued to support each other in adapting to

new routines and habits at home, which has helped to remove any sense of isolation. Likewise our teachers

have displayed a ‘can-do’ mindset by learning how to apply new tools and technologies to make their online

lessons even more engaging. The articles in this issue show how CKY is one large Learning Community

where everyone grows and improves in a true spirit of ‘Can-do.’

On Saturday morning campus patrol with the dogs

With the winner of the funny face mask parade

A few of the many wonderfully loyal and

supportive parent volunteers whom we

are fortunate to have at CKY

Music can be tremendously inspiring in lifting our mood

and improving our perspective. In this issue, our new

teachers and a few of our returning colleagues have

shared their desert island discs - songs that they would

take with them if shipwrecked on a desert island... why not

have a listen to their playlist recommendations! Although

we have been unable to host as many school functions in

this current age of COVID-19, we are glad to highlight in

this issue a range of events, such as online Orchestra

ensembles, elite Maths competitions, video art projects, as

well as virtual debates and House competitions. This

diversity of online activities reflects how learning outside

the classroom and our values of holistic education can

also be upheld.

An expanding and integral part of the school community is

our thriving alumni network that has grown each year

since the first graduating Class of 2013. Our alumni have

also shown how the ‘Can-do’ Attitude they fostered at

school enables them to differentiate themselves both at

university and in the workplace. The CKY alumni recently

hosted an online Careers session by a distinguished panel

of our former students. We are proud of the achievements

of all our alumni, and the stories and advice they so

willingly share paves the way for our current students to

explore a variety of pathways to future success.

We hope you enjoy keeping up-to-date with the latest

news and events at CKY by reading the Newsletter. We

wish you and your family the best of health and continuous


Dr. LAU, Siu-Ling

Head Principal

Our Halloween Party is a fun and memorable time

where our primary students dress up in impressive


The positive attitude of our students

Y4 Moral Education—My Timetable in School

Our Primary students have needed to adapt at a young age to new routines in learning

and growing up at home. They have learnt how to better plan their day, allowing them to

use their time most productively while at home. Our Primary students have realised that

although the situations we face due to COVID-19 might not be ideal, they need to make

the best of it by following a timetabled routine that keeps them active, healthy and happy!

Andrea Mak 4C

When the Y4 academic year started in August 2020, I was

devastated to find out that we had to take online lessons again. But when

online lessons actually began, it wasn’t too bad since I learned how to use a

lot of new technology, such as how to make a website, how to use Seesaw

and Padlet, etc.

During the suspension in Y3, I really disliked staring at the screen

for a whole entire hour for online lessons. Thankfully, this year we have the

20-20-20 system during lessons for resting our eyes every 20 minutes.

Also, halfway through the lesson we have a few minutes of stretching or

exercising to refresh ourselves.

Another good thing about suspension was that we could have

small group chats, which I really enjoyed because I could get to know my

new classmates more through chatting and playing little games with them. I

ended up becoming good friends with those classmates in my small group!

Although I felt a bit disappointed because at first, we couldn’t

meet face-to-face, I still enjoyed the lessons. We did lots of fun activities

like playing games that let us know our teachers more to break the ice and

brainstorming ideas in Breakout Rooms, then telling our ideas to the class!

Luckily, by late September, we were able to go back to school to

meet our new teachers and classmates in person. This suspension has

taught me to cherish all the time we spend with our teachers and

classmates, because you never know when we’ll be going back online


Page 2

Having a good time management plays a pivotal role in our daily

life. At school, we are always taught to come up with a welldesigned

timetable so that we can make the best possible use of

our time. I therefore applied this practice during the school


Before I started, my mom advised me to be realistic and balanced

in designing the timetable when prioritizing the tasks and

activities to accomplish every day. I divided the timetable into

four main aspects, including daily routines, schoolwork, interest

classes and “ME” time (that is my leisure time)!

With a good use of the timetable, I do enjoy the benefits of it. First

of all, it boosts my learning efficiency as the timetable gives me a

sense of direction and shows me what is the next step to work on.

Using the timetable also enables me to exercise self-discipline.

That means only by sticking to the time plan can I complete the

tasks in a more organized and effective way, leaving more ample

time for my family and leisure activities. It sounds great, doesn’t

it? Yet, to achieve a healthier lifestyle, I suppose more exercise

time should have been included. After all, striking the right

balance between work time and play time is also important to our

physical and mental health.

Averie Yip 4B

A good start is half way done! Why don’t you make your own

timetable? PLAN now!

Page 3

At the beginning of the school year, I despaired when I first knew

that there wouldn’t be any physical learning. But my online

morning classes leave me time in the afternoon to complete

homework and everything I desired to do. I made a timetable so I

can handle tasks step by step, and feel more relieved by every

challenge I have completed. It turned out terrific! I was able to

have more time to read, play board games and learn new hobbies

like sewing. I have now decided that I would use my time wisely,

and treasure every moment.

Kaylee Ko 4F

The “third wave” of Covid-19 has

affected my school schedule and

we were asked to do a

suspension timetable. This was

the very first time I have tried to

organise my own time. I had to

make sure I did not leave out

any activities and also everyday

has a good “work/play” balance.

I realised that being organised

was very important and super

helpful. I could be sure what

tasks I needed to finish in each

day as well as there was time I

could enjoy playing or relaxing!

T h i s t i m e t a b l e m a d e m y

everyday more fulfilling.

Megan So 4E

Page 4

2020 年 是 很 特 別 的 ⼀ 年 , 因 為 新 冠 肺 炎 疫 情 嚴 重 , 我 們 從 農 曆 年 假 後 便 ⾧ 時 間 待 在 家 裏 。 原 本 以

為 停 課 可 以 有 更 ⾧ 的 假 期 也 是 ⼀ 件 很 不 錯 的 事 情 , 但 之 後 我 漸 漸 地 開 始 想 念 同 學 , 感 覺 很 孤 單 。

停 課 期 間 , 我 們 ⼤ 都 以 ZOOM 形 式 上 網 課 , 但 由 於 始 終 在 家 中 上 課 , 實 在 不 容 易 專 ⼼, 也 常 常 會

覺 得 像 放 學 那 樣 輕 鬆 , 想 着 要 休 息 玩 耍 。

Wong Kei Yu 4F

⾃ 從 製 定 了 這 個 時 間 表 , 我 知 道 什 麼 時 候 做 什 麼 事 情 , 像 上 實 體 課 ⼀ 樣 有 規 律 。 當 我 遲 起 床 便 像

遲 到 上 學 , 換 上 T 恤 便 像 更 換 好 校 服 , 按 時 開 電 腦 便 像 準 備 上 課 。 網 課 後 也 跟 着 時 間 表 上 鋼 琴 課 、 閱

讀 和 完 成 功 課 。 星 期 六 、⽇ 更 是 我 最 珍 惜 的 時 間 , 可 以 外 出 探 望 祖 ⽗ 母 和 跟 爸 爸 媽 媽 ⼀ 起 吃 飯 。

我 始 終 希 望 可 以 全 ⽇ 留 在 學 校 上 實 體 課 , 希 望 新 冠 肺 炎 疫 情 早 ⽇ 解 決 !

在 停 課 初 前 , 我 感 到 很 無 聊 。 時 間 ⼀ 天 ⼀ 天 地

過 去 , 每 天 遊 ⼿ 好 閒 , 甚 無 意 義 , 彷 彿 就 像 ⼀ 艘 漫

無 ⽬ 的 的 ⼩ 船 在 ⼤ 海 中 飄 流 。

幸 好 有 ⼀ 次 , 張 ⽼ 師 吩 囑 我 們 做 ⼀ 張 屬 於 ⾃⼰ 的

時 間 表 。 我 ⼼ 裏 暗 忖 : 太 好 了 ! 我 可 以 按 着 時 間 表 去

完 成 任 務 , 那 就 不 會 浪 費 時 間 了 ! 想 罷 , 我 ⽴ 刻 去

做 。 從 那 天 起 , 我 每 天 早 起 早 睡 , 善 ⽤ 時 間 , 停 課

的 時 間 也 變 得 更 充 實 了 !

停 課 期 間 , 我 完 成 了 這 個 五 彩 繽 紛 的 時 間 表 , 安 排 ⽣ 活 作 息 ,⼼ 裏

很 興 奮 。 但 同 時 間 我 也 有 點 擔 ⼼, 因 為 我 怕 不 能 完 成 編 排 好 的 ⼯ 作 。 幸

好 ⼀ 個 星 期 後 , 我 發 現 我 能 按 時 間 表 完 成 任 務 , 我 感 到 很 滿 ⾜。 後 來 我

發 現 我 沒 有 時 間 閱 讀 和 運 動 , 所 以 我 每 天 再 抽 出 ⼀ 些 時 間 多 進 ⾏ 運 動

和 閱 讀 ,⽣ 活 很 是 充 實 。

Whitney Lam 4D

Naomi Tsang 4B

Page 5

我 頗 滿 意 在 停 課 期 間 設 計 的 時 間 表 , 讓 ⾃⼰ 早 睡 早 起 。 因 為 早 上 起 床 後 , 我

的 頭 腦 清 醒 , 能 集 中 精 神 應 付 三 節 緊 湊 的 網 課 。 到 了 下 午 , 我 可 以 更 輕 鬆 和 靈 活

地 運 ⽤ 時 間 , 並 合 理 地 分 配 時 間 在 遊 戲 、 課 外 活 動 、 溫 習 和 完 成 功 課 上 。 當 然 ,

我 覺 得 無 論 平 ⽇ 或 停 課 期 間 , 最 重 要 的 是 保 持 ⾜ 夠 的 睡 眠 , 讓 ⾃⼰ 精 神 飽 滿 地 迎

接 每 ⼀ 天 的 新 挑 戰 !

