Molecular Time

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Millions of moments—

most phantasmal dots,

few planets amidst the

fog of dots— form a

galactic web of our

memory. Pestled down

with age and growing

fatigue, finally washed

away downstream into

the vague ocean of


As Mother Nature’s

grip pulls your toes

into the soil,

reminding you of your

final bed, a tsunami of

panic becomes the

forefront of your

unconscious, paddled

against the mediocre

resistance to maintain


You admit bottomless

ambitions are drowned

under the viscosity of denial,

in a desperate attempt of

self-awareness that you

convince yourself is a

salvation for your inaptitude.

You carry your victimhood

with pride and pick at the

scar of a failed dream you

once imagined. You cling to it

as it is what preserves your

sanity and dignity, justifying

failure of a promised youth.

The little molecule of a

dream flits through your

peripheral. Look directly at it,

and it vanishes into the blur

of a pulsating ocean. Waves

erode your dreams into

grains of sand. You sit under

the density of your regrets as

its pressure surmounts your

present existence. The years

splashed over your eyes and

you begin to see the blur

clear, only for the ocean to

dry into your wrinkles.

A puddle of water remains

of an ocean and a heap of

sand shadows your sight.

You pick a grain of sand and

let it drip into the puddle,

which swells on contact. You

pick another grain of sand

and drip into the puddle, and

it swells more. One grain

after another and the

change is indistinguishable.

You surrender to the chill of

the shadow and lay in the

sand that engulfs your body.

You will never know

the point at which a

puddle becomes an


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