DBE56848-4A58-4118-9AFE-76263B2BEE9C 2020-12-11 12_57_06

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The Magic


It is Christmas night 2020, the night in which magic

happens. And that is something the thief Rob Bery

experienced. He lived in London and left for work.

His wife Maria Bery said: ‘Why always, always you

have to work at night.’ ‘Can’t we spend one single

time a Christmas night together?’ Rob responded:

‘No Maria, at Christmas night there are less guards

around, bye.’ ‘Bye….’ Maria responded.

Rob silently walked past the National Gallery.

A beautiful building he thought. This would

be a building with much expensive things in

it. And all the guards were away because of

Christmas! He went in by breaking the door.

Nobody heard him!

He went in and saw beautiful paintings. But he

walked trough. He first needed to see where the

alarm was. He saw where the alarm was and

avoided. He walked through the museum and took

some small paintings which looked expensive. But

he wanted to take 1 big painting.

He walked through the museum to find a

beautiful, expensive, big painting. And there it

was! He walked around the corner and saw a

beautiful painting. Rob had never seen a

painting like this beautiful. He walked to it and

saw that it was called the Death of Actaeon. He

definitely had to take this painting!

But when he started thinking how he would take it,

a Christmas miracle happened. First he did not

hear it, but the second time he did hear it. A scream

from the painting. He listened better and he heard

they were talking a language he did recognise. It

was old Greek! He came closer to the painting and

touched it. Because of this something magical


He was blown away to the ground. But now the

people screaming were louder. It looked like they

were in the museum! He stood up and watched to

the painting. There was something missing! At that

moment he saw something move on the corner of

his left eye. He moved his head and he saw the girl

from the painting running towards him with her bow

in her hand. He stepped away just in time so the girl

won’t walk over him. But then he heard another

noise and he turned his head. There, on the right

side was Actaeon with the dogs. He was in the middle

of fight between the girl and Actaeon!

He was standing still for a minute when he

realised what happened. He should stop

them before they would demolish the whole

museum! Or worse cause that he will go to

jail! He followed the noise and then he found

them. The girl pointed her bow towards

Actaeon to shoot him. ‘Stop!’ Rob Said, ‘don’t

kill him!’ The girl was distracted because of

Rob and Actaeon escaped. But he fell over a

cable. A cable of the alarm!

The girl and Actaeon ran back to the painting. And

Rob was alone again. He ran to the exit but the

door was closed. He was fully in panic. He ran back

to the entrance but he realised that the police

would go in via the entrance. He could go

nowhere. He waited inside until the police came.

‘Where are you?’ someone screamed. Rob kept

quiet. ‘Where are you?’ someone screamed again.

‘He is closer,’ Rob thought. ‘What are you doing

here?’ asked the police officer. ‘I walked in here to

watch the paintings,’ Rob responded. The police

officer asked: ‘who are you?’ ‘I am Rob Bery,’ Rob

responded. ‘It’s Rob Bery!’ the police officer

screamed. The police officer asked: ‘What

happened?’ ‘I was here and the Death of Actaeon

came alive,’ responded Rob. ‘The death of what?’

the police officer asked. Rob responded: ‘The

Death of Actaeon this painting!’ He tried to explain

it to everyone, but of course nobody believed him.

He was put in jail directly. The police called

Maria Bery and she was angry. ‘How could

you do this! I wanted to spent this Christmas

together with you! But now you are in Jail!

Again!’ Maria screamed. She also did not

believe him. When Rob got his own cell he

asked for one thing. A picture of the Death

of Actaeon.

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