Scarlett Kwan 4C

Page 6

Teachers Interactive

Tools Sharing Session

Three teachers recently held an Interactive Tools sharing session to introduce a

variety of online platforms which can serve to enhance established teaching methods

as well as to assess for learning. Furthermore, these tools are intuitive and fun to

boost student engagement.

Mr Sam Leong from the Mathematics

Department shared how Quizizz

(www.quizizz.com) can be used first to

gauge prior knowledge, or as a plenary

to assess how much students know.

Quizizz is a multiple-choice quiz

platform which can be used live both for

face-to-face or online lessons.

Students compete to answer the

quickest and have the option to use

various boosts to score higher than their

classmates. Quizizz can also be

assigned to a class on Google

Classroom as a take-home quiz for

students to complete within a set

period. We recommend using Quizizz

for its advantages in quick assessment,

rather than for answering questions that

require more thought and lengthier


Quizizz in action during a Live session.

Students’ names move up and down

the leader board based on their current


Page 7

Quizlet comes with a

variety of interactive


Mr Weiming Wang from the Chinese Department shared how Quizlet (www.quizlet.com) is particularly

useful for ice-breaker activities as well as building better vocabulary skills for Languages. Quizlet comes

with a plethora of interactive tools and games such as Flashcards, Write (fill-in-the-blanks), and Match

(match terms and definitions). Similar to Quizizz, teachers can access study sets prepared by teachers

around the world, or create a custom one to suit the needs of their students.

At the core of Gimkit’s

interactive quiz platform is

The Shop where students

s p e n d t h e i r i n - g a m e

currency to give themselves

an advantage or to

sabotage the efforts of their


Finally, Mr Glenn Au from the Business & Economics Department introduced Gimkit (www.gimkit.com)

which has been described as “Kahoot! with a twist”. Students are required to answer multiple-choice

questions and are rewarded with in-game currency which can be used to boost their own points or

momentarily stop other classmates from scoring high. This game-show-esque interactive tool is sure to

make learning more fun and competitive.

The assessment results of all three tools can be downloaded to analyse

individual student’s progress, which teachers can use to further adapt their

lessons to suit every student in the classroom.

We hope teachers and students enjoy using these new platforms, which can

make learning a joy!

Mr Sam Leong

Teacher of Maths

Page 8


Pear Deck Workshop

Figure 1 Students' responses (Teacher’s view). Except from the

responses, their feelings are shown as well because Pear Deck will

ask them “how do you feel today?” before accessing the slides.

Figure 2 Users' view on Pear Deck

Our Teachers have shown a ‘can-do’ attitude while

upgrading their knowledge and skills of online learning

technologies, including Pear Deck. Three teachers

recently shared their experience of the learning tool

Pear Deck, which helped other colleagues to begin to

try out the platform in their lessons.

Some teachers found out that actually quite

a lot of students prefer muting their mics for the whole

lesson (especially students in higher year-levels). Yet,

when the lesson is only the teacher talking all the time,

there will be no interaction and the students are going

to get bored easily.

I find Pear Deck a very useful tool for online

teaching. I used it for almost every single lesson

online. Pear Deck is a tool that makes google slides

(PowerPoint) interactive. That is why I participated in

sharing my experience, together with Mr Louis Wong

(Head of Physics) and Ms Meaghan Lau (Teacher of

History). And this is what the workshop was all about:

introducing Pear Deck.

One of the examples is when I taught year 6

science, we learnt about drawing free body diagrams.

By using Pear Deck, students drew the diagrams and I

could check whether they know the concepts. This is

what I will see when I get their responses (the names

are covered). After I get all the responses, I show their

responses without their names revealed (Yes, this

function encourages students to answer!) and we

discuss together. I can give them individual feedback

as well after the end of the class.

Of course, teachers should experience what Pear

Deck is so that they can know more about Pear Deck,

so there was some time letting them use Pear Deck

as a student. Because of that, they know better about

the concepts, and at the same time it is more fun

because they participated. From the speaker’s

perspective, receiving their responses is good for

checking whether they really understand. The

workshop went really well and hopefully teachers will

apply it in their lessons

Mr Elliot Wong

Teacher of Science

Page 9

Students Helping Teachers


Maintaining Friendships

your popularity grows here!

Hi folks!

You might be wondering how

to communicate with your

friends while quarantined,

without doing face-to-face

interactions with them! Well,

it is really simple!

Online communications have

always been criticized as a

less applicable way of

maintaining friendships. But

now, online is very useful to

us as we are not able to

socialize in real life. There

are many different ways to

maintain your friendships

with friends. Of course, you

can talk to them everyday,

you can text them about their

whereabouts and perhaps

call or facetime them as well.

When you text them, it is

important to realize what you

are saying or what type of

conversation you are having.

When you text your friends,

you can send them positive

messages to make them feel

good. You can also talk

about the content that you

both enjoy to make your

friendship stronger as they

trust you and to feel more

comfortable around you. For

example, you could send

“What are you up to?” texts,

show them a funny memory

or an old photo and discuss

your past with each other to

make your bonding even

more sustainable.

If you are unfamiliar with

online friendship

communications, you could

always use the old fashioned

way of communicating,

which is writing letters. I

don’t think I need any further

explaining as it is very

straightforward, but for the

ones who don’t know, just

take out a pen and paper,

write your message to your

friend and put it in the mail

along with your friend’s

address. The types of letters

that you can write if you are

out of ideas can be thank

you letters of appreciation

towards their loyalty, care,

their love and support for

you. You may add something

extra such as your friend’s

favorite snack or a small gift

for them to acknowledge

your respect and love

towards them. Here we go,

back to the internet world!

During quarantine, everyone

would be bored and would

u s e s o c i a l m e d i a f o r

entertainment, those people

may include your friends.

When they post, in addition

to liking their posts, you can

comment positively and

compliment them for extra

support, you can spread

positivity around the internet

while you’re at it; to make the

internet a more happy place.

During these times, your

friends may experience

something bad or they’re

going through something,

they will need your support.

Even though you can’t give

them a hug or a pat on the

back for support, you can

support them through words.

Give them the love that they

need and deserve.

Not only can you converse

over your favorite topics, you

can discover new interests

together online. The internet

is a powerful tool that we use

on a daily basis. Let’s say

you are both interested in

Kpop, and you both want to

learn Korean. You can use

this opportunity to start a

Google Meet and learn the

Korean language together on

the Internet by watching

YouTube videos. Not only

can you use it to learn

languages, some other

people may enjoy learning

gaming tactics together,

studying together or just

discovering new things or


There are lots more different

methods to maintain your

friendship, but this is all we

are going to cover today. Not

only do these help you

maintain your friendship, it

can make your friendship

even stronger, surrounded

with more love and support

than ever.

Cherub Lee 7C

Page 10

Teaching My Teacher

Interactive Flat Panels

Fremont Lo 9A

We all know the school recently obtained new smart boards for classrooms. Ironically, these additions have created

confusion and inconvenience for teachers who are not particularly familiar with operating them. In fact, a few days

ago, at the beginning of our English lesson, my teacher Mr. Stengel had no idea how to present his PowerPoint and

needed help.

Referencing the school motto ‘Every child is good at something’--everyone, teachers and students alike,

possess their own diverse fields of expertise and knowledge. No one is perfect, and by learning from others we can

increase our own knowledge base, and hopefully also allow others to learn from us.

Conventionally, adults are always viewed as correct, and are seen as role models for children. Teachers

are expected to be the ones helping students and increasing their capacity to learn. This is true. If it wasn’t, we

wouldn’t need schools, would we? However, the reverse can also be true. In fact, students here at CKY offer

knowledge to teach their teachers, like I taught Mr. Stengel how to change the HDMI input and thus allow his

PowerPoint to be displayed for our lesson. It’s little role-reversals like this that make our school learning

environment so dynamic and engaging.

I see it as a responsibility for everyone to improve our school and its quality of education. I can contribute

by helping out with something I’ve always been good at: technology. After all, we should all use our skills to unlock

our academic potential. Moreover, by showing Mr. Stengel how to use a piece of hardware he wasn’t familiar with,

our whole class benefited. Potential time wasted became knowledge gained. In the end, the whole class benefited.

