King Geno and The Missing Crown

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King Geno and the

missing crown

By: Scott and Rebekha


King Geno was enjoying a relaxing weekend in his

underwater kingdom, with his special crown. He

was starting to get tired after a long day of playing

with his crown, so he decided to go to bed.


The next day Geno woke up and his crown was

gone. Geno looks everywhere in his castle for

the crown, but he couldn’t find it. He started

giving up hope for the search of his crown.


While Geno was going back to his room, he

bumps into his royal guard, Leo. Leo notices

Geno’s crown missing from his head and asks,

“Geno where is your crown, you take it everywhere

with you.” Geno tells Leo, “my crown is gone and

I’m giving up the search.”

“Geno you should never give up and you will find

your crown. Maybe you left your crown in the

coral,” suggested Leo.


Geno thanked Leo and went on a grand adventure

from his palace to the coral. When he reached the

coral he couldn’t find his crown anywhere.


Suddenly, James the lobster, his best friend,

appeared and asks him “what are you doing out

here Geno?” Geno replies, “I’ve misplaced my

crown and I’m looking for it.”


When searching through the coral, King Geno gets

stuck in a net. James struggles to try and free his


He wasn’t sure what to do until an idea came to

his head. James used his sharp claws to cut

through the net and free Geno.


Once Geno is out of the net they continue the

search for his crown when they notice Eric the eel.

Eric is wearing Genos crown with an evil look on

his face.

Geno and James try to swim over to Eric, but are

stopped by a current which Eric causes when he

opens a sea volcano.


Geno and James can’t swim out of the current and

start to drift further away from Eric. Suddenly,

Geno sees some seaweed and grabs a hold of it to

pull them out.

When they finally get out of the current Geno says

to James, “my crown wasn’t misplaced it was

stolen by Eric the eel.” 8

“Even though we know where your crown is, we

can’t do anything because we’re lost,” responds

James.“We can worry about being lost later right

now we have to find a pearl to trade with Eric.”

adds Geno. James asks, “why do we need a

pearl?” “We need a pearl because it’s Eric’s

favorite and he likes shiny things so we can trade”.


Geno and James go looking for a pearl but every

oyster around doesn’t have a pearl except for one.

They starts to walk towards the oyster to ask for

there pearl.


“Hi I’m Geno and this is James my best friend,”

Geno says. Olivia replies, “Hello, I’m Olivia the

oyster. What can I do for you?” James tells Olivia

the story about Eric stealing Geno’s crown and

how they need a pearl as a trade. They ask her,

“Could you come with us to Erics cave.” Olivia

replies, “Sure I would be happy to help a friend.”


Once they reach the cave Geno notices how dark it

is, and gets scared. Olivia and James are

wondering why Geno is not joining them in the


They ask Geno and he says, “I’m scared of the

dark.” Olivia and James tell Geno that “he isn’t

alone and that they would swim next to him.” Geno

feels more comfortable and goes into the cave with

his friends.


When they get to the end of the cave no one is

there. They were about to turn around when Eric

jumped out from behind a rock and scared them.

James, Geno and Olivia jumped apart and stared at

the laughing eel. Geno said “Eric we know you

stole my crown, so give it back.” “Yes it’s not

yours,” adds James.


Eric caught sight of the pearl and says “I will give

you back the crown for that pearl.” Olivia hands

over her pearl while Eric hands over Geno’s crown.


As soon as the crown is in Geno’s hands he jumps

up and down with a smile on his face. While

leaving James and Olivia notice that Eric is sad.

They ask Eric, “what’s wrong.” Eric says, “now I’m

all alone with no friends.”


Once outside James and Olivia ask Geno, “is your

crown more important than your friends?” He

looks at the crown then to the lonely Eric in the

cave and makes his choice.


Geno goes back into the cave to talk to Eric. When

he sees Eric, Geno asks him, “Eric would you like

to be my friend?” Eric gets excited and says “yes I

would love to be your friend and I am sorry for

taking your crown”. Geno and Eric then leave the

cave together, leaving the crown behind.


Geno, James, Olivia and there new friend Eric start

their journey back to the kingdom, where they all

lived happily ever after.


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