The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Dh!ra*! (f.) [to dh!ra*a] 1. memory Miln 79. -- 2. the earth ("the upholder," cp. dhara*") J vi.180.<br />

Dh!r!<br />

Dh!r!1 (f.) [Sk. dh!r!, from dh!vati 1] torrent, stream, flow, shower D i.74 (samm!˚ an even or seasonable<br />

shower; DA i.218=vu&&hi); ii.15 (udakassa, streams); J i.31; Ps i.125 (udaka˚); Pv ii.970 (samm!˚); VvA 4<br />

(hingulika˚); PvA 139; DhA iv.15 (assu˚); Sdhp 595 (vassa˚).<br />

Dh!r!<br />

Dh!r!2 (f.) [Sk. dh!r!, from dh!vati 2.] the edge of a weapon J i.455; vi.449; DhA 317; DA i.37. -- (adj.) ( -<br />

- ˚) having a (sharp) edge J i.414 (khura˚) Miln 105 (sukhuma˚); ekato˚ -- ubhato˚ single -- & double --<br />

edged J i.73 (asi); iv.12 (sattha).<br />

Dh!rin<br />

Dh!rin (adj. -- ˚) [Sk. dh!rin, see dh!reti & cp. ˚dhara, ˚dh!ra] holding, wearing, keeping; often in phrase<br />

antimadeha˚ "wearing the last body" (of an Arahant) S i.14; Sn 471; It 32, 40. -- J i.47 (vir(pa -- vesa˚);<br />

D!vs v.15. -- f. ˚in" Pv i.108 (k!sikuttama˚).<br />

Dh!retar<br />

Dh!retar [n. ag. to dh!reti 3] one who causes others to remember, an instructor, teacher (cp. dh!ra*aka) A<br />

iv.196 (sot! s!vet! uggahet! dh.).<br />

Dh!reti<br />

Dh!reti [Caus. of dharati, q. v. for etym.] to hold, viz. 1. to carry, bear, wear, possess; to put on, to bring,<br />

give D i.166#(chavaduss!ni etc.); Vin i.16= D i.110# (telapajjota'); D ii.19 (chatta' to hold a sunshade<br />

over a person); PvA 47 (id.); deha' dh. to "wear," i. e. to have a body It 50, 53 (antima' d.); J iv.3<br />

(paduma'); vi.136; Pv i.31 (va**a' dh.=vahasi PvA 14); tassa kah!pa*a' da*.a' dh. "to inflict a fine of a<br />

k. on him" Miln 171. -- 2. to hold back, restrain Vin iv.261 (katha' dh!retha how do you suppress or<br />

conceal pregnancy?); Dh 222 (kodha'). -- 3. to bear in mind, know by heart, understand: dhamma' to know<br />

the Dhamma A iii.176; tipi&aka' buddhavacana' to know the 3 Pi&akas Miln 18. -- D ii.2; Pug 41 (su*!ti,<br />

bha*ati, dh.=remember). Cp. upadh!reti. -- With double acc.: to receive as, to take=believe, to take for,<br />

consider as, call: up!saka' ma' dh!retu Bhagav! "call me your disciple" Vin i.16 & passim; atthaj!lan ti pi<br />

na' dh!rehi (call it . . .) D i.46; yath! pañha' Bhagav! vy!karoti tath! na' dhareyy!si (believe it) D i.222;<br />

yath! no (attha') Gotamo vy!karissati tath! na' dh!ress!ma D i.236; eva' ma' dh!rehi adhimuttacitta'<br />

(consider as) Sn 1149 (=upalakkhehi Nd2 323). -- 4. to admit, allow, allow for, take up, support (a cause);<br />

to give, to owe D i.125 (may allow), 126; A ii.69 (na kassa kiñci dh. pays no tribute); Miln 47 (attha').<br />

Dh!reyya<br />

Dh!reyya (nt.) [orig. grd. of dh!reti] the ceremony of being carried away, i. e. the marriage ceremony,<br />

marriage (cp. dhareyya under dharati) Th 2, 472 (text has v!reyya, but ThA, 285 explains<br />

dh!reyya=viv!ha).<br />

Dh!va<br />

Dh!va [Sk. dh!va] running, racing M i.446.<br />


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