Page 11

「 玩 轉 詩 歌 」

---- 挑 戰 網 課 中 的 不 可 能

當 ⼀ 開 學 就 開 始 網 課 , 對 ⽼ 師 ⽽⾔, 就 是 ⼀ 種 挑 戰 。 如 何 跨 越 屏 幕

的 障 礙 , 設 計 ⽣ 動 的 教 學 , 與 學 ⽣ 有 更 好 的 互 動 , 更 是 ⼀ 個 全 新 的 挑

戰 。

挑 戰 網 課 中 的 不 可 能 。 不 如 , 就 來 ⼀ 個 全 新 的 詩 歌 單 元 吧 , 取 名 叫

「 玩 ‧ 意 」---- 玩 轉 圖 像 詩 , 領 略 意 象 的 魅 ⼒! 網 課 「 遭 遇 」 詩 歌 教 學 ,⼋

年 級 的 中 ⽂⽼ 師 剛 開 始 也 視 之 為 「 不 太 可 能 的 任 務 」。 然 ⽽, 迎 難 ⽽

上 , 挑 戰 「 不 可 能 」⼀ 向 是 ⽼ 師 們 熱 衷 的 事 。 腦 ⼒ 激 蕩 、 教 學 研 討 之

後 ,「 玩 轉 詩 歌 」、「 從 圖 像 詩 ⼊⼿」⼀ 系 列 聽 起 來 就 讓 ⼈ 振 奮 的 好 點

⼦ 層 出 不 窮 ,⼤ 家 開 始 轉 變 思 路 , 在 探 究 問 題 的 引 導 下 , 告 別 所 謂 的 標

準 答 案 , 我 們 ⿎ 勵 學 ⽣ 勇 敢 地 嘗 試 , 只 要 ⾔ 之 成 理 都 予 以 肯 定 。 學 ⽣ 在

發 ⾔ 的 過 程 中 , 會 彼 此 刺 激 , 碰 撞 出 思 維 的 ⽕ 花 , 或 補 充 , 或 修 訂 , 對

詩 歌 的 理 解 顯 得 更 加 豐 富 、 多 元 。 這 樣 的 翻 轉 課 堂 上 , 我 們 驚 喜 地 發 現

: 由 於 沒 有 前 設 的 答 案 , 學 ⽣ 更 樂 於 發 ⾔, 也 逐 漸 地 愛 上 了 詩 歌 。⽼ 師

也 把 ⾃⼰ 當 成 學 ⽣, 與 學 ⽣ 共 同 經 歷 每 ⼀ 步 學 習 的 過 程 , 把 課 堂 還 給 學

⽣, 努 ⼒ 營 造 平 等 的 課 堂 。

「 玩 ‧ 意 」 中 ,⽼ 師 與 學 ⽣⼀ 起 摸 索 , 引 導 的 過 程 是 師 ⽣⼼ 靈 的 交 流 ,

也 是 對 ⼈⽣ 的 感 悟 。 在 整 個 學 習 階 段 , 學 ⽣ 的 想 像 被 圖 象 詩 打 開 了 ,

能 夠 輕 鬆 和 踴 躍 地 參 與 課 堂 的 學 習 , 投 ⼊ 詩 歌 學 習 , 樂 在 其 中 。 正 因

為 有 這 樣 的 收 穫 ,⽼ 師 們 趁 熱 打 鐵 , 並 在 線 上 與 所 有 的 ⽼ 師 分 享 了 教 學

的 設 計 和 ⽅ 法 , 以 及 如 何 同 步 使 ⽤ 最 新 的 教 學 軟 件 , 為 學 ⽣ 打 造 ⼀ 個 有

趣 的 詩 歌 饗 宴 。 我 們 知 道 : 教 育 的 路 漫 ⻑⽽ 充 滿 挑 戰 , 但 是 在 困 境

前 , 我 們 依 然 會 㩦 ⼿ 同 ⾏, 以 熱 情 去 擦 亮 「 教 育 」 這 顆 星 星 !

總 得 有 ⼈ 去 擦 擦 星 星 ,

它 們 看 起 來 灰 濛 濛 。

總 得 有 ⼈ 去 擦 擦 星 星 ,

因 為 那 些 ⼋ 哥 、 海 鷗 和 ⽼ 鷹 ,

都 抱 怨 星 星 ⼜ 舊 ⼜⽣ 鏽 ,

想 要 個 新 的 我 們 沒 有 。

所 以 還 是 帶 上 ⽔ 桶 和 抹 布 ,

總 得 有 ⼈ 去 擦 擦 星 星 。

——[ 美 ] 謝 爾 · 希 爾 弗 斯 坦 《 閣 樓 上 的 光 》

Ms Christine Wong

王 清 鳳 主 任

Page 12

Scarlet Hun 8E

剛 知 道 要 寫 ⼀⾸ 詩 , 我 們 的 第 ⼀ 反 應 就 是 「 沒 可 能 ! 」 我 們 深 知 作 ⼀

⾸ 詩 容 易 , 可 是 要 作 ⼀⾸ 好 詩 並 不 容 易 。 我 們 熱 烈 地 討 論 著 , 分 享 所 想 到 的 題

材 , 最 後 我 們 決 定 ⽤「 流 星 」 為 主 題 。 可 是 之 後 的 問 題 來 了 , 我 們 到 底 要 怎 樣

寫 呢 ? 經 過 ⽼ 師 的 引 導 ,⼀ 番 思 考 過 後 , 我 們 決 定 ⽤ 名 ⼈ 寫 的 詩 為 藍 本 。 看 了

許 多 作 品 後 , 我 們 綜 合 了 ⼀ 個 想 法 , 就 是 要 寫 當 下 的 感 觸 。 然 ⽽, 我 們 決 定 照

著 他 們 的 寫 法 來 寫 。 當 時 的 我 們 很 困 惑 , 找 到 參 考 後 , 我 們 好 像 有 了 「 希

望 」, 恰 好 地 , 我 們 想 融 合 現 在 的 時 事 , 給 ⼤ 家 在 疫 情 中 帶 來 希 望 , 從 ⽽ 延 伸

出 現 在 的 寫 法 。

Bethany Chui 8E


Kahangamage 8B

我 們 最 初 學 新 詩 的 時 候 ,⼤ 家 都 在 想 : 新 詩 沒 有 可 能 是 個

有 趣 的 單 元 ! 那 當 然 , 跟 中 ⽂ 科 其 他 的 教 材 ⼀ 樣 , 我 們 再 學 下 去 ,

漸 漸 發 現 了 新 詩 不 但 很 簡 單 容 易 ,⽽ 且 活 潑 有 趣 ! 新 詩 沒 了 古 詩 的

限 制 , 能 ⾃ 由 地 ⾶ 翔 , 令 我 們 看 完 之 後 , 都 ⼼ 曠 神 怡 呢 ! 我 們 還 以

爲 喜 歡 詩 歌 是 個 不 可 能 的 事 呢 ! 我 們 還 學 了 新 詩 的 歷 史 , 發 現 了 因

爲 古 詩 有 着 嚴 格 的 規 範 。 當 時 , 寫 ⼀⾸ 形 式 ⾃ 由 的 詩 ⽽ 得 到 認 可 ,

根 本 是 ⼀ 件 不 可 能 的 任 務 。 所 以 , 在 1917 年 五 四 運 動 時 , 詩 ⼈ 胡 適

寫 了 中 國 第 ⼀⾸ 新 詩 《 蝴 蝶 》 的 時 候 , 可 以 説 是 達 成 了 「 不 可 能 的

事 」 呢 !

