The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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N!la & N!)a<br />

N!la & N!)a (nt.) [Sk. n!la, see nala] a hollow stalk, esp. that of the water lily A iv.169; J i.392 (˚pana v. l.<br />

˚vana); VvA 43. See also n!)ik! & n!l".<br />

N!la'<br />

N!la' (adv.) [=na ala'] not enough, insufficient It 37; J i.190; DA i.167.<br />

N!)ik!<br />

N!)ik! (f.) [Sk. n!.ik! & n!lik!] a stalk, shaft; a tube, pipe or cylinder for holding anything; a small<br />

measure of capacity Vin ii.116 (s(ci˚, cp. s(cighara, needle -- case); D i.7 (=bhesajja˚ DA i.89); A i.210; J<br />

i.123 (ta*.ula˚ a n!)i full of rice); vi.366 (a..ha -- n -- matta); Nd2 229. Cp. pa˚. -- odana a n!)i measure of<br />

boiled rice S i.82; DhA iv.17; -- gabbha an (inner) room of tubular shape Vin ii.152.<br />

N!)ikera<br />

N!)ikera [Sk. n!rikera, n!rikela, nalikera, n!likela: dialect, of uncertain etym.] the coconut tree Vv 4413; J<br />

iv.159; v.384; DA i.83; VvA 162.<br />

N!)ikerika<br />

N!)ikerika (adj.) belonging to the coconut tree J v.417.<br />

N!)"<br />

N!)" (f.) & (in cpds.) n!)i [Sk. n!.", see nala] a hollow stalk, tube, pipe; also a measure of capacity Vin<br />

i.249; A iii.49; J i.98 (suva**a˚), 124 (ta*.ula˚), 419; iii.220 (ka*.a˚ a quiver); iv.67; DhA ii.193 (tela˚),<br />

257. Cp. pa˚. -- pa&&a a covering for the head, a cap J vi.370, 444 (text ˚va&&a); -- matta as much as a tube<br />

holds A ii.199; PvA 283; DhA ii.70; J i.419 (of aja -- la*.ik!).<br />

N!v!<br />

N!v! (f.) [Ved. n!u1 & n!v!, Gr. nau_s, Lat. navis] a boat, ship Vin iii.49 (q. v. for definition &<br />

description);<br />

-- 351 --<br />

S i.106 (eka -- rukkhik!); iii.155=v.51=A iv.127 (s!muddik! "a liner"); A ii.200; iii.368; Sn 321, 770, 771;<br />

Dh 369 (metaphor of the human body); J i.239; ii.112; iii.126; 188; iv.2, 21, 138; v.75 (with "500"<br />

passengers), 433; vi.160 (=n!vy! canal? or read n!la'?); Vv 61 (=pota VvA 42, with pop. etym. "satte net"<br />

ti n!v! ti vuccati"); Pv iii.35 (=do*i PvA 189); Miln 261 (100 cubits long); D!vs iv.42; PvA 47, 53; Sdhp<br />

321. In simile Vism 690. -- tittha a ferry J iii.230; -- sañcara*a (a place for) the traffic of boats, a port Miln<br />

359.<br />

N!v!yika<br />

N!v!yika [Sk. n!v!ja=Gr. nauhgo/s, cp. Lat. navigo] a mariner, sailor, skipper Miln 365.<br />


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