The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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63 (badhira˚ deaf), 102 (pa*.uroga˚ having jaundice), 114 (dhuttika˚); iv.137 (v!manaka˚ deformed), 391<br />

(muddh!˚); v.197 (!v!&a˚); DhA i.89 (anattamana˚).<br />

Dh!tura<br />

Dh!tura (adj. -- ˚) [=*dh!tuya] in cha˚ consisting of six elements (purisa) M iii.239 (where !podh!tu<br />

omitted by mistake). See dh!tu 2 c.<br />

Dh!na<br />

Dh!na (adj. -- n.) [Sk. dh!na, to dadh!ti; cp. dh!tu] (adj.) holding, containing ( -- ˚) M i.11 (ahi ka*&aka˚;<br />

cp. !dh!na & ka*&aka). -- (n.) nt. a receptacle Dh 58 (sank!ra˚ dust -- heap=&h!na DhA i.445). f. dh!n" a<br />

seat (= &h!na), in r!ja˚ "the king's seat," a royal town. Often in comb with g!ma & nigama (see g!ma 3 a):<br />

Vin iii.89; J vi.397; Pv ii.1318.<br />

Dh!niya<br />

Dh!niya (adj.) [Sk. dh!nya, cp. dhañña2] wealthy, rich, abundant in ( -- ˚) J iii.367 (pah(tadhana˚; v. l. BB<br />

˚dh!rita'); (nt.) riches, wealth J v.99, 100.<br />

Dh!ra<br />

Dh!ra (adj.) ( -- ˚) [Sk. dh!ra to dh!reti; cp. dhara] bearing, holding, having D i.74 (udaka -- rahado<br />

s"tav!ri˚); M<br />

-- 341 --<br />

i.281 (ubhato˚) Sn 336 (ukk!˚); It 101 (antimadeha˚), 108 (ukk!˚). See also dh!rin.<br />

Dh!raka<br />

Dh!raka (adj. -- n.) 1. bearing, one who holds or possesses DhA iii.93 (sampatti'). -- 2. one who knows or<br />

remembers A ii.97 (˚j!tika); iv.296 sq., 328 (id.).<br />

Dh!ra*a<br />

Dh!ra*a (nt.) [cp. Sk. dh!ra*a, to dh!reti] 1. wearing, in m!l!˚ (etc.) D i.5=A ii.210=Pug 58; KhA 37;<br />

c"vara˚ A ii.104=Pug 45. -- 2. maintaining, sustaining, keeping up Miln 320 (!yu˚ bhojana). -- 3. bearing in<br />

mind, remembrance Vin iv.305; M ii.175 (dhamma˚).<br />

Dh!ra*aka<br />

Dh!ra*aka [der. fr. dh!ra*a] 1. a debtor (see dh!reti 4) J ii.203; iv.45. -- 2. a mnemonician Miln 79.<br />

Dh!ra*at!<br />

Dh!ra*at! (f.) 1. wearing, being dressed with (=dh!ra*a 1) Miln 257. -- 2. mindfulness (=dh!ra*a 3) Nd2<br />

628= Dhs 14.<br />


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