Alex Tam 8B Matthew Tsang 8B

即 將 踏 ⼊ 學 期 中 , 新 詩 的 學 習 也 告 ⼀ 段 落 , 但 新 詩 的 創 作 是 不 會 停 頓 的 。 許 多

同 學 都 在 學 習 新 詩 後 產 ⽣ 了 ⾃⼰ 對 新 詩 獨 特 的 想 法 , 有 些 甚 ⾄ 為 新 詩 的 包 容 , 狂 放 不

羈 及 實 ⽤ 性 ⽽ 愛 上 了 新 詩 的 創 作 。 撇 開 同 學 們 各 異 其 趣 的 理 解 ; 整 個 單 元 ⽤⼀ 句 話 來

總 結 , 就 是 意 象 為 王 。 每 個 學 ⽣ 都 能 或 多 或 少 地 更 加 理 解 新 詩 , 就 是 得 宜 於 整 個 單 元

都 圍 繞 著 意 象 發 展 。 講 反 覆 , 突 出 意 象 的 特 點 ; 講 排 版 , 為 讀 者 在 品 詩 之 前 就 感 受 到

詩 的 核 ⼼ 意 象 。 經 過 這 ⼀ 單 元 玩 「 意 」( 象 ) 的 學 習 , 欣 賞 、 創 作 新 詩 ⼀ 定 會 成 為 不

少 同 學 的 興 趣 。

Bob Shen 8C

Page 13

CKY Student Support Groups

我 們 ⼀ 起 , 在 線 共 學

從 2020 庚 ⼦ 年 ⼀ 開 始 , 新 冠 肺 炎 肆 虐 全 球 , 為 了 維 持 社 交 距 離 和 保 障 ⼤ 家

的 健 康 , 政 府 宣 布 學 校 停 ⽌⾯ 授 課 程 , 學 ⽣ 改 在 網 上 上 課 。 從 2⽉ 開 始 到 現 在 11

⽉, 學 ⽣ 在 學 校 上 課 的 時 間 不 夠 兩 個 ⽉。

「 網 上 學 習 」 對 孩 ⼦ 來 講 是 ⼀ 個 極 新 的 體 驗 , 在 這 個 過 程 中 , 孩 ⼦ 們 重 整 新

的 學 習 ⽅ 法 , 去 適 應 這 個 新 模 式 。 眾 所 週 知 , 學 習 過 程 中 集 思 廣 益 往 往 ⽐ 單 打 獨

⾾ 學 得 更 多 , 孩 ⼦ 們 會 在 課 後 聚 在 網 上 空 間 , 利 ⽤Meet 或 Zoom 在 課 後 繼 續 討 論 ,

⼀ 起 做 功 課 , 透 過 互 相 學 習 , 達 到 鞏 固 知 識 和 精 益 求 精 的 ⽬ 的 。

現 今 世 界 瞬 息 萬 變 , 孩 ⼦ 的 確 要 有 「 變 幻 才 是 永 恆 」 的 ⼼ 態 , 以 及 具 備 與 時

並 進 的 觸 覺 , 相 信 「⼀ 切 皆 有 可 能 」。

Ms Yip Wing

葉 頴 ⽼ 師

網 上 學 習 對 我 來 講 是 很 ⼤ 的 挑 戰 。 在 上 課 時 我 必 須 要 做 到 全 神 貫 注 , 但 在

家 中 可 以 影 響 專 注 ⼒ 的 東 西 太 多 : 遊 戲 、 零 ⾷、 社 交 媒 體 …… 為 了 專 ⼼, 我 會 嘗

試 回 答 ⽼ 師 的 問 題 , 讓 ⾃⼰ 專 ⼼ 於 課 堂 上 , 不 那 麼 容 易 分 ⼼。

此 外 , 有 時 在 做 功 課 時 遇 到 困 難 , 也 不 像 以 前 那 樣 可 以 在 第 ⼆ 天 問 ⽼ 師 或 同

學 , 問 題 便 越 積 越 多 。 於 是 我 就 和 幾 個 好 朋 友 組 成 學 習 ⼩ 組 , 在 每 天 網 課 後 ⼀ 起

在 Zoom 上 完 成 當 天 的 功 課 。⼀ 來 , 可 以 交 流 ⼀ 下 ⼤ 家 對 今 天 所 學 的 理 解 ,⼆

來 , 可 以 互 補 不 ⾜, 最 後 更 可 以 通 過 做 數 學 ⽐ 賽 或 默 寫 ⽐ 賽 等 增 加 競 爭 性 ,⿎ 勵

我 們 ⼀ 起 進 步 。

Jonathan Wong 5D

⾃ 從 2020 年 網 課 以 來 , 我 與 同 學 有 在 網 上 有 討 論 功 課 或 ⼀ 起 做 功 課 。 我

認 為 網 課 並 沒 有 阻 擋 我 們 溝 通 和 影 響 我 們 的 友 情 。 我 有 ⼀ 班 ⽐ 較 親 密 的 朋 友 ,

我 們 很 喜 歡 在 放 學 後 互 相 討 論 上 課 時 的 問 題 或 談 談 我 們 的 ⽣ 活 。 有 空 時 , 雖 然

我 們 不 能 在 現 實 中 ⾒⾯, 但 是 我 們 會 ⼀ 起 在 網 上 玩 遊 戲 。 我 認 為 : 隨 着 網 上 學

習 模 式 成 為 新 常 態 , 我 們 可 能 會 缺 乏 合 適 的 設 備 輔 助 網 上 學 習 ,⾧ 遠 將 ⼤⼤ 影

響 我 們 學 習 效 率 、 功 課 成 績 及 健 康 狀 況 。 但 是 , 我 可 以 利 ⽤ 這 個 新 常 態 來 鍛 鍊

我 的 責 任 ⼼ 和 時 間 管 理 等 等 。 這 將 有 助 我 有 更 好 的 習 慣 和 適 應 新 的 ⽣ 活 模 式 。

Kary Wong 8C

Page 14

網 課 初 期 , 我 覺 得 上 網 課 感 覺 怪 怪 的 , 因 為 我 跟 同 學 們 沒 有 機 會 ⾯ 對 ⾯⼀ 起

談 天 說 地 , 課 堂 以 外 也 沒 有 什 麼 溝 通 的 機 會 , 所 以 網 課 ⽐ 實 體 課 是 沒 有 那 麼 ⽣ 動 有

趣 。 但 是 隨 著 時 間 久 了 , 我 也 慢 慢 地 適 應 了 , 其 實 後 來 , 我 甚 ⾄ 喜 歡 上 網 課 , 因 為

我 可 以 不 ⽤ 那 麼 早 起 床 , 在 家 中 上 課 也 ⽐ 較 舒 適 。

Timothy Cowling 5D

現 在 , 我 有 時 候 會 和 同 學 在 網 上 討 論 功 課 或 ⼀ 起 在 線 做 功 課 , 做 完 以 後 也 可 以

⼀ 起 玩 ⼀ 會 電 腦 遊 戲 。 在 班 中 , 我 跟 ⿈ 若 翰 同 學 ⽐ 較 熟 稔 , 所 以 我 有 時 後 在 課 堂 以

外 也 會 跟 ⿈ 同 學 ⼀ 起 討 論 功 課 。 最 近 我 班 開 始 了 ⼀ 連 串 的 匯 報 功 課 , 我 們 會 ⼀ 起 練

習 , 然 後 互 相 給 對 ⽅ 評 語 。 有 時 候 我 在 功 課 上 有 不 明 ⽩ 的 地 ⽅, 他 也 給 我 很 多 幫

助 , 當 我 感 到 沒 信 ⼼ 的 時 候 , 他 就 ⿎ 勵 我 。 對 於 他 給 我 的 ⽀ 持 , 我 ⼗ 分 感 謝 。

疫 情 下 ,⽤google meet 或 zoom 上 課 成 為 了 我 們 的 ⽇ 常 。 沒 有 了 ⽼ 師 在

學 校 教 室 裡 的 即 時 畫 圖 解 說 、⽣ 動 教 學 、 有 趣 互 動 , 我 們 上 課 的 時 候 只 有 ⾃⼰

對 著 ⼀ 個 屏 幕 。 上 網 課 的 我 需 要 更 多 集 中 ⼒, 除 了 難 免 會 有 點 枯 燥 的 時 段 , 家

裡 和 網 上 的 ⼲ 擾 項 ⽬ 也 實 在 多 ,⼀ 不 留 神 就 會 錯 過 ⽼ 師 說 的 重 點 。 加 上 ⽼ 師 在

網 課 , 有 時 未 能 進 ⾏ 更 多 的 課 堂 互 動 , 教 授 進 度 偏 快 , 如 何 在 短 時 間 內 整 理 筆

記 和 學 習 資 料 成 了 ⼀⾨ 學 問 。 所 幸 上 了 半 年 多 的 網 課 , 教 我 培 養 更 紮 實 的 聆 聽

能 ⼒ 以 及 如 何 ⽤ 最 適 合 ⾃⼰ 的 ⽅ 式 寫 筆 記 。 在 疫 情 下 仍 然 能 在 學 習 的 道 路 上 前

進 。

Lily Ng 11B

Shannon Lau 7A

網 課 ⾃ 實 施 ⾄ 今 已 超 過 半 年 ,⾃⼀ 開 始 , 我 已 覺 得 網 課 有 其 可 取 之 處 , 因

為 這 可 省 卻 學 ⽣ 上 學 的 交 通 時 間 , 每 天 省 下 兩 ⼩ 時 , 可 以 讓 我 休 息 多 ⼀ 點 , 也 有

更 多 時 間 做 運 動 和 溫 習 。

和 同 學 們 ⼀ 起 進 ⾏ 網 上 學 習 , 其 實 感 覺 挺 有 趣 的 。 我 們 仍 可 透 過 鏡 頭 ⾒⾯,

⽽ 在 課 堂 中 , 同 學 們 也 會 積 極 「 開 ⿆ 克 ⾵」 和 留 ⾔ 進 ⾏ 提 問 及 討 論 , 很 有 學 習 氣

氛 。

現 在 , 我 和 同 學 在 課 餘 也 會 透 過 網 上 會 議 ,⼀ 起 完 成 ⼩ 組 功 課 。 沒 有 了 地 域 的

限 制 , 我 們 可 隨 時 相 約 進 ⾏ 討 論 , 很 ⽅ 便 呢 !

當 然 , 網 課 的 最 ⼤ 缺 點 , 是 不 能 透 過 它 進 ⾏⼀ 些 實 體 活 動 , 例 如 課 堂 上 的 互

動 學 習 、 科 學 課 的 實 驗 、 體 育 課 的 集 體 運 動 和 ⾷ 品 科 技 課 的 烹 飪 體 驗 等 , 只 能 靠

看 影 ⽚ 來 彌 補 , 這 是 蠻 可 惜 的 。 幸 好 現 在 上 午 可 回 校 上 實 體 課 , 我 又 可 以 繼 續 享

受 實 實 在 在 的 校 園 ⽣ 活 了 。

實 體 課 和 網 課 也 有 其 可 愛 之 處 , 可 互 相 取 ⾧ 補 短 , 假 如 疫 情 消 失 了 , 將 來 兩

者 也 有 可 能 雙 軌 並 ⾏ 呢 !

Page 15

Tremendous collaboration between our teachers, librarians,

general office staff, janitors, and parent helpers

Empowering the

Can-do Attitude

Each package was prepared with attention, affection and care

We needed army-like coordination of this Herculean effort!

As we all adapted to the various vagaries

of the coronavirus epidemic, including the

occasional protracted stints of online

lessons and campus led classes to the

hybrid of both today, it is a testament to

the can-do attitude of teachers and

students at CKY. But beyond that, while

the educational machine that is CKY

continued to purr and hum online, our

janitors continued to tirelessly keep the

campus ship-shape in the many months

that we were gone.

From March of this year, our janitors

soldered back to work, searching for any

holes to plug in the steamboat that is

CKY. They found walls below the smart

board bedecked with footprints, the

remnant of play and happiness imprinted

on school walls and set to restoring them

to their pristine glory by repainting it all by

hand. As they traversed the various

stately classrooms aboard this jolly cruise

ship, they found more to fix and repaint -

the doors and corridors engaged in a

renovation of sorts by our very talented

janitors - they continued to paint and paint

until the whole school was redone - the

external walls, classrooms, corridors,

everything. A project that took several

months to complete as they clambered up

ladders in impossible situations and

positions. Mr Hui, our Head Janitor said,

‘They (the janitors) were really amazing,

they worked so hard and put in so much

effort that it was really touching as they

never once complained.’ All this

strenuous manual work was undertaken

so that we could come to a school as

good as new.

Page 16

A mammoth logistical task preparing all of these deliveries!

