The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Deyya (adj.) [Sk. deya, grd. of d!, see dad!ti I. 2, b] (a) to be given (see below). -- (b) deserving a gift,<br />

worthy of receiving alms J iii.12 (a˚); Miln 87 (r!ja˚) -- nt. a gift, offering Vin i.298 (saddh!˚). -- dhamma a<br />

gift, lit. that which has the quality of being given; esp. a gift of mercy, meritorious gift S i.175; A i.150,<br />

166; ii.264 (saddh!˚); Pv i.11; ii.318; PvA 5, 7 sq., 26, 92 (˚b"ja), 103, 129; cp. Av- i.308. <strong>The</strong><br />

deyyadhamma (set of gifts, that which it is or should be a rule to give) to mendicants, consists of 14 items,<br />

which are (as enumd at Nd2 523 under the old Brahman's term yañña "sacrifice") (1) c"vara, (2) pi*.ap!ta,<br />

(3) sen!sana, (4) gil!na -- paccaya -- bhesajja -- parikkh!ra, (5) anna, (6) p!na, (7) vattha, (8) y!na, (9)<br />

m!l!, (10) gandh!, (11) vilepana, (12) seyya, (13) !vasatha, (14) pad"peyya. A similar enumn in diff. order<br />

is found at Nd1 373.<br />

Deva<br />

Deva [Ved. deva, Idg. *dei!! to shine (see dibba & diva), orig. adj. *dei9os belonging to the sky, cp. Av.<br />

da!v! (demon.), Lat. deus, Lith. dë!vas; Ohg. & slashedZ;"o; Ags. T"g, gen. T"wes (=Tuesday); Oir. dia<br />

(god). <strong>The</strong> popular etymology refers it to the root div in the sense of playing, sporting or amusing oneself:<br />

dibbanti ti dev!, pañcahi k!magu*ehi k")anti attano v! siriy! jotant" ti attho KhA 123] a god, a divine being;<br />

usually in pl. dev! the gods. As title attributed to any superhuman being or beings regarded to be in certain<br />

respects above the human level. Thus primarily (see 1a) used of the first of the next -- world devas, Sakka,<br />

then also of subordinate deities, demons & spirits (devaññatar! some kind of deity; snake -- demons: n!gas,<br />

tree -- gods: rukkhadevat! etc.). Also title of the king (3). Always implying splendour (cp. above etym.) &<br />

mobility, beauty, goodness & light, & as such opposed to the dark powers of mischief & destruction (asur!:<br />

Titans; pet!: miserable ghosts; nerayik! satt!: beings in Niraya). A double position (dark & light) is<br />

occupied by Yama, the god of the Dead (see Yama & below 1 c). Always implying also a kinship and<br />

continuity of life with humanity and other beings; all devas have been man and may again become men (cp.<br />

D i.17 sq.; S iii.85), hence "gods" is not a coincident term. All devas are themselves in sa's!ra, needing<br />

salvation. Many are found worshipping saints (Th i.627 -- 9; Th ii.365). -- <strong>The</strong> collective appellations<br />

differ; there are var. groups of divine beings, which in their totality (cp. t!vati'sa) include some or most of<br />

the well -- known Vedic deities. Thus some collect. designations are dev! sa -- indak! (the gods, including<br />

Indra or with their ruler at their head: D ii.208; S iii.90, A v.325), sa -- paj!patik! (S iii.90), sa -- m!rak!<br />

(see deva -- manussaloka), sa -- brahmak! (S iii.90). See below 1 b. Lists of popular gods are to be found,<br />

e. g. at D ii.253; iii.194. -- A current distinction dating from the latest books in the canon is that into 3<br />

classes, viz. sammuti -- dev! (conventional gods, gods in the public opinion, i. e. kings & princes J i.132;<br />

DA i.174), visuddhi˚ (beings divine by purity, i. e. of great religious merit or attainment like Arahants &<br />

Buddhas), & upapatti˚ (being born divine, i. e. in a heavenly state as one of the gatis, like bhumma -- dev!<br />

etc.). This division in detail at Nd2 307; Vbh 422; KhA 123; VvA 18. Under the 3rd category (upapatti˚)<br />

seven groups are enumerated in the foll. order: C!tummah!r!jik! dev!, T!vati's! d. (with Sakka as chief),<br />

Y!m! d., Tusit! d., Nimm!narat" d., Paranimmita -- vasavatt" d., B%ahmak!yik! d. Thus at D i.216 sq.; A<br />

i.210, 332 sq.; Nd2 307; cp. S i.133 & J i.48. See also devat!. 1. good etc. -- (a) sg. a god, a deity or divine<br />

being, M i.71 (d. v! M!ro v! Brahm! v!); S iv.180=A iv.461 (devo v! bhaviss!mi devaññataro v! ti: I shall<br />

become a god or some one or other of the (subordinate gods, angels); Sn 1024 (ko nu devo v! Brahm! v!<br />

Indo v!pi Sujampati); Dh 105 (+gandhabba, M!ra, Brahm!); A ii.91, 92 (puggalo devo hoti devapariv!ro<br />

etc.); PvA 16 (yakkho v! devo v!). -- (b) pl. dev! gods. <strong>The</strong>se inhabit the 26 devalokas one of which is<br />

under the rule of Sakka, as is implied by his appellation S. dev!na' indo (his opponent is Vepacitti Asur --<br />

indo S i.222) S i.216 sq.; iv.101, 269; A i.144; Sn 346; PvA 22 etc. -- Var. kinds are e. g. appam!*' -- !bh!<br />

(opp. paritt' !bh!) M iii.147; !bhassar! D i.17; Dh 200; khi..!padosik! D i.19; gandhabba -- k!yik! S<br />

iii.250 sq.; catt!ro mah!r!jik! S v.409, 423; Jat i.48; Pv iv.111; PvA 17, 272; naradev! tidas! S i.5;<br />

bhumm! PvA 5; man!pa -- k!yik! A iv.265 sq.; mano -- padosik! D i.20; val!haka -- k!yik! S iii.254. --<br />

Var. attributes of the Devas are e. g. !yuppam!*! A i.267; ii.126 sq.; iv.252 sq.; d"gh!yuk! S iii.86; A ii.33;<br />

r(pino manomay! M i.410, etc. etc. -- See further in general: D i.54 (satta dev!); ii.14, 157, 208; S v.475=A<br />

i.37; Sn 258 (+manuss!), 310 (id.); 404, 679; Dh 30, 56, 94, 230, 366; Ps i.83 sq.; ii.149; Vbh 86, 395, 412<br />

sq.; Nett 23; Sdhp 240. -- (c) deva=Yama see deva -- d(ta (expld at J i.139: devo ti maccu). -- atideva a pre<br />

-- eminent god, god above gods (Ep. of the Buddha) Nd2 307; DhsA 2 etc.; see under cpds. -- 2. the sky,<br />

but only in its rainy aspect, i. e. rain -- cloud, rainy sky, rain -- god (cp. Jupiter Pluvius; K.S. i.40, n. 2 on<br />

Pajjunna, a Catumah!r!jika), usually in phrase deve vassante (when it rains etc.), or devo vassati (it rains)<br />

D i.74 (: devo ti megho DA i.218); S i.65, 154 (cp. It 66 megha); Sn 18, 30; J v.201; DhA ii.58, 82; PvA

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