The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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wall Vin ii.117 (˚ka Vin ii.114, 152); J vi.382; -- n!&aka snakes as actors DhA iv.130; -- n!s(ru (f.)<br />

(woman) having thighs like an elephant's trunk J v.297; -- puppha iron -- wood flower Miln 283; -- bala the<br />

strength of an elephant J i.265; ii.158; -- bhavana the world of snakes Nd1 448; J iii.275; DhA iv.14; --<br />

m!*avaka a young serpent J iii.276; f. ˚ik! ib. 275; DhA iii.232; -- r!j! king of the N!gas, i. e. serpents J<br />

ii.111; iii.275; Sn 379 (Er!va*a, see detail SnA 368); DhA i.359; iii.231, 242 sq. (Ahicchatta); iv.129 sq.<br />

(Pa**aka); -- rukkha the iron -- wood tree J i.35 (cp. M Vastu ii.249); -- lat!=rukkha J i.80 (the Buddha's<br />

toothpick made of its wood), 232; DhA ii.211 (˚dantaka&&ha toothpick); -- vatta habits of serpents Nd1 92,<br />

also adj. ˚ika ibid. 89; -- vana elephant -- grove Dh 324; DhA iv.15; -- vanika cl. hunter M i.175; iii.132; --<br />

hata one who strikes the el. (viz. the Buddha) Vin ii.195.<br />

N!gara<br />

N!gara [Sk. n!gara, see nagara] a citizen J i.150; iv.404; v.385; D!vs ii.85; VvA 31; PvA 19; DhA i.41.<br />

N!garika<br />

N!garika (adj.) [Sk. n!garika] citizen -- like, urbane, polite DA i.282.<br />

N!&aka<br />

N!&aka [Sk. n!&aka; see naccati] 1. (m.) a dancer, actor, player J i.206; v.373; DhA iii.88; iv.59, 130;<br />

n!&akitthi a dancing -- girl, nautch -- girl DhA iii.166; VvA 131. -- 2. (nt.) a play, pantomime J i.59; v.279,<br />

also used coll.= dancing -- woman J i.59 (?) ii.395.<br />

N!tha<br />

N!tha [Ved. n!tha, n!th, to which Goth. nipan (to support), Ohg. gin!da (grace)] protector, refuge, help A<br />

v.23, 89; Dh 160 (att! hi attano n.), 380; Sn 1131 (Nd2 has n!ga); DhA iv.117; PvA 1. lokan!tha Saviour of<br />

the world (Ep. of the Buddha) Sn 995; PvA 42. -- an!tha helpless, unprotected, poor J i.6 (n!thân!th! rich<br />

& poor); PvA 3 (˚s!l! poor house) 65. Cp. n!dhati.<br />

N!da<br />

N!da [Sk. n!da, see nadati] loud sound, roaring, roar J i.19 (s"ha˚), 50 (koñca˚), 150 (mah!˚). Cp. pa˚.<br />

N!di<br />

N!di (f.)=n!da, loud sound, thundering (fig.) Vv 6410.<br />

N!dhati<br />

N!dhati [Sk. n!dhate=n!thate (see n!tha), only in nadham!na, cp. RV x.65, 5: n!dhas] to have need of, to<br />

be in want of (c. gen.) J v.90 (Com. expls by upatappati mil!yati; thinking perhaps of nalo va chinno).<br />

N!natta<br />

N!natta (nt. m.) [Sk. n!natva; abstr. fr. n!n!] diversity, variety, manifoldness, multiformity, distraction; all<br />

sorts of (opp. ekatta, cp. M i.364: "the multiformity of sensuous impressions," M.A.). Enumn of diversity<br />

as n!natt!, viz. dh!tu˚ phassa˚ vedan!˚ saññ!˚ sankappa˚ chanda˚ pari)!ha˚ pariyesan!˚ l!bha˚ D iii.289; S<br />

ii.140 sq., cp. iv.113 sq., 284 sq.; Ps i.87. -- A iv.385; Ps i.63 sq., 88 sq.; S ii.115 (vedan!˚); Ps i.91<br />

(sam!patti˚ & vih!ra˚); J ii.265. In composition, substituted sometimes for n!na. Cp. Dialogues i.14, n. 2. --<br />

kath! desultory talk, gossip D i.8; (=niratthakakath! DA i.90); S v.420; -- k!ya (adj.) having a variety of

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