Following the completion of the repainting, by mid-July they were tasked with helping the school to

deliver students’ school materials in August - the needed books, stationery, and papers were packed

and sorted by the Librarians, Janitors, Office staff and our esteemed Parent Volunteers. This was

an undertaking that had been hitherto undreamt of - in the past they would pack per class, now it

had to be individually packed which required double the manpower and triple the time - then had to

be packed according to the bus manifest. Errors did occasionally occur and they would have to cut

into the plastic and repack the entire stack once it was fixed. This often took a long time and was

frustrating, not to mention the stacking of the piles of paper and books which would often collapse

on itself and would have to be reorganized, restacked, and repacked. Ms Tammy Ng, one of our

beloved librarians commented that ‘the janitors are true heroes who worked with dogged

determination, providing unparalleled support and help and always had a warm smile for everyone.’

‘It really was a lot more tiring than when the students were back at school,’ exclaimed Fai Jie, a

seasoned veteran, with a laugh, ‘but we took a lot of pride in the beauty of the school and job well

done when we completed the repainting and completing the packing for the book deliveries in

August.’ Our janitors took on the work with nary a complaint and their can-do attitude remains a

shining example of selflessness. It stands to reason that we ought to remember to respect their

efforts by respecting the school and its property.

Mr Kelvin Sit

Teacher of English

Page 17

Make the Impossible Possible

家 ⾧ • 親 體 驗

記 得 在 剛 過 去 的 暑 假 , 有 ⼀ 天 在

聊 天 組 中 與 家 ⾧ 朋 友 談 到 疫 情 反 反 覆

覆 , 未 知 即 將 開 學 的 安 排 如 何 。 當 中

⼀ 位 相 熟 的 家 ⾧ 忽 發 奇 想 : 如 果 學

校 可 以 安 排 校 ⾞ 把 書 簿 送 到 校 ⾞

站 , 免 卻 ⼤ 家 外 出 和 聚 集 , 那 就 好

了 ! 誰 知 過 了 數 周 , 在 倒 數 ( 網 上 )

開 學 ⽇ 的 ⼀ 天 , 收 到 學 校 「 書 簿 送 遞

服 務 」 的 通 告 , 雙 程 、 單 程 , 甚 ⾄ 不

乘 搭 校 ⾞ 的 同 學 選 擇 書 簿 送 遞 又 得 ,

或 選 擇 ⾃⼰ 回 校 取 都 得 。 當 時 ,⽴ 即

想 起 那 位 家 ⾧ 好 友 , 讚 嘆 她 的 先 ⾒ 之

明 , 更 感 恩 是 學 校 「 想 ⼤ 家 所 想 , 急

⼤ 家 所 急 」。

通 告 看 起 來 精 簡 清 晰 , 但 我 ⼼ 裏

不 禁 盤 算 :8 個 年 級 共 約 1500 個 學

⽣, 學 校 如 何 可 以 在 ⼀ 周 的 時 間 內 把

每 位 同 學 的 書 簿 分 配 好 和 逐 ⼀ 分 發

呢 ? 過 了 幾 天 , 收 到 回 學 校 做 家 ⾧ 義

⼯ 的 訊 息 , 讓 我 有 機 會 找 出 箇 中 答

案 。

在 原 定 分 發 書 簿 ⽇ 的 前 ⼀ 天 下 午 ,

我 回 校 當 義 ⼯, 甫 上 ⼀ 樓 , 便 被 那 排

⼭ 倒 海 的 書 簿 所 震 憾 ,⼀ 疊 ⼀ 疊 地 鋪

滿 在 活 動 室 地 上 和 ⼀ 樓 所 有 課 室 枱 。

之 後 與 其 他 家 ⾧ 閒 談 得 知 , 原 來 校

⾧、⽼ 師 、⼯ 友 , 還 有 家 ⾧ 義 ⼯ 們 已

「⼯ 作 」 了 數 天 , 把 千 多 份 的

「 書 」 和 「 簿 」 按 年 級 、 班 別 和 學 號

分 好 , 我 這 後 來 者 參 與 的 是 最 後 的 ⼯

序 。 那 天 下 午 , 我 們 共 ⼆、 三 ⼗⼈,

按 負 責 的 年 級 和 班 別 , 埋 ⾸ 把 每 ⼀ 位

同 學 的 書 簿 逐 ⼀⽤ 膠 袋 包 好 , 牢 牢 地

綑 上 膠 紙 , 在 當 眼 處 貼 上 同 學 資 料 貼

紙 和 所 屬 校 ⾞ 貼 紙 。 每 完 成 ⼀ 班 後 ,

便 把 ⼀ 份 ⼀ 份 的 書 簿 搬 到 禮 堂 或 活 動

室 , 按 中 ⼩ 學 校 ⾞ 路 線 逐 ⼀ 排 好 。 如

是 者 , 我 們 把 千 多 份 書 簿 分 成 30 多 條

路 線 。 最 後 還 按 每 條 路 線 , 從 頭 到 尾

核 對 ⼀ 次 同 學 名 單 , 確 保 沒 有 遺 漏 ,

準 備 第 ⼆ 天 搬 上 校 ⾞。⼤ 家 有 的 汗 流

浹 背 , 有 的 腰 酸 背 痛 ( 像 我 年 紀 也 不

⼩), 都 堅 持 到 最 後 。 短 短 ⼀ 個 下 午

的 經 歷 , 教 我 體 驗 到 「 順 豐 唔 易 做 」

的 同 時 , 也 再 ⼀ 次 體 會 CKY 學 校 和 家

⾧ 們 的 ⿑⼼!

正 以 為 萬 事 俱 備 , 怎 料 到 了 派 發

書 簿 的 當 天 卻 好 事 多 磨 。 這 歷 史 性 第

⼀ 次 ( 派 發 書 簿 ), 遇 上 了 今 年 的 第

⼀ 次 九 號 ⾵ 球 ,⽽ 新 校 ⾞ 公 司 也 是 第

⼀ 次 提 供 服 務 , 就 這 樣 的 「 啱 啱 遇 着

剛 剛 」, 令 派 發 書 簿 的 ⽇⼦ 延 後 , 所

需 時 間 延 ⾧。 不 過 , 到 了 最 後 親 ⾃ 從

校 ⾞ 接 到 孩 ⼦ 們 那 「⼤ 堆 頭 」 書 簿 的

那 ⼀ 刻 , 雙 ⼿ 捧 着 的 那 份 「 重 量 」,

其 實 是 校 ⾧、⽼ 師 、 家 ⾧ 義 ⼯ 和 ⼯ 友

的 同 ⼼ 合 ⼒,⼤ 家 絞 盡 腦 汁 的 精 ⼼ 安

排 , 這 些 「⼼」 和 「⼒」⽐ 書 簿 實 質

的 重 量 更 重 。

堅 持 以 孩 ⼦ 為 ⾸ 要 考 慮 ,「 做 得

到 也 盡 ⼒ 做 」 的 精 神 , 加 上 疫 情 下 的

靈 活 變 通 , 不 是 活 活 展 現 了 今 年 CKY

主 題 “Make the Impossible Possible”

之 精 粹 嗎 ?

家 ⾧ 簡 麗 媚 Vicco Kan

(2A 鄭 寧 ⽣Nansun Cheng, 4A 鄭 ⽇ 陶 Tania Cheng)

Page 18

Our Y4 classrooms are newly fitted with partitions

and reinforce safe distancing

‘Can-do’ in Campus

During the school suspension, our school campus underwent a number of changes to make the

classrooms more Covid-secure. Desks were spaced out and transparent partitions were created as a

protective barrier between each pair of students. A number of special rooms, such as our music and

conference rooms, were converted into Primary classrooms to reduce the number of children in each

class. We appreciate the efforts of everyone involved in this Herculean effort to prepare the campus

for the safe return of our students!

A newly converted Y4 classroom in one of the special

music rooms

Mr Hernan (from our DT department) hard at work

creating the partitions

Page 19

Desert Island Discs

During challenging times, we can often find solace in beautiful music. Music can have an uplifting

effect on our mood, transporting us to a world of new feelings and thoughts. We can appreciate the

perspective of others through music, which may resonate with our own. Most important, perhaps,

music allows us to throw our hands in the air with abandon and enjoy a good dance!

We asked our new teachers and some of our returning staff to share with us their Desert Island

Discs (three songs they would take with them if stranded on a desert island!). Their tastes are very

eclectic… why not have a listen to their recommended songs and widen your musical palette?

Coldplay, Yellow

This song was playing on the radio when I gave

birth to my first child. It was then playing on the

radio when I brought my second child back from

the hospital.

Backstreet Boys, I Want It That Way

One of my all-time favourite boy bands

growing up.


Louis Armstrong, What A Wonderful World

A song which always reminds me to appreciate

the small things in life.

Bruce Springstein, Glory Days

This song always brings a smile to my face. I will

definitely need cheering up when searching for

that elusive coconut.

Gloria Gaynor, I Will Survive

The title speaks for itself! It will keep me

determined and optimistic when faced with

adversity. Essential listening when stuck on a

desert Island.

Adele, Hometown Glory

This song reminds me of my home and brings

back childhood memories of living in London.

Ms Kiki Khangura

Primary Teacher

Mr Max Brackenbury

Primary Teacher

Page 20

Ms Danielle Leach

Primary Teacher

Kurt Darren, Kaptein

To have some comfort home


Macklemore & Ryan Lewis,

Can’t Hold Us (Feat. Ray


Motivation to workout. I won't

have much else to do, I think. :)

Israel Kamakawiwoʻole,

Somewhere Over The


Soothing island song, to calm

me of my worries.

Elton John, I'm still


It's not over until it's over.

Michael Buble, Home

You wanna go home.

Bee Gees, Staying Alive

Keep fighting to get off the

island while still alive.

