The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Dhenupa [dhenu+pa from pibati] a suckling calf M i.79; Sn 26.<br />

Dheyya<br />

Dheyya ( -- ˚) [Sk. dheya, orig. grd. of dh!, see dahati1] 1. in the realm of, under the sway or power of:<br />

anañña˚ J iv.110; kamma˚ A iv.285; maccu˚ (q. v.) S i.22; Sn 358, 1104; Th 2, 10 (=maccu ettha dh"yati<br />

ThA 13); m!ra˚ A iv.228. -- 2. putting on, assigning, in n!ma˚ Dhs 1307.<br />

Dhota<br />

Dhota [Sk. dh!uta, pp. of dhavati2, see dhovati] washed, bleached, clean J i.62 (˚sankha a bleached shell);<br />

ii.275; PvA 73 (˚vattha), 116 (˚hattha with clean hands), 274 (id.); Vism 224 (id.).<br />

Dhona<br />

Dhona (adj. -- n.) [either=dhota, Sk. dhauta, see dhovati or=dhuta, see dhuta & dhunana. Quite a diff.<br />

suggestion as regards etym. is given by Kern, Toev. 117, who considers it as a possible dern fr. (a)dho,<br />

after analogy of po*a. Very doubtful] 1. purified M i.386; Sn 351, 786, 813, 834 (=dhutakilesa SnA 542); J<br />

iii.160 (˚s!kha=pattha&as!kha Com.; v. l. BB vena˚); Nd1 77=176 (: dhon! vuccati paññ! etc., dhuta &<br />

dhota used indiscriminately in exegesis following). -- 2. (pl.) the four requisites of a bhikkhu DhA iii.344 (:<br />

dhon! vuccati catt!ro paccay!, in Com. on atidhonac!rin Dh 240; gloss K. dhovan!, cp. Morris, J.P.T.S.<br />

1887, 100).<br />

Dhopati<br />

Dhopati [a variant of dhovati, taken as Caus. formation] to wash, cleanse D i.93 (dhopetha, imper.; v. l. B.<br />

dhovat1a), 124 (dhopeyya; v. l. B. dhoveyya).<br />

Dhopana<br />

Dhopana (nt.) [a variant of dhovana, q. v.] 1. ceremonial washing of the bones of the dead D i. 6; a&&hi --<br />

dhovana Bdhgh at DA i.84; A v.216 (see Commentary at 364). 2. Surgical washing of a wound J<br />

ii.117. -- 3. In va'sadhopana, apparently a feat by acrobats J iv.390. It is possible that the passage at D i. 6<br />

really belongs here. See the note at Dial. i.9.<br />

Dhorayha<br />

Dhorayha [for *dhor -- vayha=Sk. *dhaurvahya, abstr. fr. dhurvaha; may also directly correspond to the<br />

latter] "carrying a yoke," a beast of burden S i.28; D iii.113 (purisa˚); A i.162. -- vata (nt.) the practice of<br />

carrying a burden, the state of a beast of burden, drudgery S i.28; -- s"la accustomed to the yoke, enduring;<br />

patient Dh 208 (=dhuravahana -- s"lat!ya dh. DhA iii.272); -- s"lin= ˚s"la J ii.97 (=dhura -- vahanaka --<br />

!c!rena sampanna Com.).<br />

Dhoreyya<br />

Dhoreyya ( -- ˚) [Sk. dhaureya, der. fr. dhura] "to be yoked," accustomed to the yoke, carrying a burden, in<br />

kamma˚ Miln 288.<br />

Dhova<br />

Dhova (adj. -- n.) [Sk. dh!va, see dhovati] washing, cleansing Bu ii.15.

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