DBE56848-4A58-4118-9AFE-76263B2BEE9C 2020-12-11 12_57_06

from maaslandcollege More from this publisher

He was standing still for a minute when herealised what happened. He should stopthem before they would demolish the wholemuseum! Or worse cause that he will go tojail! He followed the noise and then he foundthem. The girl pointed her bow towardsActaeon to shoot him. ‘Stop!’ Rob Said, ‘don’tkill him!’ The girl was distracted because ofRob and Actaeon escaped. But he fell over acable. A cable of the alarm!

The girl and Actaeon ran back to the painting. AndRob was alone again. He ran to the exit but thedoor was closed. He was fully in panic. He ran backto the entrance but he realised that the policewould go in via the entrance. He could gonowhere. He waited inside until the police came.‘Where are you?’ someone screamed. Rob keptquiet. ‘Where are you?’ someone screamed again.‘He is closer,’ Rob thought. ‘What are you doinghere?’ asked the police officer. ‘I walked in here towatch the paintings,’ Rob responded. The policeofficer asked: ‘who are you?’ ‘I am Rob Bery,’ Robresponded. ‘It’s Rob Bery!’ the police officerscreamed. The police officer asked: ‘Whathappened?’ ‘I was here and the Death of Actaeoncame alive,’ responded Rob. ‘The death of what?’the police officer asked. Rob responded: ‘TheDeath of Actaeon this painting!’ He tried to explainit to everyone, but of course nobody believed him.

He was standing still for a minute when he

realised what happened. He should stop

them before they would demolish the whole

museum! Or worse cause that he will go to

jail! He followed the noise and then he found

them. The girl pointed her bow towards

Actaeon to shoot him. ‘Stop!’ Rob Said, ‘don’t

kill him!’ The girl was distracted because of

Rob and Actaeon escaped. But he fell over a

cable. A cable of the alarm!

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