Ms Abigail Burbidge

Primary Teacher

For King & Country, It's Not Over Yet

The song is very powerful! It tells us that no matter how we sometimes

feel defeated with the hard things of life, we should keep fighting. There

is always hope and we shouldn't give up. I also like the beat of this song.

Ms Hennie Cadenas

Primary Teacher

Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell, Ain't No Mountain High Enough

It's a classic upbeat song that tells us that with perseverance and

determination we can reach success.

Jimmy Cliff, I Can See Clearly Now

It's a beautiful song that reminds us not to always focus on the hard

things of life but to appreciate the good things around us and our

everyday blessings.

Marс Anthony, Vivir mi vida

The lyrics have a positive meaning - he talks about how it's important to live in the

moment and enjoy everything that you have now. Vibes & music will not let you

stay on the side - it will fill you with the good energy and you will start dancing and

smiling once you hear it.

ABBA, Dancing Queen

The rhythm and lyrics make you feel as if you are a Dancing queen and you will

just keep dancing till the end of the song! Great song to keep yourself active and


John Lennon, Imagine

The most important is the message behind the song - it is about envisioning a

world in which more things bring us together than separate us. It gives us ideas

and inspiration and we might begin to bring it into existence. It is full of love,

peace, and connection. The music is beautiful as well.

Ms Anastasia Akimenko

Teacher of Art

Page 21

Radiohead, Let Down

Probably my first reaction to being

stranded on a desert island, the next one

will be less cathartic :)

Bill Evans, Waltz for Debby

As a pianist and lover of jazz, Bill Evans

and Red Garland are at the top of my


Bruce Springsteen, Thunder Road

Something a little more hopeful to round

out the list, who better than the Boss


Queen, I was born to love you

This song is the opening theme song of one of my

favorite Japanese drama series entitled "Pride". It

reminds of the joy and delight in watching ice hockey


Disney, I just can't wait to be King

The song is upbeat and reminds people of the good

musical from the Lion King.

Lily Allen, Somewhere only we know

To me, somewhere is beyond geographical space. It

could be a space where all common happiest

moments are kept to keep yourself from holding on

or keep going back.

Mr Glenn Au

Teacher of Business

Ms Season Ho

Teacher of Economics

Big Sean, One man can change the world

An amazing rap song! I choose it just because rap is one of my favourite type of

music. The lyrics 'Success is on the way, I feel it in the distance' would probably

inspire me to move forward on the desert island.

Ms Lusi Li

Teacher of Chinese

John Lennon, Imagine

I chose the song 'Imagine' mainly because of the beautiful lyrics, it feels like

someone is telling you that you are not a dearmer, it's easy if you try. It really makes

me believe that I could survive in the difficult situation if I try. And I quite like the

verse and the rhythm of the song, simply but powerful. I can see the beauty of life

and imagine a big waterfall in front of my eyes on the desert island.

Drake, God's Plan

If I were stranded on a desert island, it must be God's plan! I might find a small sand

dune, sit down and just enjoy the sunset!!!! Well, a bad day, bad things and bad

mood are just normal, it happens sometimes in our life. If it did happen, take it easy,

that's God's plan. Why don't we just take a breath, and let's go with the flow?

The War on Drugs, Red Eyes

Particularly useful when you need good music to drive you towards a


Mr Chris Jordan

Head of Secondary English

Page 22

Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen, Herbert von Karajan conducting the

Berliner Philharmoniker

With unlimited time on the island alone, I could spend my whole life on this 15

hours epic music drama without boring.

Mr David Go

Academic Senior Teacher

Mahler: Mahler: Symphonies Nos.1-10, Gary Bertini conduct Koln Radio


Mahler's symphonies cycle would be inspiring pieces when rethinking of life matters

on the island.

Beethoven: Piano Sonatas no.8 Pathetique, no. 14 Moonlight by Emil Gilels

Bedtime music.

Fleetwood Mac,


For when you just want

to vibe to the sunset like

Skateboard Juice Guy.

Pharrell Williams,


You will need to keep

your spirits up and

there's nothing better

than a good dance.

Marshmello, Alone

Seems pretty relevant for

the situation...and did I

mention I love to dance?

Mr Conor Callaghan

Teacher of Geography

Mariah Carey & Whitney

Houston, When You


I believe there can be

miracles. Without any hope

then I will hardly live.

Rachel Platten, Fight


Remind myself to stay


Miley Cyrus, The Climb

Embrace the journey and

keep my head held high.

Mr Elliot Wong

Teacher of Science

Madonna, Holiday

It calms me and makes

me think of sun drenched

beaches and crystal blue


Imagine Dragons, On

Top of the World

This makes me think

about everything I have

achieved in my life and

how lucky I am.

Morcheeba, The Sea

This reminds me of my

first show in HK. I opened

the show with it and it

made people smile.

Ms Salli Collins

Teacher of Drama

Mr Stewart Grant

Teacher of DT

Marvin Gaye, Ain't No Mountain High Enough

My wife walked into our wedding to this song.

Stardust, Music Sounds Better With You

Reminds me of a holiday in Ibiza.

Page 23

Jason Mraz, Lucky

It brings back the happy memories of my wedding day.

Mr William Chan

Teacher of Science

Whitney Houston, When You Believe

It is a song that lifts up your spirit during hard times.

Mariah Carey, Hero

It is a song with a powerful, positive message.

Louis Armstrong, We have all the time in the world

There is something utterly mesmerising about these

mellow vocals.

Mr Jason Chin

Acting Vice Principal

Whitney Houston, Greatest Love of All

An apt song for any educator wishing to empower others

with the driving force of self-esteem.

Montserrat Caballe, O Mio Babbino Caro

Classical music fires the synapses and Puccini’s

masterpiece takes me to Cloud 9.

Page 24



Page 25



Hailey Lee 4A

Venara Chim 4C

Kayden Lau 4C

Page 26

Teddie Chan 4D

Kate Yau 4D

Damon Tam 4D

Harvey Mak 4A

Fernanda Tsang 4A

Page 27

Online Orchestra Ensemble

Our school teams have also shown a ‘can-do’ spirit while adapting to COVID-19 and moving some of their training and

rehearsals online. Below various members of our school Orchestra reflect on the complex medley they managed to

piece together online. What a brilliant example of resourcefulness and making a seemingly impossible task possible!

The Show Must Go On! CKY's Online Orchestra

We were unsure of how the school would be able to

effectively sync and combine the recordings of every

single orchestra member to produce a good final

audio track. Yet, when we received the final

recording, I was amazed by how despite the lack of

orchestra rehearsals, and despite being separated

from each other by a computer screen, we were still

able to create some wonderful music, with the

proper dynamics, phrasing and rhythm all present in

each of our distinct parts, and in the orchestra as a


Geoffrey Ho 12C, Cello

The video is an exciting challenge for me personally.

In the process of making this video, the most difficult

part would be to have a steady pace throughout the

whole piece without the presence of a conductor. It

was a challenging yet fresh experience to play the

piece while listening to the recording of the

background instrumental. I am impressed by the

quality of the final product of the video, especially on

how the different instrumental parts are wellintegrated

and the presentation of it is great

Winson Kwong 12A, Flute

The idea of syncing together recordings of different students to form one complete piece was initially hard to

imagine, but upon listening to the final product I was impressed by the amazing editing by our music teachers

which made the video possible. It is encouraging to see how the orchestra can continue to make music in a

creative way despite the challenging circumstances that we are currently facing. Big thanks to all the teachers and

students for working together to create the video and I look forward to more exciting events in the future

Gordon Lee 12D, 1st Violin

Page 28

It was heartening to finally receive the video of our

orchestra recordings. Although there were some

minor mistakes and tuning problems, it was uplifting

to know that we could contribute and ‘perform’ in

such a way during these difficult times. The absence

of rehearsals were unfavorable, as I believed that

practicing skills such as listening to one’s tone and

pitch in relation to others’, and being able to translate

the conductor’s actions into musical expressions,

were crucial in contributing to make me both a better

team player and musician.

There are some challenges during the recording process,

but we managed to overcome and complete the video.

The main obstacles that are present include playing the

piece alongside the sample audio, without visual cues, it

is difficult to play parts that include a change of pace and

long pauses, as parts like this usually require a conductor

to provide. However, with practice, I was able to do my

best and complete my part of the video. It feels satisfying

that I am able to play with the orchestra again. Thank

you, teachers, for providing this rare opportunity.

Toby Cheung 10F, Clarinet

Peter Yuen 11A, Trumpet

The challenge of conducting a bevy of musicians remotely!

I definitely faced some difficulties while doing the recording. First of all, this piece was quite long, so I had to practise

very thoroughly in order to get the timing correct. As a session leader, I also felt a lot of pressure while recording my

audio as the entire section would have to use it as a reference to what they would be playing. I think that the video was

quite organised. It was also quite satisfying to see everyone’s hard work all put together in one video, further symbolising

us as a cooperative team.

Giovanna Chiu 8F, 2 nd Violin

I really appreciate the effort put into the video as it could help people to practice,

and improve their skill. However, I still missed the days where you could practice

normally because when being online, you can never play with other parts

simultaneously because of network delay. That way, one may never know how the

parts sound like together, which is such a shame. In conclusion, I think we tried

our best to adjust to the pandemic using various methods, and I believe we can go

through the pandemic together.

Ryan Yeung 8E,


Page 29

HK Schools Mathematics Elite Competition

Three of our students have shown a fantastically ‘can-do’ attitude by competing in an inter-school elite

maths competition and being recognised with a Top 10 gold or silver award. We are proud of all of our

students who challenge themselves by entering highly competitive programmes alongside many students

from other local and international schools. We are especially delighted to celebrate the achievements of

our students who have done terrifically well. Our three award winners have reflected below on how their

‘can-do’ mentality has led to outstanding success!

My name is Othniel. I like Mathematics and

everything about it. I learnt to:

1. Do steps very carefully

2. If I am done, I will check again and again

carefully until time's up

3. Do my best

4. Do not think of anything except the


5. Be careful what it is asking and write


In future, I would like to learn more

Mathematics at CKY. I would like to be a

Mathematics teacher when I grow up.

Othniel Li 1G

Our gold award winners Othniel and Iqrah, and silver award winner

Jayden, with CKY maths teacher Mr Forrest Li

Maths is my favourite subject. I am so happy to participate in this Maths

competition. During the competition, I learned some test-taking skills, for example,

time management and checking my answers. I also learned to keep a positive

attitude towards competition. I hope to join the competition again next year and

achieve a better result!

Jayden Chan Tsz Fung 1D

Page 30

I have participated in a number of competitions from time to time, and this

time, I was lucky enough to receive the gold award HKITDC’s ‘The Hong

Kong School Mathematics Elite Competition 2020’. Preparing for this

competition was a challenge in itself, and it was frustrating at times,

especially when I had to learn topics I have not previously studied before.

Ultimately though, this effort all paid off, as this opportunity to challenge

myself helped me gain new knowledge that I could apply to my mathematics

studies in the future. Undeniably, the awards and recognition are often a

source of motivation behind joining competitions. However, I find the fruitful

learning experience to be my greatest incentive - occasional healthy

competition allows us to test our limits and bring out the best of our talents,

aiding us in gaining a better understanding of our skills. Moreover, it is an

opportunity for us to make connections and interact with more people of our

age, and make more friends! So my advice is, don’t be afraid to participate

in more competitions! Just remember, whatever the outcome, focus on what

you’ve gained - and apply this knowledge to continue developing and

improving, and try again!

Iqrah Nadeem 10A

Iqrah Nadeem 10A

CKY Maths Teacher Mr Forrest Li with

gold award winners Othniel and Iqrah

Page 31

疫 情 下 的 新 常 態 : 停 課 不 停 學

在 ⾯ 對 前 所 未 有 的 困 難

時 , 尋 求 嶄 新 的 ⽅ 式 去 持 續 ⽇ 常

的 運 作 , 這 對 每 ⼀ 個 ⼈ 來 說 , 都

是 ⼀ 種 挑 戰 。 在 疫 情 之 下 , 所 有

課 外 活 動 被 迫 叫 停 , 辯 論 隊 亦 不

例 外 。 每 週 三 的 訓 練 只 能 從 教 室

搬 到 網 上 , 但 形 式 的 改 變 不 僅 沒

有 對 學 習 進 度 造 成 影 響 , 還 讓 我

們 得 到 了 意 外 的 收 穫 。

在 上 ⼀ 個 學 年 的 下 學 期 ,

因 為 新 冠 疫 情 , 我 們 正 式 展 開 了

網 上 的 辯 論 課 。 往 年 在 這 個 時 間

段 , 我 們 都 忙 於 籌 備 ⼀ 個 緊 接 著

⼀ 個 的 辯 論 ⽐ 賽 。 如 意 料 之 中 ,

所 有 ⽐ 賽 因 為 疫 情 都 被 取 消 了 。

既 然 已 失 去 了 實 戰 的 機 會 , 我 們

的 辯 論 ⽼ 師 便 決 定 藉 此 機 會 , 為

我 們 重 新 打 好 基 礎 , 進 ⾏⼀ 連 串

的 針 對 性 訓 練 , 包 括 以 下 三 個 主

要 的 訓 練 重 點 : 練 習 即 場 反 應 及

反 駁 能 ⼒; 針 對 辯 題 關 鍵 字 眼 的

定 義 來 展 開 論 述 ; 以 及 如 何 解 讀

辯 題 和 設 ⽴ 主 線 。 在 星 期 ⼀、

三 、 五 循 著 以 上 的 焦 點 , 透 過 與

隊 友 進 ⾏ 模 擬 辯 論 , 我 們 共 同 作

更 深 ⼀ 層 的 探 討 。⾄ 於 新 加 ⼊ 的

隊 員 , 他 們 對 辯 論 的 技 巧 有 初 步

的 概 念 , 同 時 亦 提 供 了 網 上 辯 論

的 機 會 , 讓 他 們 去 實 踐 所 學 的 知

識 。 對 於 有 ⼀ 定 辯 論 經 驗 的 隊

員 , 這 ⼀ 系 列 的 課 程 能 夠 鞏 固 以

往 所 學 ,⽽⽼ 師 亦 會 為 每 個 ⼈ 的

表 現 給 予 具 體 的 評 語 , 令 同 學 們

發 現 ⾃⼰ 的 不 ⾜ 之 處 , 才 可 以 更

上 ⼀ 層 樓 。

雖 然 ,⼤ 家 都 認 為 虛 擬 教

室 只 能 是 實 體 教 室 的 替 代 品 , 但

網 課 固 然 有 實 體 教 室 ⽐ 不 上 的 優

勝 之 處 : 它 沒 有 場 所 與 ⼈ 數 的 限

制 。 不 管 我 們 身 處 哪 裡 , 不 管 有

多 少 學 ⽣, 都 可 以 ⼀ 起 上 課 。 正

因 如 此 , 我 們 才 能 夠 與 其 他 學 校

的 辯 論 隊 ⼀ 起 進 ⾏ 模 擬 辯 論 賽 。

我 們 得 以 與 其 他 學 校 進 ⾏ 學 術 上

的 交 流 , 互 相 學 習 ,⼀ 起 進 步 。

這 必 須 與 完 全 不 認 識 的 學 ⽣ 們 ⼀

起 交 流 與 合 作 , 也 意 味 著 團 隊 中

需 要 重 新 建 ⽴ 默 契 。 值 得 ⼀ 提 的

是 , 在 此 過 程 中 , 我 們 都 收 穫 了

⼀ 份 特 別 的 友 誼 : 即 使 從 沒 有 ⾯

對 ⾯ 的 交 談 , 卻 有 着 ⼀ 起 並 肩 作

戰 的 體 驗 。

在 疫 情 的 影 響 下 , 我 們 或

許 不 能 像 以 往 ⼀ 樣 ⽣ 活 。 但 只 要

靈 活 變 通 , 我 們 總 會 有 辦 法 去 戰

勝 逆 境 。

Ashley Chung 11E

Page 32

House Appreciation

Start of the new Academic Year

Start of new academic year brings in the new House Captains for

2020-2021 along with the new role of deputy heads designed to

provide a helping hand to heads of houses when events take place.

Page 33


Matthew Tsang 11E

Belle Yu 11A

Vice Captains

Lily Ng 11B

Yau Li 10E

Jacob Yau 11A


Mr. Hugh Chan

Head of the House of Beethoven

Mr. Jonathan Lai

Deputy Head of the House of Beethoven

Page 34


Ms. Kirsten Smit

Deputy Head of the House of Tchaikovsky

Mr. Barnabas Lai

Head of the House of Tchaikovsky

Page 35


Tom Kwok 11C

Valerie Cheung 11E

Vice Captains

Kelly Ho 11B

Annissa Kot 10B

May Kwok 10D

Mr. Steve Chan

Head of the House of Mozart

Ms. Cherry Cheng

Deputy Head of the House of Mozart

Page 36

Mr. Andy Cheung

Head of the House of Handel


Charis Hung 11D, Chevronie Lip 11B

Vice Captains

Darren Ngai 11A, Cassey Yao 11B, Eunice Lee 11B

Ms. Keenu Gill

Deputy Head of the House of Handel

Page 37

Alumni News

Eunice Li

(CKY Class of 2016)

It’s been a little more than four years since I graduated from CKY – time doesn’t pass any slower when you

leave high school. Since then, I’ve embarked on studying in the UK at the London School of Economics

and Political Science and have now worked for a year in London. For those of you anxious to grow up, start

Uni and see the world (much like I was), I thought I might share five top tips I learnt after leaving CKY.

1. Quality over quantity

It feels great to be popular in high school. Surrounded by friends, busy weekend plans, glamorous

Instagram posts – it’s easy to maintain friendships when you literally spend all day plus after school

hangouts with them.

University changes friendships – or should I say, it helps you distinguish lifelong ones from not-someaningful

ones. When you’re all in different time-zones, with different study schedules, it becomes *so

difficult* to even coordinate a Zoom meeting. You’ll find yourself losing touch with some people you

thought you would be friends with forever, and that’s okay. When friendship is no longer an obligation,

you get to decide which friends you absolutely love, and invest in those relationships. Quality over


2. All roads lead to Rome

My favourite Chinese saying is 「 塞 翁 失 ⾺ 焉 知 ⾮ 福 」。Uni rejections, job rejections, second thoughts

about degree choice, bad relationships – you name it, life has it in store for us. It’s so cliché, but I truly

believe that every defeating moment serves a purpose: It leads us to the path we’re supposed to take,

and you’ll end up exactly where you’re meant to be.

Take advantage of your youth and make changes in life as you see fit. Your happiness is in your own


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3. Living away from home is the quickest way to grow up

I’ve been living in London for four years now. Growing up, I was pretty spoilt and never had to do any

housework or cooking. Living away from home changes people. You learn to take care of yourself out of

necessity. No one is going to change your bedsheets or do your dirty laundry. If you don’t cook, you’ll

starve – it’s as simple as that. It’s a difficult transition, but a necessary one. I would highly encourage

anyone to study abroad or even just doing an exchange programme – you’ll be surprised at how much

you’ve grown in the end, and appreciate what you have even more.

4. Work smart, play hard

This is my dad’s version of the original ‘work hard, play hard’ motto. University is a place that values

originality and creativity – you’ll need to do more than memorise textbooks. Study smart – the most

effective way is to discuss your ideas face-to-face with your professors or tutors. Regurgitation is not

going to work.

On the ‘play hard’ part, university is a time for exploration. In the three years of my degree, I spent *a

lot* of my time travelling around Europe. If not now, when? Do what you love (be it football, mahjong or

robotics) and don’t spend all your time studying in the library.

5. The importance of your support network

You find out who’s really there for you when you go through the most difficult times. This may be your

family, your best friends or your roommate. Make sure you show appreciation to these important people

in your life, be it though a hug or an Instagram post. Little gestures of love and support can go a long


That’s it! If you want to chat more about what it’s like to study and work in London, feel free to pop me a

message on Facebook.

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Dominic Chan

(Class of 2016)

Hello, I’m Dominic from CKY’s Class of 2016,

thank you to those of you who are taking the

time out to read the alumni section. For those

of you who are busy putting together your

p e r s o n a l s t a t e m e n t s f o r U n i v e r s i t y

applications or writing your EE (Extended

Essay), IA’s – I can empathise. I was there

about four years ago. Although it’s been quite

a while since I departed from CKY (oh my,

why do I sound so old), my IB days at CKY

were still some of the most memorable, fun

yet challenging times. So while I still

remember how I transitioned from IB to

university to now working full-time as a

“Quant”, let me share with you my journey

and hopefully some of you can have some

takeaways (or I am sorry in advance for

wasting 5 minute of your time!).

It’s okay to not know (exactly) what you

really want to do after CKY

I know how overwhelming it could be when

you are starting year 12 in IB and all of a

sudden you realized there are a few months

before you need to submit a university

application. Not to mention which Uni to apply

to, I didn’t even know what courses I’d like to

do. I roughly had an idea on what my

interests were (and hence I chose biology,

physics, economics and maths for IB), but I

didn’t exactly know what to go for, be it

biology, bioengineering, civil engineering,

mechanical engineering, economics, finance

and so on (kudos to some of you that know

exactly what you already want to do).

Especially for UK universities, most courses

are very narrow to begin with. So, I took a

step back and looked at what all my interests

share. Instead of thinking about which subject

I liked best, another way to go about it is to

think about what choice I could make to not

limit my chances. I then realized that the more

advanced you get in any STEM subject, each

usually becomes more quantitative. So I

asked myself, why not learn about the

quantitative fundamentals first and choose

where to specialize later? And there you have

it – the reason I chose to do Mathematics for

my undergraduate degree, because I wasn’t

sure what I actually wanted to do. Of course I

am not saying do maths when you are not

sure of what to do, but why not make a choice

that limits you the least while complimenting

the rest of your interest the most.

Any choice could be a good choice (but

some choices are just bad)

While one could see choosing to do a

Bachelor in Mathematics as a smart strategic

move, the other way would be to see this as

delaying one’s dilemma to actually specialize

in something. To be completely honest, there

are times when I thought it was the latter and

even worse you are now not only choosing a subject to learn, but

choosing a career. Sounds scary? Well, we are young and there is

always a chance to switch. If there is a time to try things, it will probably

be now – fresh out of school with no dependents. So just take a leap of

faith, pick one and go for it. I am currently working as a quant and I like it

so far, maybe in another universe I would be a teacher, but it might also

work out!

Make use of Us, the Alumni

This is perhaps the single most important message, you can always

reach out to us and ask anything – there are quite a few of us that have

graduated from CKY, and some of our experiences could be useful to

you. We were in your shoes some… years ago. So, poke me on

LinkedIn, facebook (Dominic Chan) if you have any relevant questions on

careers and Uni. One last thing; get a LinkedIn if you haven’t done so.

On ‘Can-do’

One thing that is good about

going into uni, is that it is

more than a place to learn. I

was doing a part time job for

the student union, while

attending the ultimate frisbee

team during my first year at

university. The university does

offer as much as you can

take, or even sometimes more

than what you can take.

Societies, sport teams,

research opportunities, parties

t h e r e a r e a l w a y s a n

abundance of activities to

participate. An ambitious ‘cando’

attitude will help you

expand your horizons but it is

also useful to keep it in

perspective; taking a step

back and conducting a reality

check of your expectations is

also important to ensure all of

your goals are achievable.

Best of luck!

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「 下 ⼀ 站 : 巴 斯 ⼤ 學 」

Caden Li

(Class of 2020)

前 往 ⼤ 學 的 巴 ⼠ 路 程 就 短 短 的 ⼗ 五 分 鐘 , 但 我 每 次 都 會 選

擇 坐 在 第 ⼆ 層 的 窗 ⼝ 位 置 , 眺 望 著 巴 斯 城 市 的 ⾯ 貌 。 羅 ⾺ 時 代 留

下 的 影 ⼦ 仍 然 可 以 在 ⼀ 排 排 的 建 築 物 捕 捉 得 到 , 巴 斯 不 愧 是 英 國

唯 ⼀ 譽 為 「 世 界 ⽂ 物 遺 產 」 的 城 市 。

其 實 巴 斯 的 ⾯ 積 不 算 ⼤,⼈⼝ 也 不 多 , 所 以 嚴 格 來 說 , 這 個

地 ⽅ 更 像 個 ⼩ 鎮 。⾛ 在 ⼤ 街 道 的 ⼈ 流 甚 少 , 他 們 ⽣ 活 的 步 伐 相 ⽐

起 ⾹ 港 ⼈ 緩 慢 得 多 。 但 正 正 就 是 它 似 ⼩ 鎮 的 特 質 讓 我 陶 醉 於 眼 前

的 景 ⾊, 讓 我 也 能 夠 放 鬆 ⼼ 情 , 活 在 當 下 。 我 喜 歡 這 個 地 ⽅, 也

想 像 不 到 ⾃⼰⽣ 活 在 其 他 城 市 , 這 種 感 覺 , 是 ⼀ 年 前 的 我 從 未 想

到 的 。

來 到 英 國 之 後 , 最 令 我 詫 異

的 應 該 是 外 國 ⼈⾯ 對 疫 情 的 態 度 ,

明 顯 暴 露 出 ⽂ 化 上 的 差 異 。 雖 說 ⼤

街 上 的 ⼈ 已 經 不 多 , 帶 ⼝ 罩 的 幾 乎

寥 寥 可 數 ; 要 ⼩⼼ 的 話 就 只 能 ⾃⼰

多 加 警 惕 , 謹 慎 社 交 。 在 疫 情 下 ,

獨 居 更 不 是 ⼀ 件 簡 單 的 事 。 我 從 中

領 悟 到 的 便 是 : 要 學 會 隨 機 應 變 ,

在 任 何 情 況 下 應 處 之 泰 然 。 身 為

「 為 ⻝⻤」 的 我 本 身 依 賴 家 ⼈ 及 ⼯

⼈ 姐 姐 的 照 顧 , 在 宿 舍 卻 要 ⾃⼰ 親

⾃ 下 廚 。 煮 了 數 餐 「 地 獄 料 理 」 之

後 , 我 慢 慢 進 步 , 現 在 輕 鬆 便 能 端

出 幾 碟 拿 ⼿⼩ 菜 。 當 然 , 這 少 不 了

打 電 話 給 家 ⼈ 及 朋 友 尋 求 幫 忙 , 也

順 便 在 照 顧 ⾃⼰ 及 專 注 學 業 之 間 與

他 們 通 話 聯 絡 , 維 繫 感 情 。

「 到 達 尾 站 : 巴 斯 ⼤ 學 」

巴 ⼠ 的 廣 播 打 破 了 我 的 思 路 。

下 ⾞ 後 , 我 再 次 踏 ⼊ 校 園 的 ⼤⾨,

⽽⼼ 中 的 雀 躍 剛 好 跟 英 國 陰 沉 的 天

氣 相 反 。 踏 上 ⼤ 學 的 旅 途 , 究 竟 還

有 什 麼 樣 的 歷 險 等 待 著 我 呢 ? 我 迫

不 及 待 地 想 去 繼 續 探 索 。

還 記 得 ⼗⼆ 年 級 要 報 讀 ⼤ 學 時 , 我 的 理 想 讀 書 的 地 ⽅ 就 在

倫 敦 , 畢 竟 曾 經 ⽣ 活 在 ⾹ 港 這 個 繁 華 城 市 , 來 到 異 鄉 也 希 望 感 受

到 那 莫 名 的 熟 悉 感 。 但 世 事 難 料 , 四 ⽉ 中 旬 我 便 得 知 ⾃⼰ 沒 有 被

倫 敦 ⼤ 學 學 院 錄 取 , 打 亂 了 到 倫 敦 讀 書 的 計 劃 。 說 真 的 , 當 時 得

知 被 拒 絕 的 時 候 , 我 有 點 愕 然 , 畢 竟 成 績 ⽅⾯ 肯 定 達 標 , 所 以 失

分 的 位 置 應 該 就 是 選 科 和 個 ⼈ 陳 述 (personal statement) 當 中 。

但 所 謂 「 塞 翁 失 ⾺, 焉 知 ⾮ 福 」,⾯ 對 著 ⼀ 時 的 挫 折 , 反 ⽽ 懂 得

感 恩 你 ⾃⼰ 所 擁 有 的 ⼀ 切 。 機 遇 , 總 會 在 你 看 不 ⾒ 的 ⻆ 落 出 現 。

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